"Dude, have you heard? A mallet came to Liulichang East Street. He brought his family and a few foreigners with him. He spoke fluent English and was sweeping the goods. It is said that he has already swept through several stores.

This buddy called it a snap when he made a move, and a joy when he paid for it. The money in his pocket seemed to be blown by a strong wind! You don’t even blink your eyelids when you swipe your card, and you rarely negotiate prices, just based on your likes.

According to my estimation, this buddy is probably from abroad and doesn't understand the way of the industry. If he can be slaughtered, he will definitely have a good year, how about it? come or not? "

"Can you not come? How many times can we come across this kind of stick in a year? Now that we do, it would be a pity to miss it! Instead of taking advantage of the rest of the grandchildren, why don't we do it ourselves!"

You are right, buddy, how the quality of this year is, you can count on this stick! He must not be spared lightly, not opening for three years, and three years after opening! Dude is pointing at this one!

Tell you the truth! My buddy has already set off with the burden skin on his back, and he will arrive at the intersection of Liulichang East Street soon, are you still on the way? Sorry, buddies act first! "

"Grandson! You are fast enough! Leave a mouthful of soup for the buddies, otherwise it will be too dishonest!"

Similar conversations took place among many packhouses in Liulichang. Everyone was very excited, and everyone's voice was full of greed.

No need to ask, the stick they were talking about was Ye Tian and his group.

Specifically, it refers to Ye Tian.

The eyes of these Baozhai are all fixed on his wallet at this moment, ready to loot it violently and live a happy and peaceful fat year.

As for how the looted object spent the Spring Festival, who cares?

But who is the mallet? The answer is yet to be known.

Some have already rushed to the intersection of Liulichang East Street, and there are others who are faster than them!

Ye Tian and the others hadn't walked a few steps from Dai Yuexuan, when a guy with a backpack came up beside him, looking left and right, looking cautious.

When he was about one meter away from Ye Tian, ​​the guy immediately pretended to be mysterious and lowered his voice and said:

"Boss, do you want jadeite? Dude, here is the best jadeite in Beijing, including necklaces, bracelets, finger rings, etc., all of which are Laokeng jadeites brought from Burma. They are genuine and fair!"

While saying this,

This buddy also turned his head to look at the surrounding situation, looking quite nervous, as if he was afraid of the sudden appearance of the police or comprehensive law enforcement personnel.

But how did he know that the three guys dressed as tourists not far behind were the special police officers from the Municipal Bureau.

These special policemen were watching him perform there with cold eyes, and each special policeman's eyes were full of pity, and they felt very funny.

Okay! This buddy obviously regarded Ye Tian as a stick! Prepare to slaughter that bastard hard! What is it like to be blind? To make such a decision!

Who ever heard that bastard Ye Tian looked at things? Who has heard that the bastard has suffered and been taken advantage of? To actually want to cheat that bastard, isn't this purely courting death!

Although it was clear at a glance what the guy in front was trying to do, the plainclothes officers from the city bureau didn't step forward to identify themselves and stop the guy from asking for bad luck.

As long as that bastard Ye Tian doesn't cause trouble, everything will be fine! As for the life and death of one or two street crooks, they didn't care at all.

When the Baozhai buddies approached, Raymond and Walker who were a little behind reacted immediately, preparing to prevent each other from approaching.

However, Ye Tian quietly made a gesture to stop their actions.

Ye Tian is also more curious about what kind of tricks and how these Baobaozhai buddies are going to play and how to cheat, anyway, they are idle anyway, it's not bad to have fun with you, you have the right to have fun!

Hearing what the other party said, Ye Tian immediately stopped in his tracks, looked at the other party with feigned excitement and said:

"Did I hear that right? Laokeng jadeite from Myanmar! The water head must be very good! Can you open my eyes? What do you call it?"

A gleam of joy flashed in the eyes of Baobaozhai buddies, the progress is going well, a good start is half the battle!

Immediately afterwards, the buddy introduced himself.

"My name is Zhao Peng. I do a small business in Liulichang. I make a living. What's the name of the boss? Where do you come from? The accent sounds like we are from Beijing! Putonghua is so authentic!"

Of course the name is fake! Only an idiot would believe it, Ye Tian is naturally not an idiot.

"Brother Zhao, hello, my brother's surname is Ye, he used to be from Beijing, and he speaks Mandarin naturally, but he went to the United States a long time ago, and now he is living in the United States!"

Ye Tian shook hands with the other party and introduced himself.

What he said was not half a lie, every word was true, if he still couldn't recognize the bag, and didn't rein in the precipice, then he couldn't blame others.

It really is a foreigner! You must make a lot of money today, and you must not let these Yankees lightly, who let you run into the hands of your buddies!

Zhao Peng felt ecstasy in his heart and almost cheered.

Suppressing his excitement a little bit, the kid immediately continued:

"Boss Ye, you guessed it right. The heads of these jadeites in my hands are quite good. There are glass types and imperial greens. The last one is high ice type. They are all top-notch. How about it? Are you interested?"

"I'm going! It's awesome! Of course I'm interested, hurry up and show it to my buddy, it seems that buddy is very lucky today, this trip back to China is so worth it!"

Ye Tian said excitedly, his eyes were exceptionally bright, shining straight.

In a blink of an eye, he had already dressed himself up as a fool with a lot of money who had just returned from abroad. His performance was very devoted and realistic, definitely at the level of an actor.

Mom and the others stopped, standing by and watching the scene.

Mom and Linlin, who didn't know the inside story, were a little surprised at this moment, a little puzzled by Ye Tian's exaggerated performance, and at the same time, there was a bit of expectation in their eyes.

For women, crystal-clear and colorful top-level jadeite jewelry has an unparalleled allure, which is enough to make people excited and even crazy, and they are no exception.

Betty suffered from not being able to understand Chinese, and didn't know what Ye Tian was talking to that stranger. After Linlin translated, she finally understood what was happening in front of her.

Seeing Ye Tian's exaggerated expression, she immediately thought of many similar things that happened in New York, in Corridor 127, and in Boston, and a smile quickly flashed in her eyes.

Obviously, I ran into another self-righteous idiot!

This idiot thinks he can trick Steven, but he has no idea that a bottomless pit has appeared in front of him, just waiting for him to jump forward!

A smile also flashed in the eyes of Raymond and Walker. This scene is too familiar, and another idiot is going to be unlucky!

The plainclothes members of the Municipal Bureau standing behind all had helpless and sympathetic wry smiles on their faces.

This guy is over! No one can save him!

But it's a pity that Zhao Peng's attention is all on Ye Tian at this time, and he has no time to pay attention to other things, and he can't see the expressions on the faces of several plainclothes.

As for the other people on the street, they didn't recognize Ye Tianlai for a while, so they couldn't remind the unlucky guy in front of him.

At this time, Ye Tian and Betty were both wearing huge sunglasses! Cover up a third of their faces.

They are not celebrities, and no one should deliberately study their appearance. This disguise is enough to effectively conceal their identities, and it is also enough to make those guys with ulterior motives fly to the flames!

"Boss Ye, it's okay for you to see these top-level jadeites, but it can't be here. Let's go to the alley next to it. There, you can carefully appreciate these top-level jadeites!"

As he spoke, Zhao Peng pointed to an alley next to him.

In order to make the performance more realistic, this guy looked around again. His acting skills are quite good. Obviously, he often plays tricks like this, which is a bit natural.

Ye Tian also turned his head to look at the front and back, pretending to think hesitantly, and the expression in his eyes was also difficult to choose.

After thinking for a while, he nodded solemnly and said:

"No problem, I can go to that alley with you to look at the goods, but I have a condition, for the sake of safety, I must bring my family and these two bodyguards, I hope you can understand!"

"Of course no problem! Safety first! For you foreign tourists, this is a foreign country after all, and it is only natural to be cautious.

Don't worry, buddy can be regarded as a famous person in Liulichang, and he will never use dirty tricks behind his back, buddy never bothers to do that kind of dirty tricks! "

Zhao Peng said so swearingly that he almost patted his chest to make sure.

At the same time, the ecstasy in his eyes could hardly be concealed, and he could only release it a little by turning his head and bowing his head.

At this moment, he seemed to see countless green dollars falling from the sky and hitting his head!

The feeling of happiness is beyond words!

"Okay! Let's go to that alley. To be honest, I can't wait!"

Saying that, Ye Tian took a deep look at the backpack on Zhao Peng's back, and then took Betty, his mother and Linlin to the alley next to him.

In his eyes, there is not only a slightly artificial expectation, but also a hint of surprise hidden!

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