Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 3060 huge sensation

Although he said that it is difficult to evaluate the value of the golden statue of the Three Kings of Israel, Ye Tian quickly gave a jaw-dropping evaluation result.

Archaeologists and historians from Israel and the Vatican, as well as experts in the identification of antiques and artworks, have all endorsed this assessment.

As for the Israeli government and the Vatican government, they could only accept it with gritted teeth, and did not raise any objections.

The Ethiopian government and the US government have no say in this matter.

Although they will also participate in the subsequent private auction, they do not belong to the tripartite joint exploration team, so naturally they do not have this right.

At the same time, they are also very clear.

Priceless treasures like the golden statue of the Three Kings of Israel, they have no chance of snatching them up.

Even the Vatican.

The Israeli government will never let go of any golden statue. For the golden statue of the three kings of Israel, they will use any means and pay any price!

Ye Tian appraised and appraised this part of Solomon's treasure very quickly, and it seemed like he was watching flowers on horseback.

In just half a day, he completed all the identification and evaluation work.

He appraised and appraised all the gold and silver treasures, antique relics, and works of art cleared from the underground caves, and gave accurate appraisal conclusions and appraisal values.

More importantly, almost none of the identification conclusions and evaluation values ​​he gave were overturned.

The historians and archaeologists, experts in ancient texts, and experts in the appraisal of antique relics and artworks who participated in the appraisal all agreed with the results he gave.

During the period, some people raised different opinions, but Ye Tian overturned those conclusions that were different from his own with irrefutable evidence in a blink of an eye.

Through this identification and evaluation, everyone was completely shocked by Ye Tian's sharp eyesight, extraordinary identification ability, and profound knowledge.

After the appraisal, those valuable gold and silver treasures and antique relics were packed into portable safes and metal suitcases, locked again, and sealed again.

Soon, it was around four o'clock in the afternoon.

Ye Tian and the others came out of Noah's Ark Church,

Came to the corridor at the door of the church.

Seeing them coming out, the crowd waiting outside the church door immediately surrounded them.

Before he could stand still, someone asked impatiently:

"Steven, has the identification and evaluation of the Noah's Ark treasure been completed? Now, can I tell everyone what is in this treasure?"

"Steven, now everyone is guessing that this so-called Noah's Ark treasure is actually part of the legendary Solomon's treasure, is this true?

After you left, why is it a new exploration team from Israel who took over the exploration of this treasure? Does it also mean that this is actually Solomon's treasure? "

Hearing these inquiries, Ye Tian couldn't help chuckling.

Joshua and Bishop Kent, who were also standing at the door of the church, also laughed helplessly.

They are very clear that the discovery of this part of Solomon's treasure can no longer be concealed, and there is no need for it.

Especially the many historians and archaeologists staying outside the Noah's Ark Church, as well as representatives of various parties, basically guessed the result, but they were just not sure.

Ye Tian, ​​who was standing at the door of the church, glanced at the crowd, and then revealed the answer with a smile.

"That's right, gentlemen, this shocking treasure hidden in the depths of the Noah's Ark Church is actually part of the legendary Solomon's treasure.

Since there are many gold and silver treasures and antique relics accumulated by the Beta Israelites in this treasure, it is not wrong to call it the Noah's Ark treasure.

There is another reason why it is called Noah's Ark Treasure, and that is for safety reasons. Regarding this point, I believe everyone can understand,..."

As soon as I said this, it has already exploded.

Although many people had guessed that this was the legendary treasure of Solomon, everyone was still shocked when they heard Ye Tian say it himself.

"Oh my god! The legendary Solomon's Treasure actually exists. It's simply unbelievable. This is definitely a great archaeological discovery that shocked the world!"

"Wow! This is definitely a miracle. Who would have thought that Solomon's treasure is hidden deep underground in this church. The legend about Menelik I secretly transporting Solomon's treasure seems to be true!"

Excited exclamations sounded at the scene, one after another.

Immediately afterwards, someone asked curiously:

"Steven, since this is part of Solomon's treasure, is the Ark of the Covenant in this treasure? If the Ark of the Covenant is not here, what is there in this treasure?"

"Since the Israeli government attaches so much importance to this treasure, it has sent another exploration team to Gondar to take over the follow-up exploration and clean-up operations. Does it mean that you have made a very important discovery?"

Undoubtedly, these are issues of great concern to all.

Everyone at the scene looked at Ye Tian, ​​expecting his answer.

However, Ye Tian did not respond immediately, but turned his head to look in the direction of the gates of the castles.

In the next moment, everyone will see it.

Led by several heavily armed security personnel, a large group of media reporters turned out from behind a dilapidated old castle and walked towards this side quickly. Everyone was extremely excited.

Seeing this scene, everyone at the door of the church immediately understood.

Steven is going to announce to the world that the tripartite joint exploration team has discovered this part of Solomon's treasure.

It is entirely conceivable that once this news is announced, there will be a huge sensation.

Especially in Israel and Ethiopia, this is definitely no less than a magnitude 10 earthquake, which is enough to drive countless people crazy.

After a while, those media reporters had arrived at the door of Noah's Ark Church.

After they stood still on the grass in front of the church and set up their guns, cannons and cameras, Ye Tian dropped the most shocking blockbuster.

"Ladies and gentlemen, friends from the media, here I would like to publicly announce that deep underground in this Noah's Ark church, we have discovered part of Solomon's treasure.

It is a pity that in this part of Solomon's treasure, we did not find the most holy thing, which is the golden ark of the covenant! Instead, we found gold statues of the Three Kings of Israel.

The so-called golden statues of the three kings of Israel are the three golden statues of King Saul, David, and Solomon. According to the identification of several archaeologists and me, they all came from the Temple of Solomon.

In addition to these three priceless gold statues, there are also many priceless gold and silver treasures and antique relics in this part of Solomon's treasures, all of which came from Solomon's Temple.

We took a video of the whole process of exploring and cleaning up this part of Solomon’s treasure, and kept it as evidence, and we will send these video materials to everyone later, and post them on the Internet,..."

Everyone at the scene was dumbfounded, and everyone was stunned.

In front of the Noah's Ark church, only Chen Yu's voice remained, followed by the sound of heavy breathing.

After a while, people just woke up.

Immediately afterwards, the front of the church completely boiled like a volcanic eruption.

"Oh my god! I'm not hallucinating, am I? Did Steven just say that they found the legendary treasure of Solomon deep underground in this church?"

"The golden statues of the three kings of Israel that were once enshrined in Solomon's Temple are simply incredible and without a doubt they are absolutely priceless!"


Just as Ye Tian expected.

The discovery of some of Solomon's treasures caused a huge sensation all over the world.

Especially in Israel and Ethiopia, the sensational effect it caused was even more exaggerated.

Almost all Israelis, as well as Jews all over the world, immediately began to cheer and celebrate when they heard the news, and everyone was ecstatic.

All news media in Israel, and all news media controlled by Jews throughout the world, published this news on the front page.

The video that Ye Tian asked his employees to post on the Internet immediately became the most popular video, attracting countless people to watch.

In Ethiopia, the news of the discovery of this part of Solomon's treasure caused a sensation no less than that of Israel.

This news even shook the faith of some Ethiopians, making them doubt whether the Ark of the Covenant enshrined in the Church of St. Mary in Axum is real or not.

The entire Ethiopian society has caused some turmoil because of this!

Many Ethiopians who believe in the Orthodox Church are panicked and feel a little lost.

Fortunately, the Ethiopian government and the Orthodox Church stepped forward in time to explain the significance of the discovery of this part of Solomon's treasure in Ethiopia from their perspective.

The appearance of this part of Solomon's treasure in Ethiopia is enough to show that Menelik I did smuggle away part of Solomon's treasure when he left Jerusalem.

And in this part of Solomon's treasure, it not only includes many priceless treasures from Solomon's Temple, such as the golden statue of the three kings of Israel, but also the most holy thing, the Ark of the Covenant!

In other words, the Ark of the Covenant is in Ethiopia, which is irrefutable.

The discovery of this Solomon treasure is the best proof.

After some explanations from the Ethiopian government and the Orthodox Church, the mood of the Ethiopian people has been eased, and people feel that there is some truth in it.

The originally restless society has gradually calmed down!

But the hidden danger has already been buried, it depends on when it will detonate!

As soon as the news was announced, many citizens of Gondar flocked to the Fasilidas castle complex.

Not only that, people from nearby towns and villages, as well as people from other parts of Ethiopia, also flocked to Gondar and to the Fasilidas castle complex.

Among these people, there are many devout Orthodox believers.

However, they are also the biggest destabilizing factor.

Once the faith collapses, they have the potential to become the craziest bunch.


After publicizing the news of Solomon's treasure discovery, Ye Tian took people back to the hotel.

As soon as I got back to the hotel, a group of old friends came to visit.

They are curators of major museums, famous collectors and super-rich, and top art dealers from the United States.

These guys are all coming for Solomon's treasure, and they are all gearing up, ready to kill everyone at the private auction held by Ye Tian.

After meeting, it was naturally some polite greetings.

Immediately afterwards, everyone entered the topic.

"Steven, I heard that you discovered the astonishing treasure hidden by the Italians during World War II. You guys are really amazing. You seem to be omnipotent. You can always create miracles one after another, which is really enviable!

According to what you said at the gate of the Fasilidas castle complex, in this treasure left over from World War II, there are treasures accumulated by the Solomon dynasty for hundreds of years. I would like to ask, what do you plan to do with this shocking treasure? Or an in-place auction?

One more thing, what is in this treasure left over from World War II? If there are very special antiques and works of art, especially antiques that can represent the ancient civilizations of East Africa, our museum is interested in acquiring a few! "

The deputy curator of the Metropolitan Museum asked curiously, his eyes shining brightly.

No doubt this is a matter of great concern to others as well.

Everyone looked at Ye Tian one after another, expecting his answer.

Ye Tian glanced at the crowd, then smiled and said:

"What is in this treasure left over from World War II? It is not known yet. When we left the treasure location, we only saw a box of gold products from the Solomon Dynasty.

We did not see the other gold and silver treasures and antique relics and artworks in the treasure. In view of this, I cannot answer this question here, but I can only say sorry.

Due to limited time, I do not plan to dispose of this treasure left over from World War II in Ethiopia, but will transport this part of the treasure back to New York for processing, and everyone will have a chance at that time.

Of course, we will not be able to transport half of the treasure until we have successfully cleaned up this shocking treasure and completed the distribution with the Ethiopian government. Please wait patiently for a period of time.

The most important thing now is the private auction that will start tomorrow. I wonder if everyone is ready? Your opponents are the Vatican and Israel, both of which are difficult to deal with! "

After the words fell, these Yankees immediately responded confidently.

"Don't worry, Steven, we have prepared a lot of ammunition this time, and we will definitely be able to grab a lot of priceless antiques from the hands of the Israelis and the Vatican!"

"That's right, Steven, we don't dare covet the golden statue of the Three Kings of Israel, we don't want to be an enemy of the Israeli government, and we don't want to be an enemy of the Jews all over the world!

However, the rest of the priceless treasures from Solomon's temple are our goals, and we will definitely return with a full load in tomorrow's private auction! "

Undoubtedly, this is what Ye Tian most wanted to hear.

After a short pause, he smiled and said:

"Since everyone is so confident, I wish you all success and a fruitful return!"

Next, Ye Tian introduced the specific situation of Solomon's treasure to these old friends.

Especially the most important antiques and artworks are introduced in great detail.

However, he kept his mouth shut from beginning to end, and did not disclose the auction reserve price of any antique cultural relics and works of art.

These old friends didn't leave until about eight o'clock in the evening.

Not long after they left, Ye Tian dialed Mathis's satellite phone and began to understand the situation on the other side of Lake Tana.

"Matisse, is the operation to clean up and salvage the sunken treasure going smoothly? Did the Ethiopians play any tricks?"

The next moment, Matisse's voice came over.

"Good evening, Steven, everything is going very well, after a day of cleaning and salvage, we have salvaged a lot of crates and sealed all the crates.

The Ethiopians were quite cooperative and did not play any tricks. They have completely sealed off this water area, but military personnel did not break into the salvage site for the sunken treasure.”

Hearing the notification, Ye Tian thought for a moment, and then said:

"It's good that everything goes well, but you have to be more careful, not only the Ethiopian exploration team, but also the Ethiopian military.

In the process of cleaning up and salvaging the treasure of this sunken ship, your first priority is to protect everyone's safety, and those things in the treasure are secondary.

If something unexpected happens, such as a military mutiny, trying to loot the treasure of this shipwreck, you can give up the treasure in exchange for everyone's safety.

There are many treasures in this world, but everyone has only one life, as long as everyone can leave safely, then we can get back whatever is left behind! "

"Understood, Steven, we know what to do"

Mattis responded.

After chatting for a while, Ye Tian hung up the satellite phone.


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