Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 867: Glass Emperor Green

The piece of jade placed on the coffee table is only slightly smaller than a Go box, and its shape is approximately oval, so it looks heavy.

The white mist on the surface of the jade has been basically polished away, only a little bit remains, and it has been simply polished to show the mirror effect, which is enough to vividly show the beauty of this piece of jade!

There is no need for bright flashlights, magnifying glasses and other equipment at all. Only with the naked eye, everyone can make the most accurate judgment on the quality of this piece of jade.

This piece of emerald under the light is like a piece of crystal clear glass, glowing with fluorescence, and like a piece of clear and transparent green crystal, radiating dazzling light, which makes people dazzled and intoxicated!

If you get a little closer, you can find that this piece of jade is fine in texture, clear and transparent, extremely pure, without any flaws, just like a puddle of clear water, lying quietly on the coffee table.

Its color is very pure, bright, and evenly distributed, and it appears emerald green under the light. The green is trembling, full of vitality, and filled with endless vitality.

This is under indoor lighting conditions. If it is placed outdoors, under sunlight, this piece of emerald will appear dignified lake green with a little more depth.

And under the illumination of digital flash, it will show another kind of green, which is a rich and warm sun green, which can be described as unpredictable!

Under various light conditions, Ye Tian has experimented with all the color changes produced by this piece of jadeite, and he is very impressed!

So beautiful! It's so beautiful!

The family members in the living room, one by one, all secretly marveled in intoxication.

And the elders who knew a little about jadeite, mother, second aunt, sister-in-law, etc., had already made their own judgments, and the conclusions were almost completely consistent.

This should be the top jadeite, the legendary imperial green glass, a priceless treasure!

After a while, the quiet atmosphere in the living room was finally broken.

Chen Xi, who was squatting by the coffee table, could not resist the huge temptation in the end.

After admiring it up close, the little girl might still feel that it wasn't enough, so she reached out and picked up this enchantingly beautiful piece of jade, and directly embraced it in her arms.

At the same time, she was muttering to herself.

"It's so beautiful! This emerald is mine,

Don't try to rob anyone, whoever robs me is in a hurry! "

However, Linlin was already in a hurry.

"Don't mind! Chen Xi, what a beautiful piece of jadeite! Don't hide it! Let's enjoy it together on the tea table! Don't underestimate your little girl's movies, you are quite greedy!"

As she said that, Linlin knelt down to Chen Xi's side, and began to snatch the jadeite from the little girl.

"Ah——! I won't give it to you! Sister! You are too annoying. This piece of jade is mine. It is a gift from my brother. No one can take it away!"

Chen Xi clasped her arms tightly, trying her best to protect the jade in her arms.

But she was still young and lacked strength, after all she was not able to monopolize this piece of jade, so Linlin snatched it and put it back on the coffee table for everyone to appreciate together.


Seeing the dispute between the two little girls, the rest of the family laughed.

Amidst the laughter, everyone's emotions gradually calmed down.

Ye Tian stood up and asked grandma to sit in his seat. His mother and second aunt also sat down one after another. Betty sat next to his mother, looking like a little follower.

The three little guys were still standing in front of the beautiful piece of jadeite, admiring it with bright eyes, and chatting about it, as if they were going to share the spoils.

As soon as everyone sat down, my sister-in-law asked excitedly:

"Xiaotian, this is the legendary top-level jadeite, the glass kind of imperial green, right? I only saw pictures on the Internet before, but I didn't expect to see this top-level jadeite at home. It's so beautiful!"

Ye Tian smiled lightly and nodded, giving an affirmative answer.

"Your judgment is correct! Auntie, this is the very rare glass species imperial green, the best among jadeites! It is definitely much better than the jadeite jewelry online, there is a world of difference!

Those jadeite jewelry are said to be imperial green glass, but they are far from it! Generally, it is ice jade or high ice jade. Take a good picture and then PS it, and then use it to pretend to be glass jade.

Even high-ice jadeite is very rare, it can be said that it is rare! There are also some, which are simply green glass, not even jadeite. How can there be so many glass-type imperial green jadeites!

Glass jadeites generally don’t have color, and God’s creation is like this, no color is given to the seed, and no seed is given to the color! If the water is clear, there will be no fish, and if it does not contain impurities, it will have no color. Common glass types are basically colorless.

There is both a kind and a colored glass kind of imperial green, which can be said to be extremely rare! Every time a piece appears, it will cause quite a stir, attracting the enthusiasm and pursuit of countless people, and the price will definitely break through the sky! "

"Xiaotian, where did you get such a large piece of glassy emperor green jadeite? This thing must be worth a lot, right? How much is it worth?"

The second aunt asked excitedly, her eyes were firmly attracted by the glass-like emperor green jadeite on the coffee table, and she was not willing to move away for a moment, her eyes were full of fascination!

They walked into the living room late just now, and they didn't hear the conversation between Linlin and Ye Tian, ​​otherwise they wouldn't have asked this question.

Regarding the price of this piece of glass-type imperial green jadeite, not only the second aunt was concerned, but everyone else was very concerned and wanted to know the answer.

Money is a good thing! There is no distinction between good and evil in itself, everyone likes it!

Of course, except for those ancient and modern sages who don't eat the fireworks of the world and regard money as dung!

And these family members in the living room are still very far away from the sages, so naturally they cannot be exempt!

Hearing the second aunt's question, everyone immediately turned their heads to look at Ye Tian, ​​including the three chattering little guys, everyone was expecting him to give an answer,

Ye Tian took a sip of tea from the water cup, moistened his throat, and said with a smile:

"Let's talk about the origin of this piece of glass-type imperial green jade first. The second aunt and sister-in-law just came in and don't know the situation, so it is necessary to explain it again.

Two days ago when I was shopping in Liulichang, I met a charlatan from the antique shop. The kid saw that I bought a lot of things and had money in his pocket, so he was going to use the fake jade jewelry in his hand to trick me.

I saw through that ghostly trick at a glance! Come and not reciprocate! Since he has bad intentions, there's no need for me to be polite to a charlatan, and to cheat that kid instead.

The emerald jewelry in his backpack are all fake and worthless at all! But there are two real rough jadeites, and the performance of one of them seems to be okay!

Of course, this kind of opportunity can't be missed. In the end, I only spent 2,000 yuan, and I won the black Ushapi jade gambling stone. Next, this glass emperor green appeared! "

"Ah! Such a beautiful emerald was cut out of that broken rock! I thought 2,000 yuan was for nothing! It's unbelievable!"

Mom exclaimed, with a surprised expression on her face.

"Xiao Tian, ​​your kid's luck is so unbelievable! It's incredible to be able to cut a glass-type imperial green from a stone worth 2,000 yuan!"

The sister-in-law said with emotion, and the others nodded in sympathy.

With a bright smile on Ye Tian's face, he nodded triumphantly.

"My luck has always been good, and my vision is sharper. This is recognized by the industry! If it weren't for me, this piece of glass-type imperial green jadeite would probably be completely buried and thrown into a garbage dump, and no one cares about it!"

"So the guy who was cheated has to thank you! Thanks to you for saving this piece of glass with imperial green, this world has another priceless treasure and a little more color!

I guess that guy is not in the mood! If he knows that you have picked up such a big leak, he will definitely hang himself. Don't say thank you at that time, cursing you madly behind your back will be light! "

The little uncle joked, his eyes full of envy.

"That's up to him! The transaction has been completed, who is willing to talk to him! He's just a charlatan, and besides, he will never know that the glass-colored imperial green was actually cut out of that gambling stone!"

Ye Tian shrugged his shoulders and said with a disdainful chuckle.


The family members laughed and were very happy.

After the laughter fell, Ye Tian's voice sounded again.

"I'm here to tell you about the market conditions of glass-type imperial green jadeite. I hope everyone will be mentally prepared and don't be intimidated by what I say next, it is indeed a bit scary.

In the 2011 Beijing Autumn Auction, a 93-gram imperial green generous plate appeared. After some fierce bidding, it was finally sold with the hammer at 135 million yuan.

Sotheby's Spring Auction in April this year sold an imperial green jade bead necklace with a total of 27 jade beads weighing less than 150 grams. The final transaction price was HK$210 million.

At this year's Shanghai Jewelry Fair, there was also an imperial green jadeite made of glass. It was a royal concubine bracelet. The official estimate given by the exhibition was 200 million yuan!

There are still many high-price transaction records, so I won’t list them one by one. Based on the current market conditions, the price of uncarved glass emperor green jadeite is around 150,000 RMB per gram.

The total weight of the glass piece of imperial green jadeite on the coffee table is about 1.8 kilograms. You can calculate the specific value, it should be easy to figure out!

Moreover, the shape of this piece of jadeite is quite good, and there are almost no cracks visible inside. According to my estimation, at least three blessing bracelets can be taken out, which will undoubtedly double its value!

The remaining materials can be used to make a lot of things, four or five pieces of jade plaques, seven or eight rings and egg noodles, and other pendants, and the scraps can also be used to make brooches, etc., each of which is very valuable! "

After finishing speaking, Ye Tian looked at the family members present with a smile on his face, preparing for the wild exclamation.

His right hand was already gently resting on grandma's shoulder, so that grandma would not be frightened.

However, the crazy exclamation did not sound as expected, and all the family members froze in place, with a dumbfounded expression on everyone's face.

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