Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 3054 dive into the bottom of the lake

Compared with the first exploration location, the lake in the second exploration location is deeper.

The small underwater robot dived about 70 meters, but still did not reach the bottom of the lake, and did not even take pictures of the algae growing in the lake.

This situation is enough to show that the depth of the lake bottom is at least more than eighty meters, or even deeper.

Seeing this result, Mustafa and the others were very surprised.

"I didn't expect this water to be so deep. According to the hydrological records surveyed by our domestic agencies, the deepest part of Lake Tana is only more than 70 meters. I didn't expect it to be so deep.

It seems that it is necessary for me to report this situation, and then organize relevant departments to conduct a careful survey to find out the most real hydrological situation of Lake Tana, and maybe there will be other discoveries! "

Ye Tian turned his head to look at this old friend, smiled and said:

"Obviously, your Ethiopian government's understanding of Lake Tana is not comprehensive, not even as good as that of the Italians during World War II. You really should conduct a comprehensive investigation.

Perhaps it was because of the depth of these waters that the Italians scuttled the treasure ship here, and you never found this hidden treasure for decades.

Of course, the reason why this water area is so deep is also related to the high water season of Lake Tana. The rainy season has just passed, and the depth of Lake Tana will naturally increase, including this water area,..."

While talking, a huge black shadow suddenly appeared on the big TV screen.

This black shadow is just below the small underwater robot. It looks a bit like a mountain, and there are many algae plants on it.

However, this black shadow pointed towards this end of the small underwater robot, but it was very sharp.

More importantly, when the small underwater robot approached the black shadow, the underwater metal detector it carried suddenly rang, and the sound was like a melody of nature.

The first time Ye Tian heard this voice, he waved his fist vigorously, pretending to be excited and said:

"Gentlemen, if I guessed correctly, we should have found the treasure ship that was scuttled by the Italians during World War II, and found that amazing treasure!"

Before the voice fell, there was a burst of cheers at the scene.

"Great! I finally found this shocking treasure, it was a worthwhile trip!"

"Wow! That's great news,

I just don't know how many valuable gold and silver treasures and antiques are hidden in this treasure? This is so exciting”

While cheering, everyone was high-fiving and everyone was very excited.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Tian picked up the walkie-talkie and said:

"Guys, stop diving, turn on all searchlights and thrusters, and slowly approach that black shadow, that is probably the treasure ship we are looking for.

When approaching, be careful of those algae plants, don’t get entangled, after getting close to the black shadow, don’t enter it, explore outside.”

"Understood, Steven, leave these matters to us, don't worry"

The explorers operating the underwater robot responded that these guys were also very excited.

The next moment, the small underwater robot stopped diving, then turned on all the searchlights and thrusters, and slowly approached the black shadow lying across the bottom of the lake.

The picture on the big-screen TV changed accordingly, becoming clearer and brighter.

In the blink of an eye, the small underwater robot was already approaching the black shadow.

The protruding part of the black shadow is clearly displayed on the video screen.

At the same time, the sound of the metal detector became more urgent.

"There is no doubt that this is the bow of a ship, and this ship is not small, but it is covered with algae plants, covering the original appearance.

As far as the situation around Lake Tana is concerned, ships of this size are rare. From this alone, we can be sure that this is the treasure ship we are looking for! "

Ye Tian said firmly, giving a definite conclusion.

Following his words, the scene burst into cheers again.

The small underwater robot located deep in the lake continued to explore.

For the sake of safety, the small underwater robot did not actually dive to the bottom of the lake, but was suspended above the treasure ship, condescending to take pictures.

In order to cooperate with the small underwater robot hanging deep at the bottom of the lake, the engineering ship on the lake also raised its anchor and began to circle slowly on the lake.

It didn't take long for the small underwater robot to determine the position, depth, and attitude of the sunken ship at the bottom of the lake.

Fortunately, the bottom of the lake is relatively flat.

The treasure ship basically remained the same without breaking, just lying in the depths of the lake, sleeping for more than seventy years.

And the depth of this lake exceeds 85 meters!

This depth is unexpected, far exceeding the maximum depth of Lake Tana recorded in relevant hydrological data.

However, this is not important, and no one pays attention to it.

It took about half an hour for the small underwater robot to complete the preliminary survey work.

Afterwards, Ye Tian picked up the walkie-talkie and said:

"Guys, bring back that little underwater robot, its mission has been completed, next, it's time for the diver to play"

"Okay, Steven"

Several exploration team members responded and immediately took action.

The next moment, the small underwater robot began to rise rapidly and left the bottom of the lake.

And in the cabin of the engineering ship on the lake, Ye Tian has already started to prepare for the next step of exploration.

"Gentlemen, next, I will lead a few divers under my command to dive into the depths of the lake to check the condition of this shipwreck. I hope this is the treasure ship we are looking for.

If this is really the treasure ship that the Italians scuttled, we will find a way to get into it, check the situation inside the ship, and if we can't get in, we can only cut the ship open.

Mustafa, due to the special conditions at the bottom of the lake, you have not been trained in deep diving and cannot dive deep, and you can't even swim, so you can only stay in the cabin.

During the exploration process, we will wear a high-definition underwater camera to record the entire exploration process. You can watch it on the big-screen TV and participate in the exploration operation in this way.

Of course, you still have another option, which is to take our company's small laser private submarine and follow us to dive deep into the bottom of the lake to explore this hidden treasure! "

Before the words finished, Mustafa shook his head resolutely.

"We'd better stay on the lake! Steven, you're right, I can't even swim, I don't dare to dive deep, I don't dare to dive into the bottom of the lake more than 80 meters deep to explore the treasure.

As for deep diving in your little private sub, honestly, I wouldn't dare either, the thought of diving that deep into a dark world scares me a bit! "

"It's okay, Mustafa, you've never had this experience, it's normal to feel scared, it's human, and it's the same for anyone else.

You just stay in this cabin and participate in the exploration at the bottom of the lake in real time through the video screen. The effect is actually the same, and it is safer! "

Ye Tian smiled and nodded.

He had expected this situation a long time ago. In the entire Ethiopian exploration team, and even in the whole of Ethiopia, there was no deep diving master.

What's more, it is impossible for Mustafa, a landlubber, to dive deep into the lake.

Unlike Mustafa, the host of the National Geographic Channel's broadcast team was eager to try.

Although this guy doesn't have a deep diving certificate, but as a media reporter, he has enough adventurous spirit.

"Steven, can we take that Aurora submarine, follow you to the depths of the lake, and film the whole process of your exploration of the treasure ship at the bottom of the lake? That must be very exciting!"

Ye Tian looked at this guy, then shook his head with a smile.

"Not this time, Carl, we haven't figured out the situation deep in the lake, and there may be many unknown dangers hidden, so you can't follow us this time.

Except for a small part of the video materials we shot at the bottom of the lake that need to be kept secret, you can use the rest of the video materials to make exploration programs and broadcast them publicly.

After we find out the situation at the bottom of this lake, and make sure that the treasure left over from World War II is deep in the bottom of the lake, and eliminate the danger, you can take a small submarine to go down to the bottom of the lake to take pictures."

This result disappointed the reporter from the National Geographic Channel.

But he could only accept it and had no other choice.

"Well, Steven, I hope we have the opportunity to go down to the bottom of the lake and explore this treasure left over from World War II with you!"

At the same time Ye Tian was making arrangements, the small underwater robot was lifted up to the surface of the lake and placed on the deck of the engineering ship.

Matisse and the others, along with several Fearless Exploration employees, are also busy.

They are busy deploying personnel and various equipments to prepare for the upcoming deep-diving exploration operation.


In the blink of an eye, more than half an hour has passed.

Except for Mustafa, an Ethiopian archaeologist, and a lawyer representing the Ethiopian government, the rest of the non-Intrepid Exploration Company people on the engineering ship were invited away.

These people were all transferred to a medium-sized cruise ship to stay with the explorers who remained on that cruise ship.

Of course, the broadcast team of the National Geographic Channel still stayed on the engineering ship.

After such operations, the engineering ship was completely under Ye Tian's control, without any hidden dangers.

The reason why he did this was of course for safety reasons.

While completing the deployment of personnel, Ye Tian and the others are ready for deep dive exploration.

Due to the limited volume of the custom-made iron cage, and several spare oxygen cylinders, diving propellers, and some underwater exploration equipment, there should not be too many people in the first wave of deep diving.

Except for Ye Tian, ​​only Peter and Charlie went deep diving with him to explore the sunken ship at the bottom of the lake.

As for the engineering ship on the lake, it was controlled by Matisse.

Those who operate the crane and other equipment are all explorers under Ye Tian.

On the deck of the engineering ship, Ye Tian and the others, who were wearing full-face diving suits, came straight to the stern.

The crane on this medium-sized engineering ship is located at the stern.

Since the iron cage is relatively large, it is safer to put it into the water from the stern.

David and Mustafa also followed, and everyone was full of expectations.

The reporters and photographers of the National Geographic Channel's broadcast team will naturally not be absent, and the cameras are always following Ye Tian and the others.

When he came to the stern, Ye Tian first checked the crane and the iron cage where he was going to carry himself and the others for a deep dive.

Especially the escape doors on each side of the iron cage, he tried them one by one to see if they could be opened and closed smoothly.

When the deep-diving exploration is carried out later, in case the crane fails, they can escape from the iron cage as soon as possible.

For example, the steel cable hanging the iron cage broke!

Once this happens, if they can't escape from the iron cage as soon as possible, they may be carried by the iron cage and quickly sink to the bottom of the lake!

In that case, each of their lungs would be crushed in an instant, and they would die directly at the bottom of the lake.

In addition to carrying them for deep dives and helping them save energy, this iron cage is also a diving decompression stop.

When they dive to a certain depth, they will stay in the lake for a period of time to adapt to changes in water pressure.

After they adapt to the water pressure and adjust their state, they can continue to dive.

With a depth of more than 80 meters in this lake, for safety reasons, they need to do two decompression stops in the middle before they can dive to the bottom of the lake.

When returning from the bottom of the lake to the surface, they also do decompression stops in the lake water before they can ascend to the surface of the lake.

For the sake of safety, there is an auxiliary steel cable on the iron cage, which is connected to another small winch.

Under such double insurance, if no one deliberately sabotages, there should be no problems.

In addition to the crane and the iron cage, Ye Tian looked through the rest of the steel cables and cables, as well as spare oxygen cylinders and diving suits, underwater communication equipment, diving thrusters and various other exploration and deep diving equipment one by one.

He didn't see a problem, the equipment was in top condition.

Next, he turned his head to look at Mattis standing aside.

"How's the situation below the engineering ship? Are those Nile crocodiles still there? If possible, I still don't want to start a fight with those guys in the lake. Too many Nile crocodiles were killed yesterday."

"I'm afraid this is unavoidable, Steven, those guys are still cruising near the engineering ship, once you start diving deep, you are likely to be discovered by those guys, it depends on whether they will attack or not"

Mattis responded, briefly briefing the situation.

"I hope those guys are smarter and don't kill themselves. Maybe I can also subdue these Nile crocodiles, just like the sharks I encountered in the depths of the sea before!"

Ye Tian said with a smile.

"I think it's very possible. You guys are always loved by all kinds of animals and quickly become friends with them. These ferocious Nile crocodiles must be no exception."

David continued.

After chatting for a while, Ye Tian suddenly remembered something, and said with a serious expression:

"There is one thing I want to remind everyone, never enter the captain's cabin, the priceless sheepskin scroll is placed in the captain's cabin, guarded by that little white elf.

Except for me, anyone who enters the captain's cabin will be attacked by that little guy. "

Hearing this, everyone at the scene shuddered and terrified.

Especially Mustafa, a look of horror flashed in his eyes immediately, and he was also very helpless.

"You nasty bastard, this engineering ship is full of people under your command, aren't you doing this just to guard us!"

After a few more instructions, Ye Tian put on the diving mask, and then walked to the lowest poop deck with Peter and the others.

At this time, the iron cage used for deep diving has been hoisted into the lake, ready for deep diving.

Coming to the poop deck, Ye Tian quickly scanned the situation in the lake, and then said to Peter and the others:

"Guys, let's get started, go to the depths of Lake Tana to see if the sunken ship at the bottom of the lake is the treasure ship we are looking for, and see if the amazing treasures are hidden in the sunken ship.

After entering the water, if those nearby Nile crocodiles swim over, we don't have to fight back before they take the initiative to attack us. If those guys take the initiative to attack, then kill them! "

As he spoke, he raised the speargun in his hand.

This deep diving exploration is different from the past. There is an iron cage to protect everyone from being attacked by Nile crocodiles and other creatures in the lake.

In view of this, the speargun is undoubtedly the most suitable self-defense weapon.

In addition to spear guns, Ye Tian also brought other self-defense weapons, such as underwater pistols and sabers.

"Got it, Steven"

Peter and Charlie responded in unison, and then walked into the iron cage that was half submerged in the water.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Tian also walked in.

After closing the door from inside the cage, he immediately said:

"Release the sling, guys!"

The next moment, the iron cage slowly sank into the lake.


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