When the first ray of sunshine breaks through the sky in the morning and dispels the darkness, the first day of the new year comes.

The door of the living room opened, and Ye Tian walked out, went straight down the steps, and came to the middle of the yard.


Ye Tian raised his arms high and stretched long, and at the same time took a deep breath greedily, letting the cold and fresh air in the morning cleanse his body and mind.

He didn't sleep all night because of his New Year's Eve, and he didn't show a trace of tiredness on his face, but he was still full of energy and vitality.

Betty and Linlin, who followed him out of the living room, all had tired faces and couldn't keep their eyes open.

After coming to the yard and being blown by the cold wind, these guys are in a better state and their minds are clearer.

Keeping the year old is a tradition of Beijingers during Chinese New Year, and it is also a tradition of many Chinese people, and Lao Ye's family is no exception.

The old people keep the old age, which means to "get rid of the old year", which means to cherish the time; the young people keep the old age, which means to prolong the life of their parents.

Grandpa and grandma are old and certainly cannot sit and stay up all night. After the clock struck midnight last night, they went back to the bedroom to rest.

The rest, the parents, the second uncle and the second aunt, the couple from the sister-in-law's family, as well as Ye Tian and the others, the juniors, did not leave this courtyard, and all stayed here to watch the new year.

After Ye Tian's explanation, Betty also went to do as the Romans did, staying up all night with everyone.

After stretching his arms and moving his legs and feet a few times, Ye Tian turned his head and said to the little guys:

"Okay! It's already dawn, and the New Year's Eve is over. If you guys feel tired, go to the east room for a rest. Wait for grandparents to wake up later, and I'll call you!"

However, the three little guys shook their heads in unison and rejected the suggestion.

"There is no need to rest now, we are not sleepy, we will go to rest after the grandparents (grandparents) get up and give them New Year's greetings!"

Ye Tian naturally knew what the three little guys were thinking.

He did the same thing when he was still in school.

"You guys, I'm afraid you're not waiting for your grandparents to wake up,

Instead, you are waiting for red envelopes from grandparents and other elders, right? What a money fanatic! "

The faces of the three little guys who had been exposed couldn't help turning red, and they felt somewhat embarrassed.

However, they quickly returned to normal.

Chen Xi, the little girl, was even more excited and asked full of anticipation:

"Brother! How many red envelopes are you going to give us? If it's too little, I won't agree! You are a billionaire now, too little and you can't give it away!"

"That's right! Brother, tell us about it! Why don't you give it to us now, I can't wait!"

Dongzi leaned forward and said, with a flattering smile on his face.

Linlin's performance was the same, she looked at Ye Tian with full expectation, hoping to hear the most pleasant answer.

"Everyone has a red envelope, but the exact amount is kept secret for the time being, and you will know later. As for giving it to you in advance, don't even think about it! It's no use!

After the grandparents and other elders have distributed the red envelopes later, you three little money lovers will get the red envelopes from me and Betty. Let's wait for now! "

Ye Tian said with a light smile, continuing to whet the appetite of the three little guys.

"I knew it was like this, as expected! Brother, you are too bad!"

Linlin said disappointedly, and the other two little guys were also disappointed.

After joking and playing for a while, Betty and the three little ones returned to the living room. The temperature in the morning was very low, so it was not suitable to stay outside for a long time.

Ye Tian stayed in the yard, continued to move his body, and did some simple strength training, such as push-ups and the like.

Soon, more than an hour has passed.

Grandpa and grandma have all gotten up, washed up and came to the living room.

It's time for the juniors to pay New Year's greetings! This is something that must be done every New Year's Day.

Although kneeling and kowtowing is not popular now, and ancestral memorial tablets are no longer placed at home, the old ritual of greeting the New Year cannot be omitted. This is a Chinese tradition.

The first ones who came forward to pay New Year's greetings were Ye Tian's father, the eldest son, and Ye Tian's mother, the eldest daughter-in-law.

"Father, Mom, my son (daughter-in-law) wishes you and your elders a happy new year. I wish you and your elders good health and a long life!"

Ye Tian's parents paid New Year's greetings in unison, and bowed to the two elders together.

The greetings they said were unpretentious and very ordinary! But the feelings contained in it couldn't be more sincere, and the wishes come from the bottom of my heart, the best wishes!

What is more important than health for the elderly at the age of grandparents? What better wish than a long life?

"Okay! Happy New Year to you too. Happy New Year. I wish you all the best, happiness and health!"

Grandpa and grandma nodded in relief, smiling very brightly.

Of course, mom and dad don't have lucky money.

This is the tradition of the old Ye family. Those who have already joined the work and got married have no lucky money, including Ye Tian.

On the contrary, at this time, it is time for the younger generation to work and get married and start a family to give money to the elders.

But this is not called New Year's money, but to honor the elders, and it can be called a red envelope!

After bowing and paying New Year's greetings, my mother took out two thick red envelopes from her pocket and handed them to grandma.

Grandma naturally wouldn't refuse, and accepted it with great satisfaction.

Next came the couple of the second uncle and the second aunt, and then the couple of the sister-in-law and the younger uncle. The same procedure went through twice, only the words of congratulations were different, and the feelings were equally hot.

Soon, it was the turn of Ye Tian, ​​the eldest grandson, and Betty, the eldest grandson's wife who didn't come in.

Ye Tian took Betty's hand and came to grandparents, and said emotionally:

"Grandpa, grandma, grandson wishes you two elders a happy new year! I wish you two elders all the best, good luck and good health!"

When he said these words, Betty was also speaking with him, and it was in Chinese. Although it sounded awkward, it was extremely sincere.

After speaking, the two of them bowed deeply to their grandparents.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Tian took out the red envelope he had prepared and handed it to grandma.

This red envelope is very thin, and what is inside is not cash, but a bank card, which contains a large amount of money. Just the string of zeros can make people dizzy.

"Okay! I also wish you a happy new year! You two must be well. If the time is right, the sooner you get married, the better. Your grandma and I are still looking forward to living together for four generations!

Xiaotian, it's the same as before, although Betty is an American, she is a good girl, if you dare to let her down, I will discount your legs! "

Grandpa nodded in relief and said, not forgetting a little warning to Ye Tian.

Grandma didn't say anything, she just held Ye Tian and Betty's hands, looked at them lovingly, and smiled blindly!

"Don't worry about your second elder! Let's discuss it carefully later. It shouldn't be this year. Betty and I will discuss the certificate. Let your second elder have a great-grandson as soon as possible!"

Ye Tian said with a light smile, his tone was firm.

"Hahaha, that's great! I'm waiting for your good news"

Grandpa laughed and said, smiling very brightly.

Grandma, parents, and several other elders all laughed, and everyone's eyes were full of anticipation.

"So thick-skinned! No shame at all!"

The little girl Chenxi was complaining in a low voice, with a smile on her face, as did Linlin and Dongzi.

Amidst the laughter, Ye Tian took Betty back to the side, and Linlin immediately took their place, standing in front of her grandparents excitedly.

After a crisp and sweet "Happy New Year", a sincere wish, and a respectful bow, the little guy received two thick red envelopes as he wished, one for each grandparent!

The moment she received the red envelope, Linlin cheered excitedly.

"Ah! It's so thick? Grandpa, grandma, I love you!"

Seeing those two thick red envelopes, Chen Xi, who had long been envious of her, pushed Dong Zi away, took Lin Lin's place first, and began to wish her grandparents New Year greetings and best wishes.

Of course this little girl got what she wanted, and so did Dongzi behind, each of whom received two thick red envelopes, so beautiful that her nose was bubbling!

After paying New Year's greetings to grandparents, it's time to pay New Year's greetings to parents, followed by second uncle and second aunt, and finally sister-in-law and younger uncle.

At the same time as New Year's greetings, Ye Tian gave each elder a red envelope, this time it was not a bank card, but a check.

The number on the check was also very attractive, which made the second uncle and the others secretly speechless and excited!

The three little guys followed up, reaping the New Year's money again and again, their mouths and forks were so happy that they split to the back of their heads, and they didn't know where Bei was for a long time ago!

Soon, these three little guys came to Ye Tian and Betty.

"Brother and sister-in-law, I wish you a happy new year! I wish you all happiness and an early baby!"

After the New Year's greetings and quick congratulatory speeches, the three little guys immediately stretched out their hands and said in unison, full of anticipation and excitement:

"Bring the red envelope! We won't agree without it!"

Seeing the upright look of the three little guys, everyone laughed.


Amidst the laughter, Ye Tian took out three thin red envelopes, handed them to them, and said with a smile:

"This time there are only red envelopes, no gifts, one for each person, just accept it"

"Thank you brother! Thank you Mrs. Betty! You are so kind! I love you!"

The three little guys moved very quickly, and at the same time thanking them, they quickly dropped off the red envelope.

Without a moment's hesitation, the three little guys immediately opened the red envelope and began to check the contents inside.

Immediately afterwards, Dongzi's excited exclamation sounded in the living room.

"Ah! Am I right? Two hundred thousand dollars! Brother, you are so generous! Dude suddenly became rich! It's so cool!"

Obviously, this kid was a little too happy.

Before the sound of exclamation fell, a black shadow flashed past his eyes quickly, and the red envelope and check in his hand disappeared in an instant.

In the next second, sister-in-law's voice began to ring in everyone's ears.

"You are still young, Dongzi, it is inappropriate and unsafe to take so much money. Mom will keep it for you. If you need money in the future, you can apply for it. I will distribute it as appropriate. Take out the rest of the red envelopes too! "

Dongzi was completely dumbfounded and froze in place.

After a while, the kid just woke up, and immediately wailed in pain.

"Ah! This trick again! How many red envelopes have you taken away from me since I was a child? And hand them out at your own discretion, when did you hand them out? Are you still unreasonable? Is there any law? What about my life? So bitter!"

"Reasonable? Wang Fa? I am your mother, this is the reason! Hand over all the rest of the red envelopes! Don't dawdle, dawdling is useless"

The aunt said with her eyes raised, her tone beyond doubt.

While saying these words, she also looked at the red envelopes and checks in Chen Xi's hands, as well as the bulging pockets, the meaning was self-evident.

"Ah! I won't give it. This is my lucky money. No one can grab it!"

Chen Xi screamed and rushed towards grandma, ready to seek protection.

Along with her, there was also that girl Linlin who rushed to grandma's side.

Second Aunt's gaze had already locked on her, locked on the red envelope, the check in her hand, and that delicate little bag, if you don't run away now, then don't even think about running away!


There was another burst of laughter in the living room, mixed with a few pleadings and feeble protests!

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