Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 3135: Making an attack in the east and attacking in the west

Latest website: Chapter 3135: Attacking in the East and Attacking in the West

Noon, New York JFK International Airport.

A private plane and a commercial airliner flew in from the eastern sky one after another and landed steadily on the runway of JFK International Airport.

When the two planes stopped, it was Ye Tian and many employees and security personnel of the Brave and Fearless Exploration Company who got off the plane, as well as David and his assistant lawyer, etc.

The moment they got off the plane, almost everyone except Ye Tian couldn't help but cheer.

"New York, we're back with a lot to offer!"

"I'm finally back. If I stay in Africa for a while longer, I will forget where my home is."

Looking at these excited guys, Ye Tian couldn't help but laugh.

When everyone gathered together, he said loudly:

"Guys, we have just returned from Africa, and this exploration operation is very special. For safety reasons, I suggest that you do not reunite with your family immediately to avoid any accidents!

Everyone can make a video call and first report to their families that they are safe, and then go to the hospital for a thorough body examination and thorough disinfection to ensure good health.

If you find any problem, you should be hospitalized and quarantined if needed. Only when it is safe can you leave the hospital and go back to reunite with your family. Don't bring danger to your family!

As for the cost of the examination, and even the cost of isolation or treatment, they are all the company's. If you really find any problems during the examination and it was caused by this exploratory operation, the company will compensate you."

Before he finished speaking, a wailing sound immediately erupted from the scene.

"Ah! Doesn't this mean that we can't go home immediately when we return to New York? This is too cautious!"

"It's over! Looks like I won't be able to sleep in my own bed tonight!"

Having said that, these guys all nodded, and no one objected to Ye Tian's arrangement.

As Ye Tian said, no one wants to bring danger to their family.

Besides, now that we are all back in New York, even if we can't go home right away, it's very easy to see our family!

Make a phone call and ask your family to go to the hospital or hotel, and just keep a certain distance when meeting!

Afterwards, everyone began to pack their luggage and prepare to leave the airport tarmac.

At this moment, Matisse's voice suddenly came from the wireless invisible earphones.

"Steven, we landed at LaGuardia Airport without any problems."

After hearing the report, Ye Tian immediately responded:

"Then it couldn't be better. You will be responsible for the next task of escorting the sunken treasure. The guys who stay in New York will cooperate with you. I will attract people's attention to JFK International Airport."

"Okay, Steven, leave the treasure escort to us."

Mattis responded, ending the call.

Next, Ye Tian and the others took several shuttle buses and headed towards the JFK Airport terminal.

At the same time, the news that their group successfully flew to JFK International Airport was released by Jason, and it spread to many people in an instant.

The C5 Galaxy transport plane loaded with sunken treasures was ignored by people.

Many people thought that the C5 transport plane would also land at JFK International Airport, just at a later time.

But who would have imagined that the C5 landed at LaGuardia Airport.

In the blink of an eye, nearly an hour had passed.

After undergoing customs inspection and deliberately delaying it for a while, Ye Tian and the others walked out of the VIP channel, dragging their luggage and talking and laughing.

Seeing them appear, the many media reporters who were guarding the exit of the VIP channel immediately swarmed over as if they had been given a shot of blood!

Before they even got close, some guys couldn't wait to start shouting questions.

The one who rushed to the front and started asking questions was a beautiful reporter in her thirties.

"Good afternoon, Steven, welcome back to New York. I am a reporter for Colombian TV. Now many people are sending requests, hoping that you can facilitate a trip to the United States for the Ark of the Covenant, the most holy object!

You are the discoverer of the Ark of the Covenant and also the Holy Grail. What do you think of people's fervent requests? Will you help make this happen? Everyone wants to know about it! "

Ye Tian looked at the female reporter in surprise, then smiled and said:

“Good afternoon, I’m really not able to answer this question, and I dare not guarantee anyone that it will be done, but I will tell the relevant people in Israel and the Vatican about your request.

As for whether this matter can be realized, it depends on how they decide. According to the cooperation agreement signed by our company and them, how to deal with the Ark of the Covenant has nothing to do with our company."

Before he finished speaking, another media reporter immediately started asking questions:

"Good afternoon, Steven, as far as I know, the legendary Solomon's Treasure is still deep in the cliffs of Axum and has not been transported out, but you have brought people back to New York.

Aren't you worried about not getting Solomon's treasure? Anyone who has watched the live broadcast of the exploration operation knows that it is a shocking treasure, containing countless priceless treasures! "

Ye Tian looked at the reporter and immediately gave the answer.

“Although I am back in New York, our company’s employees and security personnel, as well as attorneys, remain at the site of Axum’s exploration of Solomon’s Treasure and the Ark of the Covenant.

Our people will continue to complete the subsequent treasure cleaning and transfer work to ensure the interests of our company. At the same time, I also believe that our two partners will keep their promises.

I believe it won’t be long before the most holy objects, the Ark of the Covenant and Solomon’s Treasure, will be cleared out, and some of the antiques, cultural relics and gold and silver treasures in Solomon’s Treasure will be transported to New York.”

While talking, the group of them walked out of the cordon and came to the public area outside.

Jason led seven or eight security personnel to immediately come forward and set up a cordon around them to separate the others.

Naturally, those media reporters would not give up and continued to follow around, asking questions loudly.

"Good afternoon, Steven, I am a reporter from the New York Times. Why haven't I seen the World War II shipwreck treasures from Lake Tana? Didn't they leave Ethiopia with you?"

"Good afternoon, Steven, there is news from Los Angeles. It is said that Cook and several of his subordinates from Golden Eagle Exploration Company died in Bahir Dar, Ethiopia last night. Some people say that it is related to you. Can you explain?"

Ye Tian did not respond to the questions raised by these media reporters.

Under the protection of many security personnel, the group of them strode towards the entrance of the terminal building.

Many tourists and staff coming and going around stopped and stared at them, everyone's eyes were full of envy.

While talking, Ye Tian and the others had arrived at an open space not far from the gate.

The space here is relatively open and there are no obstacles.

When he got here, Ye Tian suddenly stopped, then turned to look at the media reporters who were chasing after him, smiled and said loudly:

"Dear media reporters, next I will answer some questions that you are more interested in, but I only have twenty minutes, so you can start asking questions.

Let me make it clear that I will only answer questions related to this tripartite joint exploration operation. Please cherish the opportunity and do not ask about other irrelevant people and things! "

The media reporters were stunned for a moment, and then began to ask questions, one by one, scrambling to be the first.

"Steven, I am a reporter from the Washington Post. I would like to ask you, what will you do with the Solomon treasures after they arrive in New York? Will you collect them yourself or auction them to the public?"

Forty minutes passed in the blink of an eye.

Ye Tian sat in his sturdy Paramount Predator, drove out of JFK International Airport, and sped straight towards Manhattan.

The company employees, security personnel, and paralegals who had returned with him to New York were in other vehicles, following closely behind the Paramount Raider.

Just as Ye Tian and the others were driving out of JFK International Airport, the convoy transporting the shipwreck treasures had also driven out of LaGuardia Airport and was heading towards Manhattan. valley

"Steven, we've left LaGuardia and everything went very smoothly without any trouble."

Matisse's voice came from the wireless invisible earphones, reporting the latest situation.

"Copy that, Mattis, we have also left JFK International Airport. We are keeping a certain distance between us. If you encounter any trouble, I will bring someone over immediately for support.

The escort route from LaGuardia Airport to Manhattan is all under the surveillance of Kenny and the others. If there is any problem, they will be able to detect and respond as soon as possible."

Ye Tian responded.

After a few more words, they ended the call.

Next, the two convoys went hand in hand on two roads that were only five kilometers apart, heading towards Manhattan together.

While driving, Ye Tian was also learning about the situation in New York.

"Jason, tell me about the construction process of the Indian History Museum. How far has the project progressed? Have you encountered any troubles?"

"Okay, Steven"

Jason nodded and immediately began to introduce the situation.

“The construction of the museum went relatively smoothly, but because the museum is located close to the East River, water seepage became serious when it was dug deep into the ground, and it required round-the-clock pumping for normal construction.

This has caused the construction progress to be slightly slower. In addition, we have to place the vault deep underground, making the construction more difficult. Fortunately, these problems are not difficult to overcome and will not slow down the overall progress of the project."

Afterwards, Jason briefly introduced the progress of the project.

This guy has been in New York for the past while.

In addition to focusing on the daily operations of the company, he also has to focus on the construction of the Indian History Museum, which is not easy at all.

After he finished introducing the situation, Ye Tian thought for a moment, then nodded and said:

“The situation is looking good, and then you continue to focus on building the history museum. I hope this Indian history museum can be completed as soon as possible!

When the museum is completed, those antiques and artifacts from the Mayan Golden City will have a place to display them, and the influence of our company will become even greater! "

"No problem, Steven, just leave these things to me."

Jason nodded in response.

Immediately afterwards, this guy asked curiously:

"Sophie told me that Betty will have a baby soon. Why are you flying back to New York at this time? I thought you would fly directly to Beijing!"

"There is no way, the little white elf is on my body, I have to send it back to New York. It can enter the United States, but it is an alien species in China and cannot enter.

I can't just put that little guy anywhere in Africa. No matter where I put it, I'm afraid it will cause huge panic, so I can only send it back to New York! "

Ye Tian explained the reason for returning to New York this time.

Following his words, Jason immediately looked at his cuffs and pockets, with a hint of fear in his eyes.

"It's true. The strength shown by the little guy White Elf in the live video is really terrifying. It is said that it is the incarnation of the God of Death. I guess no one will deny it.

If that little guy is not under your control, it is estimated that no country or city would dare to accept that little guy. In that case, it will definitely cause panic! "

Ye Tian nodded and continued:

"There is another reason, that is, before meeting Betty, her family, and my son, I want to have a comprehensive examination to make sure that I do not carry any deadly viruses.

Only when I am sure of this can I dare to appear in front of them to avoid causing harm to them. I will go for an examination tomorrow. After the examination is completed, I will fly back to Beijing to see them."

"This is indeed safer. You spent too long in the cave where Solomon's treasure and the Ark of the Covenant are hidden. There are countless deadly poisonous insects there, and the environment is also very harsh.

In the process of exploring treasures, it is inevitable that you will be exposed to a lot of toxins and even unknown viruses, and newborn babies are very fragile and have basically no resistance, so it is better to be careful.”

Jason nodded and said with a bit of envy in his eyes.

He and Sophie are about to get married and will have their own family and children, and they also yearn for family life.

While they were chatting, Matisse's voice kept coming from the intercom, reporting the situation on the escort convoy.

Ye Tian's series of actions at the airport attracted almost everyone's attention.

Coupled with the excellent early confidentiality work and the cooperation of LaGuardia Airport, not many people knew that the priceless batch of sunken treasures had arrived in New York and was being escorted to Manhattan.

The escort operation went very smoothly without any trouble.

When Ye Tian and the others entered Manhattan Island through the Brooklyn Bridge, the escort convoy happened to pass another bridge not far away and entered Manhattan.

When crossing the bridge, Ye Tian and the others could even see the escort convoy on the bridge to the north.

After entering Manhattan Island, the two convoys quickly converged and drove straight to Wall Street in downtown.

It was only then that the many media reporters following Ye Tian and the others understood the situation.

"Fake! This bastard Steven is so cunning. He actually used himself as bait to attract everyone's attention to himself and to JFK International Airport.

The C5 transport plane carrying the World War II shipwreck treasures landed at LaGuardia Airport, unloaded the shipwreck treasures without anyone noticing, and escorted them to Manhattan Island."

"What a cunning bastard. I don't know if anyone in New York is interested in these sunken treasures. If there is, he will probably be furious if he knows this result!"

As these media reporters spread the news, many people who were staring at these sunken treasures came to understand the real situation.

After receiving the news, some guys with ulterior motives were secretly terrified.

They were all secretly rejoicing. Fortunately, they just thought about it and didn't take any action!

Otherwise, there is a high probability that you will fall into the trap set by that bastard Steven, and you can't even imagine the consequences!

It didn't take long for the escort convoy to arrive at the Morgan headquarters building on Wall Street.

Subsequently, one-third of the World War II shipwreck treasures were stored in a vault deep underground in the building.

Next, the escort convoy went to two other places and stored the remaining sunken treasures in two other vaults.

The reason why they are stored separately is of course for safety reasons!

What needs to be guarded against the most is actually not the gangsters, but the Wall Street vultures in charge of the vaults. They are the biggest robbers in the world.

After storing the sunken treasure, many company employees and security personnel who had just returned from Africa went to a hotel in midtown Manhattan.

That hotel has been rented out by Ye Tian and used as everyone's temporary residence.

Wait until tomorrow, after a short rest, those company employees and security personnel will go to the hospital to receive a comprehensive physical examination for safety.

Only when they are sure it is safe and there are no problems can they leave the hospital or hotel and return to their homes to reunite with their families!

As for Ye Tian, ​​he returned to his home north of Central Park.

Betty wasn't home, so he didn't have to worry.

And the white elf can't be taken to the hotel. The little guy also wants to go home.

In fact, as soon as the motorcade entered Manhattan, the little guy started to become restless.

If it hadn't been for Ye Tian's secret comfort, it would have escaped and gone home on its own!

If anyone saw this, the entire island of Manhattan would be in chaos in an instant.

Just after four o'clock in the afternoon, Ye Tian's sturdy-looking Paramount Predator drove from Fifth Avenue and entered 110th Street.

The moment they saw this armored off-road vehicle, everyone immediately understood.

That guy Steven is back!

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