Treasure Hunt Tycoon

Chapter 1326: Go south (5/5)

Li Du decided to stay.

Although staying here is a bit boring, there are no cold currents in recent days, so the climate is good.

He doesn't like the bright city like Hans, staying with Sophie and a few little guys in the desolate northern islands, and feels that life is not monotonous.

Usually they walked on the wasteland together. Occasionally Li Du would drive a mountain bike to cross the wasteland. The area is wide and the environment is beautiful, and he can ride freely.

Staying in such a place, Li Du feels that his cardiopulmonary function has strengthened a lot, and the unpolluted environment is really comfortable.

In June, they searched the entire northeastern part of the island. Except for the two meteorites that Li Du found before, no one else found them.

Steve decided to go south, and they kept going north. No search in the southeast.

Upon learning his decision, Li Du shook his head: "No, the southern region is a polar forest belt. Let's not go there, there are a group of old lunatics staying there."

"Old lunatic?" Steve asked in amazement. "What are you talking about?"

Li Du introduced the old men who had just met before, and Steve thought about it and said, "Oh, I know who you are talking about, the ranger veteran on the island, you are talking about them."

"They're really rangers?" Li Du said, "Why so rude and brutal? They scolded us and fired us."

Steve scratched his head and said, "Why is this happening? We came from the polar forest. During this we met the ranger veterans and they were friendly."

Big Ford frowned and asked, "Willn't it be racism again?"

Li Dudao: "I don't think it has anything to do with racial discrimination. Before I got off the plane, they were ready to crash into the helicopter. It was a group of lunatics!"

Thinking of the indomitable momentum when the pickup truck hit the helicopter, he couldn't help but shook his head. Those old guys were too tough!

Big Ford spread his hand and said, "But we met them, and they were still very friendly at the time. We even traded and exchanged some animal skins and charcoal with them for daily use ..."

"Wait." Steve interrupted him and looked at Li Du. "You said they drove into your helicopter and clashed with you?"


Steve said, "What if they were going for a helicopter?"

Li Du turned his head to look at the large helicopter parked next to the camp, which was painted red throughout, and was particularly dazzling and eye-catching in the wilderness.

Red is the protection and lucky color of the Bolvin family, and their red devil's nickname comes from this.

Steve added: "You think that when Bolvin pretended to be a lumberjack and attacked us, it showed that they understood the situation here. Maybe they had been here and had conflicts with the veterans."

Big Ford nodded: "It's possible, which explains why they don't make much of the eastern part of the island."

Li Du didn't think much. Now after listening to the analysis, he thinks it makes some sense.

Steve said: "We'd better search in the southeast. If not, let's drive over to see the situation. We talked to them. The relationship was ok at the time."

Li Du shrugged, "I think it's okay."

They took a step forward with their bodyguards. Li Duben wanted to bring the villagers. After all, the villagers were indigenous people on the island. Perhaps they could sell their face in front of the veterans.

Steve waved his hand to dispel the idea: "Ha, you certainly don't know, the villagers on the island have a bad relationship with the rangers, because they also steal trees."

Villagers need heating, and the island's wood is the best raw material. They can also make charcoal to make money.

Rangers do not allow people to cut down trees, because polar trees are too difficult to grow to this size, and one tree will be cut down once it is damaged. It will take tens or hundreds of years to recover.

Driving on the road, Steve introduced Li Du to the local ranger team.

"They are all veterans. They have participated in the Afghan war. They should suffer from post-war psychological syndrome, you know? A traumatic stress disorder. After suffering this illness, people will become crazy and can't stand a little stimulation."

"After they retired, they couldn't live in the city and came to the Northland Islands. At that time, they were applying for forest rangers and sheriffs. At that time, there were more people in the Northland Islands."

"Later, they have stayed here. Although the life here was relatively boring, the quiet environment soothed their mental illness, and they gradually took it as their home."

"That's why they value polar forests and do their best to protect the environment here, because for them, this is home!"

Listening to the introduction, Li Du laughed and said, "They told you? The homework is doing well."

Steve shrugged: "How could I find someone to understand myself? At first, there were eight veterans who came here, and then there were a few sporadic people with the same mental illness ~ ~ Thirty people at the peak. "

They have previously extended their search to the northeast corner of the Bolshevik islands. This trip spans half an island and takes at least two days.

The road conditions on the island are too bad, or there is no road, and the environment is too bad. Even heavy-duty off-road vehicles can't drive fast and can only move forward slowly.

The driver chose to walk by the sea. Every month during the high tide, the waves beat, and the land on the seaside was flatter.

The next morning, Li Duzheng teased Abai boringly, and the driver suddenly said, "Boss, there are ships at sea."

Li Du turned his head to see, indeed, there is a transport ship on the sea, but the distance between them is so far that they can barely see the figure of the ship.

He thought it was a boring episode on the boring road, but after two hours of driving, the car suddenly appeared in front.

When they saw an off-road vehicle, these people waved their arms. Someone drove up a mountain bike and stopped directly in front of their car.

The team stopped and Steve lowered his window probe and asked, "Hi guys, Ryan, can I help you?"

Upon hearing his words, a big man raised his eyebrow and asked, "Ha, American?"

Steve nodded. "Yes, we are from the United States."

The Han laughed, "It's great. We met our fellow citizens. We are Americans too."

Then, he came up and gave Steve a warm hug through the window. Steve was not used to this enthusiasm, and he smiled and pulled out: "Hello, fellows, are you here?"

His refusal made Dahan's expression a bit unsightly. Dahan snorted: "We came here to work. We originally had a motorcycle, but you know how **** the road conditions are. We have a problem with the motorcycle, so we want to borrow your car use."


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