Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 974 Pre-war Preparations

In a blink of an eye, it was already past eight o'clock in the evening, and the night shrouded the entire city!

Las Vegas has once again turned into a neon-flashing, bright and dazzling city that never sleeps, with radiance everywhere, glamor and luxury, blooming with incomparably vigorous vitality.

The Hollywood Theater located at the MGM Plaza was full of seats and bustling.

Fighting fans from all over the United States and even around the world, as well as many tourists who come to Las Vegas, have completely filled this top-level theater that can accommodate 15,000 spectators.

In addition to fighting fans and ordinary tourists, this theater also gathers many professionals in the field of mixed martial arts, and famous fighting masters can be seen everywhere! ,

In addition, there are many show business stars who come to Los Angeles and other cities here.

Such an all-American fight night, the stars who live in front of the camera and regard the exposure as their life will naturally not miss it! This is one of their shows!

In the center of the theater, in the infield area around the octagon, one can see many familiar faces, including some Hollywood superstars!

For example, Johnny Depp and Orlando Bloom, who are very familiar with Ye Tian and once went to the Caribbean Sea to explore the treasure of the sunken ship, also appeared here today!

They sit in the first row of the infield, and they have a great view of the game. They are one of the best seats in the game, and the price is quite high! No tens of thousands of dollars can't get it!

No need to ask, of course they came here to cheer for Ye Tian. While enjoying the exciting fighting competition, they also made a small amount of money along the way. What a beautiful thing! Who would say no?

There are also many political and business celebrities on the scene. For them, this is also a good opportunity to show their faces. As long as important games are broadcast live across the United States, they will basically not miss them.

Different from the fighting competitions held in Hollywood theaters in the past, there are some special audiences in today's auditorium, which are very eye-catching.

That was a group of tough-looking Hells Angels wearing leather clothes. There were three to four hundred people. These guys were all sitting in the first-floor stands not far from the infield, and the formation looked quite large.

Because of their notorious identities and their menacing appearance, the other spectators sitting around all had frightened expressions and kept their distance from them as much as possible.

Near the area where these guys are located, MGM has deployed a lot of security personnel, maintaining a high level of alert, staring at these guys,

Always be ready for snapping.

In this luxurious theater, there are many professional treasure hunters from all over the United States, as well as professionals in the field of antique art collection, many of whom Ye Tian knows.

It is the first time that a colleague enters the octagonal cage of mixed martial arts and confronts top professional martial arts masters. This kind of thing is rare in a thousand years! Of course not to be missed!

Although most of them don't like Ye Tian, ​​and even hate Ye Tian, ​​but from the perspective of their peers, they still hope that Ye Tian can win and bring everyone a surprise!

Betty had already arrived at the game site, and was sitting in the first row of seats, under the guard of Taylor, Lisa, and two other security personnel, chatting and waiting for the game to start.

It can be seen that she is very relaxed at this time, without the slightest expression of worry.

As a bed partner, besides Ye Tian himself, is there anyone who can understand his strength better than Betty? Of course she won't worry!

From Betty's point of view, there was no suspense in this octagonal cage duel. The only suspense was whether that idiot Jon Jones could get out of the octagonal cage alive!

Just after eight o'clock, the lights in the theater suddenly dimmed.

Immediately afterwards, a burst of passionate music suddenly sounded, reaching the ears of everyone present.

The pre-game show begins! More than a dozen beauties in sexy dresses appeared around the octagonal cage, presenting a hot dance for everyone!

"clap clap"

There was thunderous applause at the scene, covering every corner.

Amidst the applause, the atmosphere in the theater suddenly became more enthusiastic, and the people became more excited! There was already a faint smell of gunpowder in the air!

Theater backstage, player lounge.

Manager Downey and a few of his subordinates were standing at the door of the lounge, chatting and laughing in low voices, with a very relaxed expression, not at all what they should have looked like before the competition.

In addition to them, four armed security guards stood at the door, led by Walker, on high alert, watching the aisles on both sides vigilantly, ready to respond at any time.

A little further away at both ends of the aisle, there are several security personnel officially arranged by MGM Hotel and UFC, who are also very vigilant and look nervous!

These security personnel should not only ensure Ye Tian's safety and prevent those with ulterior motives from approaching, but also monitor Ye Tian and the others to prevent them from causing trouble!

Inside the lounge, it was relatively quiet and the atmosphere was not so tense.

Ye Tian had finished warming up before the match, then picked up a water glass to replenish a little water, and then sat down on the stool in the middle of the lounge.

In this lounge, there are David, Matisse and Cole, as well as Jason and Anderson, all of them are their own people, and they are trustworthy!

Except for David who was still in a suit and leather shoes, the other four people all changed into sportswear. Later they will act as sideline coaches and follow Ye Tian to the stage.

The four of them have different divisions of labor, and each has a task!

Mattis and Cole are in charge of the sideline guidance, playing the role of the coaching staff, while protecting Ye Tian, ​​and coordinating and directing other security personnel in the open and in the dark through invisible wireless headsets!

Jason and Anderson were in charge of water and towel delivery, and other match gear like mouthguards, spare gloves, and the like, just in case anyone was playing tricks on this!

Although this possibility is very small, you have to guard against it, and be careful when sailing for thousands of years!

After a short rest, Ye Tian took the brand new bandages that were set aside, and began to wrap the bandages himself.

Mixed martial arts uses half-finger gloves, which are much thinner than ordinary gloves. It is also necessary to wrap bandages around the hands to provide certain protection for the hands without affecting the attack.

While Ye Tian was wrapping the bandage, Mathis also began to introduce various preparations.

"Kenny and the others have monitored the entire Hollywood theater through MGM's surveillance system and the pinhole cameras we secretly arranged.

Through the computer screen, they can monitor every corner of the Hollywood theater, without any blind spots, and everything that happens in the theater cannot be hidden from their eyes.

From now until the end of the game, when we evacuate the Hollywood theater, Kenny and I will keep in close contact. If there is an emergency, we will be able to respond as soon as possible! "

As soon as Mattis finished speaking, Kenny's excited voice came from the earphones.

"Steven, now I'm enjoying the pre-match performance at the Hollywood Theater, watching the performance from a condescending angle, I feel very good! Don't have a taste!

Guess who I saw in the audience? It's those two guys Johnny and Orlando, sitting in the first row, unexpectedly they came to cheer for you too! "

"These two guys called me before and said they were going to watch the game, and I'm sure they've staked a lot of money and are going to make a lot of money!"

Ye Tian smiled and replied with a very relaxed expression.

Next, Kenny gave a brief overview of the surveillance situation before ending the call.

Mattis immediately took over and continued to introduce the preparations.

"At the Hollywood Theater tonight, the security check is very strict, except for the police and MGM hotel security personnel, no one is allowed to bring firearms into the room!

This naturally includes us, or MGM is here for us, but it doesn't matter, I have expected this and prepared accordingly.

This afternoon, I found a brother who never showed up, pretended to be a cleaning crew, sneaked into the theater, and hid a batch of guns and ammunition, both long and short!

If we encounter an unexpected situation and cannot deal with it with bare hands, we can use those guns and ammunition, and it only takes a moment to be fully armed!

There are also a few guys who just flew in from New York this morning, sitting in a few sensitive positions in the arena as ordinary spectators, ready to provide support at any time.

Raymond and Peter successfully sneaked into the theater carrying sniper rifles, and established two sniper points condescendingly, enough to control the entire Hollywood theater! "

"Good job! Remind everyone to pay attention to safety, don't let MGM's security personnel find out, it's best not to conflict with them, come quietly, go quietly!

Another point is that the winner of this fighting competition will be determined very quickly. As soon as we leave the theater, the other brothers will immediately withdraw, so don't stay there for long! "

"Understood, Steven, I will inform everyone in time!"

Matisse nodded, his eyes flashing with excitement.

While speaking, Ye Tian had already wrapped the bandage, and then tried the tightness again.

After confirming that the tightness was appropriate and that it would not affect the fighting, he immediately began to change clothes, and quickly put on shorts for fighting and a crotch protector!

Just after changing clothes, Walker's voice came from the earphones.

"Steven, the UFC staff and two members of the referee team are here, and they are standing at the door of the lounge now, let them in?"

"Let Downey bring them in. These guys are here to check the bandages, gloves, crotch protectors and other equipment. This is an essential procedure!"

Ye Tian replied through the earphones, full of confidence.

Time is ticking and the battle is about to begin!

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