Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 3095 Air Exploration

under the cliff.

Everyone was looking up at the towering and steep cliff, and they were amazed again and again.

Looking up from the bottom of the cliff, this cliff gives people a feeling of standing on a cliff, as if extending from the ground to the sky, connecting with the blue sky above.

Everyone standing at the bottom of the cliff will involuntarily have a feeling of insignificance, thinking that they are just a grain of sand, and the small ones hardly exist.

"Wow! It's really spectacular!"

"God knows how this cliff was formed? Nature is so amazing!"

Exclaimed one after another, everyone was a little dazzled.

At this moment, someone suddenly shouted excitedly:

"Look to the south, everyone. There are a few fiery red foxes looking at us. Those guys are so beautiful. It's the first time I've seen such a beautiful fox!"

Following the shouts, everyone immediately turned their heads and looked to the south.

as expected!

Under the cliff tens of meters away to the south of us, near the woods, there are several fiery red foxes looking at us curiously.

It was a mother fox with a few cubs, playing under the cliff, but unexpectedly ran into a tripartite joint exploration team.

Whether it's the mother fox or the cubs who are only three or four months old, they are all fiery red and very eye-catching.

Due to the long distance, those foxes were not afraid of the tripartite joint exploration team and did not run away immediately.

When observing the situation here, they are still playing and playing, jumping between the rocks, like dancing flames, looking very beautiful.

Seeing this scene, everyone was pleasantly surprised and very excited.

"Wow! These foxes are so beautiful, no wonder so many fables associate red foxes with beautiful and wise maidens!"

"What kind of fox is this? It's so beautiful. I've seen red foxes a few times before, but I've never seen one like this."

While everyone exclaimed, they also picked up their mobile phones or cameras one after another, competing to take pictures of these fiery red foxes as souvenirs.

"The foxes you see now should be the red foxes of Saiming Mountain.

It is a kind of red fox unique to Ethiopia, but I did not expect them to appear here, this is really a surprise,..."

An archaeologist said loudly, introducing these red foxes to everyone.

At the same time, Ye Tian's wireless invisible earphones also heard the voices of his security personnel.

"Steven, there are some guys who entered this canyon from the other two entrances and are groping their way to this side. They are a group of Ethiopians and some guys from Europe.

The Ethiopians should be those guys who came here yesterday to explore and found nothing in the end, but today they changed their identities, appearing as ordinary treasure hunters instead of official ones.

As for those guys from Europe, they are our old friends. They followed all the way from Israel to Egypt and then to Ethiopia, obviously coming for the legendary Solomon's treasure and the Ark of the Covenant! "

Hearing the notification, Ye Tian immediately stepped aside, and then said in a low voice:

"Don't alarm those guys, just keep an eye on it. Although this canyon is not very wide, only four to five hundred meters, it is not as dangerous as the Central American tropical rainforest, but it is enough for those guys to drink a pot.

Especially the highly concealed Night Demon Snake, the small river flowing with arsenic, and the ubiquitous holes and cracks will cause them a lot of trouble, they will go through these barriers before we talk.”

Before the words fell, there seemed to be a scream from the dense forest in the distance.

Ye Tian looked over there, and a sneer flashed across his face at the same time.

After letting everyone admire the red foxes for a while, Ye Tian said:

"Gentlemen, don't forget why we are here. We are not here to travel and enjoy the flora and fauna, but to explore the treasures here. Take it easy and start working!"

Following these words, everyone in the tripartite joint exploration team turned their heads and looked over, with smiles on their faces.

Next, everyone put away their mobile phones and cameras, and got busy, ready to explore.

After everyone was ready, Ye Tian immediately started assigning tasks.

He first told his exploration team members to test the soil and stones under the cliff.

To determine whether these soils and stones contain highly toxic elements, such as the arsenic elements encountered before.

Then, he asked some Israeli explorers to check the situation on the nearby cliffs.

See if the rocks on the cliff are stable and there is no danger of collapse, so as not to bury everyone under this cliff.

Afterwards, he asked Cole and others to release several small drones to fly up the cliff to check the situation on the cliff and start preliminary exploration.

As for the many Israeli security personnel led by Seaman, they were responsible for guarding and cleaning up the scene, opening up a safe camp for the tripartite joint exploration team.

Not only did they protect the tripartite joint exploration team at the bottom of the cliff, but Israeli security personnel also guarded at the top of the four- to five-hundred-meter-high cliff to prevent anyone from approaching the top of the cliff and assassinate the tripartite joint exploration team from the top of the cliff.

As the orders came out, everyone immediately split up and took action.

The three small drones controlled by Cole and the others flew up one after another, and then opened a distance in the air, one every ten meters, and began to explore from the bottom of the cliff.

The local situation on the cliff was then presented on the screen of the IPAD in Ye Tian's hands, and the picture was very clear.

At the bottom of this cliff, there are still some plants.

There are also some nests of small animals and birds between the crevices of the rocks, but the number is very small!

Soon, the three small drones rose to a height of more than 30 meters.

The cliff at this height has not only become extremely steep, like a knife and an axe, but also no traces of animals and plants can be seen.

From this height up to the top of the cliff, the cliff seems to have completely lost its vitality and turned into a restricted area of ​​life.

When the three small drones climbed to a height of about forty-five meters, Ye Tian suddenly said:

"Guys, first let the small drone hover at this height, a little closer, there seem to be a few gaps on the cliff, let me see what's going on inside"

After the voice fell, three small drones immediately hovered in the air and slowly approached the cliff.

Through the high-definition camera carried on the small drone, the situation on this cliff is immediately and clearly presented on the IPAD screen.

At this position on the cliff, two long and narrow gaps appeared, extending to the inside of the cliff.

These two gaps are not big, the entrance is very narrow, the inside is winding and winding, the light is extremely dim, and the situation inside cannot be seen clearly.

Ye Tian stretched out his hand to zoom in on the video screen, and observed it carefully.

Unfortunately, there were no surprising discoveries.

These are two naturally formed gaps, and there are no traces of man-made digging. It is impossible for people to get into the gap of more than 20 centimeters wide.

After checking the video screen, Ye Tian went on to say:

"Guys, fly over this area on the cliff and see if you find anything"

"Okay, Steven"

Cole and the others nodded, and immediately acted.

Next, three small drones quickly flew over the area on the cliff.

Still nothing found!

There are only some small cracks on the cliff, which are all formed naturally.

"Okay, guys, pull the three small drones out, fly to a safe distance, and continue to explore upwards. If you find anything, I will let you stop"

Following Ye Tian's words, the three small drones immediately pulled out three or four meters, kept a safe distance of about five meters from the cliff, and continued to fly upwards to explore.

It didn't take long for the three small drones to climb to a height of more than 100 meters.

In the process, they only found some naturally formed narrow cracks and two small caves, and nothing else was found.

Perhaps it was because the exploration distance was very narrow, only more than forty meters wide, so nothing was discovered.

At this width, it is not even a drop in the bucket for this high and huge cliff.

Even in terms of height, it only flew to a quarter of the height of the cliff, and it was still far away from the top of the cliff.

The three small drones continued to fly upwards, continuing to explore.

At this time, several employees of the Brave and the Fearless Exploration Company have completed simple soil and rock tests.

They immediately found Ye Tian and informed him of the test results.

"Steven, we tested the soil and rocks at the bottom of this cliff, and found varying amounts of arsenic in these soils and rocks.

The rocks that look like they've come off the cliff have higher levels of arsenic, and the soil has a little less arsenic, but both are toxic.

The rocks that make up this cliff are relatively loose, not very hard, and are relatively easy to fall off. If you climb this cliff, you must pay attention to safety,..."

Next, this subordinate reported the detailed test data and results to Ye Tian.

After listening to the report, Ye Tian pondered for a moment before saying:

"Just like my previous conjecture, the reason why there is no life on this towering cliff, and there are no animals or plants, is because the rocks are rich in toxic arsenic elements.

Coupled with the relatively loose texture of these rocks, no one can conquer this cliff. The mountaineering enthusiasts who fell to their deaths here before probably died because of it! "


Everyone gasped, somewhat frightened.

"Steven, if the rocks on this cliff are rich in arsenic and are easy to fall off, in case we find something on the cliff, how can we carry out further exploration?"

The leader of the Israeli exploration team asked, with a dignified expression.

Ye Tian looked at this guy, then smiled and said:

"It depends on what we have found. If it is a very valuable clue, it is worth taking the risk to carry out further exploration, then we will think of a suitable and safe way to carry out the exploration operation."

"Okay, hopefully we can find something"

The Israeli leader nodded.

Next, Ye Tian picked up the walkie-talkie and said loudly:

"Attention everyone, we have detected that the soil and rocks under this cliff, as well as the stones on the cliff, are rich in arsenic and have certain toxicity.

For the sake of safety, during this exploration operation, everyone must wear masks and gloves throughout the process, and try not to touch the soil and rocks here with bare hands.

After this joint exploration operation is over, when everyone leaves Ethiopia, everyone must rush to the hospital as soon as possible and have a thorough physical examination."

"Understood, Steven, we'll be careful"

Everyone responded in unison, raising their vigilance.

Afterwards, everyone put on masks and gloves one after another, took protective measures, and acted more cautiously than before.

After a while, the Israeli exploration team also completed their work.

"Steven, we have checked several places on this cliff. The overall structure of this cliff is relatively stable, and there is no danger of collapse for the time being. You can rest assured."

The Israeli exploration team responsible for inspecting the structure of the cliff introduced the situation.

"That would be great, I hope there will be no accidents"

Ye Tian nodded and said.

After basically figuring out the condition of the soil and rocks at the bottom of the cliff, and confirming that there is no danger of collapse, he arranged for his staff to scan the ground around the camp with a pulse metal detector.

Members of the exploration team from Israel and the Vatican also took action. They spread out along the bottom of the cliff and began to explore the area at the bottom of the cliff to see if they could find anything.

After arranging these things, Ye Tian began to check the video footage captured by the small drone.

Soon, more than half an hour has passed.

The three small drones had already flown to the top of the cliff, saw the scenery on the top of the cliff, and saw the Israeli security personnel guarding the top of the cliff.

It is a pity that this wave of exploration has not found any surprising discoveries.

On the cliffs that the three small drones flew over, there were only some naturally formed cracks and caves. These cracks may be large or small, but the caves are very small, and no traces of man-made can be seen at all.

Small drones flew in and explored some of the relatively large cracks, but there was nothing in those cracks!

The only discovery was that an Angu vulture's nest was found in a larger crack.

But that nest has long since been abandoned, and not a single eagle's feather can be seen inside.

Next, the three small drones moved another 40 meters to the east, and then began to explore from the top of the cliff, continuing to scan the towering cliff.

Ye Tian didn't continue to stare at the video, but handed over the work to Derek, let this guy watch, and notify himself if he finds anything.

Afterwards, he asked about the exploration at the bottom of the cliff.

The result was the same, no one found anything.

Although a few metal objects were scanned, they fell from the top of the cliff and were of little value.

At the bottom of the cliff where the joint exploration team is located, there are no cracks or caves leading to the mountainside, at least no one has discovered it.

After learning about the situation, Ye Tian found Ximan.

"Himan, let your people bring that small helicopter over here, I want to take that small helicopter to check the situation on the cliff and see if I can find anything.

But I will use my own pilot, Walker is from the Ranger Special Forces of the U.S. Army, and he is proficient in flying various types of helicopters, so I feel more at ease letting him fly the helicopter.”

Hearing this, Ximan couldn't help being stunned.

But he nodded anyway.

"No problem, Steven, of course you can let your own people to fly the helicopter. I am quite familiar with the Ranger Special Forces. Those guys are really good."

"In addition to the small helicopter, let your two medium-sized helicopters also fly over to serve as air security. In this canyon, we are not the only team."

"Okay, Steven, the place where the three helicopters are parked is not far from here, they can fly over in ten minutes, and there is enough space under the cliff for the small helicopter to land.

As for the other two teams that entered the canyon you mentioned, our people have already targeted those guys, if those guys dare to attack the helicopter, our people will send them to hell."

After speaking, Seaman picked up the walkie-talkie and notified the three helicopter pilots to drive the helicopters here.

Soon, ten minutes passed.

Three helicopters were in the shape of a zigzag, roaring from the east of the canyon, and flew straight to the area where the joint exploration team was located.

At the same time, the two groups of people who were trudging through the jungle in the canyon also spotted three helicopters roaring towards them.

They looked up at the sky one after another, all a little surprised.

"That guy, Steven, won't find any treasure, right? That's why he called the helicopter to transfer the treasure, which is too fast!"

"These helicopters may not be here to transfer the treasure, maybe they are here to assist in the exploration, or they may be for air security!"

While these guys were talking, the three helicopters had already flown over the joint exploration team.

Immediately afterwards, under the command of the ground security personnel, one of the small helicopters began to land slowly.

The other two medium-sized helicopters hover over the canyon to perform air security.

After a while, the small helicopter landed on the ground smoothly.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Tian and Walker, who had already been prepared, and another security team member ran towards the small helicopter.

After a while, the small helicopter took off again and flew over the canyon.

However, the pilot who flew the helicopter was replaced by Walker.

Ye Tian sat in the back seat, looked at the towering cliff on the side of the helicopter, and started a new round of exploration.

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