Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 3097 The power of data analysis

In the video call screen, Joshua asked excitedly:

"The cliff is more than 260 meters high. In ancient times, when it was difficult to descend and there was no modern exploration equipment, how did the ancients create the pattern of the David's satellite? It's incredible!"

Not only him, but everyone else has the same question in their hearts.

Without exception, everyone looked at Ye Tian, ​​full of expectations.

Only this miraculous guy can answer such an incredible question.

Everyone thinks so, live and on video.

Ye Tian smiled softly, and then said:

"The cave on the cliff may have another entrance, and the ancients should have entered the cave from another entrance, and then sealed the cave on the cliff with stones, and built a star of David pattern.

After they put the things that needed to be hidden into the depths of the cave, they probably completely filled up the other entrance, and then built an ancient castle on the opposite mountain to guard it from afar.

In this way, they can always see the cliff on the other side of the canyon, and the blocked hole on the cliff at all times, and they have been guarding secretly, but they will not arouse anyone's suspicion.

This is the most reasonable and probable way I can think of for the ancients to create this David's star pattern on this cliff, otherwise, it is really impossible to explain the emergence of this David's star pattern."

Following his words, there was another surprise on the spot and in the video call.

"This explanation is indeed more reasonable and achievable, but I don't know where is the other exit?"

"If this is the case, the Beta Israelites who built the castle on the top of the opposite mountain may be the guardians of the cave and the secret behind the David's star pattern.

They have been guarding the opposite mountain for thousands of years, which is enough to show that the secret hidden in this cave must be very important, otherwise they would not have been guarding it all the time.

Combined with the several religious relics from Solomon’s Temple found deep underground in the ruins of the ancient castle, the secret hidden in this cave is likely to be Solomon’s treasure and the Ark of the Covenant.”

Everyone talked a lot, and the more they talked, the more excited they became, and everyone's eyes lit up.

While the heated discussions continued, everyone kept looking at the towering cliff.

Everyone stretched their necks one by one,

Look towards the cliff where the David's star pattern is located.

Because of the angle, they couldn't see anything.

This made everyone scratch their hearts like a cat, extremely curious.

At this time, everyone can't wait to grow a pair of wings and fly up to more than 260 meters in the air to see the mysterious David's satellite pattern and explore the secret behind the David's satellite pattern.

The once-explored mountain on the opposite side and the ruins of the ancient castle on the top of the mountain also attracted the attention of many people.

Many guys want to climb that mountain again, to explore it carefully, and maybe there will be even more astonishing discoveries.

After a short discussion, an archaeologist from Harvard University suddenly asked:

"Steven, the discovery of the David's satellite pattern on the cliff and your analysis are very exciting. This may be a great discovery enough to cause a sensation in the world.

However, how should we verify your analysis and speculation, and determine whether these analysis and speculation are correct? Only in this way can the next step of exploration be carried out smoothly.”

Ye Tian looked at this guy, thought for a while, then smiled and said:

"It's actually not difficult to verify whether my analysis and speculation are correct. We only need to build a data model and put various relevant data into it, and we can get the answer we want!"

Before the words fell, the eyes of many people on the scene lit up suddenly.

"Ah! Building a data model, this method seems to be OK"

Ye Tian nodded and continued to say:

"We can find a way to figure out the basic data of this canyon and the peaks on both sides, such as altitude, direction, distance, height difference, accurate latitude and longitude and other data.

There are also the angle between the ruins of the ancient castle on the opposite peak and the pattern of the David's star, as well as the trajectory of the sun when it passes here, important festivals of Judaism, etc.

After collecting these data, we can build a model and put all the data into it, and we will soon know whether my analysis and speculation are accurate.

For example, at what time of the year does the sun pass through the satellite of David on the old castle on the opposite peak, and shine on the satellite of David on the cliff, and the three points are connected in a line! "

Before the words fell, there was a burst of exclamation at the scene.

"Yes, this is indeed feasible. Steven's analysis and speculation will soon be verified!"

"Building such a data model does not seem to be very difficult, let's start!"

Just when everyone was amazed, several archaeologists had approached Ye Tian.

Among them were archaeologists from Israel, as well as from Harvard and Columbia Universities.

When they came close, these guys couldn't wait to say:

"Steven, leave this matter to us at Harvard University. I will contact the university immediately and ask them to gather people to build a data model to verify your analysis and judgment."

"Our Hebrew University can also do this, just build a data model, and it will be done soon!"

"Steven, let us leave this matter to Columbia University. We have cooperated many times, and you know our ability. It's easy!"

Ye Tian looked at these old friends, then nodded with a smile and said:

"Gentlemen, there is no need to compete. You can each build a data model, and then input relevant data to verify my analysis and speculation. The results you get can also be compared."

Several archaeologists paused, then looked at each other, and then nodded together.

"No problem, Steven, that's fine too, it depends on which side's data model is better and the data obtained is more accurate."

Obviously, these few have secretly competed.

Next, Ye Tian asked his employees to start collecting data.

In fact, they had already collected almost as much data about the canyon and the peaks on both sides.

As for the sun's orbit and the important festivals of the Israelites, etc., it is not difficult to find out.

After a while, the relevant data information is ready.

Subsequently, these survey data were handed over to several archaeologists, and they were asked to contact the universities behind them to make data models.

In addition to the data model, Ye Tian also suggested that the Israelis make a David satellite framework.

Weld the David satellite to a retractable metal rod, and then take it to the ruins of the ancient castle on the opposite peak for field testing.

During the field test, you can choose different heights, according to the trajectory and angle of the sun in a year or a day, and pass through the David's satellite to observe the David's satellite pattern on the cliff.

If the three can be linked together, it will prove Ye Tian's analysis and speculation!

Naturally, the Israelites would not refuse such a thing.

As soon as he finished speaking, the leader of the Israeli exploration team immediately took action, picked up his mobile phone and informed his subordinates to make the David's satellite flagpole.

Ye Tian told everyone some more things, and then said to David:

"Let's go, David, let's go to the convoy by helicopter. This discovery is too important. How to carry out the follow-up exploration operation needs to be interviewed with Joshua and the others, and the Tigray people need to coordinate again."

"Okay, Steven"

David nodded in response.

Then they and Walker walked towards the small helicopter.

After a while, the small helicopter took off again and flew towards the road across the canyon.

After a while, Ye Tian and the others arrived at the location of the joint exploration convoy and landed on the road smoothly.

At this time, this section of the road has been completely blocked, and no other vehicles or personnel are allowed to enter this area.

After meeting with Joshua and the others, Ye Tian introduced the situation again, and combined with the high-definition video materials he took, he shared his analysis and speculation.

Then, he got to the point.

"Gentlemen, next we should discuss how to launch this exploration operation. Compared with the previous few times, this exploration operation is more difficult, and the sensational effect it caused may also be greater.

One thing I am very worried about is that this cliff is rich in highly toxic arsenic elements. This possibility cannot be ruled out. The content of arsenic elements in the depths of this cliff may be higher. If that is the case, it will undoubtedly cause a lot of trouble.

There is one more thing I want to inform everyone. I am going to let the news media participate and broadcast the next joint exploration operation live to the whole world. Regarding this point, we have reached an agreement before! "

As soon as the words fell, the deputy mayor of Axum suddenly interjected with a gloomy face:

"Excuse me, gentlemen, we are opposed to immediately launching the next step of exploration. It is not appropriate to start exploration immediately before we have ascertained the situation on the cliff and the meaning of the David's satellite pattern.

This is also for safety reasons. As you can see, the cliff opposite the canyon is very steep and steep, it is difficult to climb, and the rocks on the cliff are rich in arsenic, which is also quite harmful! "

His statement surprised everyone.

But everyone knows why the deputy mayor of Axum jumped out to object.

Ye Tian did not respond, but smiled and looked at Joshua and the Bishop of Kent.

Whether the next exploration operation can be carried out smoothly depends on the communication between Israel and the Vatican and the Tigray people, or how much they are willing to pay.

The faces of Joshua and the Bishop of Kent changed, and they quickly glanced at each other.

Immediately afterwards, they began negotiating with the Tigray people, including representatives of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church.

Ye Tian and David stepped aside, chatting in low voices while watching the good show.

Soon, more than half an hour has passed.

After some communication and even quarreling, Joshua and the others reached an agreement with the Tigray people, and then they walked towards Ye Tian and the others.

Coming closer, Joshua immediately said:

"Steven, we have reached an agreement with the people of Tigray State. After your analysis and speculation are verified and there is no problem, we can start the next joint exploration operation.

As before, the Tigray people and the Orthodox Church will send representatives to follow the joint exploration team and supervise the whole process, and the relevant news media can also broadcast live.”

While talking, Derek's voice suddenly came from the walkie-talkie, and he sounded very excited.

"Steven, the data models built by Harvard University and Columbia University have completed the data analysis, and the results obtained by both of them are completely consistent.

If a satellite of David is placed at a height of about ten meters on the top of the opposite mountain, that is, on the top of the old castle, a spectacle will appear.

Every year on the day of Passover, at nine o'clock in the morning, the sunlight will pass through the satellite of David placed on the top of the castle and shine on the satellite of David on the cliff.

At that moment, the two satellites of David on both sides of the canyon will be connected together through the sunlight and form a straight line with the sun. This is the light of God! "

Unsurprisingly, Derek's announcement directly detonated the scene.

"My God! It's just amazing that this is the case!"

"Wow! Every year at nine o'clock in the morning on Passover, God's light will appear on time. This is absolutely a miracle!"

Everyone exclaimed, each one was extremely excited.

Joshua and the Bishop of Kent were even more so, even their excited bodies trembled slightly.

The faces of those Tigray people who were also present were very ugly.

Especially those representatives of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church, their eyes were full of panic, and there was even a bit of panic in their eyes.

At this moment, an official from the Israeli Ministry of Culture walked over quickly and said excitedly:

"Joshua, Steven, Bishop of Kent, the University of Hebron has completed data analysis, proving that Steven's analysis and speculation are completely correct..."

What he said next was no different from what Derek had reported before.

The data analysis results obtained by the three universities are exactly the same!

What this means is clear to everyone.

The next moment, there was a burst of excited cheers at the scene, and it was the same in the canyon.

At the same time, the Hebrew University thousands of kilometers away, as well as Harvard University and Columbia University on the other side of the ocean, were also shocked by the results of this data analysis!

Those experts, scholars and doctoral students who do data analysis have realized that they may be involved in one of the greatest archaeological explorations in the Western world.

It can even be said that I participated in the exploration of discovering the "Light of God" and used the data to find the "Light of God" in the ancient Hebrew.

After realizing this, these guys were very excited and cheered and celebrated.

Immediately afterwards, the news was leaked by these guys and posted on the Internet and social media by them.

Then, like a hurricane, the news quickly spread throughout the world and reached the ears of countless people!

These days, many experts and scholars who have been racking their brains to study that line of variant ancient Hebrew were completely shocked when they heard the news.

"What? That mysterious mutant ancient Hebrew sentence was deciphered by that guy, Steven, and that lucky guy, Steven, discovered the 'Light of God'. How is that possible?"

"Wow! This design is so ingenious. No wonder this secret can be kept for so long. I just don't know what secrets are hidden deep in the cave on the cliff? It's so exciting!"

While being shocked, people turned their attention to the David's satellite pattern on the cliff and bet on the joint exploration team.

Everyone wants to know, what secret is hidden behind that Star of David pattern, or what treasure is hidden? Is it the legendary treasure of Solomon and the Ark of the Covenant?

At this time, Ye Tian had already started discussing the next step of exploration with Joshua and the others.

"Joshua, since we are going to explore the David's satellite pattern on the cliff, for safety reasons, I suggest that the cliff and the mountain on the opposite side be completely blocked, and no one can approach it"

"Okay, Steven, we will negotiate with relevant people to protect that cliff and the opposite mountain so that no one will destroy it"

Joshua nodded.

As he spoke, he also looked at the deputy mayor of Axum.

Although the Tigray man was very upset, he nodded with a gloomy face.

Immediately afterwards, the Bishop of Kent interrupted and asked:

"Steven, the cliff on the other side of the canyon is so steep that it looks daunting, and the geological structure is complex, and the rocks are loose. It is not easy to explore on this cliff, right?"

"Yeah, Steven, how do you plan to launch the exploration operation, do you have an action plan?"

Joshua echoed.

"Steven, how did you get to the location of the David's satellite pattern, and how to open the cave that may be hidden behind the David's satellite pattern? What secrets are hidden behind the David's satellite?"

An archaeologist continued.

Everyone at the scene looked at Ye Tian, ​​expecting his answer.

Ye Tian looked at the cliff in the distance, pondered for a while, then smiled and said:

"The cave behind the David's star pattern on the cliff may have other entrances. Next, we are going to explore carefully to see if we can find other entrances.

If you can't find another entrance, you can only descend from the top of the cliff, try to break the David's star pattern, and enter the cave behind the David's star.

If the cable drop is not possible, you can only use helicopters to work in the air, find a way to open the large satellite, you can use tools to demolish it, and you can also blast it in a directional manner.

Take directional blasting as an example, as long as we control the equivalent of explosives and the direction of blasting, we can completely achieve the goal without damaging the surrounding cliffs.”

"Ah! Isn't it too risky to use directional blasting?"

"The rocky texture of this cliff is relatively loose. If directional blasting is carried out, will it cause large-scale collapse?"

There was a sound of exclamation at the scene, and everyone was taken aback.

While talking, several news gathering vehicles suddenly galloped from the east and drove into this section of the road.

The logo of the National Geographic Channel is printed on the bodies of these news gathering vehicles.

Seeing these vehicles, Ye Tian immediately smiled and said:

"Gentlemen, the National Geographic Channel's live broadcast team is here, and I sold them the live broadcast rights of this joint exploration operation"

Hearing this, everyone rolled their eyes angrily.

You guys are so greedy, you don't miss any chance to make money!

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