Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 3093 Rivers Flowing With Arsenic

In the blink of an eye, the joint exploration team had entered the dense forest at the bottom of the canyon, leaving behind the road where the convoy stopped.

Leading the way in front of the team are several Israeli security personnel. .

Holding sharp jungle machetes, they kept chopping all kinds of plants in front of them, such as branches, vines, flowers and plants, etc.

This will not only open the way for the joint exploration team, but also drive away all kinds of small animals and poisonous insects hidden on the road ahead.

Ye Tian and the others followed closely behind these guys, filling in the gaps.

They also have a jungle machete, which can be used for self-defense and self-defense. They can also deal with things that the Israeli security personnel missed, so as not to threaten the safety of the brigade.

The rest of the Israeli military police and Ye Tian's security team dispersed to protect the tripartite joint exploration team and several experts and scholars in the middle of the team, exploring step by step.

Some of the Tigray state military police who followed followed a little further behind.

Although they are locals, they are familiar with and adapted to the natural environment here, but they have no exploration experience.

After entering the dense forest in this canyon, they were completely useless and could only follow behind the team.

Ye Tian's request to them is very simple, just don't make trouble!

Because this canyon is not wide, only four to five hundred meters.

So Ye Tian didn't hire a local who was familiar with the situation of the canyon as a guide, but decided to let his own people lead the team, groping through the canyon.

In front of this exploration team, and some invisible places around.

Several groups of security personnel under Ye Tian also sneaked in this dense forest, secretly protecting the joint exploration team.

These groups of security personnel also had another task, which was to secretly supervise the Tigray people who were following the joint exploration team and prevent them from playing any tricks.

While talking, everyone has walked about fifty meters inward.

At this time, the surrounding vegetation is getting denser and denser, but the light is getting darker and darker, as if dusk has come early.

There are more and more plants that you don't know, and occasionally a few small animals will pop up to scare everyone.

In fact, it is the various animals that live in this canyon and in this area that are really frightened.

Wherever the joint exploration team goes, many small animals living here will flee in a hurry, flee to the depths of the dense forest, and then hide in the distance, looking at the group of uninvited guests in horror.

Those animals that move very slowly can only hide on the spot, shivering in hidden corners, trying to escape this innocent disaster.

While walking, Ye Tian suddenly said:

"Guys, stop for a second, there is a little danger ahead"

Hearing this, several Israeli security team members who were opening the way in front stopped immediately, and looked at the dense vegetation ahead and the surrounding jungle with vigilance.

However, they found nothing.

Around the joint exploration team, there are only large expanses of green plants, and nothing else.

"Steven, what danger did you find? Why didn't we see anything?"

Seaman, who led the team to open the way, turned his head and asked, a little confused.

Ye Tian looked at the dense forest ahead, then smiled and said:

"Guys, it's not that I found something, but the little guy White Elf found some hidden dangers and warned me, so I remind everyone to pay attention!"

Everyone was suddenly taken aback, and a little frightened.

Without exception, everyone looked at Ye Tian's left cuff.

However, he opened a pocket of his jacket.

The next moment, the small white translucent eyes that terrified everyone suddenly came out of the pocket.

Ye Tian reached out and stroked the little guy's head, then pointed to the dense forest in front of him.

"Go, little guy, look at what is hidden in front of you, if there are any poisonous insects, then help everyone get rid of them, you have to be careful"

Before the words fell, the little guy flew out.

It was like a flash of white lightning, and it had penetrated into the dense forest in front of it in an instant, and disappeared without a trace.


There was a gasping sound at the scene, from the surrounding Israeli security personnel.

Although they knew that this legendary little guy was very scary, they hadn't seen the white elf a few times before.

Seeing this scene with my own eyes at this time, I felt a little terrified.

Seaman, standing at the forefront of the team, looked at the dense forest in front of him, and asked with lingering fear:

"Steven, did your little white cobra find any poison, so you issued a warning?"

Ye Tian nodded.

"It's true, this little guy will only warn me when he finds a poisonous insect carrying a poison, and he will be more excited, that's when it will feast on it.

It won’t warn me if it finds other ferocious but non-venomous animals, maybe in the eyes of that little guy, I can deal with those other animals.”

"Ah! I don't know what kind of poisonous insects are hiding here? Fortunately, we didn't continue to move forward, otherwise we might really be caught!"

"I believe we will know the answer soon. Even if we can't see the corpses of those poisonous insects, one thing is certain, those poisonous insects will no longer pose any threat to everyone!"

After chatting for a while, a white shadow flashed in front of everyone's eyes.

Before everyone could react, the little guy White Elf flew to Ye Tian's side and got into the pocket again.

The little guy didn't hide immediately, but looked at Ye Tian as if asking for credit.

Ye Tian was not stingy either, he secretly instilled a little spiritual energy into this little guy, and lightly stroked its little head.

After enjoying this series of treatment, the little white elf stuffed himself into his pocket contentedly and hid it again.

Seeing this scene, there was a burst of exclamation at the scene, and everyone was full of envy.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Tian said to Seaman and the others:

"Guys, I will open the way ahead with you in order to avoid any accidents. Everyone must follow my command and act, and don't rush forward."

Hearing this, Ximan and the others blushed.

"Okay, Steven, we'll be careful"

"Okay then, let's move on"

Ye Tian nodded.

Afterwards, he asked several Israeli exploration team members to continue to use machetes to open the way, cutting off the obstructive branches and vines, as well as various flowers and plants.

In addition, they have to use trekking poles to explore the ground ahead to see if the ground is firm.

Under the thick layer of fallen leaves and humus, whether it is solid ground, or mud, or even lead to underground caves or cracks.

Fortunately, this is the Great Rift Valley of East Africa, not the tropical rainforest of the Congo River Basin. The plant types are quite different, the precipitation is not so abundant, and there are few swamps and the like.

But the geological activities here are very frequent, and there are countless cracks and caves of all kinds, which may be encountered at any time.

Some of these cracks and caves are so deep that no one knows how deep they are and where they lead!

That's why everyone has to be careful.

After only walking five or six meters, Ye Tian suddenly gestured for everyone to stop.

Seeing his movements, everyone stopped, somewhat nervous.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Tian asked for a trekking pole from the Israeli security team next to him, then walked forward, and casually picked a piece of emerald green snakeskin from a branch in front of him.

It was the snake skin of a grown-up devil snake, about 1.78 meters long, not small in size.

To be more precise, this is a night snake that has just been killed by a white elf, and its flesh and blood have just been corroded.

This green night devil snake skin is very fresh, including the snake head and fangs, all parts are intact, but it is dead.

Because of its emerald green skin color, it blends perfectly with the environment here, making it almost hard to spot.

If it wasn't for the little white elf who warned and killed the night snake, it would be almost impossible for everyone to find this deadly poisonous snake lurking in the tree.

In that case, when everyone passed under the tree, they might be caught and attacked by this night snake.

Looking at this emerald green snake skin, everyone felt their scalps go numb, and their backs felt cold.

Especially the few Israeli security team members who were in charge of opening the way were even more terrified.

"Damn it, how could there be a night snake here? Fortunately, this night snake was discovered in time, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable"

Ximan said with lingering fear, and wiped his cold sweat.

"It's normal for there to be a Night Snake in this canyon. Don't forget, the peak of the Night Snake Snake Cave was found on the east side of this canyon. They are connected together.

And the exit of the Night Snake Snake Cave is located on the cliff on the west side of the mountain, and the canyon is below. The Night Snake coming out of that exit is likely to fall into the canyon.

In the future, we may encounter a lot of night magic snakes, this kind of poisonous snake is too concealed, everyone must be careful, and don't touch anything around you casually."

Ye Tian explained a few words, and then threw the night snake's skin far away.

After a false alarm, the joint exploration team moved on. ,

Next, Ye Tian successively found and picked up several night snake skins.

Except for the night demon snakes that had been killed by that little white elf, no one found any other highly poisonous insects in this area.

Obviously, this area belongs to the territory of Night Demon Snake.

The rest of the animals, or other poisonous insects, generally would not enter this area.

During the march, everyone also found two burrows hidden under fallen leaves!

These two burrows are on the only way for the joint exploration team. They are very hidden and difficult to be discovered.

If Ye Tian hadn't reached out in time to grab an Israeli security guard who was opening the way ahead, that guy would have already fallen into one of the holes.

Once he fell into that hole, it was hard to say whether he was dead or alive.

After grabbing the Israeli security team member, Ye Tian immediately probed the cave with a telescoping trekking pole.

The entrance of that cave is not big, but it is very hidden. It is unknown how deep it is, and whether there is any deadly danger hidden!

After finding out the location of the burrow, Ye Tian led the joint exploration team to bypass the burrow and move on.

After walking about ten meters, we found a second burrow.

With previous experience, everyone was more careful, but this time there was no danger.

The subsequent exploration process was relatively smooth.

It didn't take long for everyone to come to the center of the canyon.

In the center of this canyon, there is a small river about three meters wide, flowing quietly.

Strangely, on both sides of the banks of this small river, within a range of about two or three meters, there is no grass growing, and no animal footprints can be seen.

There are only countless large or small stones on both sides of the strait, many of which are yellow!

The water of this small river is very clear. Standing a few meters away, you can see the bottom of the river at a glance.

However, there is no living thing in the creek.

There are neither aquatic plants nor animals such as small fish, and there is no breath of life, and it is dead silent.

It was the same on the other side of the creek.

The river bank was bare, with only a lot of yellowed stones, and no animal tracks could be seen.

About three meters away from the river bank, various plants gradually appeared, and the closer to the river bank, the worse the growth of the plants, and they looked yellow and withered.

If you look down from the air, the small river looks like a winding divider, dividing the canyon vertically into two distinct halves.

On both sides of this small river a little farther away, the vegetation is very dense and full of vitality.

But the closer to this small river, the sparser the vegetation, and the vitality is rapidly disappearing until it is completely cut off!

Wherever this small river goes, it is like a restricted area of ​​life.

Fortunately, this restricted area of ​​life is very small, so it won't cause too much impact, and it doesn't even attract much attention. It just hides in the depths of the canyon!

Seeing this scene, everyone was very surprised and did not understand why this happened?

At this point, the tripartite joint exploration team was forced to stop.

Ye Tian, ​​who was at the front of the line, stepped forward to check the situation.

After observing for a while, for safety reasons, he told everyone to take a few steps back and leave the bare river bank to avoid any accidents.

Next, he called the representative of the Axum City Hall who came with the team to the front and asked about the situation.

It's a pity that this guy and several other Tigray people are only here to supervise the joint exploration team, and they don't have any understanding of the geological conditions in this canyon.

In desperation, Ye Tian could only call his staff to the front, and planned to explore the small river first to see what he could find.

When everyone was present, he immediately said:

"Guys, the situation here is a bit weird. Although the small river in front of you looks very clear, it is dead. There are no living things in the river, and the situation on both sides of the river is similar.

If I'm not wrong, the water in this small river should be poisonous, or rich in certain minerals, which can inhibit the growth of animals and plants, which is why this weird situation appears.

Tigray people don't know the situation here, so we can only explore it. Let's first test the water quality of this small river and the stones on both sides of the small river to see what we can find.

For the sake of safety, when sampling and testing, everyone must pay attention to protection, use robots or small drones to sample as much as possible, and then conduct testing on the spot,..."

"Understood, Steven"

Several subordinate employees responded in unison.

Then, everyone started to act.

We first used small drones to fetch some water from the creek.

Then I found a way to get two yellow stones from the bank near the small river, and then used the exploration equipment I carried to carry out inspections on the spot.

It didn't take long for the test results to come out.

"Steven, we figured it out. The reason why there are no living things in this small river, and the reason why the banks on both sides are barren and dead, is because this small river is highly poisonous.

The water of this small river, as well as the soil and stones on both sides, contain a large amount of arsenic, which is a highly toxic substance that exists widely in nature and is fatally toxic.”

The staff introduced the test results.

Hearing this introduction, everyone was taken aback and took a step or two back in unison.

We all know how toxic arsenic is!

Its compound arsenic trioxide, or arsenic, is even more famous!

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