Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 845 Crazy Means

In the blink of an eye, Ye Tian and the others came to the stage and attracted everyone's attention.

The members of the heavy metal rock band who were on the stage before all stepped aside, looking at Ye Tian standing under the spotlight with admiration and some horror.

"I'll go! What is Ye Tian going to do? Why do I feel that something big is going to happen! I really admire this buddy, he can really make a fuss!"

"Isn't it? This is the ancestor who caused trouble! Watch it! There must be someone who is going to be unlucky, and he definitely didn't run away!"

While discussing in low voices, everyone looked at Ye Tian curiously. Everyone's eyes were full of anticipation and a little bit of fear.

This guy's next punch, God knows it will fall on the head of that unlucky guy, don't be a buddy!

Lawyer Chen Fei also came to the stage, standing two meters away from Ye Tian's left, looking a little nervous.

Raymond stood not far behind Ye Tian's right hand side, responsible for his safety, watching the scene vigilantly.

Walker squatted in front of the stage, took out his mobile phone, connected it with the tablet computer controlling the projection equipment by using the Bluetooth function of the mobile phone, and quickly got ready to play.

"It's time to start, Steven"

After the preparations, Walker immediately gave a signal.

"Okay! Let's start!"

Ye Tian nodded, then picked up the microphone and said loudly:

"Hi everyone, I'm Ye Tian. I interrupted everyone's heavy metal rock night. I would like to apologize to everyone here. There is a reason for this, please forgive me!"

Hearing this, everyone rolled their eyes in unison.

Are you bothering me? That's an understatement!

Kicking the door and entering, as if he would not hesitate to follow hundreds of people to open a movie! You call it a mess, okay? Apologizing for a fart! This night of rock and roll has completely ruined your hands!

The bar owner standing under the stage was about to cry, grandson! You are not such a bully!

He knew very well that once those two dead foreigners were convicted of sex and drug trafficking, it would be inevitable that his bar would be closed for rectification, and God knows when it will open again!

How unlucky he is! How did you recruit this living ancestor?

Cry without crying!

Ye Tianquan saw the reactions of the people in the audience.

But he didn't care about the reactions of these people at all, it was just a formality, did he really apologize sincerely? There are no doors! Do you match?

After a short pause, he went on to say loudly:

"Why do you guys come to this Phantom Bar? The reason must be very clear to everyone, so I won't say more, it is a waste of words and everyone's time.

What I want to say next will involve the privacy of some girls, and I will release some screenshots of the video, which may be somewhat explicit. Please forgive me if it makes everyone feel uncomfortable! "

Before the words fell, there was already a lot of discussion at the scene.

"Privacy involved? It's not a fan X video shot by those two dead foreigners, is it? If it's true, then it's a good show!"

"It's really possible! I'll go! This buddy Ye Tian is too powerful! He actually got the video material so quickly, it's awesome!"

The faces of several policemen at the scene suddenly became very ugly, and the leading policeman said loudly:

"What do you want to do? Ye Tian, ​​those video materials are not suitable for publication, right?"

Ye Tian looked at these policemen, and then replied loudly:

"Sorry! I got these materials from the United States, and I bought them with money. They belong to me. How to deal with them is my business. If you have any questions, you can communicate with my lawyer!

Although some scars are ugly, they must be uncovered, so that more people can wake up and recognize the reality! Concealment may not necessarily be a good thing, I am willing to be the one who uncovers the scars.

Don't worry, we will keep a good sense of proportion and try to avoid causing secondary harm to those victims. They are already very pitiful, and I never have the heart to hurt them again! "

Several policemen fell silent.

They had nothing to do with Ye Tian, ​​and at the same time they felt that what he said was somewhat reasonable, and concealing it was not necessarily a good thing.

But this feeling of being led by the nose is also very annoying.

Who is the Beijing police? This product is going to steal the show!

After dealing with a few policemen, Ye Tian immediately returned to the topic

"We will respect Chinese laws and will not disclose the positive pictures of the relevant parties, nor will they disclose their names. We just want to use this as a warning to everyone and take it as a warning!

Since these contents involve personal privacy, here, I ask everyone not to shoot or spread these pictures, causing secondary harm to these victims!

If someone refuses to listen to dissuasion and insists on filming, I can only ask you to leave. The method may not be too friendly. Please forgive me, buddy is a rough person! "


There was a burst of laughter at the scene, and everyone was amused, but a little helpless.

Aren't you just a rough person! Simple and brutal to the extreme!

The laughter fell slightly, and Ye Tian's voice came to everyone's ears again, very clearly.

"Maybe someone will hide in the dark and take a sneak shot, that's okay, I hope these people are ready for a lawsuit, it's the kind of tug-of-war lawsuit that can make you bankrupt!

Once I find that you publish the pictures that will be shown later on the Internet, Moments, or other channels, my lawyer will soon send you to court for a protracted lawsuit.

For this lawsuit, I don't pursue the result of winning or losing, as long as the delay is long enough and there are enough rounds in court, I hope you have enough wealth to deal with this lawsuit!

My buddy doesn't care how long the lawsuit lasts, as long as it drags you down, drags you to death, drags it off until you lose your job, drags it off until your daughter-in-law leaves you, drags it off until you go bankrupt, I'm satisfied! "


Everyone gasped and tried so hard that they almost choked.

Everyone was completely dumbfounded. They stared at Ye Tian on the stage dumbfounded, their eyes were full of fear, and their hearts felt chills, as if they were in an ice cave!

What a stinking hooligan he is! It's just crazy! If anyone is bitten by this guy, then life might be better than death!

Ye Tian's voice came again, like a magic voice piercing his brain,

"Okay, everyone put away your phones, the owner of Phantom Bar, please also turn off the surveillance camera pointing in this direction, we should get to the point later!"

As soon as the voice fell, everyone immediately moved into action, frantically putting away their mobile phones, one by one moving faster than one, and it would be bad luck to fall behind others!

The bar owner did the same, and immediately ordered the staff to turn off the monitoring system.

What they turned off was not the surveillance camera facing the stage, but the entire surveillance system. The bar owner was afraid that if there was a slight omission, it would cause huge trouble for himself.

In a blink of an eye, all the mobile phones and cameras facing the stage and Ye Tian disappeared completely, as if they had never appeared before.

No one wants to ask for bad luck, let alone face that crazy guy on stage!

Ye Tian didn't pay attention to the actions of the people in the audience. He walked up to Walker and whispered a few words, then returned to the center of the stage, picked up the microphone and got straight to the point.

"Let me introduce the identities of those two foreigners and what they did in China. After listening to the introduction, you will understand why I am so angry!

Believe that any Chinese, should say any person with a clear mind and the ability to judge right from wrong, will be outraged after hearing my next words!

However, it is not my purpose to do these things to make everyone angry. I hope to use this as a warning to everyone, so that everyone can keep their eyes open and learn from it! "

With that said, Ye Tian raised his finger to the booth where the two dead foreigners were.

The two dead foreigners were already drunk and unconscious, completely slumped on the table in the booth.

The few policemen stood outside the booth, they were waiting for the arrival of the technicians from the Municipal Bureau to put the nails on the coffins of the two dead foreigners.

On a road not far from Houhai, a few police cars were speeding at high speed with their sirens screaming, and rushed towards a foreign-related apartment in Sanlitun like a hurricane.

The target of these police officers was the residence of the two dead foreigners.

Once these police officers confiscated a large amount of drugs in the residence of the two dead foreigners, found X drugs, seized obscene tools, computers for storing videos, and other physical evidence.

Then call the nearby surveillance and the surveillance video in the building, then the charges of these two dead foreigners will be completely confirmed, and they are absolutely doomed!

At that time, even if the President of the United States intercedes, these two scumbags will die!

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