Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 3158 Unnamed Cubist Painting (Happy New Year to Everyone)

Latest website: Chapter 3158 Unknown Cubist Painting

"Steven, the MI5 informant is following us. Those guys from MI5 are on the street next door, heading in the same direction as us."

During the march, Matisse's voice came from the wireless invisible earphones.

Upon hearing the report, Ye Tian immediately lowered his voice and said:

"It doesn't matter. If they are willing to follow, then let them follow. These guys from MI5 won't make any big moves until we find Atlantis!"

While they were talking, Ye Tian and the others had arrived at the entrance of a small antique shop.

The entrance and surroundings of this antique store were already crowded with media reporters and people watching the excitement who had heard about it. Everyone was very excited.

Ye Tian had said before in front of the hotel and when having lunch just now that he would visit the nearby antique stores.

There were only a few antique shops nearby. Once the news spread, many media reporters and spectators rushed here to try to watch the excitement.

Also waiting at the door of the antique store was the owner of the antique store, an Arab man in his fifties.

Compared with other people around him, this antique shop owner was very uneasy and his eyes were full of worry.

He even wanted to close the store and end the business early to avoid being looted.

But if you do that, this antique store will definitely lose its reputation and will never be able to survive in this industry again.

Because of this, the owner of the antique shop continued to operate and did not run away.

As Ye Tian and others arrived, people took pictures with their mobile phones and cameras, and then quickly posted the photos on social media.

The many media reporters who were staying here naturally did not miss this opportunity and asked questions loudly.

"Hello, Mr. Steven, I am a reporter from the Spanish newspaper El Pais. Will you announce the specific exploration location tomorrow?"

"Good afternoon, Mr. Steven, there are several luxury yachts parked in Casablanca. Are they yours? Are you going to go out to sea to explore treasures next?"

Ye Tian paid no attention to these media reporters and turned a deaf ear.

He took a look at the appearance of this small antique store and was about to go in.

At this moment, the antique shop owner standing on the side of the door stood up.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Steven, welcome to my little antique shop. My name is Barzani. Nice to meet you."

"Mr. Barzani, good afternoon. I'm Steven. Nice to meet you too. Your antique shop looks very nice. Can you go in and have a look?"

Ye Tian smiled and nodded, shaking hands with the antique shop owner.

"Of course, no problem, Mr. Steven, this is my honor, I just hope you can be merciful."

Barzani forced a smile and said.

Then, he reached out and pushed open the door of the antique shop, inviting Ye Tian and the others to enter his antique shop.

At the same time that Ye Tian and the others walked into the antique store, at the corner not far away, Bowie, who had just come out of a store, was looking at this side with a knowing smile.

As early as two days ago, Bowie and several assistants arrived in Rabat, traveling while waiting for Ye Tian's arrival.

Today, Ye Tian led the exploration team to successfully arrive in Rabat, which means that their vacation is over and they have to start work!

As soon as he entered the antique store, Ye Tian was attracted by a stone pillar placed on the right side of the door.

This stone pillar was in dilapidated condition. Only half of it, less than 1.5 meters tall, was left standing on the ground. The broken part was intertwined with canines. No one knew how long the broken upper part was.

The diameter of the stone pillar is about twenty centimeters, and it is engraved with some war patterns and some ancient Arabic script.

As for the meaning of those ancient Arabic words, it is currently unknown!

The moment he saw the broken stone pillar, Ye Tian's eyes immediately lit up, and he immediately walked towards the stone pillar.

Of course, he was just acting to make everything seem reasonable.

In fact, as soon as he arrived at the door of this antique store, he thoroughly looked through the small antique store and grasped the situation here instantly.

For example, what are the items in the antique store, is it safe, etc.

Not only that, he also saw through the several buildings around the antique shop, the vehicles parked on the roadside, and the people watching the excitement.

After making sure it was safe, he entered the small antique shop with confidence.

When he came to the broken stone pillar, Ye Tian first checked the pattern carved on the stone pillar.

On the stone pillars are some bloody battle scenes.

The two warring parties are completely different!

One side was riding a horse and holding a scimitar, while the other side was using muskets, and most of them were infantry.

The flags, military uniforms, etc. of both sides are also different.

Ye Tian looked at these stone carvings, and then said in surprise:

"If I read it correctly, these stone carvings should depict a war between the Moors and the Spanish. Judging from the weapons used by both sides, it should be in the late fifteenth century.

At that time, the Moors on the Iberian Peninsula should have retreated to the area around Granada, which was the last stronghold of the Moors on the Iberian Peninsula.

At that time, Spain was about to complete its unification. What these stone carvings depict is that historical fact. And according to my judgment, this stone pillar is a cultural relic from the early sixteenth century.

Such an antique cultural relic, engraved with many words and patterns, and recording an important historical fact, should be very precious. Why is it placed here and no one cares about it? I am a little surprised? "

Upon hearing this, admiration flashed in the eyes of everyone present.

Steven is indeed as legendary as he is, knowing everything and mastering everything. There seems to be no antiques or works of art in the world that he doesn't recognize!

After just a few glances, he actually saw so many things. His vision was so sharp!

Looking at Barzani again, the worry in his eyes became even stronger.

But as a shop owner, he still made introductions.

"Stephen, you are right. This is indeed a damaged stone pillar from the early sixteenth century. What is recorded on it is the war between the Moors and the Spanish.

However, the Moors on these stone carvings are Morisco, and the war depicted in these stone carvings is Morisco, so no one cares about this broken stone tablet! "

Hearing this, Ye Tian suddenly understood.

"It turned out to be a Morisco people, and the stone pillars that record the battle of Morisco, no wonder no one cares about it!"

At this point, he stopped talking and did not continue.

The reason is simple. The war between Moroccans and Moriscos is a taboo topic in Morocco.

Because they once succumbed to the Spanish and chose to convert to Christianity, they ultimately failed in the Battle of Morisco and were all driven to North Africa by the Spanish.

Morscos are extremely discriminated against in Morocco and are looked down upon by everyone. They are at the bottom of the contempt chain in Moroccan society.

By the way, everything related to the Moroccans will be rejected and scorned by the Moroccans, including various antique cultural relics and works of art related to the Moroccans.

Of course, all the words and patterns engraved on this stone pillar must have been thoroughly studied by the Moroccans. There is no secret at all.

After Barzani, Professor Paul also translated the ancient Arabic texts carved on the stone pillars.

As Barzani said, the words engraved on the stone pillars reflect the Battle of Morisco, and it was an insignificant war with little research value.

There are no hidden secrets among the words and patterns on the stone pillars, everything is clear at a glance.

After a cursory inspection of the broken stone pillar, everyone walked into the depths of the antique store.

Although this antique shop is not large in area, it is small and well-equipped.

The store sells a wide variety of items, including Arabic antiques and artworks, Western antiques and artworks, and antiques and artworks with rich African culture, etc.

As for the authenticity of these so-called antique cultural relics and works of art, it depends on your eyesight!

Rabat is a holiday destination, and there are naturally many tourist souvenirs and modern handicrafts here.

Next, Ye Tian glanced at the things displayed in the antique store, while Barzani followed the introduction and explanation, fearfully.

During this period, Ye Tian also asked about several so-called antique cultural relics and works of art, as well as their prices.

This made Barzani nervous, but he didn't dare to make a huge offer.

He knew very well who he was dealing with, and quoting people all over the place would only cause trouble, and he would never get any benefits.

It is even possible to anger the cruel guy in front of you, and then loot all the good things here, which would be a big loss!

Fortunately, Ye Tian only asked about the price and did not buy any antique cultural relics or works of art.

Ten minutes later, the group of them left the small antique shop and came to the street again.

Seeing that they had nothing in their hands, the guys watching outside were somewhat disappointed.

Barzani, who sent Ye Tian and the others out, took a deep breath and relaxed a lot.

At the same time, he was somewhat depressed.

Don’t you even have a good thing in your antique shop? There is no way to impress that guy Steven, so that guy doesn't even have the desire to take action.

After arriving on the street again, Ye Tian quickly glanced at the surrounding situation, and then said to Yahya and others:

"There are several antique shops nearby. Let's go there and have a look. Maybe we will find something."

What else could Yahya and the others say, they could only nod.

"Okay, Steven"

Afterwards, a group of them continued to walk forward, laughing and chatting as they walked, very relaxed.

If it were not for the large number of armed security personnel and police around them, as well as the large number of people and media reporters watching the excitement, they would be just like ordinary people traveling to Morocco.

As they marched, almost everyone on the street looked at Ye Tian and the others, with eyes full of curiosity and envy.

Of course, there are also some young people who are protesting loudly, impassioned and indignant.

But these guys were more of a show than an actual protest.

They performed for the media reporters and wanted to take this opportunity to gain some attention and make a splash on social media, that's all.

The media reporters who followed were still asking questions loudly at every opportunity, all of which revolved around Atlantis.

Ye Tian and the others did not give any response, and the same happened to Yahya and others, as if they turned a deaf ear!

Not far ahead, Ye Tian saw that guy Bowie, sitting with an assistant in a street cafe drinking coffee!

The first time he saw that guy, a smile flashed in Ye Tian's eyes.

Fortunately, he was wearing sunglasses and no one noticed this slight change in mood.

A few minutes later, they had entered another antique store.

Compared with Barzani's antique store, this antique store is slightly larger in area and has more things in the store.

As before, before entering the antique store, Ye Tian immediately looked through the interior and exterior of the antique store.

After ensuring safety, we led everyone inside.

The owner of this antique shop introduced himself as usual and got to know everyone.

When shaking hands with Ye Tian, ​​the antique shop owner was as uneasy as Barzani, with worried eyes, fearing that he would be robbed by Ye Tian.

However, he seems not as lucky as Barzani.

Only about five minutes after entering this antique store, Ye Tian stopped in front of an oil painting and admired it with interest.

This is a Cubist painting, small in size, about fifty centimeters wide and about seventy centimeters high.

The painting shows a wilderness. An old Berber man is leading a donkey and trekking alone in the wilderness. He looks very lonely and his back is desolate!

In this oil painting, the old Berber man and donkey, as well as the houses and trees in the distance, etc., have been simplified by the artist into geometric figures, and only the rough outline can be seen.

Moreover, the artist used a unique technique to compress the spatial depth of the painting, making the house in the painting look like an offset cardboard box, somewhere between a flat and a three-dimensional effect.

The characters and scenery in the painting are not arranged one after another, but are arranged from top to bottom.

This allows some objects to reach the top of the picture.

All the scenes in the painting, both the deepest and the foreground, are presented with the same clarity.

Looking at this Cubist oil painting, Ye Tian couldn't help but a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes, but it was fleeting and no one noticed it.

While he was admiring this Cubist oil painting, other people were also looking at the painting. Everyone was curious and trying to discover something.

The owner of this antique shop is also carefully looking at this Cubist oil painting.

Unfortunately, he didn't make any new discoveries, and what he saw was no different from before.

After standing in front of this Cubist oil painting and admiring it for a moment, Ye Tiancai asked pretending to be curious:

"Mr. Faiz, can you introduce this Cubist oil painting? As far as I know, there seems to be no outstanding Cubist oil painter in Morocco!

But this Cubist oil painting shows a Moroccan landscape, and the characters in the painting are Berbers, which surprised me and I wanted to know more about it.”

After hearing this, the antique shop owner named Faiz took a closer look at the Cubist oil painting again.

The result was the same as before, he still found nothing new.

After pondering for a moment, he began to introduce this Cubist oil painting.

"Mr. Steven, I collected this Cubist oil painting in Rabat. There is no artist's signature on it, so I don't know which artist's work it is!

You are right, Morocco did not produce any famous Cubist painters, so I can only classify this Cubist oil painting as the work of an unknown painter..."

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