Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 3153 Agreement reached

Latest website: Chapter 3153 Agreement reached

With the massive news media coverage and attention, Moroccans were quickly overwhelmed.

The next morning, Ye Tian received a call from Hadid, hoping to start the third round of talks as soon as possible.

At that time, Ye Tian was sitting in the office and didn't have much going on.

However, he said that he was very busy and had many things to deal with. He would also have to go to the Sotheby's auction house later, and did not agree to the Moroccan's request for a third round of talks.

Since the Moroccans were so anxious, of course he would not miss this opportunity and decided to give the Moroccans a good shake to gain more initiative in the next negotiation.

Moroccans who were rejected could only continue to wait.

In the following time, more news media began to pay attention to and report on this matter.

And not only American news media, but also some news media in other parts of the world, including Morocco, have also joined the ranks of reporting.

Some of the news media simply sent people to Morocco to start digging for news in Morocco, trying to figure out what this hidden treasure in Morocco is.

In addition to the news media, some treasure hunting companies and professional treasure hunters in Europe and the United States have already set off to Morocco to explore this unknown treasure.

These guys did everything they could. As soon as they arrived in Morocco, they were ready to bribe officials from the Ministry of Culture to find out what this treasure was and where it was hidden.

Fortunately, they found the wrong person. The guy who bribed him didn't know the news about Atlantis, and the two sides were exposed when they argued and argued.

This accident immediately made the Moroccans more vigilant and became more urgent!

Moroccans are very aware of the level of confidentiality and awareness of their own government and people.

They know that with just a little sweetener, someone will betray the information.

Seeing that the secret could no longer be kept, the Moroccans immediately became anxious, so they contacted Ye Tian again, hoping to start the third round of talks as soon as possible.

As a result, Ye Tian once again made excuses to evade and refused to immediately start talks with the Moroccans.

Just one day later, the Moroccan called him a third time.

Seeing that the time was basically ripe, Ye Tian no longer shied away, so he invited the Moroccan to come to his company again for the third round of talks.

Of course, there are also the people at Columbia University who are also very eager.

Just after two o'clock in the afternoon, the three parties gathered in the conference room of the Intrepid Exploration Company to start the third meeting.

As before, the King of Morocco and several heavyweight government officials who were far away in Rabat participated in this meeting through video conference calls.

After everyone sat down in the conference room and exchanged a few words, Ye Tian got down to the topic.

"Dear Your Majesty the King, gentlemen, the reason why the last meeting between us was fruitless was because we had huge differences on how to distribute the treasures of Atlantis.

In this case, today's talks will start with this issue. As long as we can reach an agreement on how to distribute the treasures of Atlantis, other issues will be easily solved! "

The King of Morocco, who was far away in Rabat, nodded slightly, and so did the rest of the Moroccans, even if they were very reluctant.

"You are right, Mr. Steven, this is the biggest difference. As long as this problem is solved, I believe we can achieve this cooperation."

Moroccan Deputy Minister of Culture Yahya nodded and said, but his expression was not very good.

He knew that the initiative in this meeting was no longer in the hands of Morocco, but in the hands of the guy opposite.

The ruins or treasures of Atlantis are likely to be in Morocco!

This situation is undoubtedly very depressing!

But there is no way, who can let his side not know where the treasure is, and do not have the experience and equipment to explore the treasure, so he can only let others slaughter him!

Ye Tian nodded and then continued:

"Gentlemen, our conditions are still the same as before. If the Atlantis ruins are in Morocco, whether it is territory or territorial waters, 50% of the treasure belongs to you.

The other half of the treasure belongs to our Intrepid Exploration Company. We have the right to handle this part of the treasure on our own, and neither Morocco nor Columbia University has the right to interfere.

To show my sincerity, I can promise that if we sell or transfer the antiques, cultural relics and works of art in this part of the treasure, under the same conditions, the Moroccan government will have the first right to acquire them."

The Moroccans rolled their eyes angrily and complained secretly.

"Isn't this nonsense? What you said is the same as what you didn't say! Are you a notoriously greedy guy who would release those priceless antiques and works of art? I'm afraid there is no possibility!

Besides, the value of the antiques and artworks from the ruins of Atlantis must be astonishing. We in Morocco have so much money to buy them, but are they looted by you? "

The scene fell silent, and the Moroccans said nothing, lost in thought.

It took them a long time to make a decision.

The person who made the decision was the King of Morocco in Rabat, not Yahya and the others sitting across the conference table.

"Okay, Mr. Steven, we can accept your condition. If the ruins of Atlantis are discovered, we will share the treasure of prehistoric civilization equally in half.

You have the right to handle the half of the treasure you have been allocated by yourself. Whether it is transported away or disposed of on site, the Moroccan government will not interfere, but we also reserve the right of priority to acquire it."

The King of Morocco said in a deep voice, his expression a little painful.

After the words fell, Ye Tian nodded pretending to be excited.

"Great, Your Majesty the King, you have made a very wise decision. This decision is very important for both of us and for this tripartite joint exploration operation.

Our biggest disagreement now no longer exists. The next question is, what should we do with the Atlantis treasure if it is not in Morocco? "

Next, the two sides engaged in another quarrel, fighting for their own interests.

As Ye Tian said, once the most important treasure distribution problem is solved, other problems will not be so difficult to solve.

As the talks progressed, each issue was resolved and consensus was reached one after another.

During the talks, Ye Tian also made some concessions.

For example, increase the amount of compensation.

If Atlantis is not in Morocco, but deep under the sea in high sea waters, all the treasures of Atlantis belong to Intrepid Exploration Company.

However, Intrepid Exploration will symbolically compensate the Moroccan government US$80 million instead of the previous US$20 million.

During the talks, representatives of Columbia University also expressed the hope of obtaining the right of first refusal to purchase the antique artifacts and artworks contained in the Atlantis treasures.

After some negotiation, Ye Tian and Morocco both nodded and agreed to this request.

The three-party talks lasted for an hour and a half before ending.

At the end of the talks, the three parties participating in the talks signed a temporary cooperation agreement, but it was not a formal three-party joint exploration agreement.

The formal tripartite joint exploration agreement will be signed in Rabat, the capital of Morocco.

After signing the formal cooperation agreement, the three parties will hold a joint press conference in Rabat to announce the joint exploration of Atlantis.

By then, this news will surely shock the whole world.

After the meeting, Ye Tian stood up, shook hands with several Moroccans one by one, and waved to the King of Morocco.

"His Majesty the King, I hope you can assemble an exploration team as soon as possible. In that case, when the exploration teams from our company and Columbia University arrive in Rabat, we can immediately launch joint exploration operations!"

The King of Morocco nodded and said with a smile:

"We will take action at dawn tomorrow. Our exploration team will be formed before you arrive in Morocco."

"That couldn't be better, Your Majesty!"

Ye Tian smiled and nodded.

After chatting for a few more words, they said goodbye to each other and ended the video call.

Later, Ye Tian and David sent Yahya and others out of the company and to the elevator.

Before getting on the elevator, Yahya suddenly asked, pretending to be casual:

"Mr. Steven, very early last year, were you collecting various materials and information about Atlantis in Morocco?

According to our investigation, people have been active near Casablanca last year, collecting various ancient folklore and visiting many places.

Later, these people suddenly disappeared, no one knew where they went, just like when they appeared, no one knew where they came from.”

Ye Tian did not respond to this question and just laughed it off.

As for the answer, both parties know it.

In the next few days, Ye Tian began to form a team to explore Atlantis.

At the same time, he notified the deep-sea salvage ship Intrepid, which was still in the Atlantic Ocean, to go directly to Casablanca, Morocco, where a large group of people was waiting.

He also sent a small team to fly to Marseille and Nice in France to rent super yachts and other yachts and ships, and also to prepare other equipment.

The reason for going to France is simple.

Morocco does not have these things at all, so we can only rent them from nearby developed countries and then rush to Casablanca.

There is one in Spain, which is close to Morocco, and there is one in the British enclave of Gibraltar, but they cannot be rented from these two places, and it is too late to hide.

Within two days, the exploration team of Brave and Intrepid Exploration Company was formed, and everyone immediately began to prepare for the trip to Africa.

At the same time, the exploration and cleanup operations of the Mayan Golden City have also been declared completed.

The last batch of antique cultural relics and artworks from the Mayan Golden City have been shipped from Honduras to New York by sea and land.

Once these antiques and artworks arrive in New York, the tripartite joint exploration of the Mayan Golden City will be officially concluded.

Next, there will be nothing more to do with the Brave and Fearless Exploration Company, and all their goals have been achieved.

Subsequent archaeological research on the Mayan Golden City, as well as further cleanup and development, are matters for Columbia University and the Honduran government.

That will take a long time, years, even ten years.

When the team that explored and cleaned up the Mayan Golden City returns to New York, Ye Tian can lead the team to go to Morocco to explore Atlantis.

In the past few days, antique cultural relics and works of art entrusted to several top auction houses have been successively withdrawn from major vaults and sent to major auction houses.

A series of related consignment auction contracts have been signed.

Next, there is publicity, preview, and official auction. Just follow the process.

As we spoke, it was already Wednesday morning.

JFK International Airport terminal.

Many media reporters who had been guarding this place all year round suddenly discovered that Ye Tian walked into the terminal with a group of employees and security personnel and walked straight towards the international arrivals exit.

Obviously, they were here to pick him up.

Seeing this scene, the media reporters couldn't help but be stunned.

In the past, they only saw Ye Tian leading people out of the VIP channel, and many times they returned with a full load.

But I have never seen him come here with his men to pick someone up. This is the first time.

However, those media reporters reacted quickly and woke up in the blink of an eye.

Immediately afterwards, reporters from the media swarmed up and rushed towards Ye Tian and the others.

When he rushed closer, he was stopped by security personnel.

They could only stand a few meters away and ask questions at the top of their lungs.

"Good morning, Steven, I am a reporter from the New York Times. Are you here to pick up someone? Who is the person being picked up? Is it an important person?

Could it be that your wife returned to New York early, and did the Duke of Belmont also come back this time? Can you tell us a little bit about the situation? Everyone wants to know! "

Ye Tian looked at this familiar reporter, then smiled and said:

"Good morning, we are indeed here to pick up people, but the people we want to pick up are not my wife and son, but my company employees and several experts and scholars employed by me.

Our tripartite joint exploration of the Mayan Golden City with Columbia University and the Honduran government has been successfully completed. Our company’s exploration team returned from Honduras today.

To thank them for their hard work, I led a team to greet them. In addition to welcoming the exploration team's triumphant return, I also came to escort some of the treasures from the Mayan Golden City back to Manhattan."

"I see"

People suddenly understood.

At the same time, people looked at Ye Tianye with envy, even jealousy.

This guy is just like the legend, extremely lucky!

Many world-shaking treasures fell into his hands, and the treasures swept away by him were not just the treasures of the Mayan Golden City.

Just like the question raised by countless people, are all the treasures in the world prepared for this guy? This is so unfair!

Thinking of this, many media reporters felt a little depressed.

But they have not forgotten their jobs.

After a pause, another reporter asked loudly:

"Good morning, Steven, I am a reporter from NBC TV. As we all know, you have been negotiating with Columbia University and the Moroccan government during this time to discuss cooperation in exploring the treasure.

I don’t know what the outcome of the negotiations will be. Have you three parties reached a cooperation agreement? When will the joint exploration operation be launched? Where is this treasure located in Morocco? Can you tell us a little bit about the situation? "

Ye Tian looked at the reporter, and then said loudly:

“Here I can tell you that we have reached a cooperation agreement with Columbia University and the Moroccan government, and will soon launch joint exploration operations in Morocco.

The formal tripartite joint exploration agreement will be signed in Rabat, the capital of Morocco. After signing the joint exploration agreement, the three parties will hold a joint press conference.

At this joint press conference, we will announce some information about the exploration of this treasure. If you are interested, you can go to Rabat for an interview."

Not surprisingly, these words directly detonated the scene.

"Doesn't it mean that you will launch a new joint exploration operation to explore a new treasure? This is really non-stop!"

"What exactly is this treasure? Is it another famous treasure at the level of the Mayan Golden City? If this is the case, it would be too exaggerated!"

Many media reporters exclaimed in surprise, and their eyes were red with envy.

While they were talking, a group of people pushed their suitcases and suddenly walked out of the international arrivals channel.

It was none other than the many Intrepid Exploration Company employees, experts and scholars who had returned triumphantly from Honduras and successfully returned to New York!

Seeing them, Ye Tian immediately said to the media reporters:

"Dear friends from the media, today's interview ends here. We will talk to you next time we have the opportunity."

After saying that, he stepped forward to meet his employees, experts and scholars who had just returned from Honduras.

At the same time, those guys also saw them, and they all waved and shouted excitedly.

"We're back, Steven!"

Following the shouting, everyone nearby turned their heads and looked over, and everyone was filled with envy!

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