Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 3133 Death of an old enemy

Latest website: Chapter 3133 The Death of an Old Enemy


Huge crashes sounded one after another, deafening.

Accompanied by a series of violent car collisions, there was also a rapid rain of gunshots.

"Bang bang bang bang"

Countless rifle bullets dragged red firelight across the night sky, tearing the darkness into pieces.

The gunmen in several other SUVs were holding automatic rifles and shooting wildly.

However, they did not know where the death-like opponent was hiding, so they could only blindly fire violently at all places shrouded in darkness in front of them.

The people living on this street, and everyone staying in the hotel, as well as numerous Ethiopian military police and armed security personnel, were silent and made no move.

Such a weird situation is enough to drive people crazy!

In fact, the guys who were firing so hard were out of their minds.

The SUV Cook was riding in rolled eight or nine times and rolled forty to fifty meters before stopping.

Under such a violent impact, the SUV had turned into a pile of scrap metal.

The driver of the SUV and the guy sitting in the passenger seat died immediately, their heads blasted by rifle bullets.

The idiot who proposed coming here to attack the hotel, kidnap the employees of Intrepid Exploration Company, and extort the sunken treasure or a large ransom also broke his neck and died when the SUV rolled crazily.

The only person in this SUV who survived was that guy Cook.

At this time, he had been hit with a bloody head, broken tendons and fractures. He didn't know how many ribs were broken. He was not far from death.

What made him feel desperate was that he was stuck in this pile of scrap metal and could not move at all.

What's even worse is that the broken car started to burn. The fire was like a prairie fire, getting bigger and bigger, and was about to swallow the entire car.


Cook screamed at the top of his lungs.

However, the sound he made was so weak and pitiful that only he could hear it.

His men had already fallen into madness and were too busy to take care of themselves that they could even think of running to save him.

In the blink of an eye, the fire had spread to the car.

Looking at the sweeping red flames, Cook fell into the abyss of despair.

He knew that he was dead.

Even if God comes at this moment, he can't save himself!

At the last moment before being swallowed up by the fire, he saw the familiar figure again in a dark alley next to him through the dazzling firelight.

That guy is hiding in the darkness, like the God of Death standing in the darkness, it's that damn bastard Steven!

Cook clearly saw that the bastard shook his head slightly and waved to himself.

The next moment, fire swept through and engulfed him.

"I'm not willing to give in!"

At the last moment before his death, Cook screamed in despair.

Unfortunately, no one heard him at all.

After witnessing Cook being swallowed up by the fire, Ye Tian immediately retreated into the darkness deep in the alley and disappeared without a trace again.

The guys under Cook saw with their own eyes the tragic end of their boss, and they were all frightened out of their minds.

"Hurry up and get out of this damn place. I don't want to die here."

"Fake! That bastard Steven is the devil, and everyone was killed by that bastard!"

These guys roared at the top of their lungs, each one looking like crazy.

While roaring, the remaining cars accelerated again, rushing forward desperately, trying to get out of this hellish street.

At this moment, a fire suddenly flashed in a building on the right side of the street.

Immediately afterwards, more than a dozen rifle bullets suddenly flew out of a window and hit the SUVs speeding on the street.

Those rifle bullets were like eyes, hitting the tires of several SUVs in an instant.

"Bang bang bang bang"

Accompanied by a series of bursting sounds of car tires, the SUVs immediately lost control and crashed directly into each other.

The attack from the right side of the street did not stop for a moment.

Amidst the continuous light gunfire, wave after wave of rifle bullets kept rushing in from the darkness, hitting the guys in several SUVs.


The screams rang out one after another, resounding throughout the entire neighborhood.

Listening to these desperate screams, everyone living in this neighborhood was trembling with fear. They didn't even dare to approach the windows, let alone watch the excitement.

And everyone could clearly hear that the screams were rapidly decreasing and the gunshots were becoming more and more sparse.

In just a minute or two, the screams and gunshots disappeared simultaneously.

However, the streets outside did not calm down.

Instead, there was a series of huge car explosions.


As cars burst into flames and exploded, the entire Bahir Dar was completely shaken!

But from beginning to end, no one saw who was responsible for these killings.

People didn't even see his shadow.

In the Bahir Dar Municipal Government Building.

Mustafa and the mayor of Bahir Dar stared out the window in stunned silence, looking at the fire in the distance that dyed half of the night sky red.

At this time, their eyes were full of fear and they were even trembling slightly.

Especially the mayor of Bahir Dar, his intestines are almost green with regret.

If he had known this outcome, he would not have agreed to let Ye Tian bring a large number of armed security personnel and the shipwreck treasures to Bahir Dar.

However, it is too late to regret.

“This bastard Steven is so crazy, even a hundred times crazier and more ruthless than the rumors. How could such a bastard exist in the world?

I don't dare to think about anything now. I just want to get dawn soon and let Steven, the bastard, leave as soon as possible with half of the sunken treasure and get out of Bahir Dar.

Let this crazy bastard stay in Bahir Dar for one more day and this city will be completely destroyed. From now on, I hope these guys never come here again."

Hearing this, Mustafa nodded sympathetically.

"Yes, I never thought that this bastard Steven could be so crazy and ruthless. What he did tonight completely refreshed my understanding.

Fortunately, we are not the enemies of this bastard Steven, otherwise we will definitely die. For such a vengeful madman, it is best to get out of Ethiopia as soon as possible!

Those guys who try to plot against this bastard, who try to take anything from him, are the stupidest idiots and are totally asking for their own death! "

Hearing this, Mayor Bahir Dar's old face couldn't help but blush, and he shuddered secretly.

Just a few hours ago, he had been interested in these World War II shipwreck treasures.

Fortunately, I just thought about it and didn't take action.

Otherwise, he may not be able to escape death, even if he is in charge of this city!

In the villa of the Amhara governor, at the Bahir Dar police station, and even in the presidential palace in Addis Ababa, among other places.

Many people stared at the dark night sky outside, terrified and stayed up all night!

This extremely bloody night killing in Bahir Dar quickly spread to many places and reached the ears of many people!

Everyone who heard the news was shocked and stunned, and felt a little scared!

Including the Israeli Prime Minister, who had just returned to Jerusalem, and the Pope, who was still staying in Aksum, were all shocked by the news.

At the same time, they were secretly happy!

Fortunately, after discovering Solomon's treasure and the Ark of the Covenant, neither of us played any tricks or had any evil intentions, otherwise nothing might have happened!

What happened in Bahir Dar tonight, if it were Israel and the Vatican, it would definitely be an unbearable burden!

Even the Ark of the Covenant, which disappeared for more than three thousand years and was finally found, may disappear again or even be completely destroyed!

No one can bear such a result!

When the time came to about three o'clock in the morning, the city of Bahir Dar slowly calmed down.

However, all the policemen in Bahir Dar were either huddled in the police station or hiding somewhere else, and no one took to the streets.

Ye Tian, ​​who mysteriously disappeared in the early morning, never appeared.

The streets of Bahir Dar were deserted and silent, just like a dead city!

Soon, the time came to five o'clock in the morning.

The sky is getting brighter and the darkness is receding little by little.

After confirming that there was no danger, the Bahir Dar police sent people out and carefully began to clean the battlefield.

When they came to the streets and saw the bloody killing fields with corpses strewn all over the place, they were all frightened on the spot.

Some of the timid guys even vomited on the spot.

Only then did they truly understand what happened in Bahir Dar last night.

It is no exaggeration to say that these streets in Bahir Dar last night were hell.

It is said that there is a guy who looks like a god of death, wandering these dark streets, ruthlessly harvesting lives, and sending everyone who comes for the sunken treasures to hell!

Looking at the unlucky people who died tragically on the streets, the Bahir Dar policeman felt for the first time that his chief turned out to be so wise and wise.

If he hadn't made everyone pretend to be deaf and dumb, then perhaps he and many of his colleagues would be dead on the streets!

The situation on the streets was quickly reported to the Bahir Dar police chief, the mayor of Bahir Dar and the governor of Amhara region.

These people immediately called and communicated, and then made a decision.

The curfew continues until those bloody battlefields are cleared!

And they also ordered that no one, except the police cleaning the battlefields, was allowed to approach the bloody battlefields, and no one was allowed to take pictures.

Especially those media reporters who came after hearing the news must not get close to those battlefields, or even enter the streets where those killing fields are located!

If those bloody killing scenes were reported, it would definitely cause an uproar!

The image of the city of Bahir Dar has been completely ruined!

By then, people will even associate Bahir Dar with hell.

Mayor Bahir Dar and the others never want to see such a result.

As the order came out, a large number of Bahir Dar policemen immediately swarmed out and quickly blocked those streets.

The police also informed the residents living on those streets to stay at home and stay away from the windows, let alone take random photos with your mobile phone and get yourself into trouble!

After the fright last night, everyone on these streets became frightened, and they dared not do anything else!

Just as the Bahir Dar police swarmed out and began to clean the battlefield, Ye Tian's voice suddenly came and reached Mattis's ears.

"Matisse, I'm back. It's the same side door where I left. Please notify the guy guarding there to avoid any misunderstanding!"

Upon hearing this, Matisse's eyes immediately flashed with surprise, and he secretly let out a sigh of relief.

Immediately afterwards, he picked up the walkie-talkie and said:

"Welcome back, Steven. The side door of the city hall building is under our control. I will notify the guys immediately, and then you can come over without worries!"

"Okay, see you later!"

Ye Tian responded and immediately ended the call.

A moment later, he appeared in an alley opposite the side entrance of the city hall building.

As soon as he appeared, Mattis came up to him with several heavily armed security personnel, protecting him and walking towards the city government building.

Ye Tian at this time was no different from when he left before.

Even Matisse and others walking beside him could not smell a trace of smoke or blood on him. Instead, they smelled a faint fragrance, which seemed to be the smell of bath liquid.

The moment he smelled the fragrance, Matisse couldn't help but froze.

Then, he chuckled.

He instantly understood that last night, after Ye Tian took advantage of the night to kill those guys who tried to kidnap company employees and extort treasures or ransoms, where did he go and what did he do?

Obviously, Ye Tian went to find a place to rest, and took a bath by the way, washing away the strong smell of blood and gunpowder smoke from his body, and also washed away all traces!

As for where he rested last night, perhaps only God knows!

While talking, Ye Tian and the others had crossed the street and successfully entered the city government building.

Seeing Ye Tian reappearing intact, everyone in the building paid attention to him.

Especially the Ethiopian military and police, city government staff, and Ethiopian officials and appraisal experts, everyone has fear in their eyes!

Ye Tian was very relaxed, with a bright smile on his face and waved hello.

"Good morning, gentlemen, everyone doesn't look very good. It seems that they haven't had a good rest, but it doesn't matter. After today, everyone can have a good rest for a while."

Hearing the words, all the Ethiopians present rolled their eyes angrily.

"We have been scared all night. How can we look good? We were all frightened by you crazy bastard!"

Although they were complaining secretly, these Ethiopians had to put on a smile that was uglier than crying and nodded to Ye Tian to say hello.

While talking, Ye Tian and the others had passed through the lobby on the first floor and walked along the stairs to the second floor.

The medium-sized conference room where the shipwreck treasures are stored is on the second floor. Ye Tian wants to go up to the second floor to see the situation.

At this moment, Mustafa and the mayor of Bahir Dar suddenly came down from upstairs.

Their faces were gloomy, their eyes were bloodshot, and their expressions looked a bit scary.

Looking at Ye Tian again, there was still a bright smile on his face.

"Good morning, Mustafa, Mr. Mayor, it seems you didn't have a good rest last night either."

Mustafa simply rolled his eyes, while Mayor Bahir Dar gritted his teeth in hatred.

"Steven, are you going too far? This is Bahir Dar, Ethiopia, a peaceful and sovereign country, not the war-torn Iraq and Afghanistan.

How could you kill so wildly here? Do you know how much impact this matter will have once word gets out? The city of Bahir Dar cannot afford such a bad reputation! "

Mayor Bahir Dar said through gritted teeth, his eyes shooting out with fire.

Ye Tian looked confused and said in surprise:

"Mr. Mayor, are you talking about the fighting that took place on the streets of Bahir Dar in the early morning? When I returned to the hotel to take a shower and rest, I did hear gunshots coming continuously.

When I rushed to the city hall this morning, I also found that some streets were blocked by the police. It is said that many people died in those streets, and they were all armed elements with unknown origins!

But what do these things have to do with me? I just returned to the hotel to rest alone last night. Who saw that I killed those guys with unknown origins? To say this, you need evidence! "

Upon hearing this, Mustafa and Mayor Bahir Dar were immediately stunned.

They stared at Ye Tian dumbfounded, with astonished expressions on their faces.

"Aren't you telling lies with your eyes open! How can people be so shameless?"

Looking at Matisse and the others standing next to them, they were all trying to hold back their laughter, and it was very hard to endure it.

Before Mustafa and the others could react, Ye Tian had already changed the subject with a smile.

"Gentlemen, don't talk about these disappointing things, let's go to the conference room and prepare, and then we can distribute this sunken treasure!

When the treasures are distributed, we will leave Bahir Dar with half of our treasures, and you will also get the other half of the sunken treasures. Everyone will be happy! "

As he spoke, he pointed upstairs.

Mustafa looked at him deeply, and then whispered:

"To be honest, I hope you leave Ethiopia immediately. If you let this crazy guy stay here, I'm afraid all the treasures will be looted by you, and even this country will be destroyed by you!"

""Hahaha, that's an exaggeration! Mustafa, it’s not as exaggerated as you said, but we agree on one thing, I also want to leave here as soon as possible.”

With that said, Ye Tian walked upstairs.

Mustafa and Mayor Bahir Dar looked at each other and followed immediately.

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