Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 3063 To The Holy City

In the middle of the night that day, the military transport plane of the Israeli military arrived at its destination smoothly and landed on the runway of Tel Aviv International Airport.

Several employees and security personnel of the brave exploration company who had been waiting for a long time at the airport immediately started the handover on the airport runway, and it was completed soon.

They received Ye Tian's top-level antique relics from the Israelis, and then sent the portable safe containing those antique relics to the private plane.

Soon, Ye Tian's private jet roared up and flew eastward in the night, heading straight for Beijing.

But the military transport plane bound for New York was still flying over the Atlantic Ocean.

On that military transport plane, there was nothing belonging to Ye Tian, ​​and he didn't bother to care about it.

About eleven hours later, Ye Tian's private plane arrived in Beijing and landed at the Capital International Airport.

This handover was still done on the airport runway.

It was my sister-in-law who led the team to receive those top-level antique cultural relics.

Ye Tian was relieved after receiving a call from his sister-in-law, confirming that those top-level antiques and cultural relics were safe and sound.

The next day, they stayed in Gondar to rest and recover their mental and physical strength, and prepare for the next move of the tripartite joint exploration team.

The other two parties of the tripartite joint exploration team were not so free.

The Israelis are busy negotiating and communicating with the Ethiopian government and Tigray State so that the tripartite joint exploration team can go to the holy city of Axum to start exploration operations.

The Bishop of Kent and others are also busy communicating with the religious circles in Ethiopia and Tigray State to appease the emotions of the religious circles in Ethiopia.

Meanwhile, the removal and salvage of shipwreck treasures on Lake Tana continues.


Ye Tian, ​​who was resting in the hotel, was checking the real-time salvage screen of the treasure of the wrecked ship in World War II on the computer, and was talking to Matisse and others who were on the front line.

On the real-time video screen, two divers from the Intrepid Exploration Company are working on the bottom of the lake, moving crates from the wreck of World War II.

An area near the lake bottom shipwreck had been cleared to create a lake base for the transfer of crates from the shipwreck to the surface.

As before, it was still the extremely sturdy iron cage, not the rope net with a large number of buoyancy bags, that transported the treasure of the sunken ship to the surface of the lake.

In this way, there is basically no need to worry about being attacked by those Nile crocodiles in the lake.

And in the base deep at the bottom of the lake, there are a lot of materials and equipment stored, such as compressed oxygen tanks, diving suits, spare batteries and so on.

With this base, divers can spend a little longer at the bottom of the lake, without frequent surfacing and diving, which improves fishing efficiency and reduces some risks.

While several divers were transporting the treasure of the sunken ship, the Aurora small private submarine of the Intrepid Exploration Company was suspended above the side of the sunken ship at the bottom of the lake.

The reporters and photographers of the National Geographic Channel's broadcast team were sitting in the small private submarine at this time, shooting at the closest distance.

While speaking, another crate was moved out of the sunken ship by divers.

Immediately afterwards, two divers used small rope nets and buoyancy bags to hoist the crate, dragged the rope nets, and swam to the iron cage near the wreck.

The Aurora small private submarine followed immediately and filmed the whole process.

The picture presented on the video is very shocking.

At the depths of the lake completely shrouded in darkness, two divers wearing full-face diving suits dragged a rope net suspended in the lake water, swung their legs, and swam to the base not far from the wreck.

On the side of the two divers, there is a small private submarine with a very sci-fi color, sneaking with them.

The powerful lights projected from the two divers and the small private submarine were like lightsabers, cutting through the darkness in the depths of Lake Tana.

The base at the bottom of the lake not far from the sunken ship looks like a small mountain of lights standing on the bottom of the lake, radiating dazzling light, which is extremely eye-catching.

Around this lake base, around two divers and a small private submarine, there are many strange creatures cruising.

They have long been accustomed to these strange intruders, each of them acting like no one else.

After a while, the two divers dragged the rope net and swam to the base at the bottom of the lake.

Next, they released the air in the buoyancy bag, and then took the crate that fell on the seabed out of the rope net and moved it into the iron cage.

Then they packed the crate into a strong canvas bag, sealed it, and covered it with rope netting.

At this time, there were already ten crates of the same specification in the iron cage, all of which were packed in the same canvas bag and covered with rope nets.

Immediately afterwards, the two divers locked the cage from the inside.

The next moment, they each picked up a compressed air bottle placed in the cage and began to inject air into several large buoyancy bags above the iron cage.

After a while, those orange-red buoyancy bags swelled up, pulling up the heavy and abnormal iron cage from the bottom of the lake little by little, and slowly floated up to the surface of the lake.

At the same time, the crane on the lake also began to work hard, pulling the iron cage up to the lake little by little.

With the aid of the buoyancy bag, the crane bears much less weight and is very safe.

In a matter of moments, the iron cage containing the ten crates and two divers was off the bottom of the lake, disappearing into the dark water above.

After watching the iron cage disappear, Ye Tian picked up the satellite phone and started talking to Mathis.

"Matisse, how is the situation on the lake? Is there anything unusual? Did the Ethiopian exploration team and military and police personnel make any special moves?"

The next moment, Matisse's voice came over.

"Currently, the lake is relatively calm, and the waters for cleaning and salvaging the sunken treasure have been blocked by the Ethiopian military, and no other ships are allowed to enter.

However, there are still some unidentified ships in the distance, peeping here, but they don’t dare to stay for a long time, they always stop for a while and leave, and the Ethiopian military has nothing to do.”

Hearing this, Ye Tian couldn't help but sneered and said:

"Obviously, some people have already suspected the purpose of the exploration fleet stopping in that water area. This is to send people over to investigate the situation. There will definitely be more ships in the future."

"Understood, Steven, we will keep an eye on those guys, we will not give them a chance, the treasure clearing and salvage operations are always under our control, and the Ethiopians are only watching from the sidelines.

Several groups of our divers took turns going down to the bottom of the lake to salvage treasures. Because it is a deep diving operation, everyone needs sufficient time to rest and recover, which will inevitably affect the speed of salvage.

At the current speed, it will take us at least four or five days before we can clean up the treasures in the sunken ship at the bottom of the lake and salvage all of them out of the water, and this is still under the condition of not being disturbed."

"There is no rush for this matter. Everyone's safety comes first. You can't let everyone take risks in deep diving just because of the speed of salvaging treasures. That will cause great harm to divers."

"I understand this, Steven, I will definitely arrange the order and time of deep dives, so that every diver can fully recover, and salvage the sunken treasure under the condition of ensuring safety.

As for the Ethiopian exploration team and military personnel, there has been no change for the time being. Since radio silence is strictly enforced in this water area, it is difficult for them to disclose the situation here.

It is very difficult to control the Ethiopian military police and government staff scattered in various towns and docks along the coast, fortunately those guys don’t know the coordinates here.”

"Secret leaks are bound to happen. It is unrealistic to expect the Ethiopian government and military to completely keep secrets and block the news. We can only hope that the secrets will be leaked later.

There are not many medium and large ships around Lake Tana, a considerable part of them are rented by us, or requisitioned by Ethiopians, and it is not easy for others to get ships.”

Next, Ye Tian learned about some other situations, and then ended the call.

Soon, it was around five o'clock in the afternoon.

Joshua and the Bishop of Kent came together and brought good news.

After some communication and coordination, and paying a considerable price and a large amount of money, the Israeli government finally reached an agreement with Tigray State and the PFLP.

The tripartite joint exploration team can go to the holy city of Axum to start the next step of exploration.

The number of representatives of the Ethiopian government and religious circles accompanying the team was strictly limited.

After entering Tigray State, the peripheral security of the tripartite joint exploration team will be taken over by the Tigray State Police and the Tigray State Police. The military and police personnel of the Ethiopian government are not allowed to enter Tigray State.

If the tripartite joint exploration team discovers the remaining part of Solomon's treasure in Axum, the treasure will still be allocated according to the previous plan, but the Israeli government will make appropriate compensation to Tigray State.

For this result, Ye Tian naturally welcomed it.

If the Treasure of Solomon and the Ark of the Covenant are really found, it will not be the Brave and the Fearless Exploration Company that will make compensation to Tigray State.

Because of the complicated situation in Tigray State, Ye Tian didn't plan to bring too many men with him when he went to Axum this time.

This is the main reason why he kept a large number of company employees, as well as Mattis, in Lake Tana.

If too many people enter Tigray State, it will be difficult to evacuate in time in the event of an accident, such as being raptured by the PFLP or besieged by angry Orthodox believers.

If the number of people is small but fine, this kind of problem does not exist, and everyone can respond quickly.

To ensure the eventuality and everyone's safety, Ye Tian also made a lot of preparations and arranged a lot of countermeasures.

He arranged for some armed security personnel to secretly sneak into Tigray State to prepare for various emergencies and arrange safe evacuation routes.

He had arranged three routes for safe evacuation alone.

Moreover, the security personnel on these three evacuation routes did not know each other, they were from different security companies, and they did not know the existence of the security personnel on the other two routes.

After reporting the news, Joshua and Bishop of Kent discussed with Ye Tian the next exploration for a while before leaving the luxury suite.

As soon as they left, Ye Tian received a message from his subordinates.

As he expected, in order for the tripartite joint exploration team to enter Tigray State smoothly and start exploration operations, Israel promised to provide a large amount of munitions to the PFDJ.

This batch of munitions and materials were eliminated by the Israel Defense Forces, collected over the years, and had not had time to be destroyed. They happened to be used here.

It is conceivable that when this batch of munitions is transported to Tigray State and the delivery is completed, the strength of the PFLP will surely increase accordingly, and it will be more powerful to fight against the Ethiopian government forces.

There is no doubt that this will spell disaster for the impoverished country of Ethiopia.

Hearing this news, Ye Tian felt somewhat heavy.


It was about seven o'clock in the evening.

Several other guests came to visit, they are the Minister of Culture of Ethiopia and the special envoy of the President.

After everyone met, after a few simple greetings, we entered the topic.

"Steven, tomorrow you will leave Gondar and go to the holy city of Axum in Tigray State. I hope your trip goes well and you can find something in Axum.

Regarding the situation in Tigray State, I believe you also know something about it. Due to various reasons, the influence of the Ethiopian government in Tigray State has been greatly reduced.

If you really found Solomon's treasure in the holy city of Axum, or even found the most holy thing, the Ark of the Covenant, how to deal with it, I hope you can communicate with us..."

The Minister of Culture of Ethiopia said with a serious expression.

As soon as he said this, he was interrupted by Ye Tian.

"Mr. Minister, I would like to make a statement here. If the tripartite joint exploration team went to Axum this time and found Solomon's Treasure and the Ark of the Covenant, it would be great.

Due to the particularity of Axum and the Ark of the Covenant, our company will definitely avoid suspicion and leave the handling of the treasure and the Ark of the Covenant to Israel and the Vatican.

In other words, we are only responsible for exploring treasures, as long as we can ensure the interests of our company, in view of this, you should talk to Israel and the Vatican about these things."

Hearing this, these senior Ethiopian government officials couldn't help being stunned.

They looked at each other, a little helpless.

Next, a religious leader tried to discuss this topic, but was stopped by Ye Tian.

In desperation, they could only change the subject.

"Steven, the antiques and artworks from Solomon's Treasure that we photographed yesterday may not be able to transfer the auction proceeds to your company in a short time. Our foreign exchange reserves are too tight!"

The special envoy of the President of Ethiopia said.

Hearing this, Ye Tian laughed.

"This problem is actually very easy to solve. I don't want to pay a large amount of taxes to the Ethiopian government. The auction money you pay can be directly deducted from the taxes I should pay.

In this way, you will save trouble, and you can still receive the remaining tax payable in the shortest time. That is a huge fortune, and it should be of great use to you! "


Several senior Ethiopian officials exclaimed in unison and looked at each other.

Without exception, their faces were all a bit ugly.

These Ethiopians understand that no one can take advantage of this bastard in front of them!


It's a new day, a clear sky.

Just after 8 o'clock in the morning, Ye Tian and his group came down from upstairs, preparing to leave Gondar and head to the religious holy city of Axum in the north.

When entering the hotel lobby, Joshua, Bishop of Kent and others were already waiting here.

In addition to them, there were several representatives of the Ethiopian government and religious circles who were going to Axum with the joint exploration team.

Outside the hotel, the tripartite joint exploration convoy is ready and ready to set off at any time.

When he came to the lobby, Ye Tian glanced at the crowd, then smiled and said:

"Good morning gentlemen, good to see you all here, long wait"

"Good morning, Steven, you guys are looking really good, that's a good sign"

Joshua nodded and said hello.

All the Israelis, including him, and everyone in the Vatican were very excited and full of expectations at this time.

Contrary to them, those Ethiopians had worried eyes and extremely serious expressions.

After greeting everyone, Ye Tian pointed to the hotel gate.

"Gentlemen, let's set off and start a new journey of exploration. I hope that there will be surprising and important discoveries in this trip to Axum!"

After speaking, he took David and his staff to the door.

Joshua and the Bishop of Kent exchanged glances, and followed with their subordinates.

While speaking, they had already walked out of the hotel gate.

Seeing them coming out, the media reporters guarding the hotel entrance immediately rushed to ask questions loudly.

"Good morning, Steven, I am a reporter from Ethiopian National Television. According to reliable information, you will go to the holy city of Axum to explore the treasure. What are your expectations for this trip?

As we all know, the relationship between the Ethiopian government and Tigray State and the PFLP is very tense. What do you think of this situation? How are you going to deal with it? "

"Good morning, Steven, I am a reporter from Israel National Television. Ethiopians have always believed that the Ark of the Covenant is enshrined in the Church of St. Mary in Axum. What do you think about this?"

Hearing the questions from these media reporters, Ye Tian stopped immediately.

He glanced at these guys, and then said loudly:

"Ladies and gentlemen, friends from the media, I am very glad to meet you here, and thank you very much for your attention to this tripartite joint exploration operation.

Our joint exploration operation in Gondar has ended, and the results are satisfactory. Next, we will go to the holy city of Axum, hoping to discover something during this trip.

As for what can be found during this trip, I don't know for the time being, so I can't give any answers, well, that's all I want to say, I wish you all a good day! "

After speaking, he boarded the armored bulletproof vehicle parked beside him.

The rest of the tripartite joint exploration team also boarded the car one after another.

A moment later, this huge convoy started with a bang, left the hotel, and headed for the holy city of Axum in Tigray State!


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