Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 3124 The Chosen Son

Latest website: "Oh my God! There are indeed metal objects in the Holy of Holies. Are those metal objects the Ark of the Covenant?"

As Jimmy exclaimed, the whole world went crazy.

At the exploration site, several camps of the three-party joint exploration team, and in front of countless live broadcasts, people screamed in surprise, and they all looked crazy.

"Oh God! Is this all true? The Ark of the Covenant, which has disappeared for more than three thousand years, will finally reappear in the world?"

"Wow! This is definitely one of the greatest archaeological discoveries ever made. It's incredible!"

Compared to other places, Jerusalem and the Vatican are much quieter at this time.

Almost everyone in these two cities had put down their work and stared at the live broadcast with bated breath, staring at the Holy of Holies covered in volcanic ash!

It is no exaggeration to say that these two cities that have ceased functioning are like two huge volcanoes, preparing for the most violent eruption in history.

Once the Ark of the Covenant reappears in the world, these two cities will immediately be completely overwhelmed by extreme fanaticism!

And in some cities in Ethiopia, in some places in cities such as Addis Ababa and Aksum, it is also very quiet.

Many Ethiopians are staring at the live broadcast with blood-red eyes, and their eyes are almost bleeding.

At this time, their moods were very contradictory.

The real Ark of the Covenant reappeared in Ethiopia, making everyone excited and crazy about it.

But the consequences, the possible turmoil, and the collapse of faith are something they are absolutely unwilling to face!

In the campsite across the canyon.

The Pope kept crossing himself, faster and faster.

Moreover, his face was red and he kept mumbling to himself.

"Is the Ark of the Covenant finally going to appear? After today, I will die without regrets!"

Listening to his words, the health doctor standing aside couldn't help but worry about his health, and even his life!

The Israeli Prime Minister, who was two or three meters away, was in no better condition!

This evergreen figure in Israeli politics and a well-known hawkish strongman was starting to show his excitement at this time, and his body was trembling slightly.

And he was mumbling too.

"Three thousand years of searching and waiting, will there finally be a result today? I hope this is a perfect result, I hope this is a perfect day!"

At this moment, Ye Tian's voice suddenly came out and reached countless people's ears.

"Gentlemen, it is now certain that there are indeed some metal objects hidden in the Holy of Holies, but it is not yet certain whether these metal objects are the Ark of the Covenant.

According to the architectural structure of the Holy of Holies, the place where the small drone is currently parked is in the front half of the Holy of Holies. The metal objects enshrined there may not be the Ark of the Covenant.

To be more precise, underneath the small drone was the Holy Place, not the Holy of Holies. The items enshrined in the Holy Place were gold cakes, candlesticks, incense altars, etc.

The metal objects scanned by the small drone should be gold cakes, seven-branch candlesticks, incense altars, etc. Behind the sanctuary is the real Holy of Holies."

With these words, the almost crazy people became sober.

"Ah! Those metal objects may not be the Ark of the Covenant? Is there any mistake?"

People exclaimed.

Before the exclamations could end, several experts and scholars at the scene gave their answers.

"What Steven said is right, the location of the small drone is indeed above the Holy Sanctuary, not above the Holy of Holies!"

"Indeed, the location of the Holy of Holies is further inside. Whether the Ark of the Covenant is in the Holy of Holies still needs further exploration!"

While these experts and scholars were giving explanations, the National Geographic Channel's live broadcast team also gave timely structural diagrams of the Tabernacle of Moses and the Holy of Holies.

They used voiceovers to explain to people where the Ark of the Covenant was stored.

After hearing this explanation, people's emotions calmed down a little.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Tian said to Derek:

"Derek, let the small drone fly above the Holy of Holies and land slowly to see if it can detect a metal signal."

"No problem, Steven, look at me!"

Derek nodded in response, his voice trembling with excitement.

For him, this is definitely the greatest moment in his life and the most glorious moment, which is worth remembering forever!

As he spoke, the small drone took off again and flew straight to the Holy of Holies behind.

Seeing this scene, people involuntarily held their breath again and became more nervous, not even daring to breathe out!

Same as before!

After the small drone flew above the Holy of Holies, it began to descend slowly, and finally landed smoothly on the roof of the Holy of Holies.

Then, Ye Tian nodded to indicate that the metal detector could be turned on.

Derek immediately turned on the small metal detector remotely and started scanning.

The next moment, a pleasant chirping sounded from the scene.

"Beep beep beep"

With this melodious chirping sound, the whole world boiled instantly.

"The Ark is right there! In the Holy of Holies!"

"God, I didn't expect to see this scene. How lucky I am!"

Crazy cheers were like a roaring mountain and a tsunami, flooding countless places.

Ten minutes later.

The person's emotions have calmed down a little, but they are still extremely excited.

Ye Tian asked Derek to take back the small drone and remove the small metal detector it carried.

Almost at the same time as the small drone was recovered.

The leaders of the Israeli and Vatican exploration teams, as well as experts and scholars from several top universities, quickly gathered around Ye Tian.

"Steven, please transfer this small drone and small metal detector to us. The price is whatever you want. As long as it's not too outrageous, we can accept it!"

The leader of the Vatican exploration team said excitedly, showing great generosity.

Before he finished speaking, that guy Owen continued:

"Steven, please transfer these two pieces of exploration equipment to our Columbia University. Their meaning is so special that they deserve to be treasured forever!"

The other experts, scholars and representatives from all parties were not willing to be left behind and made acquisition requests one after another.

Of course they understand the significance of these two days of exploring equipment.

It is no exaggeration to say that because of the discovery of the most holy object, the Ark of the Covenant, they have been given a sacred color and coated with a layer of holy light!

Ye Tian looked at these old friends, then smiled and said:

"Gentlemen, I am very sorry, but I do not plan to sell this small drone and this small metal detector immediately, but I plan to bring them back to New York for public auction.

I will notify everyone when the auction will be held. Everyone is welcome to participate. Everyone will compete fairly and the one with the highest price will win. You may be the one who finally wins the auction for these two pieces of equipment! "

Before he finished speaking, there was immediately a chorus of complaints.

"I knew this was the result, Steven, you are still as greedy as ever!"

"Hey! It seems that I can only go to the auction then. Someone will be killed by you."

The situation in front of countless live broadcasts is the same, and many people are complaining.

Of course, people's eyes were red with envy and they wished they could replace Ye Tian.

Ye Tian smiled, and then ordered Derek and the others to seal the two pieces of exploration equipment immediately and not put them into use again.

Immediately afterwards, he picked up the walkie-talkie and said:

"Joshua, you can ask the Levitical priests who are accompanying you to come down. They must take precautions to avoid any accidents. I will ask the security team to return to Solomon's Temple to pick them up."

"Okay, Steven, I will arrange for a few Levite priests to go down, and I will send security personnel to accompany them to protect them. As for their safety, you don't have to worry!"

Joshua responded, his voice trembling slightly with excitement.

Ye Tian smiled and continued:

"One more thing, Seaman, send down the materials for building the bridge. We are going to build a small bridge over this crack to facilitate the movement of people and materials."

"Okay, Steven, we'll hoist the bridge materials down right away."

Seaman responded, equally excited.

Next, Ye Tian made some other requests before ending the call.

Afterwards, everyone began to clean up the sculptures of the Israelite prophets and angels inside the stone gate, as well as the surrounding cave walls and ground. Everyone was in high spirits.

During this period, Peter and the others walked out of the stone door and sprinkled powerful snake repellent and scorpion repellent all over the platform outside the stone door.

Not only that, they also used small drones to spread powerful snake repellent and scorpion repellent on the platform opposite the crack to prepare for subsequent exploration operations.

Even in the crack outside the stone gate, they sprinkled a lot of medicine in an attempt to drive away the many Israeli golden scorpions and poisonous snakes entrenched in this crack.

In fact, this has achieved good results.

Perhaps because of the loss of the Snake King, it is difficult for the poisonous snakes entrenched in this dark world to organize and launch attacks.

Plus they really don't like the smell of strong snake repellents.

As a large amount of powerful snake repellent was sprinkled, the feared black mambas and night devil snakes crawled to the bottom of the cracks or hid.

Those Israeli golden scorpions, which were also extremely poisonous, had much smaller reactions.

Maybe there is a Scorpion King hidden in this dark world, hiding in the darkness waiting for an opportunity, and he doesn't know when he will come out.

As for the white elf who had made great achievements, he stayed outside for more than ten minutes before getting into Ye Tian's chest pocket and entering the rest area!

Before putting this little guy away, Ye Tian wiped off all the volcanic ash on it and cleaned it up.

He also gave it some spiritual energy rewards, and then put the little guy away.

Next, together with other archaeologists and historians, he cleaned and admired the statues of prophets and angels inside the stone gate, as well as many ancient texts and murals, and other things!

Outside the stone gate, two or three small drones flew to different places to explore the cave where the Holy of Holies is located!

Through the searchlights and high-definition cameras carried by small drones, some surprising discoveries have been made one after another.

In the blink of an eye, an hour passed.

Several Levitical priests from Jerusalem, as well as a large amount of bridge-building materials, and other exploration equipment arrived one after another.

Especially the Levitical priests were extremely solemn and excited.

After arriving at the end of the Prophet's Road, they immediately approached Ye Tian and bowed to him.

The leading priest said with gratitude:

"Thank you very much, Mr. Steven, for helping all Jews fulfill a dream that has lasted for three thousand years. From today on, the Levites will be your most loyal friends!"

Hearing this, everyone was surprised and envious.

Everyone knows what this promise means! What a huge portion!

In Israel and in almost all Jewish communities around the world, the Levites hold a transcendent status and their influence is astonishing!

This promise of the Levites was coupled with the discovery of the most holy object, the Ark of the Covenant.

Wherever there are Jews, Ye Tian will be treated as a distinguished guest!

It's a pity that he is not involved in the financial circle, otherwise, everything will be disadvantageous!

Even so, in the future he will be like a fish in water in the United States and New York, and he will basically be able to have a smooth trip!

The reason is simple. To a certain extent, Jews control the money bag and the economic lifeline of the United States!

In front of countless live broadcasts, many people have already called Ye Tian the Chosen Son!

A man who discovered two most holy objects, the Holy Grail and the Ark of the Covenant, and many other holy objects one after another, what is he but the Chosen One?

What's more, the guardian of the Holy Grail, the small white translucent cobra that is said to be the incarnation of Lucifer, the god of death, has recognized him as his master and protected him!

Even though he is an atheist, many people still firmly believe that.

He is the chosen one!

After being polite to some Levite priests, Ye Tian directed his exploration team to start building a bridge across the crack.

They used the remaining bridge ends at both ends of the original stone bridge and built the new bridge on top.

Since the materials are available, there is no shortage of manpower and they are rich in experience.

In less than twenty minutes, a simple bridge was built across both sides of the fissure.

With the completion of the construction of this small bridge, the Holy of Holies and the Path of the Prophet on both sides of the rift were once again connected.

At the same time, everyone became more excited and eager to try.

The same goes for the countless viewers in front of the live broadcast. They were excited and their eyes were red with envy.

At this time, they all wished they could be in this world deep in the mountains, walk across the simple bridge in person, and welcome the most holy object, the Ark of the Covenant, to reappear in the world!

Unfortunately, they had no chance!

Only the joint exploration team members, experts and scholars at the scene, as well as representatives from various parties and people from the religious community have the opportunity to cross the bridge to welcome the Ark of the Covenant back to earth!

However, the decision of who can cross this small bridge first lies in Ye Tian's hands.

Without exception, all the joint exploration team members and experts and scholars on the scene looked at him, and everyone's eyes were extremely hot and full of expectation.

Ye Tian looked at these guys, then smiled and said:

"Gentlemen, I would like to make a point here. The first person to cross this simple bridge must be a security team member and not anyone else. I hope you can understand this.

The reason is simple. This is for safety reasons. He is responsible for cleaning the bridge on the opposite side and the ground on the other side of the bridge, as well as protecting the rest of the people on the opposite side from crossing the small bridge."


There was a sigh at the scene, coming from the archaeologists and many joint exploration team members.

Also included were representatives from all parties, as well as the Levitical priests.

These guys felt very sorry to hear that they could not be the first to cross the bridge.

But they all understood that there was nothing wrong with this arrangement, so no one raised any objections.

Looking at the security team members, all of them were beaming with joy and excitement.

Ye Tian glanced at everyone present, and then continued:

"This security team member can be one of my men, or someone from Israel or the Vatican. Which party is allowed to pass the bridge first can be decided by drawing lots."

At this moment, Jimmy suddenly asked loudly:

"Steven, why weren't you the first to cross this small bridge? It was you who led everyone to find the Ark of the Covenant, which has been missing for more than three thousand years. If you were the first to cross this small bridge, I believe no one would have any objections!"

Hearing this, almost everyone on the scene nodded and had no objection.

Countless viewers, including the Pope and the Prime Minister of Israel, who are watching this live broadcast of Discovery, take this for granted and have no problem whatsoever.

However, Ye Tian shook his head firmly.

"Gentlemen, anyone else can be the first to cross this small bridge and enter the platform where the Holy of Holies is located, but it cannot be me. The reason is obvious to everyone.

I will not go over until most people have safely crossed this small bridge, and I will not enter the Tabernacle of Moses, let alone the Holy of Holies, I will just stay outside! "

Seeing his resolute attitude, the others could only nod.

At the same time, everyone was impressed by his caution.

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