Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 3067 Boiling Holy City

The representatives of Israel and the Vatican communicated with the senior Orthodox monks who blocked the way, and then led them to the car where Joshua was riding, and talked to Joshua a few more words.

Then, the senior Orthodox monks went to the car where the Bishop of Kent was riding, and had another exchange.

I don't know what Joshua and the Bishop of Kent talked to them, or what they promised. When the senior Orthodox monks left, their faces looked a little better.

When they left, they turned their heads and took a deep look at the armored bulletproof vehicle Ye Tian was riding in, with a hint of fear in their eyes.

Apparently Joshua and the Bishop of Kent have told those Orthodox monks.

Any discussion related to religion, Ye Tian and the brave and fearless exploration company will not participate, they are only responsible for exploring the treasure.

After the senior monks of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church left, the tripartite joint exploration convoy finally started again and continued to drive forward.

The Orthodox monks and believers who rushed up around them retreated to both sides of the street, and did not act aggressively.

After the team started again, everyone breathed a sigh of relief and relaxed a little.

"Steven, what did Joshua and the Bishop of Kent say to those Orthodox monks? They actually resolved such a dangerous situation"

David asked curiously, still looking terrified.

"It's nothing more than some promises, these have nothing to do with us, and we don't need to care about them"

Ye Tian said with a smile.

In a short while, the tripartite joint exploration convoy arrived at the reserved hotel and stopped at the hotel entrance.

At this time, the entrance of the hotel and its surroundings were already surrounded by many Ethiopian Orthodox monks and believers in white robes.

Fortunately, the Tirenzhen was well prepared. They dispatched a large number of soldiers to form two human chains hand in hand, and forced a passage through the crowd.

When the tripartite joint exploration convoy passed through this passage, the Orthodox monks and believers on both sides shouted protest slogans and even cursed loudly, all of them were extremely angry.

Seeing this scene, everyone in the tripartite joint exploration team felt very nervous.

Fortunately, no accident happened.

The convoy arrived at the entrance of the hotel smoothly.

Immediately afterwards, Seaman led a large number of heavily armed security personnel to get out of the car, quickly dispersed, and became vigilant.

After confirming the safety of the scene, Ye Tian and David, as well as Joshua and Bishop of Kent, just got out of their respective cars and walked into the hotel.

The rest of the tripartite joint exploration team also got off the car one after another, and began to carry various luggage and exploration equipment from the car, preparing to enter the hotel.

As soon as Ye Tian and the others entered this hotel, they met a group of people head-on.

Among them are senior officers of the Tirenjin in military uniforms, Tigray state officials in suits and leather shoes, and Orthodox monks in robes.

The reason why these Ethiopians appeared here was for the tripartite joint exploration team.

After everyone met, it was natural to have some introductions and polite greetings.

The representatives of the Tirenjin who followed the joint exploration team introduced the identities of these Ethiopians.

Afterwards, he introduced the identities of Ye Tian and Joshua.

When Ye Tian was introduced, these Ethiopians all looked at him with fear.

One of them, an Orthodox monk in his sixties, said with a serious expression:

"Mr. Steven, we have heard about your deeds and your company's deeds, and we have a certain understanding of you.

It is undeniable that you are the top professional treasure hunter in the world, your company is the best treasure hunting company, and you have created countless amazing miracles.

But wherever you go, you have also brought great damage to many places, and even looted the treasures accumulated over the years in some places, leaving only devastation.

Axum is a religious holy city, we can allow you to explore here, but you can't wantonly destroy it, that's not allowed.

During your exploration in Axum, we will keep an eye on your every move, the purpose is to protect this religious holy city”

After listening to the translator's retelling, Ye Tian pondered for a moment, then smiled and said:

"Obviously, you all have deep misunderstandings about me and the Fearless Exploration Company. We are not robbers who do all kinds of evil, and we have never thought of looting any place.

On the contrary, all countries and places that have cooperated with us have gained huge benefits, no matter Honduras or France, no matter Egypt or Ethiopia, there is no exception!

None of the sabotage actions you mentioned were caused by us. We will only launch self-defense actions when we encounter unprovoked attacks. That is our right.

Axum is a religious holy city, and I understand this very well. During the exploration operation in Axum, we will try our best to protect this holy city and not destroy any plants or trees here.”

Listening to his words, the faces of the Ethiopians at the scene softened somewhat.

Next, the deputy mayor of Axum in charge of culture and tourism suddenly interjected:

"Steven, your tripartite joint exploration team came to Axum to explore Solomon's treasure and the Ark of the Covenant, but as we all know, the Ark of the Covenant is enshrined in the Church of St. Mary of Mount Zion.

That being the case, where do you plan to find Solomon's treasure and the Ark of the Covenant? Personally, do you think Solomon's treasure and what you call the Ark of the Covenant can be found in Axum? "

After listening to the translation, Ye Tian smiled and shook his head.

"I'm very sorry, Mr. Mayor, I can't answer these questions of yours. Here I would like to make a public statement that our company will avoid all questions related to religion.

In this exploration operation, we are only responsible for exploration and do not care about other things. You can discuss these issues with Israel and the Vatican, which is more appropriate,"

As he spoke, he gestured to Joshua and the Bishop of Kent next to him.

Next, the Ethiopians asked some more questions.

As before, as long as it is related to religion, Ye Tian avoided it and did not respond.

After discussing for a while in the hotel lobby, Ye Tian and his group went upstairs.

Looking at the backs of them leaving, the expressions of these Ethiopians are very dignified, and everyone has a bit of worry in their eyes.


As before, after entering the hotel suite, Ye Tian immediately asked Cole and the others to check each room carefully, not to miss any corner, to avoid being monitored and listened to.

Fearless Exploration Company did not have many employees and security personnel who came to Axum this time, and there were not many rooms in total.

It didn't take long for Cole and the others to complete the inspection.

Compared with before, the number of monitoring and listening devices found this time is much less, only four or five.

Afterwards, Ye Tian asked Cole and the others to make some arrangements.

They installed a lot of monitoring probes in the corridor, outside the door of the room where everyone stayed, outside the window, and on the roof of the building to monitor all these places.

In addition, they arranged some anti-monitoring and listening equipment, just in case.

After finishing these, Ye Tian called everyone into his room.

When everyone was present, he said:

"Everyone has seen the situation in Axum just now. The atmosphere here is very tense. It can be said that everyone in this city is full of malice towards the tripartite joint exploration team.

In view of this, in the next few days, everyone must not act alone, leave the hotel to go somewhere else, it is best to stay in the hotel, do not go anywhere, everyone acts collectively.

How long we will stay in Axum is not sure yet. During this period, everyone's safety is the most important. Compared with it, the legendary Solomon's treasure and the Ark of the Covenant are not important! "

"Understood, Steven, we will be careful"

Everyone responded in unison, and everyone's expression was very dignified.

Next, Ye Tian ordered some other things, and then let everyone disperse and go back to their respective rooms to rest.

Afterwards, he packed his luggage and officially checked into the suite.

After packing up his things, he started a video call with Betty to report to his family that he was safe.

On the phone, Betty repeatedly told him to be careful.

The family also learned about the tension between the Ethiopian government and Tigray State through the news, so they were very worried.

All Ye Tian can do is to try his best to comfort his family and let them not worry.

He also told his family that there are many trustworthy armed security personnel around him, who will definitely protect his safety.

Not long after, I will return to China and reunite with my family.

After the video lasted for about half an hour, Ye Tiantian reluctantly hung up the phone, and then went to wash up.

As before, for safety reasons, all water and food for everyone in Axum were purchased by Israelis and delivered to the hotel.

Even everyone's washing water is the same.

Not only that, all the fresh water and food sent by the Israelites had to go through several strict inspections.

After confirming that it is safe and non-toxic, everyone can use it.

After washing up and coming out of the bathroom, Joshua and the Bishop of Kent came to visit together.

After entering the room, everyone chatted for a while, and then got to the point.

"Steven, it's still early today. In the afternoon, we're going to the Church of St. Mary of Mount Zion to have talks with representatives from the Orthodox Church, Tigray State, Tigray State, and Axum.

If the three-party joint exploration team wants to successfully launch operations in Axum and explore the remaining Solomon's treasure and the Ark of the Covenant, it must obtain the cooperation of the above aspects, otherwise it will be difficult to move forward.

I wonder if you would like to participate in this meeting this afternoon? Taking this opportunity, you can also take a field trip to the Church of St. Mary of Mount Zion, which is one of the destinations to explore! "

Joshua explained his purpose, and the Bishop of Kent nodded.

Ye Tian didn't respond immediately, but pondered for a moment before saying:

"I can go with you to the Church of St. Mary of Mount Zion. I am very interested in this church that is supreme in the eyes of Ethiopians and enshrines the Ark of the Relic.

If possible, I would like to see the situation there, maybe I will find something. If the Ark of the Covenant is really enshrined in the Church of Santa Maria, this joint exploration operation can come to an end.

Of course, I can't see the Ark of the Covenant, so I can't judge whether the Ark of the Covenant enshrined in the Church of Santa Maria is real or not, but I hope to find some other useful clues.

As for the meeting in the afternoon, it will definitely involve many religious issues, so I will not participate, but I will send my staff and assistant lawyers to attend to ensure our interests."

"Okay, Steven, I'll make some arrangements later, let's go to St. Mary's Church on Mount Zion together in the afternoon"

Joshua nodded.

Next, they discussed the upcoming joint exploration operation for a while, and how to deal with the fanatical Orthodox monks and believers outside.

After discussing for about twenty minutes, Joshua and the Bishop of Kent just left.

As soon as they left, Ye Tian took out his mobile phone and started talking to the outside world.

As one call after another was made, the armed security personnel hired by him to infiltrate Axum in advance took action immediately.

Soon, these guys dressed up as Orthodox monks and believers, wore white robes, secretly carried various weapons and ammunition, and rushed to various commanding heights in Axum City.

Their key target is the most important religious holy place in Axum, the Church of St. Mary of Mount Zion.

After arriving at these locations, they quickly hid themselves, waiting for Ye Tian's order in secret.

After completing these arrangements, Ye Tian called Cole into the room again and asked him to cooperate with Seaman to prepare for the trip and talks in the afternoon.

After Cole left the suite, he dialed Matisse's satellite phone and began to inquire about the salvage of World War II shipwreck treasures on Lake Tana.

"Steven, just at noon today, two stupid idiots wearing diving suits and diving propellers tried to get close to the salvage site of the sunken treasure, but ended up feeding the Nile crocodiles in the lake.

Those two idiots had just left the fishing boat they had rented, when they were dragged into the lake by the Nile crocodile that suddenly jumped out, and died a miserable death. None of the fellows on the same boat dared to go into the lake again! "

Mattis reported on the situation on the other side of Lake Tana.

Hearing this, Ye Tian couldn't help laughing.

"That's what they asked for, no one to blame, hope they can warn the rest of the guys, let those guys give up their unrealistic fantasies.

Tell me about the situation on Lake Tana, as far as I know, the news that this World War II treasure is hidden in Lake Tana has reached the ears of many people.”

"That's right, Steven, compared to yesterday, more unidentified ships have come to this water area, and there are still many ships on their way here, those guys have obviously received news of the treasure.

Fortunately, those guys didn’t rent any decent boats, most of them were fishing boats from nearby fishermen, with limited displacement and no professional salvage equipment, so they didn’t pose any threat to the joint exploration fleet.”

"These guys basically don't need to worry. Not only can they not rent a decent boat, but they also have no experience in deep diving salvage. If they want to snatch this treasure left over from World War II, they can only wait for this treasure to land!

After you have cleared and salvaged all the treasures in that shipwreck at the bottom of the lake, I will give you a safe evacuation route, and using the thick fog on the lake, you can easily get rid of everyone! "

"In addition to many fishing boats, a seaplane also appeared today, flying over the waters where the salvage operation is being carried out, took some photos of the scene, and then flew towards Bahir Dar.

As far as I know, the one who rented this seaplane is the Golden Eagle Exploration Company of that bastard Cook. Obviously, that bastard Cook also received news that this treasure left over from World War II is in Lake Tana."

"The bastard Cook is really haunted, it seems that I want to find an opportunity to teach this bastard a lesson, let him have a longer memory, and stay away from us in the future.

But you have to be careful with this bastard, their company still has a certain strength, and there are many talents under them, and they are ruthless and can do anything."

"Understood, Steven, I've got people to keep an eye on Cook and his men. If they dare to fly a seaplane over the convoy again, I don't mind calling them with needle-piercing anti-aircraft missiles!!"

Mattis responded with a bit of ruthlessness in his words.

After chatting for a while, Ye Tian ended the call.

Then he went to the window, stood on the side of the window, and looked at the situation below the hotel.

The news that the tripartite joint exploration team arrived in Axum has been thoroughly spread. More and more Orthodox monks and believers gathered around this hotel, and many people are rushing here.

Looking down from the upstairs, the entrance of the hotel and the surrounding streets were covered with snow, crowded with Orthodox monks and believers in white robes. The scene was quite astonishing.

Not only that, these people are still protesting and demonstrating, and even shouting loudly.

The resulting huge sound wave was deafening and resounded throughout Axum!


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