Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 993: Machine Gun Shooting

Ye Tian took out his mobile phone from his pocket, looked at the screenshot of the video he had just received, quickly determined the location of the two gunmen in the corridor, and then put the mobile phone back.

The next moment, he pointed to the Hell Angel who died in a miserable state at the entrance of the stairwell, and said:

"Guys, take off the body armor from the corpse at the corner of the stairs, put it on this corpse, then push this corpse out, and use it as a shield in front to cover our impact!

Two kevlar vests, plus this fat body, is the best shield, enough to provide perfect cover, let's safely rush down the corridor and kill the remaining bastards! "


There was a gasp from all the live streaming terminals, everyone was obviously frightened by these words, everyone was stunned and terrified!

This bastard Steven is too cold and cruel! He didn't even spare the opponent's corpse, and used it as a shield to open the way for himself!

Who has seen such a terrifying guy? It's almost unheard of!

Even the armed security personnel from Raytheon who were at the scene were also shocked.

I go! This is a guy who does everything to achieve his goals! It's crazy, who the hell can provoke it? Unless you're bored of life!

Angelo and other MGM executives, Las Vegas police, and FBI branch executives who were watching the live broadcast couldn't help but twitched their facial muscles, and their faces were extremely ugly.

The crazy bastard! It is simply a devil from the depths of hell!

After today, you will never even think about stepping into Las Vegas again! You are not welcome in this world-famous casino city, let alone destroyed by you bastard!

"Okay! Steven!"

The two Raytheon security personnel at the end of the line responded, and quickly walked down the stairs to the corner of the stairs to pick off the body armor on the corpse!

During this period, Mattis immediately began to arrange offensive tactics.

"Gerald, you have good strength, you are the one to push this corpse forward; Derek, you follow behind Gerald and put your head on his back to prevent him from being knocked down by the rifle bullets from the opponent! "

"Okay! Matisse"

Two sturdy security guards, one black and one white, responded in unison,

All are full of confidence.

Matisse nodded and continued:

"As we moved forward into the corridor, we lined up, with Gerald pushing the body at the head, Derek behind him, then Steven and me, and the rest of us.

The two gunmen lying in ambush on the left side of the corridor six or seven meters away will be dealt with by Steven and me. As long as they dare to attack, they will surely die and will not pose a threat to everyone!

As long as those two guys are killed, it will be very easy to deal with the remaining three gunmen. There is no difficulty. Okay, everyone checks the guns and ammunition, and prepares to attack! "


Everyone responded in unison, and immediately began to check the firearms.

While speaking, everyone was ready.

The Kevlar body armor on the body at the corner of the stairs has been stripped off and put on the body used as a shield.

Immediately afterwards, Gerrard pulled up the corpse covered with two pieces of body armor and blocked it in front of him, turning it into a perfect shield.

"Line up, attack!"

With an order, Gerald pushed the corpse in front of him and slammed it straight into the door of the stairwell. Derek followed after him, pressing Gerald's back with his forearm.

Ye Tian, ​​who had quietly turned on the perspective, strode forward with the G36C assault rifle in his hand, and quickly followed.

Behind him was Mattis, who commanded the center and was responsible for killing the ambush, and then several Raytheon armed security personnel.

Everyone connected end to end, and quickly lined up the attack formation!


The fire door in the stairwell was slammed open, and the flames of war resumed.

"Bang bang bang!"

The gunfire in the corridor suddenly became louder and crazier.

Countless hot assault rifle bullets swept in like a storm.

In the blink of an eye, the two fire doors in the stairwell were knocked precariously, almost torn to pieces.

Fortunately, Ye Tian and the others attacked from the right side, and they were not hit by the left half of the door that rushed back, so it would not affect their actions and bring unpredictable dangers.

Accompanied by the deafening gunshots, there was a frantic roar full of anger and hatred in the corridor at the same time.

"Fake U! Steven, I want to kill you, the devil, and avenge all the dead brothers!"

"Go to hell! Steven, I'm going to tear you bastard to pieces!"

Amidst the crazy gunshots and roars, Ye Tian's attack team quickly moved forward, and disappeared from the live video screen in a blink of an eye.

Kenny and the others didn't set up pinhole cameras in the corridor on the 21st floor, so they couldn't broadcast live video. They watched the countless people eating melons on the live broadcast end, so naturally they couldn't see the ensuing firefight!

However, they could hear the gunshots like the storm, the hoarse, almost crazy curses, and the extremely shrill screams!

Is this a Hollywood action blockbuster with only sound but no picture? Do you have to make up your own brain for the next picture?

All the live broadcast ends were boiling in an instant, and the sound of exclamation and cursing became one.

"Fack! Why isn't the live broadcast changing? We want to watch the battle scene in the corridor instead of staring at the stairwell door and listening with our ears!"

"Damn it! Could it be that Steven and the others didn't set up a camera on this floor? If that's the case, we can only listen with our ears and make up our own brains for the next battle!"

Unlike the countless melon-eaters who watch the excitement and don't think it's a big deal, Angelo and other MGM executives, as well as the Las Vegas police and FBI, don't have this confusion!

They kept an eye on the situation in the corridor all the time through the pictures captured by the hotel surveillance system.

The same goes for Kenny and the others. The video screen in front of them is the real-time screen of the corridor on the 21st floor of the hotel, which is very clear.

But this is the picture taken by the surveillance system of the MGM Hotel. They can only watch it by themselves, but they cannot broadcast it live, which will cause a lot of trouble.

While watching these surveillance images, Kenny kept reporting the situation to the attack team in the corridor through the invisible headset.

Looking back to the corridor on the 21st floor, Ye Tian and his attacking team cling to the left wall and continue to move forward. The speed is neither fast nor slow, very steady.

The rifle bullets shot from the corner in front of the corridor rained down on the human shield, making the corpse tremble and blood spurt! The picture is very tragic!

But relying on the large protective area of ​​the corpse and the two Kevlar body armors covering it, Ye Tian and the others got perfect cover and did not suffer any substantial damage.

The ones who worked harder were Gerald who pushed the corpse forward, and Derek who followed behind.

The rest are relatively relaxed, ready to attack at any time.

The gunshots ahead suddenly stopped, and Kenny's excited voice came immediately!

"Steven, Matisse, those two idiots have finished their bullets and are about to change the clips. Now, you can let go and attack!"

Before the words fell, the attacking team stopped immediately.

At the same time, Ye Tian and Mathis leaned out to the right like lightning, and the attacking queue flashed out from the shoulders and above. The positions were one high and one low, so they could fire at the same time.

The muzzles of the assault rifles in their hands were quickly raised, pointing directly at the corner in front of the corridor, where the two masked gunmen were.

The gate of hell opened again, just waiting for those two idiots to change their magazines and show up again.

In the next moment, two heads covered with black masks and unable to see their faces clearly appeared in the scopes of Ye Tian and Matisse, and were firmly locked by the crosshairs.

Although the two heads are only half exposed, the attack surface is not large, but for Ye Tian and Mathis, this is completely enough, even a little too much!

Without hesitation, the two pulled the trigger at the same time, ruthless and ruthless!

"bang bang bang"

At the same time as the gunshot rang out, two blood mist burst out in the corridor a few meters ahead.

Those two scumbags who were hiding around the corner had their heads exploded in an instant, and they went to the underworld hand in hand, and went to hell to be brothers!

Ye Tian was extremely confident about the result of the attack.

He didn't look at it at all, and immediately said aloud:

"Everyone keep moving forward, deal with the remaining three scumbags, then go up to the 22nd floor, support Peter and the others, and kill those bastards upstairs!"

"Okay! Steven!"

Everyone responded in unison, everyone was full of fighting spirit and murderous.

Gerald did not throw away the human shield in his hand, but continued to push forward, and the rest of the people still lined up, maintaining the attacking formation, and advancing closely behind!

Turning the corner ahead is the elevator room, which leads to another area on the east side of the twentieth floor of the MGM Hotel.

The windows of the guest rooms in that area are all facing the north, and they are mainly high-end suites, which are one level lower than the top-level penthouse villas that Ye Tian and the others live in!

The remaining three Hell Angels are in that area!

Gunshots continued to come from there, very intense.

The two parties fighting in that area are the Hells Angels and the MGM hotel security personnel, and the two sides are fighting in full swing!

The FBI monitoring team who was originally staying in the guest room on the 21st floor, trying to monitor Ye Tian and the others, left here yesterday in disappointment after finding nothing for several days in a row!

For those guys, this turned out to be a very lucky thing!

You know, the monitoring team is basically technicians, and there are a few women. The only weapons on their bodies are pistols. How could they be opponents of assault rifles!

Fortunately, they evacuated in a timely manner, which avoided a fierce and unusual encounter, and also avoided possible heavy casualties.

In a blink of an eye, Ye Tian and the others had arrived at the corner and were about to enter the elevator room.

At this moment, Kenny's voice suddenly came from the earphone, and he sounded a little flustered.

"Steven, Matisse, those two helicopters have flown down and are adjusting their position while descending. It is estimated that an attack will be launched soon!"

Before the words fell, the situation had changed suddenly!

"bang bang bang"

The gunfire sounded suddenly, the sound was deafening, and it was as dense as rain, and it seemed to never stop.

This is by no means an assault rifle, but the sound of machine gun fire.

"Fack! M249 Squad Machine Gun! These bloody bastards!"

Ye Tian's face suddenly changed, and he cursed in a low voice.

"That's right, this is the M249 machine gun, and there are more than one. The firepower of this guy is very powerful, and it is quite durable!"

Matisse nodded affirmatively, and his face was not very good.

Without the slightest hesitation, Ye Tian made a decision instantly.

"The remaining three scumbags on the 21st floor will be handed over to you, Mattis, you lead the guys to kill those guys, and send those three scumbags to hell!

I went to deal with the two helicopters. Under the powerful and dense firepower of several M249s, Raymond and the others might not be able to find a suitable sniper opportunity.

But I'm different. I launch an attack from a condescending height in the room on the 21st floor. I'm sure I can catch the opponent by surprise. It's not difficult to kill those two helicopters! "

"Okay! Steven, just leave it to us. Don't worry, those three scumbags will never escape. You have to be careful and be safe!"

Mattis nodded without any objection.

Afterwards, Ye Tian broke away from the attacking queue and rushed towards the east side of the corridor with an assault rifle in his hand.

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