Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 3151 Do all the treasures belong to them?

Latest website: Chapter 3151 Do all the treasures belong to them?

It was already evening.

Taking advantage of the darkness, Ye Tian took a car to the Indian History Museum construction site on East 78th Street again.

Compared to the morning, it is no longer so lively here.

The large cargo ships anchored on the East River unloaded their safes and then sailed away, and the East River waterway returned to normal again.

Several heavy-duty cranes that were previously parked on Seventy-eighth Street now have only one emergency crane left, and the rest have been evacuated.

The people and many media reporters who were watching the excitement were no longer there at this time, and the scene was much deserted.

Only those who live nearby will stop to see the excitement when passing by, but they are also in a hurry.

It is winter after all, the weather is cold and there is no way to stay outside for too long.

The construction site of the Indian History Museum was still brightly lit and very busy at this time.

After arriving here, Ye Tian quickly checked the surrounding situation.

After making sure it was safe, he got out of the car and walked into the construction site escorted by Mattis and others.

"Steven, all the components of the vault have been hoisted in place. All that remains is the assembly work. The team sent by the vault manufacturer will complete the work. We only need to carry out the acceptance inspection then!"

Jason introduced the situation to him.

"As long as everything goes well. Now that the vault components have been hoisted in place, the remaining work is not too difficult. Just keep an eye on it!"

Ye Tian smiled and nodded.

As they spoke, they had reached the edge of the underground vault.

Looking down from their position, they could clearly see the huge and heavy vault components, placed one by one on the reinforced concrete base.

The vault installation team from Germany is busy at the bottom of the pit.

Ye Tian stood on the ground and watched for a moment, and then went down to the bottom of the pit with Jason to inspect the abnormally heavy vault components.

Seeing them coming down, the leader of the German team immediately came up to him and began to introduce the vault components, their names and functions, and various data to him!

In the following time, Ye Tian thoroughly inspected the entire vault, not missing any component or corner.

As per his request, this specially customized vault is extremely strong and has almost no security loopholes.

In addition to self-inflicted theft, the probability of the antiques, artifacts, artworks, and gold and silver treasures stored in this vault being looted is infinitely close to zero.

The results of the fluoroscopic examination made Ye Tian very satisfied and completely relieved.

After checking all the components of the vault, he came up from the underground and returned to the ground.

Then he left here and returned to his home.

In two days, this extremely strong underground vault will be installed.

Then there are various tests and acceptance work, etc. There should be no surprises.

With the installation of this underground vault, the construction process of the Indian History Museum will be accelerated and put on a fast track.

I believe it won’t be long before this world-class private museum will rise from the ground and become another landmark building in Manhattan.

By then, this place will become a holy place in the hearts of all Mayans and Indians in the Americas, and the most important base for studying Mayan and Indian civilizations.

It will also attract countless tourists, experts and scholars from all over the United States and around the world to visit, conduct academic research, etc.

In the days to come, it will continue to bring a large amount of stable income to Ye Tian, ​​and it will also greatly enhance his social status and influence in the United States, becoming one of his business cards.

The top antiques, artifacts, artworks, and gold and silver treasures that he has stored in major vaults in New York can be transferred here and stored in this vault.

That way, you don’t have to worry about being robbed by the U.S. government and Wall Street guys all the time.

After returning home, Ye Tian went to wash up first, and then started a video call with Betty and his son who were far away in BJ.

This will be something he must do every day for a long time to come, and it will also be the happiest parent-child time of the day.

The video was connected, and Betty immediately appeared on the IPAD screen.

The little guy was in her arms, with two big eyes open, looking at the computer screen curiously.

"Good morning, my dear, how are you? How is this little guy? Was he good last night?"

Ye Tian asked with a smile, his eyes full of love.

As he spoke, he made a face at the little guy.


The little guy was not afraid, but was very excited and dancing.

In just two or three days, he had adapted to Ye Tian appearing on the computer screen instead of staying with him, and he stopped crying.

While babbling, the little guy reached out to grab the computer screen, trying to grab Ye Tian's ears like before.

Unfortunately, that fat little hand was caught in the air.

The little guy was stunned for a moment, then turned to look at Betty.

Seeing this scene, Ye Tian suddenly laughed.

"My dear, we are all fine and there is nothing going on at home. It's just that this little guy is so tormented and energetic. I have to get up several times a night to take care of him!

Sometimes I really wonder, does this little guy have ADHD? Otherwise, where would I have so much energy? If it weren’t for my mother’s help, I wouldn’t be able to handle it by myself! "

Betty said with a chuckle.

The words sounded like she was complaining, but her eyes were full of happiness.

Hearing this, Ye Tian couldn't help but chuckle secretly.

Of course he knew why his son was so energetic.

It's all the result of the spiritual power he inputs that makes this little guy so active and energetic.

Next, they chatted about their parents' affairs in the video and enjoyed this happy parent-child moment.

During the call, Ye Tian also briefly introduced the situation in New York, as well as the next actions to be carried out, etc.

The video lasted for about an hour before he reluctantly ended the call and hung up the phone.

In the blink of an eye it's a new day, the sun is shining brightly.

After getting up in the morning, Ye Tian changed into sports clothes, and then took Matisse and the others to Central Park for morning exercises.

It wasn't until today that he actually transferred himself from the BJ channel to the New York channel.

After morning exercise, he had breakfast at home and then went to work in the company.

Before leaving New York and setting off to explore new treasures, he had to finish all the backlogged affairs and make arrangements for the company's work in the coming period.

Only in this way can he leave New York with peace of mind and lead the team to explore new treasures.

Morning, company conference room.

Ye Tian was talking to someone, but they were not the Moroccan diplomats from yesterday, but some old friends from Sotheby's auction house.

It’s February, and the annual New York spring auction season is about to kick off.

Like every auction season in the past, Brave Exploration Company still has many antiques, artifacts, artworks, and gold and silver treasures to be auctioned this time.

That’s why these old friends from Sotheby’s are in the company.

Not only them, but managers and appraisal experts from several other top auction houses in New York will also line up to come to the Brave and Intrepid Exploration Company in the past few days to collect lots.

In fact, Intrepid Exploration Company has become one of the major providers of lots, even the most important, in the New York antique art auction market.

Among all the heavyweight antiques, cultural relics and works of art sold in New York last year, a considerable part came from the Intrepid Exploration Company and were all produced by Ye Tian.

Eight of the top ten antique artworks with the highest transaction prices throughout the year came from the Intrepid Exploration Company.

There is no doubt that this is a very astonishing statistic.

Under such circumstances, how could the top auction houses in New York be willing to let such a big benefactor go?

As soon as Ye Tian came to New York, they couldn't wait to contact him, hoping to sit down with him and talk about this year's spring shooting.

Naturally, Ye Tian would not refuse such a thing.

He still has many antiques, artifacts, artworks, and gold and silver treasures to deal with.

"Stephen, as far as I know, you still have many antiques and works of art from Solomon's treasures, and they are all top quality. Can you entrust a few of them to our auction house for auction?

Once those antiques, cultural relics and works of art from Solomon's treasure appear, they will definitely cause a huge sensation, no less than the hot scene at last year's autumn auction, and they are likely to fetch higher prices."

The manager of Sotheby's auction house said expectantly.

Ye Tian smiled and shook his head.

“I don’t plan to release any more antiques and artworks from Solomon’s Treasures for the time being. I’ll wait for a few years. By then, I believe the prices of these antiques, artifacts and artworks will be higher.

The antique cultural relics and artworks currently in my hands have nothing to do with religion. I plan to collect them myself and may display them in my private museum in the future."

"Well, it seems that if we want to appreciate these antique artifacts and artworks from Solomon's treasure, we can only go to your private museum!"

The Sotheby's manager continued, slightly disappointed.

But this guy was not willing to give in. After chatting for a few words, he changed his target again.

"As we all know, you have several paintings by Leonardo da Vinci, as well as works by the three major sculptors of ancient Greece and the three major sculptors of the Hellenistic era. Can you release one or two of them?"

"That's impossible. Those are Leonardo da Vinci's paintings and the works of the three major sculptors of ancient Greece. No matter whose hands they fall into, they can never be put up for auction again. Of course I am the same."

Ye Tian shook his head firmly and rejected this guy's proposal.

"That's right. Who would be willing to put such a priceless treasure up for auction? It seems I'm overthinking it."

The manager of the Sotheby's auction house said with a smile and nod, his eyes full of envy.

Next, the two parties continued to talk to discuss the list of antiques, cultural relics and works of art to be sent to the New York spring auction, and to determine the auction's reserve price.

For some of the rare and valuable antique cultural relics and works of art, Ye Tian set auction reserve prices as usual to ensure his own interests.

After about an hour, the guys at Sotheby's left the Intrepid Exploration Company contentedly.

They took away a long list of items, including some priceless antiques and works of art.

After the entrusted auction contract is signed and insurance is purchased, the antique cultural relics and artworks in this auction list will be gradually transferred to the vault of Sotheby's auction house.

What follows is a series of publicity, previews, public auctions, etc.

Following Sotheby's, some old friends from top auction houses such as Christie's and Bonhams also came to discuss the spring auction with Ye Tian.

He entrusted some of the antique cultural relics, artworks, and gold and silver treasures that he did not intend to collect to these top auction houses for public auction.

The operating procedures of these top auction houses are very similar to Sotheby's.

It is completely conceivable that when this year's New York spring auction is over, Intrepid Exploration Company will gain another huge fortune and shock everyone again.

While negotiating cooperation with several top auction houses, Ye Tian also asked his employees to prepare for the upcoming exploration operation.

Even if he cannot reach a cooperation agreement with the Moroccan government this time and cannot go to Morocco to explore Atlantis, he will still lead the team back to Africa and launch exploration operations.

There are other treasures there waiting for them to explore and discover, and there is not just one Atlantis.

On the fifth day after Ye Tian returned to New York, the brave deep-sea salvage ship carrying a large amount of high-tech exploration equipment once again left New York Harbor and sailed into the depths of the Atlantic Ocean.

The movements of the brave and fearless deep-sea salvage ship immediately attracted a lot of attention and caused a small commotion.

Everyone is guessing, or everyone is certain, that the Brave and Intrepid Exploration Company will launch a new exploration operation and prepare to explore a new treasure.

But no one knows, what is this new treasure? Where is it hidden? Is it famous? How much is it worth?

While people are speculating, they are also looking around for information.

Many of the media reporters came to guard the downstairs of the Rockefeller Center building, looking for opportunities to interview Ye Tianhe's employees, or go to Columbia University to interview Professor Douglas and others.

Unfortunately, they found no useful information and could only make random guesses.

While everyone at the Brave and Intrepid Exploration Company is preparing for a new exploration operation, the follow-up exploration and cleanup operation of the Mayan Golden City is coming to an end.

On the same day that the brave deep-sea salvage ship left New York, a cargo ship loaded with antique artifacts from the Mayan Golden City sailed into New York Harbor.

In addition, a heavy transport plane also carrying antique artifacts and artworks from the Mayan Golden City landed at LaGuardia Airport.

As these antique cultural relics and artworks from the Mayan Golden City arrived in New York, they once again caused quite a stir in New York and made everyone envious and crazy.

No matter the news media in New York, various people on the Internet, or ordinary passers-by.

Everyone has this illusion.

Could it be that the treasures in this world are all prepared for that lucky guy Steven and the Intrepid Exploration Company?

The treasures in the Mayan Golden City have not yet been explored and cleared, but the brave deep-sea salvage ship has set off again to explore new treasures!

This efficiency is too exaggerated. Is there any reason for this?

While people were envious and jealous, the treasures transported from the Mayan Golden City were successively transported to New York City and into Manhattan.

As before, those large antiques and artworks were transported to Columbia University and stored in the old gymnasium.

For example, the Mayan Second Sun Era prophecy pillar and so on can only be put down in the gymnasium.

The rest of the relatively small antiques and artworks were sent to several vaults in Manhattan and stored.

After this transfer, there are not many antique cultural relics and works of art that are still left in the Mayan Golden City and belong to the Brave and Intrepid Exploration Company.

It is estimated that in a few days, they will all be transported out and then transferred to New York.

When those antique cultural relics and artworks arrive in New York, the tripartite joint exploration of the Mayan Golden City by Intrepid Exploration Company, Columbia University, and the Honduran government will officially come to an end!

In Ye Tian's plan, the day when the three parties jointly explore the treasures of the Mayan Golden City ends, is when the new exploration officially begins.

At that time, no matter what choice Morocco makes, he will lead a team to Africa to explore new treasures.

As for the negotiations with the Moroccan government, they can be carried out during the process of exploring new treasures without any delay.

After the new batch of Mayan antiques and artworks arrived in New York, Ye Tian, ​​apart from staying in the company to deal with daily affairs, spent the rest of his time in the old gymnasium of Columbia University.

Around three o'clock in the afternoon, he and several experts and scholars from Columbia were studying a set of hieroglyphs on the Maya prophecy pillars of the Second Sun Period.

At this moment, the phone suddenly rang.

He took out his phone and glanced at Laixian, and a bright smile appeared on his face.

The call was from Hadid!

Obviously, the Moroccan government cannot hold on any longer and wants to continue negotiations!

Immediately after the last meeting, they organized an exploration team and did a quick exploration around Casablanca.

As you can imagine, they found nothing, not even a valuable clue.

This made them realize that it was simply impossible to organize an exploration team to find Atlantis by themselves.

The departure of the Intrepid deep-sea salvage ship from New York has put tremendous pressure on them, forcing them to return to the negotiating table as soon as possible.

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