Treasure Hunt Tycoon

Chapter 1168: 5th dimension (2/5)

The impact of the Hicksulub meteorite led to the end of a large age of the earth, and the earth entered the severe winter period of life until the arrival of the Cenozoic.

"Wilks' meteorite impact happened exactly in the Cenozoic, and it happened in the Cenozoic Eocene, about 58 million to 36 million years ago."

"But you can see that this meteorite should be larger and so much larger than the Hicksulub meteorite. Hicksulub created an era of the restricted life zone. This meteorite should have created a longer life of the restricted zone. It is possible to directly destroy all life on Earth! "

"But this thing didn't happen. The meteorite hit the place now called Antarctica, far away from other continents. The impact was small and terrible. It was only confined to Antarctica and destroyed only the area at that time. Ecological environment, what is going on? "

Li Du looked at Steve in confusion and shrugged: "Tell me the answer, I have no research in this area and cannot make an effective guess."

Steve licked his lips and suddenly changed the topic: "You China and the United States are both great powers in diving. Our athletes often do a good job in Olympic diving. Have you ever seen diving?"

Li Du nodded: "Of course, what does this matter?"

Steve gestured with his hand: "The diving scoring has a very important assessment item, that is, the splash that the human body splashes after falling into the water. In order to get good results, athletes must learn the action of pressure splashing."

Sophie responded and said, "If a person makes a pressure splash, the human body will only splash a small splash, and it can even keep the surface of the water falling calmly. Without this action, it will be like a heavy object falling into the water. There was a big splash. "

"You mean, when this large meteorite fell to the earth, it consciously performed a water-pressing action. Or, who helped it perform a water-pressing action ..."

Steve snapped his fingers and said, "Yes, that's it!"

As he said, he looked at Li Du with an envious look: "You lucky bastard, I really do n’t understand why you are so lucky. The warehouse auction can pick up treasures, and you can pick up a girlfriend. Sophie is great! "

Li Du hugs Sophie happily and laughs, "Of course, because I'm a good person, God always blesses good people."

"Yes, God has blessed humanity," Steve continued. "This time, there is a saying in geology and archeology that the meteorite impact, and it is God's pressure!"

"Compared to this statement, I believe that the aliens helped the earth." Li Du answered.

Steve stared straight at him and said, "If it's not the aliens who shot, or God's shot? Or, is it because humans are under pressure?"

Li Duman's head was foggy: "Human beings press the water themselves? How can this make sense? At that time, how could there be humans on the earth? The impact occurred in the Tertiary, and humans appeared in the Quaternary, separated by tens of millions of years. what."

Steve nodded and said, "Yes, you're right, what if humans cross back? Will future humans cross back and spend water?"

Li Du laughed: "Haha, how could that be, so I believe that aliens help."

Steve stretched out his hand and said, "Look, let me tell you, I don't tell you what I think, I don't want to keep you secret, but I think you won't believe me."

Li Du's laughter came to an abrupt end. For a long time, he said weakly, "I'm not not trusting you, Steve, but I think it's more likely that aliens will make shots. Problem. "

Hearing the words behind him, Steve asked with interest: "Chickens and chickens? What's the problem?"

There is no such fallacy in the United States, Li Du explained to him: "Are chickens or eggs first on earth?"

"Of course there are eggs and then chickens. Chickens are birds, and birds are considered to have evolved from dinosaurs. Do you know dinosaur eggs?" Steve responded quickly.

Li Du blinked, and the paralysis made sense, as if this ethical problem was solved ...

Looking at his aggressive look, Steve laughed and said, "I understand what you mean. It stands to reason that humans were born tens of millions of years after the impact of a meteorite, no matter how you cross it, in every cycle, the impact Incidents always happen before human beings are born, and there is always a lack of first-time humans, right? "

Li Du nodded: "Yes, this is an endless loop."

Steve throws another question: "So, do you know the fifth dimension?"

The generalization of geography was completed, and then the generalization of physics was launched.

Li Du was dizzy. He interrupted Steve and asked, "Wait, what is your education?"

"Doctor, PhD at Harvard University, what's wrong?"

Li Du was psychologically balanced. He couldn't understand these things that Steve explained. You know that he is a master ~ ~ Of course he is a professional master, but after all he is a highly educated intellectual, right?

Anyway, according to Steve, the zeroth dimension is a point, there is no size and no space, the first dimension is two points connected into a line, there is no space for length.

In the second dimension, that is, the two lines cross to form a plane, and there is no three-dimensional space. The third dimension is a surface plus a penetrating line to form a three-dimensional space.

The fourth dimension is the dimension in which the person is located, three-dimensional space plus the timeline; the fifth dimension is the fourth dimension, and a timeline is opened. This timeline can test the timeline of the four-dimensional space, that is, in the fifth dimension, When dimensioning, you can arbitrarily shuttle in the fourth dimension of space and time ...

In the fog and clouds Li Du listened to, he finally concluded: "You are looking for a meteorite, the ultimate goal is to find the so-called fifth dimension?"

"A point to enter the fifth dimension," Steve corrected. "And not only I'm looking for it, many people in the world are looking for it. Your fellow named Tang, who is an adventurer, is also looking for this point! "

Li Du rubbed his scalp vigorously, and he quietly asked the wolf brother, "Are we having hallucinations in Antarctica? How do I feel this is like science fiction?"

Brother Wolf slaps himself hard and says, "Boss, I hurt, I'm sure you're not in an illusion."

Li Du couldn't laugh or cry, this buddy is so honest.

No wonder Steve said he couldn't accept it, he really couldn't accept it.

Elson prepared dinner and came and clapped his hands and said, "Okay kids, don't discuss it, you're ready to cook. Mr. Lee, Ms. Martin, prepare to taste your first dinner in the coldest region."

This remark is a bit exaggerated. The Antarctic is not very cold now, and the weather is warmer than Li Du's home. At this time, Li Du's home is estimated to be a few degrees below zero, dripping into ice.

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