Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 3122 The sudden change in the Holy of Holies

Latest website: After "God Divides Light and Darkness", on this simple and heavy stone door, everyone has seen other contents of "Genesis" one after another.

They are "Creation of the Sun, Moon, Grass and Trees", "God Separates Land and Water", "Creation of Adam", "Creation of Eve", "Original Sin - Expulsion from the Garden of Eden", "Noah's Sacrifice", "The Great Flood" and so on.

The discovery of these stone carvings and murals has caused sensation again and again.

It can even be said that the entire Western world was completely shocked by these stone carvings and murals.

In this space deep in the mountain, in several camps of the three-party joint exploration team, and in front of countless live broadcasts, exclamations can be heard one after another.

While several archaeologists were carefully cleaning the stone gate, Ye Tian and the others were also discussing in low voices.

“Stephen, the Beta Israelites followed Menelik I and fled to Ethiopia as early as the tenth century BC, but the Old Testament seems to have been written hundreds of years later.

The "Genesis" engraved on this stone door seems to be complete. How to explain this situation? Could it be that the Old Testament was written earlier, so this situation occurred? "

Jimmy asked excitedly.

Ye Tian looked at this guy, then smiled and said:

“I have said before that judging from the statues in the Path of the Prophets, the group of Israelis who fled to Ethiopia with Menelik I should have always maintained contact with the Israel area.

It is probably because of this that we can see these statues and stone murals in front of us. Regarding the writing of the Old Testament, you can ask Isaiah, he knows more about this than me."

With that said, Ye Tian raised his hand and gestured to Isaiah who was standing next to him.

As an atheist, it is obviously inappropriate for him to talk about Old Testament-related topics on a live broadcast. This is too sensitive!

And Isaiah was a Jewish rabbi and had a very high status, so there was no problem in discussing this.

Jimmy then turned to look at Isaiah, and the camera followed.

"Genesis is the content of the Pentateuch. It existed long before the Old Testament was written. It is the most important part of the Jewish classics..."

While Isaiah was being interviewed, Ye Tian walked to the stone door that was mostly wiped out, admiring the stone carvings and murals on the stone door while looking for a way to open the stone door.

In just a moment, a smile appeared on his face, as if he had discovered something.

Of course, this is just acting.

In a short time, Owen and the others wiped away all the volcanic ash attached to the stone door.

Afterwards, everyone took a few steps back and stood two or three meters away, looking excitedly at the stone gate and the "Genesis" mural carved on the stone gate.

Everyone is very familiar with the murals carved on this stone gate.

In other places, such as the Sistine Chapel in the Vatican, everyone has seen more exquisite and spectacular murals of the same name.

That is the immortal masterpiece by Michelangelo, "Genesis".

But that mural was created fifteen or six hundred years later than the one in front of you!

Although the "Genesis" engraved on this stone gate is not as majestic as Michelangelo's, the feeling it brings to everyone is still very shocking.

To some extent, it’s even worse!

"Wow! This is truly a priceless treasure, unparalleled!"

"It's so perfect. Who would have thought that in such a secret and dark world, there would be such a miracle hidden? It's incredible!"

Several archaeologists were filled with admiration and excitement.

Not only them, but also the other members of the three-party joint exploration team, as well as the countless spectators watching this scene, are also like this.

In particular, there are many archaeologists and historians who study Western history, countless religious figures, and other experts and scholars, such as antiquities appraisal experts and sculptors.

At this time, they all wished they could have wings and fly here directly to appreciate this priceless treasure that shocked the world!

After everyone's emotions calmed down a little, Ye Tian said loudly:

"Gentlemen, please control your emotions. There are still many antiques and cultural relics here that need to be cleaned up and waiting for everyone to appreciate and study. Behind this stone door, there may be even bigger surprises."

With his words, everyone woke up.

Immediately afterwards, everyone turned to look at Ye Tian.

"Steven, can you open this stone door now? See what secrets are hidden behind this stone door?"

Owen asked expectantly.

Everyone else nodded, everyone looking forward to it.

Ye Tian looked at these guys, then smiled and said:

"Don't rush to open this stone door yet. There are several statues of prophets and angels here. There must be many ancient texts and murals engraved on the surrounding cave walls. Let's clean them out first!"

Before he finished speaking, the head of the Israeli exploration team continued:

"Yes, these prophet statues and angel statues are very important. They are priceless top antiques. They are of extraordinary significance and have great historical and cultural research value.

However, what everyone wants to know most now is what secret is hidden behind this stone door? Is it the Ark of the Covenant that the Jews have been searching for for three thousand years? "

"Yes, Steven, what everyone wants to do most now is to open this stone door."

The others all agreed.

Not only the people present, but also all the viewers watching this exploration live broadcast, are eager to know what secrets are hidden behind this stone door!

Ye Tian smiled softly and then said:

"Since everyone can't wait, let's open this ancient stone door and see what secrets are hidden behind this stone door?"

With that said, he walked towards the stone door again.

Without exception, everyone present was delighted and full of expectations.

Arriving in front of the stone gate, Ye Tian carefully checked the murals on the stone gate and the situation around the stone gate again.

Moreover, he asked his employees to clean up the volcanic ash on the ground inside the stone gate, squatted and observed the ground situation, and then fell into thinking.

After a while, he stood up.

Immediately afterwards, he picked up the heavy police shield in front of him, then stretched out his right hand and pressed it on a stone on the right side of the stone door and on the wall of the cave beside the Adam statue.

On that stone was carved a ferocious snake head.

Maybe that was the poisonous snake that tempted Adam and Eve to eat the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden. It looked a lot like a black mamba!

At this time, it is the mechanism that opens the stone door.

Seeing Ye Tian's action, everyone was a little surprised.

"It turns out that the mechanism that opens this stone door is the snake head. This design is so clever. Does it have any meaning?"

"Many things here are related to poisonous snakes, and there is also a sculpture of a Black Mamba. Could it be that the totem of this Beta Israel tribe is the Black Mamba?"

While people were talking about it, they were also staring at Ye Tian.

Ye Tian did not exert force immediately, but pondered and felt it.

After a moment, he used all his strength to push the stone toward the cave wall.

At first, the stone was motionless, as if it were one with the other stones on the cave wall.

As Ye Tian continued to increase his strength, the stone finally made some movement and slowly sank into the cave wall.

At the same time, there was a clicking sound outside the stone door.

Seeing this scene, everyone was excited.

While he was talking, the stone with the black mamba head carved on it had been pushed ten centimeters into the cave wall by Ye Tian.

He didn't stop until he couldn't push anymore.

Immediately afterwards, he returned to the stone door, grabbed a groove on the right edge of the stone door with his hand, and pulled the stone door inward with force.

While opening the door, he was also explaining to everyone.

"It can be seen from the friction marks left on the ground that this stone door is opened inward, not pushed outward. I just don't know if it can be opened now?"

Before the words were spoken, the answer was revealed.

Under his tremendous strength, the thick stone door was slowly pulled open.

When the stone door was opened with a gap of about five centimeters, Ye Tian suddenly stopped and stared at the gap warily.

Fortunately, it was very quiet outside the stone gate, no accidents occurred, and nothing got in through the gap to attack everyone!

Next, Ye Tian would repeat the same operation every ten centimeters or so.

In a short time, most of the stone door had been opened.

As the light was projected out, the situation outside the stone door appeared in front of everyone's eyes. Everyone was stunned for an instant, dumbfounded.

After making sure that there were no traps or swarms of Israeli golden scorpions and poisonous snakes outside the stone door, Ye Tian finally opened the stone door completely at once.

Then, he protected himself with a heavy police shield and looked outside the stone door.

What appeared in front of everyone was a dead end road.

To be more precise, it is a stone bridge that has been broken for who knows how many years.

Outside this stone gate is a platform about three meters wide, and on the edge of the platform is a crack, or an abyss, about four meters wide.

It is currently unknown how deep this crack is located deep in the mountain and where it leads.

On top of this crack, there was originally a natural stone bridge about one meter wide, spanning both sides of the crack, connecting the two sides.

But I don’t know when the stone bridge collapsed, or was blown down by falling rocks from the cave roof. Only less than one meter of bridge head remained on both sides.

On the other side of the broken stone bridge is a platform that doesn't look too big, about one meter lower than the stone gate.

On that platform, there is a rectangular courtyard. In the center of the courtyard is a temple-like building, which has long been covered by volcanic ash and looks gray.

Fortunately, the stone temple-like building was well preserved and was not destroyed by falling rocks.

At least that's what it looks like from the Shimen side!

The situation behind it is temporarily unclear.

The platform where the courtyard is located seems to be surrounded by several deep cracks, completely separating the platform from other places, forming an isolated island.

It is not yet known how far the cave roof above the island is from the top of the temple building.

Overall, this is a cave located deep in the heart of the mountain, and the terrain is very dangerous. It is basically a desert!

The scene in front of them shocked everyone.

It took a long time for everyone to wake up.

Immediately afterwards, there was an exclamation of exclamation from the scene.

"Oh my God! There is actually a courtyard and palace hidden here, it's incredible!"

"This place looks a bit like the rock church in Lalibela, only not as regular, but the terrain is more dangerous!"

Just when everyone was amazed, Jimmy had brought the cameraman to the stone gate.

They pointed the camera lens at the courtyard and palace on the platform and started filming.

Following their movements, a bright light was immediately cast towards the courtyard and palace not far away.

After just two glances, Jimmy suddenly said in surprise:

"Steven, why do I feel that the building covered with volcanic ash across the way looks familiar? It seems like I have seen it somewhere before?"

Ye Tian smiled softly, and then said something shocking.

“This ancient building looks familiar to me. I have seen similar buildings in many historical materials, in Jerusalem, and in the Church of St. Mary of Aksum.

If I'm not mistaken, this may be an ancient Holy of Holies. Of course, it's possible that I'm mistaken, but I believe that this ancient building must be very important! "

Before he finished speaking, the scene exploded.

Everyone here screamed in surprise.

"Oh my God! Did I hear you correctly? This is the Holy of Holies. Is the Ark of the Covenant placed in this Holy of Holies?"

"Yes, this ancient building is square and square, with courtyards and palaces. It really looks like the Holy of Holies. This is amazing!"

Because of Ye Tian's words, countless live broadcasts instantly became excited.

"The Holy of Holies where the Ark of the Covenant is enshrined? How is it possible? Did this amazing guy Steven really find the Ark of the Covenant?"

"Oh God! Is the most holy object, the Ark of the Covenant, which has been missing for three thousand years, really going to reappear in the world?"

Everyone was exclaiming and everyone was excited.

Countless Jewish and Christian believers rushed to their feet as if they were electrocuted, and then kept crossing themselves on their chests or kneeling on the ground!

In Jerusalem and the Vatican, in many churches and churches around the world, and in many religious organizations, many monks and religious figures knelt down and prayed devoutly.

In Israel and in Jewish communities around the world, people are almost crazy with excitement, cheering and celebrating in various ways, and praying non-stop.

In the camp of the joint exploration team across the canyon, the Pope kept crossing himself while watching the live broadcast.

At the same time, he was still mumbling to himself.

"Yes, this is the Holy of Holies, and it is the oldest and most important Holy of Holies in existence!"

The Israeli Prime Minister standing aside was even more excited and burst into tears, and his body was trembling slightly.

The Ethiopian government officials, religious figures, and countless monks and believers of the Orthodox Church who also watched this scene had a different mood!

They were also excited about this great discovery, but they were also very bitter and worried at the same time!

Especially the low-level monks and believers were in confusion and couldn't find their way at all.

Just as the whole world was gradually boiling, a sudden change occurred!

Hearing that the ancient building opposite, covered in volcanic ash, was most likely the Holy of Holies where the Ark of the Covenant was enshrined, the photographer with the camera started to show off excitedly.

As a result, the light projected from the camera suddenly swayed like a will-o'-the-wisp, erratic.

Jimmy, who was standing aside, was not in much better condition and was shaking with excitement.

Everyone present except Ye Tian was very excited.

At this moment, in the flickering light of the camera, two thin black shadows suddenly jumped out of the courtyard on the opposite platform and headed straight for the stone gate on the other side of the crack.

Immediately afterwards, another white shadow flew out of the opposite courtyard at a faster speed, chasing the two black figures in front of it.

The first time the two black figures appeared in front, Ye Tian noticed it and shouted in a low voice:

"It's dangerous, everyone, be careful!"

Before he finished speaking, he had taken a step forward, stopped in front of everyone, and stood on the edge of the stone gate.

He held a heavy police shield in his left hand and quickly covered his body. He quickly pulled out a jungle machete in his right hand and was ready for emergencies.

The experts, scholars, exploration team members, Jimmy and others who were also near the door had not yet reacted and were still a little confused.

The excitement on their faces has not even faded, they are still very excited.

Fortunately, Peter and the others responded quickly enough!

As soon as they received the warning, they quickly drew out their jungle machetes and prepared to fight to protect the joint exploration team and many experts and scholars!

In the blink of an eye, the white shadow that finally flew out of the opposite courtyard caught up with the black shadow that fell behind. It pounced on the black shadow like lightning and started fighting!

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the black shadow in front quickly rushed up to the bridge opposite the crack, then flew across the broken bridge in a whoosh, landed on the broken bridge here, and rushed towards the stone gate at high speed.

It wasn't until this moment that Jimmy, Irving, and the countless viewers on the live broadcast realized what was going on.

"What is that? It's too fast. It looks like a black mamba!"

"I'll go! Those are two black mambas, but I swear, I've never seen such a lightning-fast black mamba. It's so scary!"

Before the exclamation could end, the black mamba that rushed across the bridge quickly rushed to the front of the stone gate.

This guy didn't stop at all, or he was in a panic, or he looked at Ye Tian and the others as if they were nothing, and he rushed directly into the stone gate.

The moment it flew into the air, Ye Tian, ​​who was at the front, suddenly stepped forward instead of retreating. He stepped out of the stone door like lightning and faced the black mamba!

While attacking quickly, the heavy police shield in his hand was always protected in front of him, protecting him tightly!

The jungle machete held in his right hand slashed out from the side, like a white horse, heading straight for the black mamba that was rushing at high speed!

A flash of sword light flashed!

The extremely sharp jungle machete struck the black mamba hard and cut it in two!

However, the black mamba's tendency to charge forward did not change, and it suddenly sprayed out a stream of venom.


The black mamba hit the heavy police shield with a crisp sound.

All the venom it sprayed was blocked by the police shield, without causing any damage.

Immediately afterwards, the black mamba slid down the police shield and fell to the ground.

Ye Tian lowered the police shield simultaneously, preparing to crush this black mamba to death to avoid future troubles!

Although this thing was cut into two pieces by him, it was not completely dead and still posed a very big threat.

In an instant, the black mamba fell to the ground.


The heavy police shield fell down and hit the black mamba directly on the head.

There was no suspense in the result. The black mamba's head was smashed to pieces in an instant, and he was so dead that he couldn't die anymore!

Almost at the same time, the battle on the ground on the other side of the crack also ended.

The slower Black Mamba was ultimately defeated by the faster, more ferocious, and more poisonous White Elf, and died under the White Elf's snake kiss!

The white elf who killed his opponent didn't stop at all, and immediately flew towards the crack, trying to kill another opponent!

However, its other opponent died in Ye Tian's hands.

With a flash of white light, the little guy landed on the heavy police shield in Ye Tian's hand.

At this time, those guys staying in the stone gate and the countless viewers in front of the live broadcast were completely dumbfounded, and they were all dumbfounded!

"Oh my god! Who saw clearly the knife strike that Steven just made? I only saw a flash of knife light, it was faster than lightning!"

"Holy shit! This guy Steven is just like this little white translucent cobra. He is definitely the incarnation of the God of Death. His strength is so terrifying!"

Just when everyone was exclaiming, Ye Tian had already picked up the body of the black mamba on the ground with a jungle machete and threw it directly into the crack in front!

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