Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 358 The Unlucky Missouri Militia

No one wants to die! These two shooters are no exception.

The eyes of the two gunmen were full of despair, ashes, staring at Ye Tian in the front, they didn't even dare to turn their heads to look at the guys on the sides and behind.

They were afraid that when they turned their heads, the New York bastard on the opposite side would make a sudden attack, and the two of them would be killed.

It's not impossible, there are too many people who died at the hands of this bastard, Steven, and he never minds adding two more!

Until then, the two gunmen were not afraid! Only then did I realize the preciousness of life! Only then did I realize how wonderful it is to be alive!

Only then did they truly realize what a terrifying opponent they were facing, and how stupid the act of coming to revenge was, it was no different from sending them to death!

Ye Tian still turned on the perspective, staring at the two gunmen.

Staring at their muscles and bones, predicting their every movement and even every expression, no matter how small the actions of these two gunmen are, they can't escape Ye Tian's eyes.

At the same time, his cold voice reached the ears of the two gunmen again.

"I have a steak knife in my hand. Usually people use it to cut steak, enjoy food, and savor life! But when it flies out of my hand, it is no longer a steak knife!

Its power is no less than that of a rifle bullet, it can hit your throat and heart with great accuracy, and take away your life, just like the Indian tomahawk that flew out of my hand before! "

The two gunmen couldn't help but shuddered. They immediately remembered the two terrifying Indian tomahawks they had seen on the video, like black lightning flying in the air!

That is simply a weapon from hell, terrifying to the extreme!

Neither of them dared to move anymore.

Be silent!

Walker and Raymond, Cole and Charlie rushed to the two gunmen.

They didn't take action to subdue the two gunmen, and they didn't search the body. They just surrounded the two bastards, stared at them closely, and were ready to use thunderous means at any time.

How to deal with these two gunmen is a matter for the police, and everyone is too lazy to do it for them!

Feeling the murderous aura coming from Walker and the others, as well as the faint smell of blood, the two gunmen were completely desperate!

In front of these terrifying killing machines, the two of them have absolutely no chance, not to mention that even more terrifying bastard Steven!

At the same time, they were also a little thankful that they hadn't made a move, otherwise it would have been the result of ten deaths and no life!

swat rushed over and began to take over the scene.

“We are Tennessee State Troopers, put your head in your hands and get checked!”

Brian growled in a low voice and flashed his police badge.

At this moment, his eyes were full of vigorous anger, and he wished he could eat these two bastards in front of him!

At the same time, several of the special police officers secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Finally, no gun battle broke out, luckily! It's so rare! Have these New York bastards changed their sex and stopped killing?

If so, the world will be peaceful!

What can the two gunmen do? I can only obediently put my head in my hands and accept the body search!

These things happened very quickly and ended very quickly. There were no gunshots or fights, so they didn't attract much attention.

People just glanced here curiously, and then continued to hunt for treasures, unaware of the crisis that just happened, and they were almost in the battlefield where bullets were flying everywhere!

But there were still sharp-eyed reporters who noticed something was wrong!

Especially when they saw Ye Tian and the four bodyguards gathered there, they immediately realized that something had happened, right under everyone's noses!

Thinking of this, these reporters immediately rushed over with their cameras, ready to snatch the news.

However, the rest of the police and the FBI who had been notified immediately stopped these reporters and asked them to control their voices so as not to cause riots and disturb the people here.

at the same time.

The swat police who stayed outside the market, as well as a few police officers as temporary reinforcements, quickly rushed to the suspect vehicle that had already been delineated, and arrested the responders.

The capture process went very smoothly.

The pickup truck 50 meters away from the entrance of the market is the pick-up vehicle, and the woman driving the car is the pick-up vehicle.

When the police rushed to the car and smashed the window glass, the woman was dumbfounded, and then broke down emotionally and burst into tears!

in the market.

Brian and the others quickly completed the body search, completely disarmed the two gunmen, removed all threats, and put handcuffs on their backs!

Anderson came over, ready to take over the legal affairs.

After chatting with him for a few words, Ye Tian walked up to the two gunmen and asked in a cold tone:

"Gentlemen, we don't seem to know each other, right? There is no holiday, right? Why did you come to me with guns? Do we have such a big enmity, and we need to resolve it in this way?

Are you Hell's Angels? Or the Mexican gang? Or some other asshole? If you are looking for me for revenge, it is best to let me know where you came from.

You are lucky this time, with these police officers present, you didn't really do anything, but next time you may not be so lucky! "

The two gunmen looked dejected and desperate, but their eyes contained hatred and fear!

After a short pause, one of them gritted his teeth and said:

"Asshole! Remember Big Al from Missouri? We're his family, we're also Missouri Militia, now you see why we're looking for you?"

"It turns out that you are the family of that racist bastard, that is an old acquaintance! You are obviously luckier than him, and I didn't smash your knee!"

Ye Tian suddenly said, the murderous look in his words made everyone shudder.

"Steven, who is Big Al? Could it be your enemy again?"

Brian asked curiously, and the others were also very curious, waiting for Ye Tian to explain.

"That's a racist bastard, a professional treasure hunter. I met him in Jack Wade, Alaska. The bastard sprayed racist remarks at me, attacked me, and I broke his knee! That's it! A piece of trash!"

"Fuck! What the hell are you trash! That's my brother! You bastard is a devil!"

Big Al's brother cursed loudly, his eyes were about to burst into flames.

"Hot? I don't think you should thank me for saving that bastard's life, so that he can make it back to Missouri alive, back to you.

Here I want to issue a warning, you are welcome to come to revenge, but next time you will not be so lucky, I will never leave you any chance of survival again! "

Ye Tian looked into the opponent's eyes and said, with a murderous look.

The two Missouri militiamen fell silent, and the fear in their eyes could not be concealed at all.

They fully realized the cruelty and ruthlessness of this New York bastard in front of them, which made people extremely chilling!

"Steven, I really don't know what to say about you, it seems that you have enemies everywhere in the United States, it's so crazy!"

Brian said with emotion, eyes full of helplessness and fear.

The same goes for the rest of the police and the FBI, they all looked at Ye Tian with extreme fear!

Everyone wants him to get out of Tennessee quickly, and it is dangerous to stay a second longer!

"Hahaha, such a thrilling and exciting life is interesting, isn't it?"

Ye Tian said with a smile, willful and insolent!

All the policemen at the scene couldn't help but rolled their eyes, completely speechless!

"You are such a crazy guy! Don't talk about this, we are going to hand over these two bastards to the Chattanooga Police Department, and you are ready to cooperate with the police investigation!"

Brian said helplessly, fortunately this bastard is going to leave tomorrow!

"I'm not going to the Chattanooga Police Station, the treasure hunt isn't over yet, it's a nice yard market, maybe I can find something here.

Anderson will go to the Chattanooga Police Station to cooperate with the police investigation and deal with related legal matters. Since there is no exchange of fire, there shouldn't be too many incidents! "

"Okay! The responder outside has been arrested. It's a woman driving a pickup. We've informed Chattanooga swat to come over and take over. They'll be here soon!"

Bryan reported the situation and prepared to lead the team to leave the market.

Hearing that the responder was arrested, the two gunmen immediately became anxious, and immediately cursed angrily:

"You bastards, if you dare to hurt Lisa, I will kill you bastards!..."

Before the scolding was finished, they were punched in the stomach by the special police next to them, and the scolding was interrupted directly!


The two Missouri militiamen were bent down and howled in pain.

"Bryan, I suggest you search the opposite forest, maybe you will find something surprising!"

Ye Tian reminded with a smile, a cold light flashed in his eyes.

When looking through just now, he found a lot of black mud on the soles of the two people's hiking boots.

The garden market here is all grassland, it is impossible to stick a lot of soil, obviously they brought it from other places, the most likely place is the opposite forest!

Hearing this, the faces of the two Missouri militiamen suddenly turned pale, and the despair in their eyes became more intense!

Seeing the performance of these two people, Brian immediately understood that there must be something going on in the opposite forest.

"Okay! Steven, we will search carefully!"

Brian nodded and left the market with two Missouri militiamen!

"Guys, it's all settled! Let's go on a treasure hunt, there's still treasure waiting to be found! There's nothing more exciting than getting rich!"

Ye Tian whispered, then turned around and walked towards Betty in front of the booth, smiling brightly!

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