Treasure Hunt Tycoon

Chapter 1343: Seal hunting (2/5)

Reindeer pulling sleigh, Li Du has only seen in Santa's introduction.

The traditional life of Nasang people is fishing by the sea, trapping prey to eat meat, selling fur, and grazing reindeer, and rely on these to live.

Their survival is closely related to the reindeer, and they are very good at taming the reindeer. These tall animals are as docile as the cattle and mares in the hands of the Nazans.

As the whip sounded, the reindeer started running with their slender limbs, and their hoofs hit the ice to make a crisp 'tick' sound, which has a unique aesthetic.

In the reindeer herd in front of each car, a deer is the leader, just like the lead dog of a sled car. A bell is hanging on the neck of the lead reindeer. The sound of the bell is also crisp and echoes the sound of the hoof.

The grandmothers also wanted to get on the sled, but the reindeer was afraid of them. As long as these beasts approached, the reindeer would shrink together.

So Li Du choked them down and let them run away from a distance.

Ah Meng and his face were aggressive: we are not good at running.

Li Du doesn't care, anyway, the reindeer runs slowly, they can always keep up.

Ah Bai jumped on Ah's back again, and Ah was accustomed to it. He shook his head and ran to Ah.

The Nasang people's gathering place is not far from the sea, and it is located on a small meadow.

The reason why this place is called a small grassland is not because of its small area, but because the grass on it is very short, similar to moss, and some reindeer are looking down for food.

"It seems that the North Pole is not without signs of life, and there are grasslands here," said Madman in surprise.

The mother gun raised his **** and said, "It's rare and strange. There are volcanoes and hot springs in the Arctic."

The gathering place is not large, and there are fifty or sixty people living here.

Big Ivan looked at the tent and said with a smile: "Boss, we are very lucky. We met the main body of the Nasang people. The chance of encountering them in the Arctic is much less than that of polar bears."

These people have children, young people, strong men, but very few are elderly.

Living in the bitter cold place of the extreme north, people will not live long. Sixty years old is the longevity old man.

The women were preparing food, and the cauldrons were steaming and fragrant.

The guys came to greet Li Du and others, each of them came up and hugged, apparently Soda Nathan had already told them about Li Du's gift.

At this point, Li Du and they have set foot on a land, which is regarded as a polar oasis.

Just as the ethnic groups in the desert chased the oasis nomads to survive, so did the Nathans, who lived a nomadic life and migrated along the ancient routes with reindeer as the season changed.

Unfortunately, because of the development of Arctic resources, along with the development of oil and gas extraction, these routes have been damaged, and the living environment of the Nassan people has become worse and worse.

The weather is gloomy, the temperature in the Arctic drops rapidly, a cold current appears, and the temperature can drop by more than ten degrees immediately.

The meal was stewed with fish, stewed with venison, stewed with meat from other unknown animals. In short, the Nathan people entertained Li Du and his party with big fish and big meat.

The Nathan people also know the need to eat vegetables. Each bowl will put some green small vegetable leaves. With a hot soup, the vegetable leaves become greener.

Li Du looked at these leaves and thought they were similar to the weeds on the ground.

He asked Dayan: "Don't the vegetables eaten by the Nassan people eat when they encounter any plants around them?"

Big Ivan shrugged, "Do you have a choice to live in such a place?"

Li Du also shrugged and ate, and some were good.

The taste of venison was not bad. The taste of another kind of meat was not good. There was some firewood, no fat, mostly lean meat.

Li Du asked: "What kind of meat is this?"

The answer was wolf meat, which was prepared by Nasang people for their guests, because Arctic wolves are rare and can be captured in small quantities each year.

A Nathan man holding a bowl to ask what, Ivan said, "He asked if you were not used to eating? Some people don't like wolf meat."

Li Dudao: "Thank me for his concern, I can get used to it."

Sophie looked at the fatty meat in her bowl frowning and said, "But I can't get used to it, come, dear, you come to eat this."

"What kind of meat is this?"

"Seal meat, it might be whale meat, it's very high in fat. This is the favorite food of Nasang women, because women need more fat." Dayan said.

Sophie shook her head again and again: "They are so enthusiastic that I don't need to add fat."

The Nasang people do not use other seasonings except to sprinkle a little salt, and they have no other seasonings, so the taste depends entirely on the ingredients themselves.

Such as wolf meat is fine, Chai Gui Chai, but there is still some fragrance. Seal meat, sea lion meat and other things will not work. After cooking, it has a different kind of sour taste, and it is very greasy and not delicious.

People living in polar regions have to work other than meals and rest. Women guard reindeer, and men take their children to hunt.

The weather did not improve, and even began to blow strong winds ~ ~ So Li Du and his party could not get on the boat and go to the sea, and decided to stay temporarily in the Nazan camp.

They had nothing to do, and when they saw the Nassan guys go hunting, they followed.

After communicating with the guys, Da Yiwan said: "They are going to go fishing, hunt seals, sea lions, etc., shall we follow?"

Li Dudao: "Nothing to do, just pass the time."

Still on a sled pulled by a reindeer, the group changed course and went to a beach.

With the advent of cold winds, the sea became dangerous, and one after another, the huge waves roared and slapped the ice sheet.

After a long distance along the coastline, the sled car in front stopped, and the big man picked up his tools and got out of the car, chatting loudly with his companion.

Big Ivan translated at any time: "There are seals in front, and they want to get some seals back here."

The crowd began to pack, and Soda Nathan came to tell him a few words, telling them that the seals are not easy to mess with, don't take the initiative to challenge them.

Li Duman promised to come down, he glanced around and looked around, and saw some gray-skinned seals lying on the ice cubes and reefs on the beach. This was their prey.

The sea was stormy, and the seals climbed ashore. The Nathan people gathered together and watched. They were in no hurry and waited patiently for the seals to leave the beach.

The waves crashed against the sea reefs, and the pain of the seals felt cold, so they crawled deep into the land to avoid the wind and waves.

Seeing this, the Nathans started to do it.

They took a chisel and some sharp knives. After the seals left the shore, they went to break the ice on the shore with a chisel and inserted the sharp knife's handle down.

Then, they poured seawater into the ice cave. At this time, the temperature was below zero, and it didn't take long for the seawater to freeze. The sharp knife appeared on the ground like a stab.


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