Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 3155 The real legend

Latest website: Chapter 3155 The real legend

Unlike other countries in North Africa, the architecture in urban Rabat is more Western and modern.

There are many Western-style buildings and villas here, but there are also many Arab-style buildings, hidden among green trees and flowers. The two cultures blend and coexist, giving it a unique flavor.

Of course, this is the case in the new urban area of ​​Rabat.

The old town of Salle seems to be a city that has always stayed in the Middle Ages and still retains a strong medieval style.

The five-star hotel booked by the tripartite joint exploration team is located in the New City of Rabat, so naturally the convoy entered the new city.

After the convoy entered the new city, the scenery outside changed again.

Looking at the streets shaded by green trees and the Western, Arabic, modern, or classical buildings, everyone felt somewhat surprised.

"I didn't expect the street scene in Rabat to be so beautiful. Among the several North African countries we have been to before, it is almost the best!"

David said excitedly.

Ye Tian nodded and then continued:

"Indeed, Rabat is close to the Atlantic Ocean and is located at the edge of the Sahara Desert. It has a superior geographical location, and the political situation in Morocco is relatively stable, which makes it the backyard of North Africa."

While they were chatting, people on the streets of Rabat were also watching this huge convoy speeding past.

People in Rabat were already aware of it through previous news media reports.

The Moroccan government will cooperate with Intrepid Exploration Company and Columbia University in the United States to jointly explore a treasure located in Morocco.

People learned through news coming from New York.

The Intrepid Exploration Company exploration team led by Ye Tian and the Columbia University exploration team left New York a few hours ago and will arrive in Rabat, the capital of Morocco today.

But people don’t know much more.

What is this little-known treasure in Morocco? How important is it? What's in the treasure? Where is it hidden?

But not long ago, a piece of heavy news suddenly broke on the Internet.

It is said that the goal of this nearly completed tripartite joint exploration team is actually the legendary Atlantis, that illusory prehistoric civilization.

In other words, the ruins of the Atlantis civilization are most likely to be in Morocco.

As for whether it is in territorial waters or on land, where is the precise location? It’s unknown.

Like the wind, this news quickly spread throughout Morocco through the Internet, appeared on countless people’s mobile phones, and reached countless people’s ears.

The Moroccans who heard the news were shocked and excited.

They never expected that the legendary Atlantis was actually in Morocco, next to them, in the places where they had been and lived, and even right under their feet.

While they were excited, they were also worried.

What worries them is, will Atlantis be looted and swept away by that greedy guy Steven?

Everyone knows that that guy is extremely lucky, his vision is unparalleled, and he can always discover treasures and secrets that others cannot!

As long as the treasure he has set his sights on, it has never escaped his clutches, and he has never failed.

More importantly, that guy is extremely greedy.

At least half of all the treasures he targeted would eventually fall into his hands, without exception!

If Atlantis is really in Morocco, the possibility of being found by him must be very high.

In this case, at least half of the treasure is bound to be swept away by him!

When thinking about this outcome, almost all Moroccans are filled with dissatisfaction.

But they have no choice but to accept this result!

Just when people were struggling, Ye Tian and his convoy had entered the city of Rabat.

Looking at this convoy speeding past them, the people of Rabat had mixed emotions, full of expectations and worries.

Of course, there are also many passionate young people waving their fists in protest to show their indignation.

"Get out of Rabat, get out of Morocco, bandits are not welcome here, go back to that damn New York!"

"Atlanti belongs to Morocco and the people of Moto, and no one can take it away!"

Not long after the convoy entered the city of Rabat, there were waves of protests outside, and they became more and more numerous.

Fortunately, the Moroccans were relatively restrained and did not do anything drastic, such as jumping out to block the convoy, or picking up stones to attack!

They just raised their voices in protest, expressing their angry emotions and opinions.

Ye Tian and the others had long been accustomed to seeing this scene outside the car window, so they were no longer surprised.

"Seeing that the Moroccans are not very welcoming to our arrival, we may encounter a lot of trouble during the joint exploration of Atlantis."

Ye Tian said with a smile, but his expression was very relaxed.

"This is normal. If Atlantis is really in Morocco and is found by you, it will definitely be the greatest archaeological discovery and the greatest treasure in Morocco's history.

How can Moroccans be willing to accept such a treasure and end up taking away half of it? Protests and demonstrations are inevitable. I just hope that Moroccans will not be too radical! "

David continued, also not taking the protests outside seriously.

Not long after, the motorcade drove into the street where the hotel was located.

More Moroccans and journalists gathered on this street than on other streets.

Obviously, the news of which hotel the joint exploration team will stay in has been leaked.

As the motorcade drove through the street, Moroccans on both sides of the street protested loudly and were very emotional.

And those media reporters who heard about it all held up cameras or video cameras and kept filming the exploration convoy.

At the same time that the exploratory convoy drove into this street, Matisse's voice also came from the wireless invisible earphones.

"Steven, the guys have checked the situation around the hotel and found no danger. The hotel is under surveillance inside and outside, and several nearby commanding heights are also under control.

There are many media reporters gathered in front of the hotel. As the news disclosed by the British "Times" spreads, more media reporters are rushing here."

Ye Tian smiled softly and then replied:

"We have seen this situation many times. It is normal and there is no need to worry about it. However, we still need to keep our guys vigilant to avoid any accidents."

"Got it, Steven"

Mattis responded, ending the call.

A moment later, the motorcade arrived at the door of the reserved five-star hotel.

As Mattis said, many media reporters gathered in front of the hotel, as well as a small number of protest demonstrators.

Perhaps because they did not receive the news, or received the news too late, there were only a dozen Moroccans who came here to protest, which was a small scale.

Because they arrived in a hurry, they didn't even make slogans or banners. They just waved their fists and protested loudly at the top of their lungs, which was not very impressive!

Seeing the motorcade approaching, many media reporters gathered in front of the hotel immediately swarmed up and tried to get close to the motorcade for interviews and filming.

Fortunately, the Moroccan police were well prepared and set up a cordon early to block these guys behind the cordon.

In addition to the Moroccan police, Ye Tian's security team who came to Rabat to attack the front station were also on guard at the scene, and they were in the innermost circle.

They watch the situation around them vigilantly and are ready to respond at any time.

Among the protestors and media reporters, there were also a few security team members pretending to be media reporters and college students, mingling among them and secretly watching the guys around them.

There are also people from the Brave and Intrepid Exploration Company guarding several commanding heights near the hotel, staring down at the area in front of the hotel.

While talking, the motorcade had arrived at the entrance of the hotel and stopped end to end.

As soon as the convoy came to a stop, Matisse and the others got out of each vehicle first, quickly dispersed, and became alert.

After confirming that the scene was safe, Ye Tian and David got out of the car and stood at the door of the hotel.

Yahya and several other senior Moroccan officials, who got out of the car first, had already walked towards the hotel entrance.

At this moment, the media reporters who were blocked outside the cordon began to ask questions loudly at the top of their lungs.

"Good morning, Mr. Steven, I am a reporter for Morocco's national television. As far as we know, The Times has just released a message saying that the goal of the three-party joint exploration team is the legendary Atlantis.

Please tell me, is this news true? If this news is true, I would like to ask, where is the legendary Atlantis in Morocco? Is this a civilization site or a treasure? "

Ye Tian did not respond immediately, but looked at Yahya and others walking towards this side with a smile.

Looking at the senior Moroccan officials, experts and scholars headed by Yahya, their expressions were extremely embarrassed, and their faces were as dark as the bottom of a pot.

On the way to the hotel, they also received a notification that the news of this joint exploration of Atlantis had been leaked.

And the person who leaked the news, no need to ask, must be someone from Morocco.

Even if the news is only leaked one day in advance, it is still a leak. Even if it does not have much impact, it is a matter of face and will leave a bad impression on partners!

Just arrived at the hotel door and heard such pointed questions, could Yahya and the others not feel embarrassed?

Without exception, the senior Moroccan government officials turned their heads and looked at the Moroccan national TV reporter who asked the question loudly!

Their eyes were spitting fire, and they wanted to pounce on the Moroccan reporter and beat him up.

Seeing their performance, the Moroccan reporter immediately realized that he was in trouble and quickly shut his mouth.

At this moment, Ye Tian answered his question without hesitation.

“Good morning, friends from the media, I’m glad to see you all here. Morocco is a very beautiful country. I like it here and I also like the weather here.

The reason why we came to Morocco this time is to cooperate with the Moroccan government to jointly explore the legendary Atlantis. The news in The Times is indeed true.

Is Atlantis a civilization site or an amazing treasure? Where exactly is it located? What’s in the ruins or treasures? We don't know either.

Tomorrow we will sign a tripartite joint exploration agreement with the Moroccan government, and then we will launch a tripartite joint exploration operation, but it is still unknown whether Atlantis can be discovered."

Not surprisingly, these words instantly detonated the scene.

Before this, people still had some doubts about whether the news in The Times was accurate.

After all, Atlantis is just an illusory legend. No one can prove whether it really exists or where it is!

Throughout the ages, countless people have tried to find Atlantis, but no clues have been found.

As time goes by, few people believe that Atlantis was a prehistoric civilization that once existed.

In the eyes of many people, it may just exist in myths and legends and is artificially fabricated.

But what Ye Tian said was earth-shattering and shocked everyone.

Not only did he confirm the accuracy of the news published by The Times, he also seemed to confirm that Atlantis was not a myth, but a real prehistoric civilization.

If anyone else had said this, people might have questioned it and thought it was nonsense.

But the person who said this was Ye Tian, ​​so that was another story!

His past glorious exploration experiences are enough to explain many problems.

As long as the treasures and ruins he keeps an eye on, he will eventually find them and sweep them away.

The legendary Atlantis is probably no exception.

Since he has traveled thousands of miles to lead a team to Morocco and is willing to spend a lot of time, energy and money to explore Atlantis, he must be doing this because he is sure!

Everyone also knows that he never fights an uncertain battle and never fails.

From this, it can be seen that he must have some important information and materials about Atlantis, and even knows the exact location of Atlantis.

Thinking of this, those media reporters could not hold back.

Each one of them was like a chicken blood. Regardless of the police's obstruction, they rushed forward one after another and asked questions loudly at the top of their lungs.

"Good morning, Mr. Steven, I am a reporter for Spanish National Television. There has always been a legend that Atlantis sank outside the Strait of Gibraltar.

I would like to ask, is Atlantis inside or outside Morocco, in its territory or territorial waters, on the high seas, or near the Strait of Gibraltar? "

"Good morning, Steven, I'm a reporter from the New York Times. The Intrepid deep-sea salvage ship arrived in Casablanca a few days ago and is currently anchored there.

Now that this top-notch deep-sea salvage ship has arrived in Casablanca, does it mean that Atlantis is deep under the Atlantic Ocean, off the coast of Casablanca? "

"Hello, Steven, I am a reporter from the National Geographic Channel. Your three-party joint exploration of Atlantis will surely be an exploration that shocks the world.

May I ask, will this tripartite joint exploration operation be broadcast live? If you really find Atlantis, this operation will rewrite the history of human civilization.

Should such a heavyweight joint exploration operation be visible to everyone around the world? And do you know that this legendary prehistoric civilization is a real civilization? "

Ye Tian did not respond to the questions raised by these media reporters.

He just waved at these guys and said loudly:

“Dear friends from the media, regarding this tripartite joint exploration operation and matters related to Atlantis, we will explain to the public after the tripartite joint exploration agreement is signed tomorrow.

Welcome everyone to attend tomorrow's tripartite joint press conference. That concludes today's interview. I'm glad to see you all. I wish you all a good day. See you tomorrow! "

After saying that, he walked into the five-star hotel with the dark-faced Yahya and others, leaving the media reporters outside.

Others from the Intrepid Exploration Company, as well as the Columbia University exploration team, also got out of the car one after another and pushed a large amount of luggage and equipment into the five-star hotel.

The media reporters who were still staying outside the hotel were extremely excited at this time.

One by one, they quickly took out their mobile phones and began to call the news agency or TV station, saying excitedly:

"Quick news, that lucky guy Steven just confirmed personally that the reason why they came to Morocco is for the legendary Atlantis!"

"That guy Steven has admitted that their goal this time is Atlantis. It seems that this legendary prehistoric civilization is not just a legend. This news is so shocking."

What Ye Tian said to the media reporters at the hotel door was like a Category 10 hurricane, instantly sweeping through all the news media and spreading throughout the world.

Everyone who heard the news was shocked and stunned, with eyes full of disbelief.

They never thought that a mythical legend like Atlantis could actually become a fact and evidence of its real existence could be found.

Royal Palace of Spain.

The King of Spain, who had just entered the office, was about to start his day's work, but was interrupted by his secretary who suddenly broke in.

"Your Majesty, that guy Steven just publicly admitted in Rabat, Morocco that they went to Morocco this time to explore the legendary Atlantis.

Moreover, their company's brave deep-sea salvage ship arrived in Casablanca a few days ago. According to investigations, they have also rented many large and small ships in France.

Judging from various signs, if the legendary Atlantis really exists, it is likely to be deep under the Atlantic Ocean, just like those ancient legends! "

The King of Spain was stunned immediately, his eyes widened.

After a while, he woke up and said excitedly:

"Notify the intelligence department immediately and keep an eye on that guy Steven and that three-way joint exploration team. Who said that the legendary Atlantis must be within the territorial waters of Morocco?

If Atlantis is on the high seas, or within Spanish territorial waters, then there is no need to be polite. That lucky guy Steven has already robbed many Spanish shipwreck treasures.

This time it is at our doorstep in Spain, and it is the more important Atlantis. We must not let this guy succeed again. As long as there is a chance, we will snatch this treasure! "

"As you command, Your Majesty"

The king's secretary nodded in response and immediately went out to arrange the operation.

The same thing is happening simultaneously in the UK, France, the United States, and many European and American countries, and the content is similar.

Just when Ye Tian walked into the presidential suite on the top floor of the hotel, countless pairs of blood-red eyes were already staring at him, the three-party joint exploration team, and Atlantis!

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