Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 3065 one trigger

I don't know how much benefit Israel and the Vatican have promised, or how many tempting promises they have given.

After a stalemate for more than half an hour, the few Orthodox believers who were sitting in the middle of the road praying finally got up and left the road, taking their rugs and crosses with them.

The militants and Orthodox believers hiding in the mountains and forests on both sides of the road did not launch an attack, but chose to remain silent.

The tripartite joint exploration convoy started again and continued to drive forward.

After a while, the convoy drove out of this narrow and steep valley.

The first time they left the valley, everyone breathed a sigh of relief and somewhat relaxed.

Next, the convoy went straight to Dabat not far ahead, preparing to rest in that city for a while before going on the road.

However, when everyone just saw Dabat, something happened suddenly.

While driving, a fire suddenly flashed on a hill on the right side of the road.

Immediately afterwards, an RPG rocket roared towards the tripartite joint exploration convoy on the highway.

At the same time, there was a sudden burst of gunfire outside.

"RPG! Be careful everyone!"

Seaman's voice came from the intercom, reminding everyone.

At this time, Ye Tian had also seen the RPG rocket trailing the flames, as well as the gunmen hidden on the mountain.

The next moment, he quickly picked up the walkie-talkie and said loudly:

"Attention everyone, someone attacked the tripartite joint exploration convoy, the gunman is on the hill on the right side of the road, everyone pay attention to safety"

As soon as he spoke, the RPG rocket hit the target.


With a deafening bang, an Ethiopian police car in front of the joint exploration convoy was blown into the air.

Several Ethiopian policemen in that car were killed instantly.

At the same time as the explosion sounded, the dense rain of bullets flying from the mountain also hit the many vehicles of the tripartite joint exploration convoy.

"bang bang bang"

Those rifle bullets hit the car body hard,

Make a series of loud noises.

The military bulletproof vehicle that Ye Tian and the others were riding was also hit by many rifle bullets, and there were some bullet marks on the body immediately.

Fortunately, this bulletproof car was very strong and did not suffer any damage.

However, Ethiopian military and police vehicles with relatively average protection capabilities are not so lucky.

Some of the rifle bullets that hit those vehicles directly penetrated the glass and steel plates and shot into those vehicles, causing certain damage.


Painful screams suddenly sounded, coming from the Ethiopian military and police.

The Israeli military police who protected the tripartite joint exploration team responded very quickly.

As soon as they encountered the attack, they launched a counterattack, using the machine guns and rifles on the armored bulletproof vehicle, and began to shoot at the hill on the right side of the road.

The snipers sitting in several cars quickly locked on the target through the shooting holes on the car body.

When the guy hiding on the top of the mountain and carrying the RPG rocket launcher leaned out again and was about to launch the RPG rocket, he was shot in the head by a sniper.

After an initial panic, the Ethiopian military and police also reacted and launched a counterattack.

The armed security personnel of the Brave Invincible Exploration Company did not participate in the battle, but chose to watch.

Ye Tian, ​​who was sitting in the car, looked coldly at the Ethiopians who were ambushing the joint exploration convoy on the hill, and shook his head slightly.

"This is a group of rookies. They are here to die. It is estimated that few people can escape!"

As he said, those Ethiopians on the mountain are ordinary militants, even civilians, without professional training, and their military quality is very poor.

Occupying the geographical advantage and the unexpected sneak attack, they can still take advantage of it at first.

When the Israelis and Ethiopian military and police launched a counterattack, they were quickly suppressed, and the casualties were not small.

While carrying out fire suppression, two special operations teams composed of members of the 13th Israeli Commando, as well as some Ethiopian military police, have rushed to the hill beside the road at high speed, and launched a clean-up campaign!

There is no suspense in the next battle.

Seeing the Israelis and Ethiopian military police rushing up, the gunmen hiding on the hill immediately panicked.

They came out of their hiding places one after another, turned around and started running away in a hurry.

This brought them a large number of casualties. Many gunmen died on the way to escape, and were named and killed one by one by Israeli agents and commandos with accurate marksmanship from behind.

Of course, some gunmen managed to escape, ran into the nearby forest not far away, and then disappeared.

The attack came very suddenly and went quickly.

After a while, the battle was over.

The two Israeli special operations teams that went to the mountain to search quickly withdrew back, leaving the cleaning of the battlefield to the Ethiopian military and police.

Soon, the tripartite joint exploration convoy started again and continued to drive to Dabat not far away.

When driving past the bombed Ethiopian police car, both Ye Tian and David glanced out of the car, somewhat sympathetic.

Several Ethiopian policemen in that car were killed, and blood was all over the ground.

"I hope the Israelis can be more generous and give the families of these Ethiopian police officers a generous compensation, otherwise their death is not worth it!"

David said with emotion.

Hearing this, Ye Tian shook his head.

"I'm afraid it will be very difficult. The money paid by the Israelis to the Ethiopian government and military is difficult to distribute to these ordinary soldiers and police. There are too many eyes on the money.

Moreover, the Israelis have always been very indifferent, and it is basically impossible to expect them to sympathize with and care for these dead Ethiopian military police, except for their own people.”

"That's true, those Jews on Wall Street are like that, and that's probably one of the reasons why they're so unpopular all over the world!"

David continued.

There were no accidents in the next trip.

It didn't take long for the tripartite joint exploration convoy to enter Dabat, a small city in northern Ethiopia.

Due to the arrival of the tripartite joint exploration team and the exchange of fire that just happened, the atmosphere in Dabat City is particularly tense.

On the streets of this small town, there are three steps for one post and five steps for one post, and heavily armed Ethiopian warships can be seen everywhere, and the air is full of gunpowder.

Every street that the tripartite joint exploration convoy passed through, all citizens were asked by the police to stay at home or in shops, and not to go out to the streets to watch.

People can only go out after the joint exploration convoy passes through smoothly.

Dabat citizens and many Orthodox believers on these streets can only watch the huge convoy passing by through the glass and gaps in the doors and windows.

Even so, Ye Tian, ​​who was sitting in the car, still felt strong malice.

Many Dabat citizens, especially the Orthodox believers, looked at the joint exploration convoy with unfriendly, even hatred-filled eyes.

Seeing this situation, Ye Tian immediately picked up the walkie-talkie and said:

"Himan, the atmosphere in Dabat is too tense, the people here are full of malice towards the tripartite joint exploration team, I don't think this place should stay for a long time.

Let's not rest in Dabat. It is best to leave the city immediately, go to the wilderness ahead, and find a relatively open place to rest, which is safer! "

Seaman on the other end of the walkie-talkie did not respond immediately.

Obviously, he needs to report to Joshua and discuss it.

After a while, his voice came from the intercom.

"Okay, Steven, we agree with your suggestion, instead of staying in Dabat, go straight through the city and go to a relatively safe wilderness to rest, and I will notify the Ethiopians!"

After saying a few more words, Ye Tian ended the call.

Afterwards, the tripartite joint exploration convoy went straight through Dabat and continued to drive north, without meeting up with the Israeli agents at the front station, nor resting at the place they arranged.

Soon, the joint exploration convoy drove out of Dabat and into the wilderness again.

After driving forward for more than ten kilometers, the joint exploration convoy stopped at a relatively open place for a short rest.


On Lake Tana.

The joint exploration team formed by the Ethiopian government and the Intrepid Exploration Company is intensively salvaging the treasures of World War II shipwrecks located deep in the bottom of the lake.

As several huge orange-red buoyancy bags floated to the surface, ten more crates filled with gold and silver treasures were salvaged from the bottom of the lake by divers.

As before, these crates were still packed in the strong iron cage and packed very tightly.

Surfaced together were two divers wearing full-face diving suits.

Their homework time has come and they need to return to the lake to rest.

In the next 24 hours, they will not be able to go deep into the water again, nor can they take a plane, and can only stay in a boat on the lake to rest.

After the iron cage that transported the sunken treasure floated to the surface of the lake, the two divers got out of the iron cage and boarded the engineering ship that was carrying out the salvage operation.

Immediately afterwards, several employees of the brave and fearless exploration company entered the iron cage, moved out the crates contained in the iron cage one by one, and moved them onto the engineering ship.

At this moment, a motorized fishing boat suddenly sailed from the distant lake, passed through the mist on the lake, and came towards this water area with black smoke.

Seeing this situation, Mattis reacted immediately.

He picked up the walkie-talkie and informed the Ethiopian military personnel in charge of security to intercept the unidentified motor fishing boat and prohibit it from entering the operating waters.

At the same time, he also prepared his armed security personnel to set off in a speedboat at any time to drive away the unidentified motorized fishing boat.

If the opponent takes the initiative to attack, then use bazooka rockets to directly sink it. In short, it cannot let it get close to this engineering ship!

Soon, the Ethiopian military sent two speedboats to meet the unidentified motorized fishing boat, trying to drive it away.

However, most Ethiopian soldiers are landlubbers, and their speedboat driving skills are not flattering.

Even on the calm surface of Lake Tana, these guys did not dare to increase the speed of the speedboat, and could only slowly meet the motorized fishing boat, which left plenty of time and leeway for the opponent.

When their two speedboats were in place, the motorized fishing boat was only five or six hundred meters away from the joint exploration team's operating waters.

Those guys on the fishing boat can see the situation on the engineering boat through high-powered binoculars.

Those guys observed from a distance for a while, then turned around and left before the Ethiopian military and police came up to check, and they were gone soon.

The Ethiopian military and police who came in the speedboat naturally rushed to nothing and could only let the other party go.

Seeing this scene from a distance, Matisse and the others were also very helpless.

There is no way, the level of collaborators is like this, and no one can change it.

In the following time, the same thing continued to happen, and more and more frequently.

Fortunately, there is constant fog on this lake, and it is located in the center of Lake Tana, and there are not many available ships around. The cleaning and salvage operations of the sunken treasures have not been interrupted, and the scene is relatively safe.


Ye Tian knew all about what happened on Lake Tana.

After listening to the latest situation reported by Matisse, he couldn't help but sneered and said:

"Obviously, the Ethiopians leaked the news, so someone hired a boat to go to the center of Lake Tana to search for the joint exploration team and try to loot this treasure.

What you have to do now is to guard that area of ​​operation and not let other people or ships break in, and continue to clean up and salvage the sunken treasure according to the established plan.”

"I understand, Steven, no one should try to break into these working waters!"

"The treasure ship sank at the bottom of the lake at a depth of 90 meters. Even if others knew the exact coordinates, they would not be able to make frequent deep dives to snatch the crates in the treasure at the bottom of the lake.

If they go into the water rashly, the Nile crocodiles in Lake Tana can have a meal. Even if they escape the pursuit of a large group of Nile crocodiles, the huge water pressure will kill them.

Another point is that there are not many medium and large ships around Lake Tana, and some are small fishing boats, which do not pose any threat at all. You just need to be careful about sneak attacks! "

"Understood, Steven, this operating water area is completely under our control. Even if the Ethiopian army in charge of security mutinies, those landlubbers will not be able to make any waves!"

Mattis responded with confidence in his words.

Next, Ye Tian learned about some other situations, and then ended the call.

At this point, it was already afternoon.

After traveling for half a day, the tripartite joint exploration convoy finally arrived at the junction of Amhara State and Tigray State.

As soon as they arrived here, everyone immediately felt that the atmosphere here was very tense.

In the border town on the Amhara State side, there are Ethiopian military police with live ammunition everywhere, and the whole town has been turned into a military camp.

The most seen vehicles on the street are Ethiopian military vehicles painted in camouflage, and soldiers wearing camouflage uniforms and carrying rifles.

In addition to soldiers, there are also some Orthodox believers in white robes.

Those Ethiopian soldiers looked at the tripartite joint exploration convoy with greed and malice in their eyes.

Fortunately, there are no treasures in the convoy, as everyone knows!

Otherwise, these rebellious Ethiopian soldiers are likely to have the idea of ​​a tripartite joint exploration convoy and the idea of ​​the treasures everyone carries.

Unlike those Ethiopian soldiers, many Orthodox believers in white robes are full of anger and worry!

When the tripartite joint exploration convoy drove past them, these people would spat hard and yelled loudly to vent their anger.

Soon, the tripartite joint exploration convoy arrived at the state border between Amhara and Tigray states.

Although they are two states of Ethiopia, the situation at the junction of the two states looks like the border of two hostile countries.

From a long distance, Ye Tian and the others saw it.

A group of military and police personnel belonging to the Ethiopian government is confronting the soldiers of the PFLP at the junction of the two states.

Both sides, armed to the teeth, glared at each other across the state line, yelling and yelling at each other.

The atmosphere at the scene seemed very tense, and armed conflict could break out at any time.

Seeing this scene, Ye Tian and the others gasped.

"I'm going! The relationship between the Ethiopian government and Tigray State has deteriorated to such an extent that they have begun to confront each other at the state border. It seems that war is inevitable!"

David said with a serious face, his eyes full of worry.

"You are right, David, the war between the Ethiopian government and Tigray State is indeed inevitable, and both sides are actively preparing for the war, and the war may start at any time.

My hope now is that when we finish the exploration operation in Axum, leave Axum, leave Ethiopia, and start this war again, then we can stay out of it! "

Ye Tian nodded and continued.

While speaking, the tripartite joint exploration convoy had stopped, about 200 to 300 meters away from the border between the two states.

Subsequently, the Israeli side sent representatives to communicate and coordinate with representatives of the Ethiopian government and the Tigray State government.

After a while, the tripartite joint exploration team successfully obtained permission to enter Tigray State.

On the other side of the Tigray State border, some vehicles from the Tigray State Police and the PFJ were ready and parked on the side of the road.

Next, those heavily armed vehicles will escort the tripartite joint exploration convoy to Axum.

On the state border, the Ethiopian military and police vehicles that escorted the tripartite joint exploration team all the way turned around and left.

After those vehicles left, the tripartite joint exploration convoy started again, slowly passed the border line, and entered the territory of Tigray State!

As soon as it entered Tigray State, this huge convoy was stopped and began to be inspected.

It was the officials and a group of soldiers from the People's Front that carried out the inspection.

The target of their inspection was not the members of the tripartite joint exploration team, but the representatives of the Ethiopian government and religious circles who accompanied them.

After confirming that everyone's identity is correct and the number of people is correct, these guys who raised the people's formation just let them go!

Afterwards, under the escort of a large number of Tirenjin soldiers, the tripartite joint exploration convoy started briskly and headed for the holy city of Axum in the north!


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