Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 544: Crazy Priest

"Falk! This old guy is so crazy! Absolutely crazy!"

Ye Tian looked at the wall in front of him and cursed in a low voice, with a bit of horror in his voice.

Get your wish!

He found a hidden secret room in this warehouse, as well as a secret passage leading to other places, just behind the wall facing the door, quite secret!

However, when he saw the situation in the secret room behind the wall, he was so shocked that he blurted out and cursed.

Immediately afterwards, he froze in place, staring at the wall in front of him with a stunned expression on his face.

This secret room is about ten square meters, and the area is not large, and the secret passage leading to other places is on the back wall of this secret room!

Like the secret room found in the first warehouse on the east side of the hall before, the opening mechanism of this secret room is also under a floor tile in the corner, which is very hidden!

Lifting up the red floor tile, you can see a pull ring connected to the chain, just pull the pull ring, you can easily open the secret room mechanism.

Then, just push the wall in front of you with your hand, and a door two meters high and one meter wide will appear in front of you, and you can enter the secret room and secret passage.

The way to get out of the secret room is very simple, just reach out and open the door disguised as a wall, just like the shrine in the basement studio of the apartment building.

Different from the secret room in the previous warehouse, the mechanism here is obviously often used, well maintained, and hardly any trace of rust can be seen.

Regardless of the iron chain or a few pulleys, as well as the many gears, shafts, etc. inside the mechanism, they are all very lubricated, and there should be no problem in running them.

Obviously, Thompson did all this, and he must have been in and out of this secret room a lot.

But these discoveries couldn't have shocked Ye Tian, ​​at most they brought him some surprises.

In this secret room, there are neither antiques nor top artworks, only a dozen tightly packed boxes.

It was the contents of these boxes that made Ye Tian terrified, and his back was sweating!


After the joy of discovering the secret room, Ye Tian began to explore the boxes in the secret room one by one.

The first thing he paid attention to was that they were stacked together and placed in four long boxes next to the door of the secret room. They could get them as soon as they entered the secret room!

It was the box for the automatic rifle, and he recognized it at a glance.

The next second, the line of sight penetrated the gun box, and the situation inside was immediately presented, very clear!

as predicted!

There are four brand new M16A4s in these boxes. It is estimated that they have never been fired, but it does not affect their lethality. The matt black gun body exudes a death atmosphere, which is terrifying!

In addition to the four automatic rifles, there were also four magazines in the gun case, but no bullets were pressed into them. They were all empty magazines, lying quietly in the gun case.

Ye Tian was not surprised to find the rest of the M16A4 rifles in this underground palace. He was not surprised if he didn't find it!

There were six M16A4s in the previous corridor, how could there be none here?

After inspecting the four M16A4 automatic rifle cases, Ye Tian's eyes immediately shifted to the pistol case next to him, there were three in total.

The gun case is made of walnut wood, which is very delicate and beautiful, with a bit of artistic beauty, but it contains a deadly weapon!

Under the perspective, the situation in the three pistol boxes immediately appeared clearly in Ye Tian's eyes.

There are three brand-new black pistols in the gun case. USPs from the German company HK are all military pistols with a 9mm caliber. They are known for their high precision and powerful firepower! Glittering cold!

There are three magazines in each gun case, as well as a tactical flashlight, and a silencer, fully furnished.

Look down, perspective continues!

Under the pistol case is a black canvas bag,

There are several gun holsters inside, hanging on the waist, under the armpits on both sides, and tied to the back!

Then came a black trolley case containing two sets of Kevlar body armor.

"The equipment is so well-equipped, and it's all standard weapons. This old guy is like a special forces member!"

Ye Tian sighed in a low voice, and then continued to see through.

This time he looked at the corner of the wall next to the black trolley case. There were two large and one small three ammunition boxes stacked there, looking very heavy.

Under the perspective, the situation in the three ammunition boxes is immediately clear at a glance!

The two large ammunition boxes are filled with rifle bullets, which add up to a thousand or two thousand rounds, which is an astonishing number. It is more than enough to fight a street battle!

The small ammo box is filled with pistol bullets, and there are as many as several hundred rounds!

The ammo box used to be two white sorting boxes.

These two boxes are no longer deadly weapons, but hundreds of second-hand mobile phones, from 2000 to 2010, with various brands, various styles, and smart and non-smart phones.

Obviously, these are all used and discarded mobile phones. They are the communication tools used by Thompson's horses. The mobile phones that Donald and Tillerson use to communicate with each other should all come from here.

Even though these mobile phones are very safe and cannot be traced, the old guy Thompson never uses them, and only communicates with Tillerson through the public phone, which is very cautious!

At this moment, these mobile phones are all closed, once one or two of them are put into use, it means that another piece of top antique art is about to flow into the black market!

Ye Tian's gaze only stayed on the sorting box for two or three seconds, and then turned to a crate placed two or three meters away, leaning against the other wall.

The moment he saw the crate clearly, Ye Tian's eyelids jumped, a sense of danger came up spontaneously, and the back of his spine felt a little cold!

For no other reason, because he knew what the crate was for.

This is the box for the grenade!

When his eyes crossed again, Ye Tian could see clearly what was in the box.

as predicted!

There are dozens of small gray-green pineapples in the crate, all of which are M67 time-delayed anti-personnel grenades, another powerful U.S. military weapon.

These little pineapples look cute, but they are messengers of death! The throwing distance is forty meters, the delay is four or five seconds, and the effective killing radius is fifteen meters.

Under the attack of this grenade, if the attacker happens to be within the killing radius and does not have a suitable bunker, it is estimated that it is difficult to survive, and it is almost impossible to escape!

"What a crazy old guy, this is going to kill you!"

Ye Tian scolded in a low voice, a trace of solemnity flashed in his eyes.

Although the old guy Thompson was armed to the teeth, he only made Ye Tian a little bit more vigilant, and he didn't take it too seriously.

But what he saw next gave Ye Tian a new understanding of this old guy's madness, and was even terrified.

Perspective continues!

There were no other boxes near the grenade box, probably for safety reasons, Ye Tian turned his attention to the opposite wall.

There are two 24-inch metal trolley cases standing against the wall, about two meters apart from each other.

From the outside, I can't tell what's inside the two trolley cases, I don't know if it's a lethal weapon or something else.

But under the perspective, there is no secret at all.

The first thing Ye Tian saw was the trolley case near the door of the secret room.

The moment he saw the inside of the box, he was almost shocked to sit on the ground, sweating all over his body, and his legs were shaking a little!

Immediately afterwards, he cursed in a low voice, and froze in place.

This trolley case is full of C4 plastic explosives the size of half a brick, densely packed with five or six layers, filling the entire box, at least fifty or sixty pieces!

Who wouldn't be afraid to see so many powerful explosives?

Even if he was as powerful as Ye Tian, ​​he couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart! Like falling into an ice cave!

Once such a huge amount of C4 plastic explosives is detonated, it will destroy the underground palace several times, it will be easy!

As for the Old North Church and the Rivera Gardens on the ground, they will definitely be blasted into the sky, and there will be no tiles left!

Fortunately, there are only pieces of plastic explosives in this trolley case, and they are not bundled with the detonating device, so there is no danger for the time being.

Fortunately, these two things were not tied together. If they were together, Ye Tian would immediately leave without hesitation!

No matter how important the top antique works of art are, and no matter how charming wealth is, it is not as important as life!

Where there is life, there is hope! Ye Tian understands this truth better than anyone else!

C4 plastic explosive is a military high-performance explosive with high stability. It requires a considerable impact to detonate the explosive. If it is burned with fire, it is just a piece of wood and will never explode!

During the Vietnam War, American soldiers even used C4 explosives as makeshift fuel to cook food! It can be seen that its stability is high!

C4 plastic explosives cannot be detonated even with a rifle shot!

If you want to detonate C4, you must use a detonator, or a detonator, nothing else works!

Now that C4 plastic explosives have appeared here, don't even think about it, another box is 100% filled with electric detonators and timing detonation devices!

This is probably the reason why the two trolley cases are separated by a few meters! That old guy Thompson is also afraid!

Ye Tian's eyes immediately turned to another trolley case and began to see through the box!

really! The trolley case contained a large number of silver electric detonators, as well as numerous electronic timers.

These electric detonators and timers are already connected, just install batteries on the timers, set the time, and then insert the electric detonators into the C4 explosive, that is a piece of powerful time bomb!

Although seemingly simple, the power of these time bombs will not be compromised in the slightest! The lethality is amazing!

Seeing this, Ye Tian couldn't help but feel horrified again, and was also terrified!

Obviously, this is Thompson's last line of defense.

If the matter is revealed, the FBI and the Boston police, or someone else comes to kill him, he will definitely destroy this place without hesitation, eliminate all the evidence, and make everyone happy!

As for the many top antique works of art, the Old North Church on the ground, and even many tourists, he would never care, let alone have any compassion!

As long as he can leave here safely and get rid of suspicion, he will not care about the flood!

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