Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 391 Emergency Situation

Birmingham Yard Market officially closes at 5.30pm, bringing this year's 127 corridor to a close.

Ye Tian's treasure hunt in Corridor 127 has also come to the most successful conclusion, and the next step will be a long journey back to the Big Apple City.

While the administrator loudly announced the closure of the market, Bowie also successfully took down the last antique, and lifted that antique into the air for a while.

Seeing this scene, Ye Tian suddenly laughed, the sun is shining!

This place has been swept away and can be withdrawn!

"Guys, go to the parking lot and head back to New York!"

"OK! Back to New York!"

Jason and the others responded in unison, very loudly.

Afterwards, everyone walked towards the gate of the market together, talking and laughing, and walking very briskly!

At this moment, apart from Matisse and Walker, each of Ye Tian and the others is carrying a few pieces of antique art in their hands, which can be said to be a rewarding experience!

Behind them, followed by many media reporters, as well as the Alabama police and the FBI, followed by Bowie who also gained a lot.

Ye Tian and the others were very happy, but there was a group of people in the market whose faces were as dark as the bottom of a pot, burning with anger, and very upset, that is, many stall owners.

Seeing Ye Tian and the others pass by, looking at the antique works of art in their hands, every stall owner gritted his teeth with hatred, his eyes were blood red, and he wanted to breathe fire!

But there was nothing they could do, they could only watch as these vicious New York bastards walked out of the yard market with a large number of cheaply bought antiques and walked away!

Who let his eyesight be poor! He could only be ransacked by that damn bastard Steven, who can blame him?

When Ye Tian and the others passed by, there was a sound of cursing immediately behind them, and every voice was full of resentment.

"Fack! I hate the bastard Steven! There are other scumbags from New York, too cunning and ruthless!"

"That's the devil! I never want to see that bastard again, never!"

Amid hateful eyes and angry curses, Ye Tian and the others walked out of the courtyard market talking and laughing.

enter the parking lot,

Before he got to the side of the predator, Ye Tian saw a large piece of antique artworks placed on the ground beside the car from a distance, and there were indeed quite a few of them! Very eye-catching!

Beside these antique works of art stood Cole and the others in full armor.

The three held automatic rifles, guarding these valuable treasures, constantly checking the surrounding situation, very vigilant, and on high alert.

What Jason said before is right. I bought too many things this time. Four SUVs can't fit them in. Many things can only be placed on the ground temporarily!

Especially for some larger items, it is difficult to stuff them into the car, so I have to borrow Bowie's RV.

Seeing everyone coming back, Cole and the three of them immediately breathed a sigh of relief and waved their hands in this direction.

When we came to the front and saw many antique artworks on the ground, everyone laughed, and everyone's smiles were very bright!

Many reporters and police officers who followed were dumbfounded! Eyes full of incredible!

Everyone's eyes widened in an instant, their heads were stunned, and they were almost completely stunned by the situation in front of them!

God! These guys probably have completely emptied the Birmingham Courtyard Market. I'm afraid all the valuable antiques are here, and all of them have been collected by Steven!

It's really ruthless! Crazy like never before! Only that guy Steven can do such a thing, and the rest probably wouldn't dare to think about it!

After appreciating the harvest on the ground, Ye Tian immediately said loudly:

"Guys, get moving! Pick out the big antique art pieces and put them in Bowie's RV, only small items and valuables in the SUV, keep the bulletproof mobility!

Antiques and artworks must be placed in an orderly manner, and the use of weapons must not be affected. There is still a long way to go back to New York. Who knows what will happen on the way, we must be more careful and prevent problems before they happen!

Cole, the three of you continue to be vigilant, Betty and Sophie can rest, I will leave these tasks to Jason and the others, I will go say hello to Bowie and let him bring the RV over! "


Jason and the others responded in unison, and immediately started to classify the antique works of art.

Ye Tian turned around and walked towards Bowie. Behind him, Mathis followed with an automatic rifle and provided him with protection.


Seeing all this in front of them, many reporters and police officers gasped and felt chills in their hearts!

This is a small army! Forbidden! Fast and efficient! And listening to Steven's bastard's tone, it seems that he will fight all the way back to New York, which is too crazy!

I don't know if there will be such blind bastards along the way who come to trouble these guys. If there are, they will simply seek their own death and send themselves to hell!

Also, who is Bowie? Even driving a RV, does Steven still have an ambush behind him? It's too meticulous! It's cunning to the extreme!

While speaking, Ye Tian walked to the reporters.

Here's your chance! A reporter immediately asked curiously:

"Steven, who is the Bowie you just mentioned? Is he also your subordinate? Tell everyone!"

Ye Tian paused, raised his finger and pointed to Bowie who was standing beside the car not far away, and said with a smile:

"It's okay to tell everyone that the Texas cowboy is Bowie, a professional treasure hunter from New York, who is my colleague, we know each other, and we have a good relationship.

He came with an RV and had a lot of storage space, and we bought too much stuff to fit in the car, so we planned to put things in his RV and go back to New York together, that's it! "

After speaking, he started to walk towards Bowie.

As for whether Bowie is his subordinate, he did not say, let these reporters guess!

After listening to the explanation, the reporters couldn't help being stunned.

Immediately afterwards, these reporters rolled their eyes at the same time, complaining secretly!

This Texas Cowboy Turns Out to Be a Professional Treasure Hunter in New York! And the relationship is not bad, so why do you seem to be strangers in the market without any communication?

Are all New Yorkers this cunning? They are all like old foxes, eating people without spitting out their bones!

When there were still about three meters away from Bowie's bird of prey, Ye Tian whispered to Mathis:

"Matisse, you stay here to be vigilant, I have a few words to say to Bowie!"


Matisse responded, then stopped in his tracks and began to be alert.

Ye Tiansan walked to the side of the Ford Raptor in two steps, touched Bowie's fists, and said with a low smile:

"Dude! Great job! You're a great partner and a great actor! Every show is amazing!"

"Hahaha, Steven, you are an Oscar winner! Admire! This kind of crazy sweep is too exciting! I love this treasure hunt game, it's really fun to play!"

Bowie replied with a low chuckle, a smile that couldn't have been brighter.

"I'm right! This kind of treasure hunt is extremely exciting. The feeling is not comparable to sitting in the office and staring at the computer playing digital games. It is simply crazy!

Such an exciting and addictive treasure hunt will continue in the future, and every time it is full of freshness, it will definitely make you hooked and completely leave Wall Street behind!

In addition to the excitement, the rewards of this treasure hunt are also extremely rich! I can assure you that your earnings this time will definitely be several times or even more than what you earned in the previous year!

Let Wall Street die! Let the hedge funds die! What Lao Tzu is playing now is history, art, and culture! I don't like that empty-handed white wolf trick at all! "

Ye Tian said with a triumphant smile, extremely flamboyant and full of confidence!

"Hahaha, that's right! Let Wall Street die! My buddies have almost forgotten what a hedge fund is. This kind of fresh, exciting, crazy and adventurous life is what I want most!"

Bowie smiled more freely, and was also full of confidence.

Since joining Ye Tian's team, after many actions during this period, he has tasted a huge sweetness. Compared with before, his income has soared like a rocket!

That's just the proceeds from playing warehouse auctions in New York, which already made him feel crazy!

After sweeping through corridor 127 this time, he realized that the madness of following Steven is absolutely endless! There is no end to making money! Faster than printing money!

After joking a few words, Ye Tian just got down to business.

"Bowie, you drive the car to our side, pack the antique artworks collected by Jason and the others into the RV, and then go back to New York with us! It's not safe for you to carry so many antiques alone!

Remember, put the things you mopped up separately, don't mix them with Jason and the others, our partnership needs to be kept secret, this kind of action can be done several times in the future! "

"You're such a cunning guy! But I like it, I don't mind how many times this kind of crazy sweep of antique works of art, making a fortune! I'm willing to do it!"

Bowie chuckled under his breath, his eyes shining brightly.

After a few more instructions to tell Bowie to keep it secret, Ye Tian left here and returned to the predator with Mathis.

Jason and the others quickly completed the classification of antiques. Some small items and valuable antiques were installed in the four SUVs, which did not affect the driving and maneuverability at all.

The use of weapons in the car will not be affected, you can take out weapons and fire at any time to ensure the safety of everyone and these antiques, nothing will go wrong!

Ten minutes later, Bowie arrived in a Ford Raptor, towing an RV, and pulled up next to the Predator.

After some polite greetings, everyone started to put the antique works of art on the ground into the huge ten-meter-long RV.

In less than twenty minutes, all the antique works of art on the ground were transferred to the RV, ready to leave at any time.

Seeing that everything was tidied up, Ye Tian immediately said loudly:

"Guys, get in the car and go, take Highway 65, we'll go north to Tennessee, rest in Nashville tonight, and take Highway 40 back to New York tomorrow.

The Predator is at the head, the Raptor is dragging the RV in the middle of the convoy, and Cole's Saber is at the rear. Pay attention to the distance and safety, and the communication is on all the way! Set off! Let's go back to New York! "


Everyone responded in unison, everyone was very excited!

Just as everyone was about to turn around and get in the car, there was a sudden roar of the engine!

Immediately afterwards, two black Mercedes-Benz SUVs rushed into the parking lot aggressively, heading straight for Ye Tian and the others!

Seeing this scene, everyone immediately became nervous.

Mathis and the others took a quick step forward, blocked Ye Tian and Betty, and faced the oncoming car!

In an instant, their fingers rested on the triggers of the automatic rifles, and the safety was activated at the same time, staring at the two unknown SUVs, ready to fire at any time!

As long as these two cars dare to rush into a safe distance! There will be a storm of bullets!

Standing at the outermost edge, Cole, who was in charge of security, raised his left hand with a stern expression, signaling the other party to stop.

His actions are very firm, beyond doubt!

And the muzzle of the M4A1 automatic rifle in his right hand has been slightly raised, ready to fire, as long as the muzzle is leveled, it will immediately rain bullets crazily!

Faced with this situation, the Alabama police and the FBI are obviously more nervous.

All the policemen at the scene quickly opened their gun holsters, their hands were already pressed on the handle of the gun, their eyes were fixed on the two Mercedes-Benz SUVs, and they were ready to respond at any time!

The SWAT in the Bearcat armored vehicle not far away is also ready for the emergency in an instant, ready to rush out of the armored vehicle at any time, and suppress any bastard who doesn't open his eyes!

While these policemen were tense and responding, they were cursing in their hearts!

Falk! Damn it! Where did this bastard come from? It's really tiring to come here to seek death at this time! Can't you wait until these New York bastards get out of Alabama?

As long as you are not in Alabama, it has nothing to do with us if you bastards kill you. It is better to die with these New York bastards, then the world will be much safer!

However, if you are doing trouble in Alabama, you will have trouble with us. Even if these New York bastards don't kill you, the Alabama police will not let you go lightly!


The two SUVs slammed to a stop, and the front of the car was only two meters away from Cole, so close that they could be seen!

They didn't dare to take another half step forward. There were not only armored vehicles directly in front of the car, but also five automatic rifles pointing at them, and three sniper rifles!

The eight black muzzles exude a deadly aura, which makes people chill! Anyone who sees it will have weak legs!

Ye Tian, ​​who was behind Matisse, also reached into his armpit with his right hand, holding the handle of the M9 gun, and his eyes were fixed on the two SUVs not far in front, with a cold light flashing! Murderous! 8)

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