Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 315: Do you want to transform into a dragon?

Latest website: The white elf, who absorbed a large amount of spiritual power, quickly entered hibernation.

It lay on the table, motionless.

Ye Tian immediately put the little guy away, then left the RV and went to find Joshua and Bishop Kent to discuss the follow-up exploration operations.

At the same time, Israel has launched operations to continuously mobilize relevant personnel and a large amount of materials and equipment to Aksum to prepare for subsequent exploration operations.

Also taking action at the same time were the Vatican and the US government, the governments of several major Western countries, and some religious organizations and sects.

The Vatican once again mobilized a group of senior monks and security personnel to strengthen its strength.

The United States even sent a team of top archaeologists, medical experts and biologists to come uninvited and without treating themselves as outsiders at all.

Several other major Western countries also sent official representatives to Axum.

Of course, there is the Ethiopian government and the Tigray state government, and the TPLF and the Ethiopian Orthodox Church.

They all reacted, and quite violently.

While Ye Tian was meeting with Joshua and Bishop Kent, Derek, who was following relevant news reports through the Internet, suddenly reported:

"Steven, the Ethiopian government, the Orthodox Church, and the Tigray state government just issued a joint statement calling on the three-party joint exploration team to suspend exploration and protect the holy land deep in the mountains.

They claimed that the joint exploration team should not take risks and should allow the holy land deep in the opposite mountain to continue to remain in its original state, and then launch follow-up exploration operations when the time is ripe."

After hearing the report, Ye Tian couldn't help but be a little surprised.

Joshua and Bishop Kent were also stunned for a moment.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Tian smiled and said:

"Obviously, the Ethiopian government, the Orthodox Church, and the Tigray state government all feel the crisis and do not want this joint exploration operation to continue, let alone find the Ark of the Covenant.

There are not only political and religious factors here, but also profit considerations. The value of this part of Solomon's treasure hidden deep in the mountains is so amazing that it can make people crazy!

Whether to terminate this tripartite joint exploration operation now depends on the attitudes of Israel and the Vatican. If both of them are willing to terminate this joint exploration operation, our company will naturally not object.

However, Solomon’s Treasure was discovered by us. According to the relevant agreements signed before, except for the Ark of the Covenant, the gold, silver, treasures and antiques in this treasure belong to our company.

There is no doubt about this. Whether it is Israel and the Vatican, the Ethiopian government and the Orthodox Church, or Tigray State, if they want the things in Solomon's treasure, they can only come and negotiate deals with us! "

As he said that, Ye Tian smiled and looked at Joshua and Bishop Kent sitting opposite. The meaning was obvious.

The faces of the two people opposite were very ugly and their expressions were serious.

As soon as he finished speaking, Joshua continued:

"Everyone knows very well what the Ethiopian government, the Orthodox Church, and the Tigray people are planning. They just want to prevent the joint exploration team from finding Solomon's treasure and the Ark of the Covenant.

Steven, you can rest assured. When things have reached this point, no one can stop the three-party joint exploration operation from continuing. We will never allow this exploration operation to be abandoned halfway."

"We in the Vatican have the same attitude. We are about to find the most holy object, the Ark of the Covenant. This joint exploration operation must not be terminated at this time."

Bishop Kent continued, his tone decisive.

At this moment, Cole's voice suddenly came from the intercom.

“Steven, according to reliable information, protests, demonstrations and even riots of varying sizes have occurred in Addis Ababa, the capital of Ethiopia, and many other cities.

The situation in Aksum was the same. The protesters who gathered around the hotel where we were staying tried to rush into the hotel several times, but were stopped by the military police standing outside.

The situation at the hotel is quite tense. Many Tigrayans and Orthodox monks and believers gathered on both sides of the road are also protesting and demonstrating, and they are very emotional."

Cole's report immediately made the atmosphere in the temporary conference room even more tense.

After a pause, Ye Tian immediately picked up the walkie-talkie and said:

"Cole, please guys be more vigilant, pay attention to safety, pay attention to protect the members of the joint exploration team and many experts and scholars, and be prepared to evacuate at any time. This night will definitely not be easy!"

"Got it, Steven!"

Cole responded and immediately ended the call.

Then, Ye Tian looked at Joshua, whose face was as gloomy as water.

"I hope you can control the situation as soon as possible, Joshua. If the protestors really break through the cordon, this tripartite joint exploration operation will most likely be forced to suspend."

Joshua nodded and said in a deep voice:

"Leave this matter to us, Steven. We will definitely be able to control the situation and prevent it from getting worse. There must be support behind these protestors."

Although he didn't say it explicitly, everyone knew it very well.

In all likelihood, those who secretly support or even encourage people to carry out protests and demonstrations are the Ethiopian government and the Orthodox Church, as well as the Tigray state government, etc.

After expressing his attitude, Joshua immediately got up and left the meeting room to report to the Israeli Prime Minister.

Naturally, this conversation could not continue and could only be ended hastily.

With urgent communication and pressure from the Israeli government and the Vatican, as well as joint pressure from other parties, the situation was quickly brought under control and did not continue to deteriorate.

However, the protesters who gathered near the hotel where the tripartite joint exploration team stayed and the camping site at the edge of the canyon did not disperse.

Not only that, more and more people are coming from different places to join the protests and demonstrations.

There are many people from all over the world who are flocking to Axum like a tide, trying to witness with their own eyes this great archaeological operation that will surely go down in history, and witness the emergence of Solomon's treasure and the Ark of the Covenant!

Of course, there are also many people with ulterior motives among them.

As Ye Tian said, this night was not peaceful.

At about ten o'clock in the evening, bad news came from Axum.

Someone fired a black gun at the hotel where the tripartite joint exploration team was staying, causing a small commotion.

Fortunately no one was hit and only a few pieces of glass were broken.

The guy who was hiding in the dark and firing the gun was naturally not caught.

The news reached the camp on this side of the canyon, and the alert level here was immediately raised to the highest level.

The security personnel protecting the Israeli Prime Minister and the Pope were all on high alert, keeping an eye on what was going on around them.

The two armed escort convoys and several helicopters parked next to the camp are all ready to leave here and take off at any time!

Fortunately, the situation here has not worsened, so it is a near miss!

Ethiopians also know that nothing will happen to the two leaders staying here. They cannot afford the consequences.

Around eleven o'clock in the evening, another bad news came.

Through the many infrared surveillance cameras placed in the canyon, Seaman and the others discovered that there were many Israeli golden scorpions, black mambas, and night devil snakes in the canyon.

Obviously, these deadly guys came out of the depths of the mountain.

This discovery shocked everyone!

For safety reasons, Ye Tian immediately let two medium-sized helicopters take off, withdrew the security personnel guarding the top and bottom of the cliff, and only monitored the situation in the two places through infrared cameras.

Seaman and the others guarded the campsite on the canyon side tightly, and sprinkled the entire campsite with powerful snake repellent that was brought in urgently, just in case!

Fortunately, those deadly poisonous insects did not cross the canyon and came to the canyon to attack the camp of the three-party joint exploration team!

One night passed, and it was a new day.

As soon as he got up in the morning, Ye Tian summoned the little white elf.

As he whistled, the little guy jumped out of his nest like lightning and landed on the table beside the bed.

Its speed is extremely fast, even faster than lightning.

Even though his eyes were as sharp as Ye Tian's, he could only see a faint shadow.

After landing on the table, the little guy immediately raised his triangular head and looked at Ye Tian, ​​acting extremely excited and full of spirituality.

The moment he saw this little guy, Ye Tian was stunned and stunned.

After absorbing a large amount of spiritual power, this little guy not only did not become larger, but also became smaller, nearly a quarter smaller than before.

The scars left yesterday when fighting those unknown creatures deep in the mountain opposite have disappeared, leaving no trace.

And the transparency of this little guy has been improved again, almost completely transparent.

More importantly, there was a small bump in the center of its head, which looked extremely strange.

Is it possible to not be shocked by such a huge change in the little guy?

After a long time, Ye Tian just woke up.

Then, he said in amazement:

"I'll go! You little guy actually has a majestic head. Could it be that you're going to turn into a dragon? If that's true, it would be too fantasy and shocking!"

While marveling, Ye Tian quickly activated his clairvoyance ability and quickly looked through this little guy.

The target of focus is naturally the small bump on the little guy's head.

Unfortunately, he didn't see the dragon horns in the small bag.

But the structure of the little guy's skull did undergo some minor changes. It is not yet known what miracles these changes will eventually lead to.

In addition, he also discovered that although this little guy became smaller, he became more powerful.

It seems that the saying is correct, the essence is the concentrated one!

While looking through the little guy, Chen Yu also discovered.

The spiritual power contained in his eyes has returned to 80%.

In the next exploration operation, as long as you secretly absorb a little more, you will be able to completely recover soon.

After thoroughly looking through the little white elf, Ye Tian withdrew his gaze and ended the perspective.

After the introduction, he began to interact with the little guy.

Through the interaction, he learned that the little white elf had become more agile, faster, and physically stronger.

If people could still see its shadow when it launched its attack before, they probably can't even see its shadow now!

The reason why the little guy has undergone such a huge change is obviously the result of absorbing a large amount of spiritual energy.

This made Ye Tian very happy and made him more confident in the next exploration operation.

With this little guy's current strength, it would probably be a different situation if he encountered the two guys who flew out of the cave to chase him yesterday.

It's probably a one-sided crushing!

"Little guy, should I change your name to Little White Dragon instead of White Elf?"

Saying that, Ye Tian gently stroked the little guy's head.

The white elf seemed to like his new name very much, and kept rubbing his little head against his fingertips, acting very affectionate!

After playing with the white elf for a while, Ye Tian went to wash up.

About ten minutes later, Ye Tian walked out of the RV.

As soon as he came out, he found out.

There were many more vehicles parked around the campsite than yesterday.

The number of armed security personnel guarding the camp was more than double that of yesterday.

These newly added security personnel are not soldiers from the TPLF, but special forces from Israel and members of the Swiss Guard from the Vatican.

In addition to a large number of security personnel, there are also many unfamiliar faces in the campsite.

These people are either new archaeologists and historians, religious figures, doctors, nurses, biologists, toxicologists, etc.

Without exception, they are all the professionals that Ye Tian made a request to the Israeli Prime Minister last night, asking him to mobilize here for support!

The Israelis moved quickly and efficiently.

In just one night, they arranged all the personnel and materials and airlifted them to Axum.

Perhaps they have been prepared for a long time, and every Israeli wants to personally participate in this great exploration, including those experts and scholars.

In this way, the efficiency is naturally very high.

Just as Ye Tian looked at these newly arrived professionals, those guys also looked at him curiously. Everyone was very excited and full of expectations.

Ye Tianchong nodded and greeted these guys, then called Cole, who was guarding the RV, over and asked in a low voice:

"Tell me about the situation outside? Did anything happen from midnight yesterday to this morning?"

Cole nodded and then continued:

“Under the joint pressure from Israel, the Vatican, and the United States and other countries, the Ethiopian government and the Orthodox Church, as well as Tigray and the TPLF, have all quieted down.

Various protests and demonstrations that took place in Addis Ababa, Aksum, and other cities in Ethiopia have gradually calmed down and the situation has basically been brought under control.

The Ethiopian government and the Orthodox Church, as well as the Tigray state, have now changed their propaganda strategy. They are vigorously promoting that the Ark of the Covenant has been in Aksum for the past two thousand years.

According to legend, the Church of St. Mary of Mount Zion in Axum, where the Ark of the Covenant is enshrined, was deliberately ignored by them. After their publicity, the mood of the Ethiopians has gradually stabilized."

"It seems that those guys in the Ethiopian government and the Orthodox Church still have some brains. For them, this propaganda strategy is undoubtedly the best way to deal with this crisis!"

"The Israelis have prepared the personnel and materials you requested from Israel last night and transported them to Axum overnight, and then transported them here."

"The efficiency of the Israelis is trustworthy, not to mention that we are looking for the Ark of the Covenant!"

"One more thing. Most of the Israeli golden scorpions, black mambas, and night devil snakes that emerged from the depths of the mountain last night disappeared after dawn today!"

"Obviously, those scary guys have returned to the depths of the mountain and are waiting for us in that dark world. It won't be long before we see those guys again!"

Ye Tian said with a smile, his eyes full of confidence.

Next, he learned some other information, and then took David and the others towards the location of the Israeli Prime Minister and the Pope.

After passing several levels, we finally met the two leaders.

After meeting and exchanging greetings, the Israeli Prime Minister immediately asked impatiently:

"Steven, when do you plan to start the next step of exploration? Enter Solomon's Temple hidden in the opposite mountain again?"

Ye Tian looked at this old friend, then smiled and said:

"Don't worry, after everyone's condition has almost recovered and we have made all preparations, we can start the next step of exploration!"

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