Treasure Hunt Tycoon

Chapter 1143: Telescope (2/5)

Driving west from Tucson along the HY-86 highway, there is a vast wilderness along the way. Driving here, it is easy to experience the sense of isolation and isolation.

This road can extend into the most empty place in the Nolan Desert. Here, except for the ubiquitous green and white border patrol trucks, there is only sand.

On the third day after the Nogales auction, a convoy of trucks appeared on the highway, and Conrad sat lazily in the car.

The head was driving intently, and his expression was not good.

Conrad glanced at him and said, "Hey brother, don't keep pulling a stinky face, what's the matter with you?"

The head of state said stiffly, "Nothing, I'm fine."

Conrad put his hands on the back of his head and said leisurely, "We've talked, man, you don't have enough money to win the warehouse now, shall we not cooperate well?"

The head of the forehead invited in a few times, and he couldn't help turning his head to look at Conrad and said, "Who says that I don't have enough money? I have money ..."

"You have money. You still need someone to borrow money?"

The head of state called: "I'm not borrowing money. This is the rule of Tucson's gang. Everyone invests together, and everyone makes money together!"

Conrad raised his hand to surrender and said, "Okay, I understand what you mean. You are optimistic about the road ahead and drive well. Now, how far are we from Bullet Town?"

The head of state stopped talking, stepping on the accelerator with a somber face, and the huge truck ran forward arrogantly, aggressively.

Bullet Town is a small town in the west of Tucson. It rose in the 19th century. At that time, a large amount of whiskey flowed into the town, which brought capital and flow of people, making the town develop rapidly.

Just like the name, there are bullets in the town. When the western pioneer culture was popular in the 19th century, the cowboys in the town used six rounds of revolvers and bullets to resolve many disputes.

The town has many old-fashioned western buildings and many corrals.

Unlike elsewhere, the corrals in Bullet Town are not used to raise livestock for animal husbandry, but to provide cowboys with duels.

Historically, in 1881, there was a legendary shootout here. The Irving brothers and Herid, nicknamed Doctor, formed a team against the McLoop brothers and Billy Cranton.

The six were all powerful western cowboys at the time. Their marksmanship was fierce, and they were grumpy. In the end, because of the contradiction, the two sides decided to use bullets to resolve the dispute.

This 3V3 shootout battle ended with the former winning. The McLoop brothers and Clanton were shot dead and buried under the Kitt Peak not far away. Now there is a cemetery called the Gunners Cemetery. .

The first auction that Yuan will attend is held here. Three days after the auction of smuggled warehouses in Nogales, a town government public warehouse auction will be held in Bullet Town.

The day before Conrad learned from the bar that he had built a high-value warehouse, he immediately became interested.

He went back to investigate, and Development Hans really took someone to drive away from Nogales. Only Li Du himself stayed here to clean up the warehouse.

Then, he tried to find a way to get the general information of the auction through a confidant picker around the head of state to lock the target in bullet town.

George Anthony's network was not covered. Conrad drew on his father's network of resources, and then searched from the internal information of the storage association. It was found that the township government public warehouse administrator of Bullet Town was related to the head of state and was a cousin of the head of state.

In this way, after getting this information, he directly contacted the head of state and asked him what was going on.

Facing Conrad who suddenly came to the door, the head of the performance was very low-key, he said that he did not know the Bullet Town auction.

Conrad understood that he wanted to play tricks, and went straight to Tucson, staying with the head of state.

In the end, Yuan first went to the auction, and he had no choice but to bring Conrad.

The truck was galloping all the way, and the Kitt Peak stood out from the flat ground. When you saw the peak, Bullet Town was not far away.

After entering Bullet Town, the head of state seemed to give up his resistance. He said to Conrad, "Listen, Conrad, this warehouse is very important to me. You know, I've lost a lot to deal with the Chinese guy with you. I need to make money. "

Conrad nodded earnestly: "Yes, I know."

The head of the state was relieved and said, "I also know that you need to prove your ability in front of your father. I will help you. When I find a valuable warehouse in the future, I will contact you. This warehouse is not working, this is me of."

Conrad continued to nod sincerely: "I understand, it's yours, but you don't have that much money, don't we? We don't cooperate well?"

Upon hearing this, the head of state punched the driver's bridge with a punch to get angry.

But Conrad glared, he was timid again, and could only hold the car dullly and yelled, "My money is enough. If someone didn't give a message to the Chinese guy, I could win it with a few hundred dollars. This warehouse! "

"What's in it?" Conrad asked immediately. "What news did he get?"

The head of state hesitated again and again, and finally sighed in despair, saying, "The telescope has an astronomical telescope eliminated by the Kit National Observatory."

Conrad disappointed and said, "Just a telescope that has been eliminated? What's this?"

The head of the sneer sneered, "What's up? This thing is worth millions!"

Conrad narrowed his eyes, shocked: "How is that possible?"

The head of state said: "This is a national telescope, a real optical cannon telescope. If it is new, it can double its value! Now it has been eliminated, and it was temporarily placed in the town government warehouse, only to give me the opportunity to pick up the leak!"

There are the world's most optical telescopes around the Kitt Peak ~ ~ This is a sacred place for astronomical observation. The United States government has installed a large number of various types of telescopes here. Telescopes are eliminated every year, and new telescopes are assembled. stand up.

After the car entered the town, they were received by a middle-aged white man a few years younger than the head of state.

The three met, and the middle-aged white man handed the phone to the head of state with some photos in it.

The head of state looked at the photo, and Conrad picked it up. The photo of the mobile phone was a warehouse filled with large and small wooden boxes. Opening the wooden box contained photos of parts of various large optical telescopes.

The middle-aged person said excitedly: "Cousin, you have to seize the opportunity. This telescope was temporarily stored in the town's public warehouse by the observatory, but the observatory and the town government did not communicate well. The town government did not know that there was such a precious thing in it. The observatory was unaware of the auction ... "

Conrad patted the head of the head and smiled happily: "Of course, we will certainly seize this opportunity, isn't my head of the big brother?"

"You have to go to the warehouse." The head was very cautious, and he put down his cell phone. "Cousin Jeremy, open the warehouse. I want to make sure the telescope inside is OK."

The middle-aged man took off the key ring hanging on his belt, and he opened a warehouse, revealing a pile of boxes in it as in the photo.

The head of state went to find a wrench and let Conrad carry a box. He pried up the screws and opened the box lid.

Some parts such as handles appear in the box, which are still exactly the same as shown in the photo.

The head of state had to open another box, and the middle-aged man standing at the door suddenly said anxiously, "Hurry up, come out soon, someone from the government has come to check the warehouse."

Conrad said, "Go, it's enough now."

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