Under the eyes of his family's attention, Ye Tian walked to the right wall of the living room, took one out of the two largest trolley boxes, and carefully carried it to the center of the living room.

Betty also followed, took out one of the several suitcases that belonged to her, walked to the center of the living room, and put it next to the huge trolley case.

The tea table, which was placed in the center before, has been moved to the side to make room.

Except for the grandparents who were still smiling and sitting on the sofa, the rest of the family stood up and surrounded them. Everyone was full of curiosity and anticipation.

Seeing the two boxes in the middle of the living room, the family members were somewhat surprised.

"Brother! Don't tell me that these two boxes are filled with gifts for everyone and antique works of art. How much is that? Isn't it a bit too scary?"

Linlin said with an exaggerated expression, her eyes were fixed on the two boxes on the floor, her gaze was extremely hot.

"My cousin is right! Brother, are you and your sister-in-law planning to knock us unconscious with all kinds of treasures? I like that feeling, let the happiness come more violently!"

Dongzi said jokingly, beaming with joy.

The rest of the family were equally excited and full of anticipation.

Ye Tian smiled lightly and nodded, giving the answer everyone wanted to hear the most.

"You guessed it right, the contents of these two trolley boxes are gifts for everyone, and the box in front of me is mainly filled with antique works of art, which you will see right away.

I don't know exactly what is in Betty's box, she has been keeping it a secret, but I believe that the things inside will definitely bring surprises to everyone.

Well, now open the treasure chest, I will come first, and Betty will distribute gifts to everyone later, everyone should be careful during this period, because some gifts inside are fragile! "

"Understood, brother! We will be more careful!"

The younger brothers and sisters responded in unison, seeming quite eager.

Several adults nodded, waiting for Ye Tian to open the box and bring surprises to everyone.

Before opening the box, Ye Tian gave Betty some instructions in English, and then he squatted down and began to unlock the password.


The two locks of the trolley case popped open one after another, and the sound was crisp and pleasant.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Tian unzipped the box again, carefully opened the upper half of the metal trolley box in his hand, and presented the contents inside to everyone.


There was a sound of breathing in the living room.

Everyone was stunned by what they saw, so that they all gasped and froze in place.

I saw more than a dozen boxes of different sizes densely packed in that huge suitcase.

These boxes are made of gold and silver, other metals, solid wood, and lacquer boxes, and the entire box is filled to the brim without leaving any gaps.

Each box is very beautifully made and shines brightly! Some of the boxes are full of antiquity and are worth a lot of money at first glance. They are good antique works of art in themselves.

These boxes alone have firmly attracted the attention of the family members, making them shocked and stunned, not to mention the antique works of art in the boxes!

The living room was completely quiet, everyone was staring at the boxes and watching Ye Tian's movements.

Without a moment's hesitation, Ye Tian carefully took out a square solid wood box from the box, got up and walked to the coffee table in front of his grandfather, and put the box on the coffee table.

The eyes of the family members shifted accordingly, looking at the box on the coffee table, waiting for Ye Tian to open it.

The same goes for grandparents, staring at the box in front of them, with a smile on their faces, and a bit of anticipation in their eyes.

"Xiaotian! This should be a box. What is the specific origin? It looks so beautiful and imposing. It should be an antique artwork with a history, right? Tell everyone!"

The little uncle asked curiously,

The expression is very excited.

For this request, Ye Tian naturally would not refuse, and immediately gave the answer readily.

"This is a golden silk nanmu box. According to my identification, this box came from the Qing Dynasty court manufacturing office. It was made in the middle of Kangxi and has a history of more than 300 years.

On the box is engraved a very beautiful and elegant picture of the Three Friends of Sui Han. From the composition and carving skills, it can be seen that this is definitely the work of a famous teacher, and its artistic value is extraordinary!

I found this treasure at a flea market in New York. When I first got it, the surface was very dirty. After careful cleaning, the box was restored to its original appearance, which is what you see now.

I brought a few gifts to my grandpa when I returned to China this time, but there was no suitable box to put them in, so I dug out this box and used it to hold those gifts, but it was also very suitable, so I brought them back to China! "

At the same time as Ye Tian introduced it, several adults in the family gathered around and began to appreciate the golden nanmu box. Everyone was very interested and talking non-stop.

"Look at the surface of this box. It's as smooth as a mirror, like silk and satin. You can also see strands of golden threads, and there is a pleasant fragrance. It is indeed golden nanmu!"

"Xiaotian is right. This picture of the three friends in Suihan is indeed from the hands of the master. The brushwork is smooth and natural. At a glance, it gives people a sense of elegance and refinement!"

All the little ones were squeezed out, and they were standing beside Betty at this moment, pointing their toes to look at the coffee table, but they couldn't see anything, the sight was completely blocked by the adults.

Compared with several adults, these little guys care more about the price and are more direct.

"Brother! Although I'm a layman, I've heard from the old men in the alley that golden nanmu is very rare and expensive, not to mention the golden nanmu furniture from three hundred years ago!

And this thing also comes from the Qing Palace Building Office, I have heard this name in TV dramas! From this point of view, this golden nanmu antique box must be very expensive, right? Is it priceless? "

Linlin asked excitedly, eyes full of curiosity.

Hearing the question she raised, all the family members immediately turned to look at Ye Tian.

Obviously, everyone wants to know the answer to this question, including grandpa and grandma.

"Stop watching braid dramas in the future, those things are poisonous! I think you are about to be poisoned by braid dramas! How can there be so many priceless treasures, and the Qing Palace Building Office is not so tall!

This golden nanmu box can't be said to be priceless, but it still has a certain value. It can be regarded as a fairly good quality antique artwork, and it is very sought after in the collection circle.

Combining its material, appearance, production process, and this picture of the Three Friends of Sui Han with extraordinary craftsmanship and elegant meaning, I estimate the price of this golden nanmu box at about 40,000 to 50,000 RMB.

I don't know much about the situation of the domestic antique art market. There may be some deviations in the price, but my valuation is not high, and it is quite reliable! "

Ye Tian smiled lightly and gave the answer everyone wanted to know, his tone full of confidence.

He is extremely sure about his identification and valuation! No matter where, no one can question his own judgment, except some guys with ulterior motives.

Before he finished his words, there was already a sound of exclamation in the living room, especially the most exaggerated expressions of his younger brothers and sisters.

"My God! How much is that! It's just such a wooden box, and it's worth four or five million yuan? Did I hear you right? Brother! Is the currency unit you're talking about Korean won?"

"Chenxi! Just pinch me and let me make sure if I'm dreaming! It's worth four or five million yuan! This is unbelievable! I must be dreaming, or hearing hallucinations!

……,what! You vicious little girl, are you really pinching me? And the attack is so dark, why do we have any grudges? Still sisters? Don't be the plastic flower sisters? "

"Sister! I don't know if you are dreaming, but my touch tells me that this is the living reality! Ah——! Four or five hundred thousand RMB! How nice it is to give it to me! It will definitely be sent!"

While the younger siblings were exaggerating and exclaiming, laughing and playing around, the adults all stared at Ye Tian dumbfounded, their eyes full of disbelief, even a little crazy.

Even the grandparents, who were quite calm before, became a little agitated at this time.

We are all ordinary people with mortal bodies who deal with firewood, rice, oil, salt, soy sauce, vinegar and tea every day! People who don't treat money like dung can't be excited to hear such a large sum of money?

This is the most real life, the most real human nature, and the most warm and intimate!

Seeing his family's reaction, Ye Tian just smiled softly, and didn't feel any surprises. This was completely within his expectation, and it was the most normal behavior!

After a brief shock, the second uncle asked excitedly:

"Xiaotian, the gift box is actually worth 40,000 to 50,000 yuan! Doesn't that mean that the things in the box are priceless antique works of art? Otherwise, I'm sorry for this box!"

"Second Uncle, you are right. The antique works of art contained in this box are indeed priceless treasures! And I am very sure that the things inside are considered national treasures! That is no exaggeration!"

Ye Tian smiled lightly and nodded, affirming the second uncle's judgment, and then gave a shocking answer!

"Ah! Did I hear correctly! Is there a national treasure inside?"

There was a sudden exclamation, and this small courtyard was completely boiling!

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