Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 3089 Untouchable Holy Object

Outside the ruins of the castle.

The news that the three-party joint exploration team found several top-level antique cultural relics deep underground has already spread and reached the ears of many people.

As the news spread, there was immediate commotion outside the ruins of the castle.

Some guys who came here for the treasure tried to approach the ruins of the castle ahead to see if they could get a sip of soup.

However, heavily armed Israeli security personnel and Tigray state military police stood in front of the ruins of the castle.

The road in front of the ruins of the ancient castle is very narrow, and a few people cannot squeeze in at a time.

As soon as a few guys with ulterior motives approached the cordon, they received a round of reprimands.

"Stand back! If you step forward, we will shoot, and you will be responsible for the consequences!"

Behind the cordon, several heavily armed Tigray state military police shouted loudly, and quickly opened the safety of their automatic rifles!

Seeing this scene, those guys could only retreat quickly, and no one wanted to die under random gunshots.

After retreating from the mountain road, some of them were aggrieved.

Those guys are even ready to shoot secretly, causing chaos.

At this moment, some strangers nearby suddenly rushed up, knocked them down on the ground in an instant, or put a gun on their backs, telling them not to act rashly.

In a blink of an eye, those guys who tried to create chaos were subdued and could only lie on the ground obediently, or were tied with plastic restraint belts.

It wasn't until this time that the people on the top of the mountain understood.

It turned out that there were many security personnel hidden among the crowd watching on the top of the mountain, secretly watching everyone's movement, ready to strike at any time.

No need to ask, it must have been arranged by that guy Steven.

Only that cunning guy can do this kind of thing and count everyone.

Next, the eyes of the crowd watching on the top of the mountain were filled with suspicion.

They looked suspiciously at everyone around them, fearing that the other party was also a security guard who had hidden their identities.

As long as they don't know people, they all hide away,

Avoid it for fear of not being able to.

The rest of the guys who came for the treasure but didn't make a move before, didn't dare to make any moves anymore, and kept silent like a cicada!

In the blink of an eye, another twenty minutes passed.

The tripartite joint exploration team still hasn't come out from the ruins of the castle, and no one knows what's going on inside the ruins of the castle.

Just when people were at a loss, there was a sudden roar of a huge engine in the sky.

Immediately afterwards, two medium-sized helicopters roared from a distance and flew straight to the ruins of the ancient castle at the highest point of the mountain.

Seeing this scene, everyone was stunned for a moment.

Immediately afterwards, many people gritted their teeth and cursed.

"Fack! That bastard Steven is going to use a helicopter to transport those top-level antique cultural relics instead of carrying them down the mountain. It's so fucking hateful!"

"I hate Steven, a greedy bastard, for not giving anyone a chance. Our trip was wasted again, and we can't even drink a sip of soup!"

While cursing endlessly, some guys quietly reached into their arms, ready to do something.

The next moment, a deep warning sound will come from behind.

"It's better not to move, man, otherwise, you will be the first to be killed, and you have already been targeted by the gunman!"

Hearing this, those guys who were trying to draw their guns froze in place, not daring to move.

When they turned their heads to look behind them, they could only see a lot of people watching the excitement and a lot of unfamiliar faces.

They don't know at all, who is the person who just issued the warning? How many gunmen are hidden in the crowd?

In the blink of an eye, the two medium-sized helicopters had already flown over the ruins of the ancient castle and hovered in the air.

Immediately afterwards, a helicopter began to descend, approaching the ground of the ancient castle ruins a little bit.

Another helicopter hovered in the air, serving as a guard.

Inside the ruins of the castle.

Ye Tian and the others stood in an open space on the north side of the castle, watching the medium-sized helicopter descending slowly.

At this time, a helicopter landing site has been cleared here for the transfer of the few top-level antique cultural relics cleared from the underground cave.

Those top-level antique relics have been packed into portable safes and protected.

As the medium-sized helicopter gradually approached the ground, a hurricane immediately blew up on the scene.

Fortunately, there is not much sand and dust here, only a large number of stones, rubble and broken walls, which did not make the sky full of wind and sand.

In a short while, the medium-sized helicopter landed on the newly opened landing field.

When the helicopter stopped, Ye Tian immediately nodded to several subordinates and security personnel, and said loudly:

"Guys, move these portable safes into the cabin, and take them down the mountain to join Joshua and the others!"

"Okay, Steven"

Those subordinates responded in unison and immediately took action.

Then, they walked into the medium-sized helicopter with those portable safes, and then closed the cabin door.

Immediately afterwards, the medium-sized helicopter lifted off again and flew away from the ruins of the ancient castle.

Ye Tian, ​​who was standing on the ground, kept staring at the two medium-sized helicopters.

It wasn't until they quickly flew three or four hundred meters away, out of the range of the peak of this mountain, that he breathed a sigh of relief and finally relaxed.

Next, he walked towards an area on the south side of the ruins of the castle.

In that area, the subordinates had just discovered a hidden cellar, and they didn't know what was hidden inside.

Outside the ruins of the castle.

Seeing the two medium-sized helicopters going away quickly, the crowd watching the excitement on the peak sighed deeply, their eyes full of regret.

They know that they once again missed the treasure, and once again missed the opportunity to get rich overnight and completely change their lives!

The joint exploration team still stayed in the ruins of the ancient castle on the peak and continued to explore.

Unfortunately, there were no surprising discoveries that followed.

Soon, the time came to around four o'clock in the afternoon.

The tripartite joint exploration team finally walked out of the ruins of the castle, ending today's exploration operation.

Seeing Ye Tian come out with a large group of people, the media reporters waiting outside the ruins, as well as many people watching the excitement rushed forward immediately.

Instead, they were stopped by security personnel and had to stay a little further away.

How could those media reporters let go of this opportunity, and began to ask questions loudly.

"Good afternoon, Steven, may I ask what you found in the ruins of this ancient castle? According to related news, you found several priceless top-level antique cultural relics here. Is it true?"

"Hello, Steven, I'm a reporter from the National Geographic Channel, can you introduce your findings? Will you release relevant video materials?"

Ye Tian looked at these media reporters, as well as many people watching the excitement, and said loudly with a smile:

"Ladies and gentlemen, friends from the press, good afternoon, we have indeed found several priceless top-level antiques in the depths of the ruins of this ancient castle.

They are hidden in a cave deep underground. That cave has long been occupied by a local poisonous snake in Axum, the Night Demon Snake, and it is very difficult to explore.

After a lot of hard work, we pulled out those top-notch antiques and brought them all to the ground. Next, several archaeologists and I conducted on-site identification of them.

After our appraisal, we agreed that the several top-level antiques all came from the legendary Solomon's Temple and were part of Solomon's treasure, and each piece was priceless.

Of course, this is only our identification, and it is not certain whether it is accurate. Other archaeologists and historians, as well as experts in the identification of antique works of art, may have different opinions..."

Before the words fell, the scene had already exploded.

"My God! It's really incredible that it is an antique cultural relic from Solomon's Temple. This discovery will definitely cause a huge sensation!"

"Wow! It seems that Solomon's treasure is indeed hidden near Axum, but I don't know where the rest of Solomon's treasure and the Ark of the Covenant are hidden?"

People exclaimed one after another, and everyone was excited.

Amidst the exclamation one after another, some media reporters asked loudly.

"Steven, what are these antique relics? Can you introduce them?"

Ye Tian looked at the reporter, then smiled and said:

"They are all Jewish religious items, including a bronze statue of the prophet Job, a gilt bronze candlestick with seven branches, and several other religious items.

The number of antique cultural relics discovered this time is not much, but the significance is very special! Well, gentlemen, this is the end of the answer, and we will publish relevant video materials later.”

After finishing speaking, he waved goodbye to the crowd and media reporters at the scene, and then, under the protection of a large number of security personnel, he led his exploration team down the mountain.

Compared with going up the mountain, going down the mountain should be much easier.

actually not!

After nearly a day of exploration, everyone is a little tired at this time.

Coupled with carrying a lot of exploration equipment and supplies, as well as weapons and ammunition, the burden is even heavier.

It took nearly an hour and a half before everyone came down from the mountain.

By the time we got back to the parking lot at the bottom of the hill, almost everyone was paralyzed and sweaty.

With the exception of Ye Tian, ​​he was still full of energy, and there was no trace of fatigue on his face.

The parking lot at the foot of the mountain was heavily guarded at this time, surrounded by heavily armed Tigray state military police and Israeli armed security personnel.

As soon as Ye Tian and the others entered the parking lot, Joshua, Bishop of Kent and others greeted them.

These guys are all very excited, their eyes are shining brightly.

The deputy mayor of Axum and several Tigray people who came forward together had gloomy and unsightly expressions.

Coming closer, Joshua couldn't wait to say:

"Steven, when can you open those portable safes and let us take a good look at those top-notch antique relics? This is really a great discovery, and it is worth celebrating!"

The voice fell, and the Bishop of Kent continued to say:

"That's right, Steven, especially the bronze statue of the prophet Job. It's definitely the earliest statue of Job found so far. I can't wait to admire it!"

The few portable safes transported down the mountain before were all locked, and only Ye Tian knew the password.

Because of this, even though Joshua and the others guarded the priceless top-level antique cultural relics, they have never been able to see the real objects, and they have been suffering until now.

Ye Tian looked at the two old friends, then smiled and said:

"Don't worry, gentlemen, it won't be too late to appreciate those top-level antiques when we get back to the hotel. It's obviously inappropriate to take them out here!"

Hearing this, Joshua and the others immediately scanned the surrounding situation.

When they saw the people swarming down from the hill and gathered around the foot of the hill and around the parking lot, and saw the red eyes of those people, they nodded immediately.

"That's right, Steven, it's true that you can't take out those top-level antique relics here to avoid accidents!"

At this moment, the deputy mayor of Axum who was standing aside suddenly interrupted.

"Steven, congratulations, you have created another miracle and discovered another treasure. This discovery will definitely cause quite a stir and attract a lot of attention.

I would like to ask, how should these top-level antique cultural relics be counted? What are you going to do with them? We would love to know more about these issues! "

Ye Tian looked at this person, then smiled and said:

"Mr. Deputy Mayor, according to my appraisal, these top-level antiques all came from Solomon's Temple, and they are part of the legendary Solomon's treasure, so there is no doubt about it.

According to the relevant agreement we signed before, all the things in Solomon's treasure are only distributed between our company and the Israeli government, and have nothing to do with others! "

The deputy mayor of Axum's complexion immediately changed, becoming very ugly.

The same goes for the rest of the Tigray people, with anger and unwillingness in their eyes.

However, they couldn't think of a reason to refute for a while.

The reason is simple, the agreement in black and white is there, and it cannot be denied at all.

After discussing for a while, Ye Tian asked his staff and security personnel to board the car.

Soon, the joint exploration convoy started off with a bang and returned to downtown Axum.

The convoy returned without any trouble.

However, when the convoy entered the urban area of ​​Axum, troubles immediately appeared one after another.

More people, many of them Orthodox monks and believers in robes, gathered in the streets to watch the joint exploration convoy than when they left in the morning.

Obviously, the news that Ye Tian and the others found those top-level antique relics in the ruins of the ancient castle has spread throughout Axum and the surrounding area.

Especially when people heard that those antique relics came from Solomon's Temple and were part of the legendary Solomon's treasure, the shock they received was even greater!

That's why it's happening on the streets.

People flocked from all directions, waiting here for the tripartite joint exploration convoy to return.

These people on both sides of the street looked at the joint exploration convoy with very unfriendly eyes, as if they were looking at enemies!

Fortunately, Tigray Prefecture and the Tirenzhen were well prepared and deployed a large number of military police with live ammunition, and they were able to roughly control the situation!

On the way, some people tried to attack the convoy several times, but they stopped them in time without causing serious consequences.

The joint exploration convoy passed through the streets without any risk, and gradually approached the hotel where they were staying.

There are more people gathered near the hotel, and their emotions are more agitated and excited.

Before the convoy arrived at the hotel, everyone heard loud protests and demonstrations, and even wanton insults.

"Get out of Axum, you are not welcome here, you bloody robbers!"

"The treasures in this land belong only to the Tigray people, and no one can take them away, even you greedy bastards, get out of here!"

Looking at the angry Tigray people outside the car window, David sitting in the car couldn't help but shook his head and said with emotion:

"We only found a few treasures from Solomon's Temple, and the Tigray and Axumites reacted so violently and so furiously!

If we really found Solomon's treasure and the Ark of the Covenant, I can't even imagine what drastic things these Tigray people would do outside! "

Ye Tian looked out the window, then smiled and said:

"That's a matter for the Israelites to consider. We don't have to worry. As long as we find Solomon's treasure and the Ark of the Covenant, we will evacuate immediately. All subsequent matters can be handed over to Joshua and the others!"

"Ah! Why is this?"

David asked in surprise.

"The reason is actually very simple, because none of us can touch the Ark, or even see that holy object, only the Levites of Israel.

In other words, if we find Solomon's treasure and the Ark of the Covenant, we can only hand over the follow-up exploration operations to the Israelis, so there is no need to stay here! "

Ye Tian explained the reason.

Hearing this, David couldn't help but froze for a moment.

Then he suddenly said:

"It's true, according to the ancient law of Moses, only the Levites as priests can carry the ark, but no one is allowed to touch the ark.

According to the "Bible", Uzzah violated the law of God when he was transporting the ark of the covenant, and as a result he was executed for touching the ark of the covenant without permission..."

While they were talking, the convoy was moving slowly.

Under the escort of a large number of military and police security personnel, the convoy finally passed through the crowd and arrived in front of the hotel.

At this time, the armed security personnel staying at the hotel had already cordoned off and took all necessary protections.

After confirming that the scene was safe, Ye Tian and the others immediately got out of the car and walked into the hotel quickly.

As for the protests and demonstrations in front of the hotel and the questions from many media reporters, they did not give any response.

As soon as he entered the hotel lobby, Joshua walked over quickly and said in a low voice:

"Steven, I want to discuss the disposal of those top-level antique cultural relics with you. We want to buy those top-level antique cultural relics. We can sit down and discuss the conditions."

Ye Tian turned to look at this old friend, nodded with a smile and said:

"Then follow me to the suite upstairs. I also have a very important matter that I want to discuss with you!"

"Very important thing? What is it, can you reveal it?"

Joshua asked in surprise.

"You'll know later!"

Ye Tian whispered, and glanced around.

Seeing his actions, Joshua stopped asking.


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