Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 3091 A good place to shoot horror movies

Chapter 3091 is a good place to shoot horror movies

That night, Israel and the Vatican made a decision to buy several of the top antiques discovered this time.

After some disputes and negotiations, both parties got their own gains.

Israel seized the bronze statue of Job and two other religious objects, while the Vatican seized the seven-branch gilt-bronze candlestick and a gilt-bronze offering plate.

After the transaction was completed, the Israeli military immediately transported these top-level antique cultural relics overnight by helicopter and transported them to Axum Airport.

At Axum Airport, a private jet is parked on the runway, ready to transport these top antiques to Tel Aviv, Israel.

The two top-level antique cultural relics bought by the Vatican were also transported away together.

As for the brave and fearless exploration company, it once again reaped a huge amount of wealth and made a lot of money.

The rest of the guys who were staring at these top-level antique cultural relics could only look at the ocean and sigh, helpless.

Nothing happened overnight, and it was a new day in a blink of an eye.

This morning, the tripartite joint exploration team did not leave the hotel to perform any exploration tasks, but chose to rest in the hotel.

After all the tossing on the mountain yesterday, especially the process of going up and down the mountain, everyone was exhausted and needed a good rest to restore their physical strength and spirit.

Taking this opportunity, you can also plan the follow-up exploration actions.

In addition, Joshua and the others also need to communicate with Tigray State and Axum about the new exploration locations to avoid any trouble.

In the morning, after Joshua and the others left, Ye Tian started a video call with Mathis on Lake Tana.

While they were on the video call, today's salvage operation for the sunken treasure has begun.

"Matisse, how is the salvage of the sunken treasure at the bottom of Lake Tana? Tell me about the situation"

Ye Tian asked.

After the words fell, Mathis in the video nodded immediately.

"Okay, Steven, the cleaning and salvage work of this sunken treasure at the bottom of Lake Tana is coming to an end, and it will take at most three more days to complete the salvage work.

Everyone is doing well,

There is no problem, the only problem is that everyone has been on Lake Tana for too long, and they all miss the land and want to go ashore early! "

Hearing this, Ye Tian couldn't help chuckling.

"Good job, let the guys endure for a few more days, victory is imminent, and everyone will be able to land on land soon, but I need you to stay on the lake for one more day to cooperate with our operations here.

Our joint exploration operation in Axum is estimated to end soon. After the end, I will take people to Gondar as soon as possible to meet you, identify and distribute the treasure of the sunken ship! "

"The operation over there will end soon? Could it be that you have found the rest of Solomon's treasure and the Ark of the Covenant? If so, it will definitely be a great archaeological discovery that will shock the world!"

Mattis asked excitedly.

Ye Tian shook his head.

"We haven't found the remaining treasure of Solomon and the ark of the covenant yet, but we have some clues. I have a hunch that we will be able to find the treasure of Solomon and the ark of the covenant soon."

"It seems that you are going to create another great miracle. There is no problem with our cooperation here. We can use the diver's need to rest as an excuse to stop for a day and then continue to salvage."

"That's a good excuse. I believe the Ethiopians can find nothing wrong with it. After all, this is a deep dive salvage. Tell me about the situation on the lake. Is there any trouble?"

"Everything is as usual on the lake, no ship dares to approach this water area, no seaplane dares to fly over here, and no one dares to go deep into the water and sneak attack from underwater.

However, there are more and more people and ships coveting the treasure of this shipwreck on the surrounding lakes, and these guys are waiting for the moment when the joint exploration team lands on land.”

"Then let them continue to wait, it is doomed to be nothing in the end"

Ye Tian said with a sneer.

Next, he asked about other situations, and looked at the real-time screen of the sunken ship's treasure, before ending the call.

Joshua and the others did not return to the hotel until noon.

Not surprisingly, they brought good news.

After returning to the hotel, Joshua went straight to Ye Tian's suite and said to him:

"Steven, we have reached an agreement with Axum and Tigray State. The tripartite joint exploration team can go to the cliff you mentioned to explore, and they will cooperate.

Shall we act now? In the afternoon, I will go to that cliff to explore. If the prediction is good, the Tigray people will immediately start to take action and go there to explore first! "

Ye Tian didn't respond immediately, but thought for a moment.

Then he shook his head and said:

"Don't worry, I heard that the geological conditions of that cliff are very complicated, and it is not an easy task to explore there, and the Tigray people are likely to be frustrated.

If they really sent people to explore there, the three-party joint exploration team would definitely run into their exploration team. In that case, everyone would be a little embarrassed, there is no need for that! "

"You're right, the Tigray people lack all kinds of exploration equipment, and they also lack the talent and experience to explore treasures. Even if they go there, it will be difficult to find anything.

If the treasure is so easy to find, it is impossible to hide it until now. It may have been discovered as early as hundreds of years ago. My worry is a bit unnecessary! "

"Let's still act according to the established plan. Go to the planned place in the afternoon. If you don't find it, then go to that cliff to explore tomorrow."

"Okay, Steven, I'm going to get my men ready"

Joshua nodded in response, and then left the suite.

After he left, Ye Tian walked into the bedroom and began to change clothes to prepare for the afternoon's exploration.


It's two o'clock in the afternoon.

Ye Tian brought his company employees and security personnel to appear in the hotel lobby on time, and joined Joshua and the Bishop of Kent.

At this time, the deputy mayor of Axum also came here with him, ready to go to this exploration site in the afternoon with everyone.

After the meeting, the deputy mayor of Axum immediately stepped forward and asked in a low voice:

"Steven, I would like to ask, what secrets are hidden on the steep cliff west of Axum? Is that cliff the so-called impasse? Why did you propose to explore there?"

Ye Tian looked at this old friend, then smiled and said in a low voice:

"It seems that you are thinking too much, Mr. Deputy Mayor, I just saw that the cliff is very steep and steep, and the geological conditions are special, so I am very interested.

Haven't you heard of it? Every top professional treasure hunter is an explorer, curious about unknown things and places, and wants to explore! "

Hearing this, the deputy mayor of Axum rolled his eyes angrily and complained secretly.

"I want to believe your nonsense, that's called hell!"

After chatting a few words, everyone walked towards the hotel entrance.

At this time, the vehicles of the joint exploration convoy have all arrived at the hotel entrance.

All the vehicles are connected end to end, using the tall body to build a solid line of defense.

For the sake of safety, there are a lot more military police and armed security personnel in charge of security than yesterday.

The media reporters gathered at the entrance of the hotel, as well as many protesters and demonstrators, were stopped outside the cordon and could not approach the entrance of the hotel at all.

Even so, seeing Ye Tian and the others come out, those media reporters still raised their voices and started asking questions loudly.

"Good afternoon, Steven, I'm a reporter from Le Figaro. May I ask, have the top-level antiques from Solomon's Temple that you discovered yesterday been shipped out of Axum?"

"Good afternoon, Steven, I'm a reporter from NBC TV station. Since those several top-level antiques come from Solomon's Temple, does it mean that Solomon's treasure and the Ark of the Covenant are hidden in Axum?"

Ye Tian did not give any response to the questions from these media reporters.

He just waved at these media reporters, and then got into the armored SUV beside him, and the rest of them got into the car one after another.

Soon, the joint exploration convoy started off with a bang and drove away from the hotel.

The next process was the same as yesterday afternoon.

The convoy passed through a large number of Tigray people and Orthodox monks and believers without any risk, and drove out of the city of Axum.

The moment they left the city, everyone in the car let out a sigh of relief.

"Wow! I feel like every time we go in and out, we are breaking through a barrier. If we are not careful, accidents may happen, and people have to tense up all the time. This situation is too depressing!"

David said with emotion, with a look of fear.

"No way, we are in Axum. The situation here is too special. It is not surprising that this situation happened. Fortunately, this joint exploration operation is coming to an end. If you persist for a few more days, it will be over!"

Ye Tian said with a smile.

The convoy left the city of Axum, drove about ten kilometers northeast, and came to the entrance of a small valley

In this valley, there is an abandoned village.

The history of this village goes back a long way, said to date back to BC.

The people who used to live here were a group of Beta Israelites. They settled here for generations. It was not until the eighteenth century that they left this village to live elsewhere.

After the convoy stopped, Ye Tian and the others got out of the car, stood at the entrance of the valley, and looked into the valley.

Soon, Joshua and the others also came over and joined everyone.

Subsequently, an Israeli archaeologist began to introduce the situation here.

"Gentlemen, walk about 400 meters along this valley, and we will reach the abandoned village. The road is not difficult and it won't take long.

A group of Beta Israelites once lived in this village. They built temples and houses here, opened up farmland, and lived here for generations.

Later, because of the war and some other reasons, they left here to live in other places, and this ancient village was abandoned and slowly turned into ruins.”

Because there were many Tigray people at the scene, the Israeli archaeologist did not explain what the tripartite joint exploration team's exploration goals were this time.

After the Israelis finished introducing the situation, Ye Tian looked at the crowd, and then said loudly:

"Gentlemen, I don't think it's necessary for everyone to go in. Half of them are enough to go in. The rest just wait here for the results. If there are any major discoveries, we will notify everyone to go in as soon as possible."

Hearing this, Joshua and the others nodded without any objection.

Afterwards, Ye Tian picked out half of the exploration team members, asked everyone to bring the necessary exploration equipment, and then walked into this small valley full of green eyes.

Joshua, the bishop of Kent, and the deputy mayor of Axum stayed outside the valley, waiting for the results.

As the Israeli archaeologist said, the road in this valley is not difficult to walk.

In fact, before the tripartite joint exploration team came here, Israel had sent people to explore here several times, and had already found out the situation of this valley.

Unfortunately, they found nothing.

It didn't take long for everyone to walk into the depths of the valley and come to the village that had long been abandoned.

After arriving here, Ye Tian quickly scanned the scene.

After confirming that the site was safe, he asked his staff to put down the exploration equipment and other materials they were carrying and rest for a while.

However, he led Cole and others into the ruins first, and started a preliminary exploration.

The goal of the joint exploration team this time is very clear, which is the ruins of the two buildings located in the center of the village.

They are a temple and a low castle, and the ruins of these two buildings are close together, which is convenient for exploration.

Compared with other buildings in the village, these two buildings made of granite are relatively well preserved and look basically complete.

It's just that no one has lived in it for a long time, and no one has taken care of it.

The ruins of these two buildings have long been covered with vines, a lush green area, and a few fig trees, surrounded by waist-deep grass, looking very desolate and lonely.

Placed in this inaccessible valley, it looks quite gloomy, and it is a good place to shoot ghost movies!

When they came here, Ye Tian and the others did not enter the ruins of these two buildings. They first walked around the ruins to check the surroundings.

Next, Ye Tian asked Cole and the others to step back a little.

Afterwards, he released the little white elf and said to him:

"Little guy, go and clean up the ruins of these two buildings. If there are hidden poisonous insects inside, kill them all."

As he spoke, he pointed to the ruins of the two buildings in front of him.

Before the words were finished, the little white elf flew out, and disappeared into the dense grass in a blink of an eye, without a trace.

Seeing this scene, Cole and the others secretly exclaimed.

Even though they have seen such a scene many times, they are still very shocked.

After the white elves flew into the ruins of these two buildings, Ye Tian and the others stood outside and waited. They drew out their jungle machetes, briefly cleaned up the surrounding weeds, and quickly cut out an open space.

After a while, a white shadow flashed past, and the little white elf had flown back.

It coiled directly around Ye Tian's left wrist, looking at him as if asking for credit, with two small eyes the size of rice grains shining brightly.

Ye Tian was not stingy, and immediately sent some spiritual energy to the little guy, which was regarded as a reward.

After a few intimate interactions, he put the white elf in his cuffs, and said to several of his subordinates:

"Guys, this place is already safe, you can enter with confidence, at least you don't have to worry about hidden poisonous insects, but you still have to be careful where you step, be careful of these long-abandoned buildings, to avoid accidents"

"Understood, Steven, we'll be careful"

Several subordinates nodded in response.

Afterwards, Ye Tian asked Cole to bring people back to the entrance of the village, and brought the other people and equipment of the tripartite joint exploration team.

After a while, everyone has come here.

When everyone stood still and saw the ruins of the two gloomy buildings in front of them, they all gasped.

"I'm going! Are we here to explore treasures, or to shoot horror movies? This place is so eerie, it's like a horror house"

"Really, if I were to go into the ruins of these two buildings alone to explore the treasures, I wouldn't dare!"

Ye Tian looked at these guys, and then interrupted everyone's discussion.

"Okay, guys, let's unload all the equipment and supplies we brought, then clean up the surrounding weeds and clear out a place to stay, and then we can start exploring.

During this process, everyone must pay attention to safety. I checked just now, and there are no highly poisonous insects here, but the ground is not smooth, and these ruins are also dangerous, so we still have to pay attention.”

After the voice fell, everyone immediately responded in unison:

"Understood, Steven"

Afterwards, everyone unloaded the exploration equipment and various materials they brought in, and began to clean up the surrounding weeds.

After a while, everyone has cleared an open space as a landing place for the joint exploration team.

Ye Tian announced when everything was ready.

"Guys, everyone can start to act, as before, in groups of two and two, scan every corner of the ruins of these two buildings with a pulse metal detector, and see if you can find anything!

During the exploration process, everyone must pay attention to safety. Adjacent groups should echo each other and try not to leave the sight of others. I will arrange security personnel to follow everyone.

The two building ruins to be explored are not large in size. If there are no major discoveries, it may not take long before we can end this exploration and leave here."

With an order, the tripartite joint exploration team immediately took action.

Everyone took out the pulse metal detector one after another, divided into exploration groups, and then dispersed to start exploring.


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