Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 546 Secret Evacuation

There was no sound coming from the earphones. From time to time, Matisse and the others raised their wrists to look at the watch or the time displayed on the computer. Everyone was a little anxious!

"Steven has been in this warehouse for more than an hour, and he hasn't come out yet. Could it be that this warehouse also hides a large number of top antique artworks? That's amazing!"

Jason whispered, his eyes full of concern.

"There is no doubt that this warehouse must have secrets, otherwise Steven wouldn't have spent so long in it. As for safety, don't worry, he won't have any problems!"

Mattis continued, with a bit of worry in his eyes.

At this moment, a familiar voice suddenly came from the earphones that had been quiet for a long time.

"Guys, this warehouse has been explored, and tonight's operation can end!"

Before he finished speaking, Ye Tian's figure appeared on the monitor screen.

He came out of the last warehouse and was standing at the door of the warehouse at the moment.

Seeing him finally appearing, Mattis immediately asked eagerly:

"Steven, what's in the warehouse? You actually spent more than an hour in it. Could it be that there are a lot of top antique artworks here?"

While cleaning up the traces he left behind, Ye Tian replied with a chuckle:

"There is no top antique art here, Thompson converted it into a studio, and the reason why I stayed in it for more than an hour was to study the special pigments that are fake.

It's a pity that after spending so long, I still haven't come up with a clue. It seems that my understanding of painting materials is far from enough, and the chemical foundation is still too shallow, so I have to continue to work hard! "

This is the best excuse to cover up, and of course it will be used to dispel everyone's doubts.

"So it turns out, no wonder it takes so long. This kind of thing is best left to professionals. Go back and find a chemist. I believe you will be able to figure out this special pigment soon!"

"I think so too, no one is omnipotent! Let's not talk about this, I'm going to leave this underground palace and go back along the original road. You can drive and come to pick me up!

You still park your car at the location just now, notify me immediately when you arrive, and I will leave the apartment building at that time, which is safer and can reduce the risk of exposure.”

Ye Tian said in a low voice with a smile, then turned to leave the vaulted hall, and walked towards the platform at the entrance of the hall.

At this point, he had wiped away all traces of his past, leaving no flaws.

"Okay! Let's set off right now, and we'll be there in fifteen minutes at most!"

Mattis responded with excitement and started to act immediately.

"OK! Waiting for your news, Kenny, Byrne, you continue to stare at the surveillance, staring at the old guy Thompson, this will never be careless!"

"Don't worry, Steven, we know what to do and we'll never let it go!"

Kenny's voice came through the earphones, and it sounded very excited.

While speaking, Ye Tian had already reached the entrance platform.


The lights went out, and this hidden underground palace suddenly fell into darkness again, as if no one had ever come, it was very quiet!

Two minutes later, inside the apartment building.

The shrine in Thompson's basement studio suddenly opened outwards, and Ye Tian stepped out of the dark passage and returned here smoothly.

The lights in the studio turned on again, and the shrine was pushed back again!

Afterwards, Ye Tian took off the headlight and put it back into the backpack, as did the G36C assault rifle. He turned off the safety, folded the butt, and put it into the backpack.

Then he began to clean up the scene and quickly restored the studio to its original state.

After doing this, within a few minutes, Matisse's voice sounded in the earphones again.

"Steven, we'll be there in a minute, at most, you can come out! Stay safe!"


Ye Tian responded,

He walked towards the studio door.

Before opening the door, he whispered through his invisible earphones:

"Kenny, let me know about the surveillance"

"OK! There is no one in the basement corridor, you can come out with confidence. We have been showing Thompson the edited video, and it is absolutely impossible for him to find the flaw.

The security guard in the apartment building should be sleeping in the guard room. The location information on the mobile phone shows that the guy has not moved for a long time, and it is very safe.”

Kenny quickly briefed the surveillance.

Hearing this, Ye Tian immediately showed a smile on his face.

Immediately afterwards, he reached out and turned off the light in the studio, then opened the door and walked out of the studio without a sound.

Wipe off the fingerprints on the electronic door lock, turn the dark lock back to its original position, and everything went very smoothly, unwittingly!

Soon, he had come to the door of the guard room on the first floor.

The security guard in the guard room was sleeping soundly, snoring loudly, and there was an uninvited guest standing at his door!

Ye Tian glanced into the guard room, then opened the apartment building door with a chuckle, and left the apartment building.

At this time, it was past three in the morning, and it was late at night. The sky and the earth were pitch black, and the visibility was extremely poor. This was undoubtedly the best cover color.

Ye Tian, ​​who walked out of the apartment building, was blown by the icy cold wind and couldn't help shivering. While feeling the chill, his spirit was also lifted, and his mind became clearer!

Without a moment's hesitation, he quickly glanced at the surrounding situation, then stepped forward, and the cat's waist rushed out, like a black lightning, and disappeared into the darkness in an instant.

When he walked out of the darkness again, he was already on the street on the north side of the Old North Church, and sneaked away towards a black GMC commercial vehicle parked on the side of the road! Go fast!

In just three or five seconds, he had arrived by the commercial vehicle.

At the same time, the sliding rail door of the commercial vehicle suddenly opened, and Ye Tian got into the car and disappeared completely from this secluded street!

After sitting down, he immediately took off his hood and whispered excitedly:

"Guys, you're done!"

"Fantastic! Steven, great job!"

Mattis was also very excited, reaching out and bumping Ye Tian into a fist.

The other guys in the car were the same, with bright smiles on their faces, all applauding each other.

After some celebrations, Ye Tian immediately whispered:

"Okay guys, this isn't the place to celebrate! Walker, drive back to the apartment"


Walker responded, immediately started the commercial vehicle, and quietly drove away from the street.

On the way, Ye Tian quickly finished changing his clothes in the car, took off all his black night clothes, and changed back to his normal attire.

Then, he said through the invisible earphone:

"Kenny, you can monitor Thompson in real time, but you still have to keep an eye on him. From now on, you must not let this old guy out of sight until the net is finally closed! You must keep track of his whereabouts at all times."

"Understood, we will check the previous surveillance video again, and then switch back to the real-time picture. As for Thompson's whereabouts, we will monitor it all the time"

Kenny responded quickly, very confident.

The return journey was very smooth. In about ten minutes, the GMC commercial vehicle arrived at the downstairs of the apartment.

The car door opened, Ye Tian and his party of six, each carrying a backpack, quickly got out of the car and walked into the temporarily rented apartment building.

Two minutes later, in a duplex apartment upstairs, there was a burst of excited cheers.

Time passed quickly, and it was already half past six in the morning.

Ye Tian raised his hand to check the time, then took out his mobile phone from his pocket and started making calls.

The phone rang for ten seconds before the other party picked up.

"Steven, is this guy really, so early in the morning, why don't you let people sleep?"

David's voice came from the phone, and he heard a lot of resentment!

"Good morning, David, hurry up and pack up and head out to Boston! There's big business to talk about here, and a lot of dollars to make! How about it, do you still want to sleep when you hear this?"

Ye Tian smiled and said in a low voice, very proud!

As soon as he heard that there was money to be made, David immediately came to his senses and couldn't wait to ask:

"Steven, what kind of big business is it? Let me tell you first, how much commission can I earn?"

"Sorry, keep it a secret for now! You'll know what the business is when you come to Boston! One thing I can guarantee is that if this business is done, you can retire directly and go to Hawaii to enjoy life!"

Ye Tian didn't reveal any information, but threw out a bigger temptation.

"Wow! That's great! I'll be packing my bags and leaving, and I'll be in Boston by noon!"

David exclaimed, and his excitement was about to fly.

As for Ye Tian's words, he has no doubts at all. Those previous experiences, the numbers of his bank deposits, and the Ferrari sports car in the garage downstairs are the best proofs!

"We need to face a lot of people this time, and none of them are good people. You can't handle it alone. Bring the entire team of lawyers here. They are needed here!

Your team may not be enough, you better say hello to your colleagues in the law firm, I will probably hire all the lawyers at Sullivan \u0026 Cromwell LLP!

Besides, you don't have to drive, my helicopter pilot will contact you later, you will come to Boston by helicopter, and I will prepare the vehicle for you here! "

Ye Tianfeng said lightly, but the content was extremely shocking!

Before he finished speaking, there was an incredible exclamation from the other end of the phone.

"My God! How is that possible! You are planning to hire all the lawyers from the Sullivan \u0026 Cromwell law firm, we are the top five law firms on Wall Street! What is the shocking case? So exciting!"

Ye Tian chuckled lightly and said with great certainty!

"Yes, it is indeed a shocking case!"

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