Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 689 The Beautiful Sea World

After setting off a turbulent wave, the humpback whale mother and calf, one big and one small, turned around and swam away to continue enjoying their vacation trip.

These two big guys didn't care about the troubles and troubles they caused to their neighbors at sea, and they didn't even look at them!

Perhaps in their eyes, the nearly 30-meter-long guy parked on the sea not far away is also a giant sea beast, and he is not afraid of such wind and waves at all!

As the two humpback whales went away, the sea gradually calmed down.

The Faraday 960, which experienced some ups and downs, also returned to its previous state and stopped smoothly at sea.

After regaining their footing, Ye Tian and the others wiped off the fishy-smelling spray on their respective faces or bodies, looked at each other with wry smiles, and then walked into the cabin on the main deck one after another.

After entering, everyone immediately came to Kenny's workbench and began to appreciate the pictures captured by the high-definition camera carried by the underwater robot. Everyone was very excited.

At this time, the underwater robot has dived to a depth of more than 50 meters below the sea surface, and continues to dive deeper at a constant speed, heading straight for the dark deep sea!

The sea water here is clear and transparent. At a depth of more than 50 meters, you can still see the bright sunshine of the Caribbean Sea, but the light is already very dark, and the visibility has decreased a lot.

It doesn't matter, it's time for the underwater high-tech equipment to appear!


Several strong searchlights carried by the underwater robot were turned on at the same time, and a white light suddenly flashed on several computer screens, which was extremely dazzling!

Immediately afterwards, the beautiful ocean world appeared in front of everyone!

Under the illumination of several strong searchlights directed in different directions, the area of ​​more than 20 meters around the robot suddenly became brighter, and the lighting conditions were no worse than that of the surface waters.

The pictures in the sea captured by the high-definition camera are very clear, giving people an immersive feeling.

There are no endless seamounts in the picture, no colorful corals, seaweeds, ancient shipwrecks or anything!

What everyone sees on a few computer screens is only the clear and transparent endless sea water, and many colorful and beautiful sea creatures.

The first high-definition camera footage to emerge and be displayed before everyone's eyes is a school of yellowtail snappers.

This is a very beautiful middle and lower water fish, with a spindle-shaped body, slightly flattened, and small in size.

The main body of the fish is silvery white, but the dorsal fin and caudal fin are bright yellow. From the caudal fin to the gills, there is a bright yellow stripe running through it, like a beautiful ribbon!

Under the strong light, this group of yellowtail snappers looks very beautiful and pleasing to the eye!

Maybe it's the bright yellow color of the underwater robot, maybe it's the bright lights!

The moment a few searchlights were turned on, the group of yellow-tailed snappers swimming not far away were taken aback, and the small school of fish immediately dispersed.

After they felt that there was no danger here and that the yellow guy with the bright light was not a predator, these beautiful yellow-tailed snappers quickly gathered together again.

Immediately afterwards, they swam towards the underwater robot, seeming a little curious, wanting to see what this guy emitting strong light is!

These fish quickly swam around the underwater robot, quickly surrounded the strange guy, and kept swimming around it! The picture is beautiful and very vivid!

"Raymond, first stop the winch and let the underwater robot hover at the current position. The picture in front of everyone is beautiful, and it is worth enjoying for a while."

Ye Tian said through the walkie-talkie, his eyes were fixed on the computer screen, his eyes were full of joy!

"Okay, I'll stop the winch now"

Raymond's voice came over the intercom.

Immediately afterwards, the underwater robot stopped diving and hovered at a depth of more than 60 meters below the sea surface.

this sudden change,

Startled the yellowtail snappers again, but they quickly returned to normal and continued to swim and play around this bright yellow object!

Some fish even leaned in front of the camera curiously to observe the strange object in front of them at close range to see how it is different from themselves and other creatures in this sea area!

While the yellow-tailed snapper was observing the underwater robot, Ye Tian and the others were also observing these beautiful sea fish on the computer screen at a sea level of more than 60 meters.

For them, distance no longer exists!

Even in major aquariums, they have never been so close to a school of yellowtail snappers, and they have never observed them so carefully.

Here, they can even see the expressions of these fish! I can see the curiosity in their eyes!

All of this can only be seen by visiting the Caribbean Sea, and only by diving into the underwater depth of tens of meters here, which is simply impossible in other places.

Looking at the beautiful picture on the computer screen, everyone in the cabin on the main deck was full of smiles. Everyone was very relaxed and enjoying the moment!

In addition to yellow-tailed snappers, they also saw a small group of barbaden bream, several red Caribbean squid, two large turtles swimming leisurely, and the rarely seen purple-spotted fish, among others.

There is also a large piece of transparent jellyfish. Under the light, these jellyfish are like neon lights at night. They not only have various shapes, but also reflect light of different colors, which is very beautiful!

Just as they were admiring these sea creatures and fascinated by their beauty, a few uninvited guests suddenly appeared in the distance of the picture.

Those are four or five bluefin tunas with a body length of about two meters. They are advanced predators in the ocean, and they are also one of the top delicacies that the ocean has contributed to humans.

Obviously, these bluefin tunas have spotted the school of yellowtail snappers and are heading this way at high speed! Like an arrow flying off the string!

For these guys, schools of yellowtail snappers are a feast to eat and should not be missed!

Seeing these huge and ferocious predators approaching at high speed, Ye Tian said decisively and loudly:

"Raymond, turn on the winch and continue to release the steel cable! A group of bluefin tuna is rushing over. Don't let these guys hit the underwater robot, otherwise the consequences will be unpredictable!"

The predatory bluefin tuna is extremely fast and fierce. If they hit the underwater robot, it is very likely to damage the exploration equipment carried by the robot!

Even being swept by their high-speed swinging fish tails may bring unpredictable consequences!

You know, the underwater robot is currently suspended in the sea at a depth of more than 60 meters.

This is like an iron anchor or a pendulum. If it swings sharply, it will definitely have a big impact on the yachts on the sea.

Therefore, Ye Tiantian ordered Raymond to immediately release the steel cable, allowing the underwater robot to dive quickly to avoid these aggressively galloping bluefin tuna.

"I see, Steven"

Raymond's voice came from the walkie-talkie, and it sounded a little nervous.

After the voice fell, the underwater robot hovering in the sea immediately started to move!

In a blink of an eye, this underwater robot passed under the yellowtail snapper fish and dived deeper into the ocean, much faster than before!

At the same time, yellowtail snappers also spotted bluefin tuna rushing at high speed.

Seeing the appearance of the natural enemy, this group of beautiful fish suddenly panicked, immediately turned around and started to run away in a hurry, hoping to escape from the tiger's mouth!

Their reaction and speed were very fast. In the blink of an eye, the school of fish swam more than ten meters away, leaving the underwater robot directly above.

Although the yellow-tailed snapper escaped quickly, it was far from enough at this moment, not enough to get rid of the red-eyed bluefin tuna behind it!

But for Ye Tian and the others, a distance of more than ten meters is enough!

As long as the hunting ground for bluefin tuna is not directly above the underwater robot, it will not threaten the safety of the underwater robot!

The high-definition camera arranged above the robot clearly captured the scenes of yellowtail snapper fleeing in a hurry, as well as those bluefin tuna rushing at high speed.

Looking at the picture on the computer screen, everyone on the yacht couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief, and their hanging hearts finally returned to their stomachs.

The only pity is that with the rapid dive of the underwater robot, everyone can't see the wonderful predation picture of the bluefin tuna, which is somewhat regrettable!

Afterwards, everyone chatted in the living room, and the topic was the ongoing battle between predation and escape at a depth of more than 60 meters below the sea surface.

After chatting for a while, Pique, who was driving the yacht, suddenly turned around and said loudly:

"Steven, the following fishing boat is very close to us. It is only about 5 kilometers away. Those guys are still advancing at a high speed, and there is no sign of slowing down!"

"What a lingering ghost! It seems that war will not only happen in the depths of the sea, but also on the surface of the sea! Guys, since there are unexpected guests coming to visit! Then prepare to entertain them!"

Ye Tian sneered and said, a murderous intent flashed in his eyes!

After finishing speaking, he turned and walked towards the stairs, going up to the bridge deck!

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