Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 3099 comprehensive search

A few meters behind Ye Tian, ​​the camera lens of the National Geographic Channel's live broadcast team followed him all the time, capturing his every move.

However, the live broadcast team was just following the shooting, and did not broadcast live immediately, but was shooting material for the upcoming live broadcast.

When they can start the live broadcast, Ye Tian has the final say.

In Ye Tian's plan, the live broadcast can only start when the tripartite joint exploration team finds another entrance to the cave, or prepares to descend to open the David's satellite pattern on the cliff!

In front of the crack on the top of the cliff, Ye Tianzheng probed to check the situation.

The crack on the ground at the top of the cliff is very narrow, no more than 1.23 meters wide, about 20 meters long, twists and turns, the interior is rough and dark.

Standing on the top and looking down, you can only see about four meters below the ground, and you can't see anything further down.

There are several turns in the depth of the crack, which just block the viewing angle and line of sight.

Ye Tian stood on the edge of the crack and observed for a while, but found nothing.

After pondering for a while, he said to the staff next to him:

"Bring some fluorescent lighting sticks here, light up the lighting sticks, then throw them into this crack, and then put a small drone down to see what's going on deep inside the crack"

"Understood, Steven"

Those subordinate employees nodded in unison and acted immediately.

Soon, they brought seven or eight lighting sticks over

Then folded those glow sticks one by one to light up, and threw them into the crack according to the angle Ye Tian instructed.

These lighting fluorescent sticks fell vertically three or four meters, hit the rock on one side of the crack, bounced back and forth several times, and then fell into the depth of the crack and disappeared.

Looking down from the edge of the crack, you can't even see the light from these lighting glow sticks.

"Wow! It seems that this crack is very deep. I don't know how deep it is. Is there any secret hidden deep in the crack, and is it connected to other places?"

The reporter of National Geographic Channel said in amazement.

Ye Tian looked deep into the crack, then nodded slightly.

"That's right, this crack is indeed very deep, estimated to be more than 30 meters. As for the situation in the depth of the crack, we can only know by further exploration."

While speaking, a small drone flew into the crack, and flew deep underground along the crack.

The situation in this crack was also presented on the monitoring screen.

There are some plants near the ground in the crack, and the sunlight can shine on these places.

When the small drone flew through two turns and went about eight or nine meters underground, there were no plants on either side of the crack, only rough rocks.

With the help of its own searchlight and induction avoidance system, this small drone avoided protruding rocks and approached the bottom of the crack little by little.

At the same time as the small drone landed, the situation on both sides of the crack was also presented on the monitoring screen one by one.

The two sides of this crack were barren, and there was nothing else but rocks.

Ye Tian didn't find the cave connected to it, and the only few cracks were shallow, and they were all dead ends. There were no traces of man-made excavation, and no secrets could be hidden.

A few minutes later, the small drone had flown to the bottom of the crack.

Some of the fluorescent lighting sticks thrown down earlier fell to the bottom of the crack, dispelling the darkness here.

The bottom of this crack is nearly 50 meters from the ground, distributed in a long strip, and the area is very small, only three to four square meters.

Because sunlight cannot reach such a deep place, this place has also become a restricted area for life.

The small drone flew slowly at the bottom of the crack, and the searchlights swept across the dark space little by little.

Among the jagged rocks, Ye Tian suddenly saw a white light, and said quickly:

"Fly half a meter to the right, there seems to be something glowing with white light over there"

After the voice fell, the small drone immediately flew to the right, and then hovered over the thing glowing with white light.

In the blink of an eye, everyone could see clearly what that thing glowing with white light was.

It was a human skeleton, only some white bones remained, and everything else on the body was gone.

Seeing this scene, there was a burst of exclamation immediately.

"Wow! That's a dead body, how did it appear at the bottom of this crack?"

"Is there really any secret hidden in the crack? Or is it another entrance to the cave we are looking for? If this is the case, it would be great!"

Just when everyone was exclaiming, Ye Tian shook his head slightly.

"This human skeleton seems to have many broken bones, so it can be concluded that this unlucky guy either accidentally fell into this crack, or was thrown into it.

He fell from the ground to the bottom, and after many violent impacts in the middle, this situation was caused. The guy died before he fell to the bottom, so the skeleton is lying on his stomach."

Hearing his explanation, everyone carefully looked at the video screen sent back by the small drone, and then nodded.

Next, the small drone took a quick look at the bottom of the crack, but found nothing surprising.

The bottom of this crack is high in the east and low in the west, and there is a gap no more than 20 centimeters wide on the west side, which is just good for drainage.

Because of this, although this crack is very deep, there is no water at the bottom, but rather dry.

As for where the gap less than 20 centimeters wide leads to, I don't know!

If you want to explore the situation deep in the gap, you can only use the miniature beetle drone to find out the basic situation of the gap.

However, the live broadcast team of the National Geographic Channel was nearby, carrying a camera and shooting non-stop.

In this case, Ye Tian naturally wouldn't take out the miniature beetle drone to explore, that would be asking for trouble.

It's not too late to start exploring after the live broadcast team leaves the cliff top.

At that time, you can also use Mossad's miniature dragonfly drone to fly in and explore, and it is not difficult to find out the situation in that gap.

Seeing that there was no hidden secret at the bottom of this seam, Ye Tian asked his staff to take back the small drone.

Afterwards, he took people to explore other places on the top of the cliff, and continued to search for the possible cave entrance.

When he left, he asked Israeli security personnel to set up a conspicuous warning sign on both sides of the crack so that no one would accidentally fall into the crack.

After a while, the staff responsible for testing the soil and rocks on the top of the cliff found Ye Tian and began to report the test results.

"Steven, after our tests, the soil and rocks at the top of this cliff also contain highly toxic arsenic elements, but the arsenic content is much lower than that of those rocks on the cliff.

In other words, the soil and rocks here are poisonous, but the toxicity is relatively low, which explains why the top of this cliff is bare, and there are almost no animals and plants to be seen.

The rocks on the top of this cliff are relatively loose, not the basalt that is common in the Ethiopian plateau, and the situation is very special, so we must be careful when setting up the rope drop facilities here.”

After listening to the report, Ye Tian pondered for a moment, and then said with emotion:

"I have to say that this place is really a Jedi, and I don't know how the ancients discovered this place and used this Jedi to hide secrets or treasures?

In order to hide those secrets and treasures, they must have paid a huge price, but it is precisely because this is a Jedi that they chose this place."

"That's true. The ancients didn't have any protective equipment, and their technology was very backward. They probably sacrificed a lot of people to complete this task!"

David continued, and everyone else at the scene nodded.

Next, Ye Tian continued to lead the team to explore on the top of the cliff.

During the subsequent exploration, they found several small holes made with steel drills on the ground. These small holes were very fresh and had just been made not long ago.

After some understanding, Ye Tian knew.

These small holes were drilled by the Tigray people yesterday. The steel rods they drove into these small holes were all pulled out.

Unfortunately, the two Tigray people who descended down the cliff to explore fell off the cliff and fell into a pulp.


Exploration operations continue.

Several exploration teams with pulse metal detectors found some metal objects on the top of the cliff one after another.

It is a pity that these metal objects are buried very shallowly, even on the ground.

Moreover, these metal objects are scattered in different places, basically existing in isolation, obviously not the Solomon treasure that everyone is looking for.

Ye Tian checked the relevant data detected and denied these findings one by one.

Later, he asked his men to use a helicopter to take the portable deep ground-penetrating radar to the top of the cliff, and prepared to use the ground-penetrating radar to carry out further exploration on the top of the cliff.

Seeing the world's most advanced portable deep ground penetrating radar, those guys on the National Geographic Channel live broadcast team were amazed.

"Steven, it seems that the rumors are true. You guys are really armed to the teeth. Can you introduce this portable deep ground penetrating radar? This thing is too fresh."

A reporter from the National Geographic Channel's live broadcast group said, eyes full of curiosity.

"Of course no problem, I can introduce this high-tech exploration equipment to everyone, but you can't make it public, this is one of our company's secret weapons"

Ye Tian smiled and nodded.

The reporter agreed very readily.

"Okay, Steven, we just want to know, we won't report the details of this exploration equipment, and won't reveal your company's commercial secrets"

"This portable deep ground penetrating radar is one of the exploration equipment purchased by our company not long ago, and it can even be said that it was prepared for this tripartite joint exploration operation.

Using this deep ground-penetrating radar, we can detect the situation at a depth of 100 meters underground. Although it cannot detect metal objects, it can detect the structure deep underground."

"Wow! It's amazing that such a portable device can detect a depth of 100 meters underground. No wonder you think of it as a secret weapon!"

"Using it here, we can determine whether there are hidden caves and cracks in the mountain 100 meters below your feet, and determine their structure and direction.

If there are caves and cracks, through their orientation and structure, we can conduct research to see if they are connected to the cave behind the David's star pattern on the cliff.

Next, we can also send people to descend from the cliff, take this portable ground penetrating radar, and conduct detection and scanning from the position of the David satellite pattern on the cliff.

This can determine whether there is really a cave behind the David's satellite pattern, and combine the detection data on the cliff top and both sides of the cliff to analyze, and perhaps find another exit! "

Listening to this, the National Geographic Channel guys were amazed again.

The eyes of several Tigray people who were also at the scene were red with envy.

They wished they could just grab this portable deep ground-penetrating radar and those pulse metal detectors and take them as their own.

In that case, these treasures that originally belonged to the Tigray people would not be looted by these bastards in front of them.

After briefly introducing the situation of the deep ground-penetrating radar, Ye Tian ordered his staff to use the ground-penetrating radar to scan the cliff top to see if they could find anything.

In the following time, the deep ground-penetrating radar successively scanned some caves and cracks deep underground.

However, these places are limited in size, not connected to each other, and basically exist in isolation.

This is enough to show that there are no treasures hidden in these caves and cracks inside the mountain.

The only suspicious place was a crack more than 80 meters deep.

The bottom of the crack seemed to have collapsed, completely filling the bottom of the crack.

No one knows whether the landslide deep in the crack was man-made or naturally formed, at least no human traces were seen on both sides of the crack.

Of course, it may also be because the age is too long, and the traces left by humans have long since disappeared.

Exploration operations are still going on, and time is passing fast.

Before I knew it, it was around five o'clock in the afternoon.

The tripartite joint exploration team carefully explored many places on the top and bottom of the cliff, and found nothing surprising.

Although some metal objects, as well as deep caves and cracks were discovered during the period, they were not related to Solomon's treasure and the Ark of the Covenant, and could not be linked together.

After leading people to explore on the top of the cliff, Ye Tian left the top of the cliff in a small helicopter, returned to the joint exploration team camp at the bottom of the cliff, and joined Joshua and the others.

After the meeting, he began to introduce the situation on the top of the cliff.

"Gentlemen, I took people to explore the key areas on the top of the cliff, and found nothing surprising. I didn't find the entrance to the cave that may have been filled by people.

The cave on the back of the David’s star pattern on the cliff may not have another entrance at all, and the ancients hid things through the cave on the cliff.”

"Since we can't find another entrance, can we just break through the pattern of the David's star and enter the cave hidden behind the David's star?"

Joshua continued to say that he couldn't wait.

"At present, it seems that there is only one way, but before breaking through the David's satellite pattern, I will find a way to let my security personnel scan the cliff with a deep ground-penetrating radar.

Only after confirming that there is a cave behind the David’s satellite, can we do it, break open the David’s satellite pattern, enter the cave behind to explore, and see what secrets are hidden inside.”

"Then what are you waiting for? Steven, let's do it now"

Bishop of Kent said eagerly.

"No, the exploration of the cliff where the David's satellite pattern is located can only be postponed tomorrow, and we will start the follow-up exploration operation until tomorrow morning. It will only take one night, and it will pass soon.

This canyon runs north-south. In the afternoon, this cliff becomes a dark side. Now it is approaching evening, and the light has become worse and worse. It is too dangerous to explore this cliff now! "

Ye Tian smiled and shook his head and said.

The scene was suddenly quiet, and no one said anything.

Everyone is in the joint exploration camp at the bottom of the cliff, and what's going on in the canyon couldn't be clearer.

It's only around five o'clock in the afternoon, but because the cliff next to it is too tall, it blocks almost all sunlight, and the bottom of the cliff seems to be at dusk, and the visibility is worrying!

After a moment of silence, Joshua said:

"It seems that we can only wait one more night. This night must be very difficult. I guess I won't be able to sleep. I believe there will be many people who can't sleep all night!"

"Me too, I'm sure I'll have to suffer all night!"

The Bishop of Kent nodded sympathetically.

Ye Tian smiled softly, and then continued:

"Gentlemen, you don't need to be so anxious. The pattern of the Star of David on the cliff and the secret behind it have been here for a thousand or two thousand years, and they will not disappear overnight.

While we are exploring the treasure, we must also pay attention to protecting the safety of every member of the exploration team. There is plenty of time, so we can’t take unnecessary risks just because we can’t wait.”

Hearing this, the others could only nod their heads.

After a short pause, Ye Tian continued to say:

"For the sake of safety and to avoid going back and forth, I decided that the tripartite joint exploration team will not return to Axum tonight, and just camp by the road opposite the canyon.

All but the security personnel who stayed behind had to leave the towering cliffs, whose soil and rocks were rich in arsenic and could not stay here for long.

But this place must be strictly guarded to prevent anyone from breaking into here at night and deliberately destroying it, and the mountain on the other side of the canyon is the same, it must be completely sealed off and climbing is prohibited."

Before the words fell, Joshua continued to say:

"Don't worry, Steven, we can leave these matters to us, and there will be absolutely no mistakes. We have reached an agreement with the Tigray State Government and the Tigray State Government to jointly block these two places.

We have mobilized a large number of armed security personnel from Israel and other places, and are on their way here. They will arrive tonight, and they will keep these two places tight! "

Hearing this, the faces of the deputy mayor of Axum and others changed, becoming very ugly.

But there is nothing they can do but accept this reality.

After chatting for a few more words, Ye Tian picked up the walkie-talkie and notified everyone in the tripartite joint exploration team to prepare to evacuate!

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