Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 891 Don't Call Me Teacher

Another group of people came in at the entrance of the banquet hall. The two in front were familiar faces. They had met at the New York autumn auction before. Mr. Liu and Mr. Li, well-known Internet tycoons in China and upstarts of wealth!

Although these two are not insiders of antiques, they have a strong interest in collecting antiques.

More importantly, they have money in their pockets, and they have the common problem of Internet bosses, burning money wantonly! Of course Ye Tian would not let it go, the invitation had already been sent to them.

Beside the two of them, each was followed by a middle-aged man in his fifties or sixties, with a refined manner, he greeted everyone at the scene as soon as he entered the door, and he knew quite a few people.

Obviously, this should be an expert on antique art appraisal hired by the two Internet giants.

Seeing them, Ye Tian immediately greeted them with a bright smile on his face.

"Mr. Liu, Mr. Li, long time no see! Happy New Year to you two first!"

Ye Tian clasped his fists and bowed to the two of them, wishing him a new year.

"I also wish you New Year's greetings, Ye Tian, ​​Happy New Year! Indeed, it's been a long time! It's been a few months since I left New York, and I didn't expect to meet again in China!"

Mr. Liu also clasped his fists in return, looking very excited.

"Happy Chinese New Year! Ye Tian, ​​you guys are really amazing, and you can make such a fuss! You made such a big splash in New York, but you didn't expect it to be just as successful when you return to China! I admire you!"

Mr. Li clasped his fists and bowed for the New Year, and said a few polite words.

"I was born and raised in Beijing. Of course I have to come back to reunite with my family during the Spring Festival! This is my root! Only when I come back here can I appreciate the meaning and beauty of the Spring Festival.

I was quite lucky before, and got a lot of Chinese antiques, all of which were of good quality. This time, I brought them back with me when I returned to China, which is why I have this preview and private auction! "

"Can that be called more luck? It's simply luck, okay? We are all engaged in the Internet, and we all know the uproar you caused in Boston!

We know a little bit about those top-level antique artworks that you have in your hands. There are many national treasure-level antique artworks that have been lost overseas for many years, right? The number seems to be quite a lot!

You also know that we are all laymen and don’t know much about antique artworks. Can you recommend some antique artworks to us?

So that we can be targeted! "

"I'm sorry I can't disclose the information about those antique artworks for the time being, don't worry, the preview will start soon, and then you will be able to see those antique artworks.

I can say with certainty that all the antique works of art that appear in this private auction are top-notch treasures, no matter which one you buy, it is worth the price! "

"Hey! So confident, let's keep our eyes open and wait and see. When the preview starts later, we must have an eye addiction first!"

After chatting for a few words, the two Internet tycoons introduced their attendants respectively.

As expected, the two old men in their fifties and sixties behind them were indeed well-known experts in the identification of antiques and artworks in China, and they were invited to help them.

But in this exhibition hall, there is no room for them at all!

Any expert in the identification of antique works of art randomly picked out here, the level is probably much higher than theirs.

After greeting these few, Ye Tian said goodbye and left.

A few more people came in from the door, and they needed to go over to say hello.

These are several famous actors, hosts, and some of the most famous collectors in the film and television industry. Two of them are also the hosts of two famous treasure appraisal programs, and they have a certain influence!

Their age ranges from big to young, the older ones are in their 60s, and the younger ones are in their thirties, with a relatively large span.

In two or three steps, Ye Tian walked up to these people, and greeted them with a smile.

"Mr. Wang, Mr. Zhang, and Mr. Li, first of all, I would like to wish you a happy new year! Welcome to the Beijing Hotel to visit this preview.

Nice to meet you guys! Let me introduce myself, my name is Ye Tian, ​​Xiao Ye is fine, I am from Beijing, and I am the one who initiated this private auction!

Every piece of antique art that appears in today's preview and tomorrow's auction belongs to me personally, and I hope you can gain something."

"Happy New Year, Xiaoye! It seems that you know us, so you won't introduce yourself. To you, we have been famous for a long time. Today I finally met a real person. What a young talent!"

Mr. Wang who was standing at the front said politely, and shook hands with Ye Tian.

Afterwards, Ye Tian greeted the two Mr. Zhang one by one and shook hands. His behavior was very decent and impeccable.

Next, it was the turn of the youngest one, the presenter of Appreciating Treasures from CCTV.

This guy also extended his right hand to Ye Tian, ​​and greeted him politely with a smile.

"Miss Ye, I'm Li xx, from CCTV...."

Hearing the way this person greeted him, Ye Tian couldn't help but frowned, and immediately interrupted him.

"Stop it quickly! Mr. Li, I'm very sorry, please don't call me Teacher Ye. I can't bear the word teacher. I get goosebumps when I hear it. Don't mention how uncomfortable it is!

Teacher, so preaching and teaching karma to solve doubts! It's just the first meeting between the two of us, so we can't talk about preaching, teaching and resolving doubts. Besides, I don't work as a teacher, let alone be called a teacher!

In my opinion, only these two kinds of people can be called teachers. Calling others teachers is suspected of selling dog meat, so you'd better not call me that, you can call me by my name or Xiaoye! "

The people on the opposite side were completely dumbfounded, they all stared at Ye Tian dumbfounded, their eyes full of disbelief.

Isn't it just a name! Is it necessary to be so serious? This is too cool! I have never seen this kind of goods, and today is an eye-opener!

The CCTV host froze in place with an awkward expression on his face, and didn't know how to deal with it for a while.

"What Xiaoye said makes sense. It seems that we really need to pay attention to the title of teacher. It sounds a little inappropriate!"

Mr. Wang said with a smile, he came out to smooth things over and relieve the embarrassing atmosphere.

As expected of a student of acting, Mr. Li, the host of CCTV, quickly adjusted his mood, nodded with a smile and said:

"It's better to be respectful than obedient, okay! I'm indeed a few years older than you, so I'll call you Xiaoye"

"Hey! That's right, Xiaoye, this title sounds so comfortable. I'm really not used to you suddenly wearing a teacher's hat on me"

Ye Tian said jokingly, and shook hands with the other party.

"We are also used to it. Now we don't care about what we do in China. When we meet each other, we call them teachers. This word has been used rottenly. I really didn't expect you to feel awkward!

Well, let's not talk about it! Let's talk about another thing, Xiaoye, here, I have an unfeeling request, I hope you can nod and agree, do us a favor! "

"What's the specific matter? Tell me, I'll listen, if you can help, then it's no problem! If it's beyond my ability, then there's nothing I can do!"

"This matter is very simple. For you, it is a matter of little effort, just nod your head! There is no problem, and it will not cause any trouble. We are responsible for the implementation of the specific matters.

I am the host of a treasure hunt show, and the most popular ones on the show are all kinds of antique works of art. Of course, those antique works of art are real or fake, and they are incomparable to what you have.

As far as I know, the antique works of art you are about to display and auction are extremely rare treasures of great value, and many of them are national treasure-level antique works of art that have been lost overseas for many years.

For us, this is undoubtedly the best material, which can be met but not sought after! If possible, I would like to lead a film crew into the exhibition hall to shoot the top antique artworks that are about to be unveiled.

The film crew has already arrived and is waiting outside the exhibition hall, ready to come in and shoot at any time!

Of course, the filming must ask your permission, I hope you can nod and let them come in and shoot! "

After finishing speaking, the CCTV host stared at Ye Tian closely, his eyes full of expectation.

Ye Tian didn't give an answer immediately, but pondered for a moment.

It may not be a bad thing to let the CCTV crew come in to shoot, it will allow more people to know and understand those top antique artworks and understand their historical and cultural atmosphere.

In the blink of an eye, Ye Tian made a decision.

"The film crew can come in to shoot, but only two people can come in, one camera, one lighting, the space here is limited, and those antiques and artworks are all valuable, so we must be careful!

During the filming process, I hope you will not disturb other visitors. If you want to interview someone, you must obtain the consent of others, and you must not point the camera lens at other people rashly! "

"It's no problem, we must pay attention, thank you, Xiaoye, I will go out to inform them, and then bring them in!"

The CCTV host said excitedly, turned around and walked out of the exhibition hall.

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