Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 3069 Secrets in the Holy of Holies

The Orthodox monk guard guarding the Chapel of the Holy Trinity was dozing on a chair inside an archway of the chapel, his figure was lonely and desolate.

From the day this person walked into the Sanctuary Chapel, he could no longer leave here, and he could only live in this small area for his whole life!

It can be said that he is an extremely devout monk and believer, and he can also be regarded as a prisoner who has been sentenced to life imprisonment, which is both respectable and sad!

Ye Tian looked at this devout monk, then turned his gaze to the Holy of Holies located in the center of the chapel.

His vision instantly penetrated the wall, and he directly saw the situation inside the Holy of Holies.

The first thing that appeared in his eyes was a bronze altar about 1.5 meters high. In the center of the altar was a gold-plated candlestick with seven branches, with seven candles inserted in it.

Behind this gilt candlestick hangs a crucifix.

And right in front of this bronze altar, there is a gilt washbasin, which looks golden, but is empty inside.

Extending the line of sight further forward, there is a golden vertical board similar to a screen, which is also resplendent and resplendent.

Through this golden vertical board, you can see an exquisite golden lampstand, a display table with some golden utensils, and a golden incense altar made of pure gold.

Going forward, there is another golden vertical board.

Behind this golden vertical board should be the most holy thing in the minds of all Jewish and Christian believers, the Ark of the Covenant!

In Christianity, the Ark of the Covenant is also a sacred object.

When Ye Tian's eyes penetrated the golden vertical board and saw something placed behind him, he couldn't help but pause.

The next moment, a smile flashed in his eyes, which was fleeting.

Each of the items stored in this sanctuary has a very long history, and is very exquisite and priceless.

And this Holy of Holies is completely built according to the legendary Holy of Holies in Solomon's Temple, which holds the Ark of the Covenant, and it looks very old.

However, it is not the Holy of Holies in Solomon's Temple!

The things stored in it are not the original ones either.

In the twinkling of an eye, Ye Tian had a thorough perspective of this Holy Chapel,

No corner was spared.

Immediately afterwards, his gaze moved downwards, looking at the underground of the Chapel of the Holy Death, and began to examine the situation deep underground to see if he could find anything.

A moment later, surprise flashed across his eyes.

This color of surprise disappeared in an instant, replaced by a bit of helplessness.

Obviously, there are indeed some important secrets hidden deep underground in this Holy Chapel.

It's a pity that these secrets may never have a chance to see the light of day again!

The Chapel of the Holy Trinity, which stands above ground, will forever suppress these secrets.

Unless one day this Holy Chapel completely collapses, people will be able to discover the secret hidden deep underground when it is being renovated and rebuilt.

And Ye Tian also found something in other places in the Sanctuary Chapel.

But these discoveries were out of reach, and they were not so valuable that he would have to venture into the Chapel of the Holy Trinity to dig them up secretly.

After seeing through the entire Chapel of the Holy Trinity, Ye Tian and David walked around the religious building again, admiring it carefully, before finishing their visit.

"Let's go, David, let's go to see the Old Church of St. Mary of Mount Zion, which is also a famous religious building worth visiting"

Ye Tian said with a smile, and then walked to the Old Mount Zion St. Mary's Church not far away.

David and the others immediately followed, including the Orthodox monk who was in charge of explaining.

The rest of the Orthodox monks and believers who were staring at Ye Tian and the others also followed.

Walking in front of this ancient religious building, Ye Tian and the others stopped in their tracks and began to observe it carefully.

The Orthodox monk who followed was explaining on the sidelines.

"Since the church of St. Mary on Mount Zion was built in the fourth century AD, the church has been plagued by disasters. In 976 AD, in order to resist the Christian missionaries who continued to expand southward.

A Jewish queen named Judit Gudit sent troops to the north, attacked Axum, burned down the Church of St. Mary of Mount Zion, and later rebuilt the church to a larger scale.

The church rebuilt at that time had 5 naves and a very long dome. Unfortunately, the newly built Church of St. Mary of Mount Zion was burned down by the Communist invader Ahmed in 1535.

Emperor Geludivos rebuilt the Church of St. Mary of Mount Zion on a small scale, and was then expanded by Emperor Minas. In the early 17th century, Emperor Fasilidas completely rebuilt the church.

What you see now is the Church of St. Mary of Mount Zion rebuilt by Emperor Fasilidas. In order to distinguish it from the new church built in 1964, it is also called Old Church of St. Mary of Mount Zion.”

While the Orthodox monk was explaining, Ye Tian activated his perspective ability again and began to explore this ancient church.

In the blink of an eye, the situation inside the church had already appeared in his eyes.

In this ancient church, there were only two or three priests, and there were no other monks or believers. It was empty and very quiet.

Like many churches I have visited before, there are also many murals in this church.

The content drawn above is all derived from the stories in the Bible, but the characters are created based on black people, which is very special.

As usual, there are some religious items in the church, such as crosses and altars.

There are also rows of wooden seats, which look nothing special, even a little dilapidated.

But in Ye Tian's eyes, he saw many items emitting different colors and lights.

Needless to say, the items are antiques and works of art from different eras and of varying value.

In addition to these antique relics and works of art, he also saw some valuable gold products, which were placed on the main altar of the church.

In just a moment, Ye Tian had thoroughly inspected this ancient church.

Immediately afterwards, his sight penetrated into the ground, and he began to check the situation deep underground.

When the line of sight was about five meters below the main altar, a dazzling golden light suddenly appeared in his eyes.

It was a treasure buried deep underground. Although the scale was not large, it was still a nice surprise.

Hidden within this treasure are gold artifacts and various other antiques, including some from ancient Egypt.

Moreover, these things are quite old, most of them can be traced back to before the fifteenth century, and they radiate beautiful light, which is fascinating.

It is a pity that this is another treasure that is beyond reach, and there is no possibility of exploration and excavation at all.

The many monks of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church and the Church of St. Mary of Mount Zion would never allow the tripartite joint exploration team to enter this ancient church for exploration, let alone excavate this treasure.

Since this treasure cannot be excavated, and it is very likely that this treasure will be buried forever and never see the light of day again, Ye Tian naturally has no need to be polite.

After basically grasping the situation of this treasure, he began to absorb the aura of the antiques and artworks in the treasure to supplement himself.

However, he still left a little bit of leeway, at most only absorbing half of the aura of each antique cultural relic and artwork, instead of absorbing all of it.

The reason why he did this was to leave a glimmer of hope for these antique cultural relics and works of art, hoping that when they are seen again, they will not be completely decayed.

In the following time, he looked through all the underground depths of this ancient church, not letting go of any corner.

Under the ancient church, he found not only a treasure, but also a hidden tunnel, several secret rooms, and other unknown secrets.

Especially the secret tunnel leading to the Chapel of the Nativity and Mount Zion behind it.

It can be deduced from this that it is likely to be an escape route, or a secret tunnel for transferring the Ark of the Covenant.

Once the Church of St. Mary on Mount Zion and the Chapel of the Holy Trinity are attacked, if they cannot hold it, Orthodox monks can quickly transfer the Ark of the Covenant to other places through tunnels to avoid falling into the hands of the enemy.

Perhaps this is the reason why Axum has been breached by enemies many times in history, but the Ark of the Covenant enshrined in the Holy Chapel has never been taken away.

Apart from these, nothing else was found.

After the perspective was completed, Ye Tian withdrew his gaze and quietly admired the ancient church.

They circled the ancient church twice before leaving here and walking towards the garden not far away.

In that garden, there are also some ancient religious buildings, which are worth admiring.

During this process, Ye Tian thoroughly examined every piece of ground he walked on, and found something.

However, these discoveries are only known to him, and others are ignorant.

Time passed quickly, nearly two hours passed in a blink of an eye.

The negotiation at the Church of Santa Maria in New Zion was finally over. After receiving the news, Ye Tian and the others also finished their visit and walked towards that church.

When they entered the church again, Joshua and Bishop Kent were already inside the church, discussing something in a low voice.

Seeing Ye Tian coming in, Joshua and the Bishop of Kent nodded at him together, with excitement in their eyes.

At the same time, the company employee and assistant lawyer who attended the meeting on behalf of the brave and fearless exploration company also nodded at Ye Tian.

Seeing this scene, Ye Tian suddenly understood.

The result of the negotiation was not bad, and the interests of the company were guaranteed.

Of course, Israel and the Vatican must have given something, or given some promises.

When Ye Tian and the others approached, the governor of Tigray State immediately asked impatiently:

"Steven, did you find anything when you visited the Church of St. Mary of Mount Zion? Are there any hidden treasures around the Church of St. Mary?

It is said that you will always be blessed by God, no matter where you go, you will find hidden treasures everywhere, creating a breathtaking miracle! "

"Of course I found treasures, and more than one, but these treasures can't be excavated, and I can't tell anyone, only I know!"

Ye Tian complained secretly, but what came out of his mouth was something else,

"That's just rumors, it's too exaggerated! In previous exploration operations, we did find some treasures, but they were not as exaggerated as the rumors said.

Around the Church of St. Mary of Mount Zion, I didn't find much. This may be because the time is too short to seriously explore, so there is no gain.

This is an ancient church with a very long history, and its status is very important. According to my speculation, it is very likely that there are some unknown secrets hidden here.”

Hearing his words, the governor of Tigray State couldn't help but a look of disappointment flashed in his eyes.

Tigray State is about to go to war with the Ethiopian government. At this time, he certainly hopes to find a few more treasures, so that he will be more confident and can buy more weapons and ammunition.

Unfortunately, he didn't hear the answer he wanted.

Reactions from other Ethiopians ranged from disappointment to secret relief.

Next, Ye Tian and the others stayed in this church for a while, then took their leave and returned to the hotel by car.

Just like when they came, everyone still left under countless hostile eyes, and boarded many bulletproof armored vehicles parked at the door of the church.

The journey back to the hotel was smooth without any accidents.

However, more and more Orthodox believers and monks gathered on the streets of Axum.

It didn't take long for the tripartite joint exploration team to return to the hotel.

The situation on the hotel side is the same, even more exaggerated than when I left before.

Many Orthodox believers and monks who came here after hearing the news filled the surrounding area with water.

They were all protesting and demonstrating loudly, even yelling and cursing unscrupulously, trying to drive away the tripartite joint exploration team.

But they did not launch an attack or do any other drastic actions, probably because they did not receive orders.

When entering the hotel, Joshua whispered to Ye Tian:

"Steven, we have reached an agreement with the Tigray State government and the Orthodox Church, and they promised to control the behavior of these Orthodox monks and believers in the city.

In other words, it won't be long before the fanatical Orthodox believers and monks around the hotel will disperse, and will not continue to protest, demonstrate and shout loudly here! "

"That would be great, the scene is really annoying and dangerous, and it only takes a spark to detonate these angry Ethiopians and make the situation out of hand!"

Ye Tian nodded and said, casually pointing to the crowd of protesters outside the hotel.

After going upstairs, Joshua and Bishop Kent came directly to Ye Tian's suite to inform him of the results of the talks and discuss the joint exploration operations that will be launched next.

"After some negotiations, we reached an agreement with the Tigray State government and the Orthodox Church high-level, the tripartite joint exploration team can carry out exploration operations in Axum without interference from Orthodox monks and believers.

However, no matter what the tripartite joint exploration team discovers in Axum, even if it is a stone from ancient times, they must notify the Tigray State Government and the senior officials of the Orthodox Church as soon as possible.

Their representatives must supervise the subsequent excavation and clean-up work and a series of follow-up exploration operations at the site. If it is destructive excavation and clean-up, they have the right to stop at any time,..."

Joshua said in a deep voice, introducing the results of the talks.

After listening to his introduction, Ye Tian pondered for a moment, then nodded and said:

"No problem, we can accept these conditions, but in this way, the next joint exploration operation will definitely be hindered, and the progress will naturally slow down.

However, there is nothing we can do about it. As far as the current situation in Axum is concerned, if there is no cooperation between the Gray State Government and the Orthodox Church, we will be unable to move forward! "

After the words fell, the Bishop of Kent immediately continued:

"It can be seen from the attitude of the high-level Ethiopian Orthodox Church that the Ark of the Covenant enshrined in the Church of St. Mary of Mount Zion is real or not? They also have doubts.

If we really found the Ark of the Covenant in Axum, it would not be a bad thing for them. They can completely declare to the outside world that the Ark of the Covenant has always been in Axum.

However, due to changes in history, in order to better protect the Ark, the ancestors of the Orthodox Church hid the Ark somewhere in Axum, and made a fake Ark instead.

In this way, there is no need to worry about the real ark being snatched away. We found the real ark in Axum, which just illustrates this point. They can justify themselves! "

"But have you ever thought about it? Joshua, Bishop of Kent, if we really found the Ark, how would you take away that most holy thing?"

Ye Tian pointed out the most critical question.

After the words fell, Joshua and Bishop of Kent were stunned for a moment.

Afterwards, it was up to Joshua to explain.

"Regarding this point, we discussed with the Ethiopians and reached several agreements, which cannot be disclosed to the public yet!"

"Since this is the case, then I will not ask. I hope that the agreement you reach can satisfy all parties!"

Ye Tian said with a smile.

While saying these words, he has already determined that the Ethiopians are likely to be tricked.


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