Treasure Hunt Tycoon

Chapter 1222: Get Anthony (1/5)

Li Du and the four left with oil paintings. Liu Goat smiled and saw off. He waved enthusiastically: "Hey, brother, I will dig for the baby again, and I'm looking for you."

A neighborhood came out and saw Li Du leaving with some oil paintings. Then he teased, "Yo, yo, Liu, you have been cheating for many years, and finally succeeded in fleeing to foreigners?"

Liu Goat said angrily: "Go and go, what is cheating and what is fooling? I told you that those oil paintings were dug up when I dug the cellar."

"Who believes?" The neighbour sneered, "Well, the lad has no experience in life and is fooled."

Goat Liu didn't care about him and said proudly: "If you love it, just think about it, anyway, I have sold the money. Well, go ahead and order some pork meat and good wine. Today, we will have a beautiful meal and go to buy a house ... ... "

"You cheated people so much money?" The neighborhood was surprised.

Liu Goat glared at him and said impatiently, "Mad is mentally retarded, saying that this is all really antique."

Another neighbourhood came out and laughed: "Ah, hey, when did your goat Liu start serious business? This is not your style." "It is not the tradition of your old Liu family."

Goat Liu waved his hand and said, "Come on, I'm too lazy to see you, I'm going to buy a house and move in, and you poor guys are here to die ... And I told you, what I sold today is right The Eight Classics is really antique! "

Not only neighbours familiar with Liu Goat's spleen nature questioned the authenticity of the oil painting, so did Sophie and her parents.

Mr. Martin wondered, "Why do you trust that person? He made me feel awkward, Li, I don't think that guy looks like a ruthless businessman."

After listening to this evaluation, Li Du couldn't help feeling sad for Liu Goat.

This product is a flickering business. It can only make money by winning the trust of others. But now, even the relatively simple Sufis have such a bad first impression on him, not to mention the market of monkey sperm and monkey sperm. People?

However, he knew that Liu Goat did not lie this time. These oil paintings are indeed real, and were all painted by the Qing Dynasty painter named spoilum.

This name is rare. Li Du didn't know how to translate it, so he searched online in English.

Shi Beilin, this is the Chinese name of the artist.

This person is not famous, but his identity is really extraordinary.

Shi Beilin is by far the earliest oil painting people in the Pearl River Port area of ​​the Qing Dynasty. Documents about him indicate that he started out by drawing oil portraits on glass. The earliest existing portraits of clothes on glass were written in English. Name: Shi Beilin painted the dock in October 1774.

With this level of identity, even if Li Du did not search for the modern value of his paintings, he knew that he had not lost the sale.

The paintings produced by the earliest Chinese oil painting masters will certainly not be cheap, and he can make a profit.

Because he was still with the Sufis and wanted to take them around the county seat, Li Du didn't have time to search too much information, so he packed up the oil painting and continued to drive around.

Since he went to the United States, he has never made a good turn in the county seat. He returned to the New Year last year, and he just went out to attend a few parties. Other times he stayed at home with his parents.

Although it wasn't the youngest one to leave home, but due to the rapid development and great changes in his hometown, when Li Du turned around, he was surprised to find that this was no longer his familiar hometown.

But in three or four years, the county seat has changed a lot.

After walking around for a day like this, he also gained a lot by himself, which was unexpected.

At night, Wolf's Passat drove back, transferred some photos to Li Du's computer, and introduced him to the information they found today.

They can only look through the eyes of the investigation of soft companies. After all, they are both foreigners' faces. They are too eye-catching in the small county town. They can't check the soft company information from the local population.

It is not necessary for them to take any action in this regard. Du Hang helped Li Du check the soft company and passed all the information he could collect.

It's no wonder that soft companies can dominate their county seat. This domestic company has unusual energy.

Yesterday, the employee named Du Yun told Li Du that their manager and deputy manager went to the happy event of the city leaders.

He said this mainly because he beat Li Du and used his company's energy to scare Li Du.

In fact, he was not telling lies, although the managers and deputy managers of the soft company were in the county seat and did not attend the so-called Mayor's grandson full moon wine banquet.

But their company does have some energy, and they are responsible for the cleaning of the county leadership compound.

The county leaders used to have a nanny at home. However, in the past two years, the style of civil servants in the country has been paid close attention to. The county leaders quit the nanny and handed over the housework to the housekeeping company.

The soft company took this position. They made the county leaders feel comfortable, and the company owner's network was expanded ~ ~ plus he had some background, so the company got bigger and bigger.

From this point of view, Li Du quite admired him. The housekeeping company is not a unit that can get a meal. Their boss can get into the eyes of the county leaders, which is enough to show his power.

However, this coincides with Li Du's intention. The more the soft company boss's energy depends on the county leaders, the easier his plan will be.

Before he implemented the plan, he received a call from Hans as soon as he returned to the country. Hans told him a message that Anthony and his son had eaten meat and both were now admitted to the hospital.

This incident did not exceed Li Du's expectations. He led the misfortunes of the Hawkbill Gang to Anthony and his sons. How could the Anthony ’s father and son have a good life with the character of the Hawkblade?

Hans said gleefully: "George Anthony must have never suffered such a loss. His two ankles were fractured and comminuted. It is estimated that he will have to use a wheelchair to participate in the auction again."

After hearing this, Li Du couldn't help but slap his tongue, but he looked down at George with the garbber knife. It was so cruel to start with, and even broke George Anthony into a comminuted fracture!

George Anthony certainly didn't expect that the Hawkbill would be so fierce, otherwise he would not run quietly, but would stay with the Hawkblade to face it.

There is no regret medicine in the world. Since George Anthony chose to cooperate with these cruel gang members, he must bear the consequences.

This incident has spread throughout the American treasure hunter circle. After all, George Anthony is the first in the circle to be tens of millions of club members who have been crushed with broken feet.

The treasure hunters in Arizona expressed their love for this, and they also edited a sentence, translated into Chinese, which could be related to a saying: George made a good plan for the world, lost his wife, and lost soldiers.

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