Treasure Hunt Tycoon

Chapter 1378: Lake Erie (2/5)

Genius remember the address of this site in one second: (Chinese Vertex), the fastest update! No ads! A human being has gambling in his bones. This is born. Since ancient times, the more wealthy and powerful people, the more they like to gamble. Because the more they have the opportunity to show their nature.

Of course, this bet is not just a bet on money. Many options are betting. For example, the ancient minister chose the prince standing team. This is a bet; today's companies make various decisions and also bet.

Li Du also has gambling, but the existence of flying insects in space and time has lost a lot of mystery. Take the warehouse auction as an example, he is very confident in choosing a warehouse, and the final result is no surprise.

In this way, his gambling is usually suppressed, and life and work are not interesting for him.

So, last night when he saw the casino, he wanted to go in and play a few games, and make money next. He didn't think about cheating with time and space flying insects last night, and he wanted to rely on luck for some small rounds.

As a result, the casino turned him away, and his sense of anticipation fell through again. Today, the supermarket came to him to find him, and even openly discriminated against the Chinese, just to find him a chance to vent.

And today is also a gambling, there are some unknowns during this period, such as whether the manager promised to bet against him, such as whether the ripeness of watermelon is indeed similar.

In the end, he won a great victory. The bet was small but made Li Du addicted.

Of course, he still used some methods. The first six watermelons didn't do anything, and there was a difference in maturity, but the two broken watermelons were the result of the absorption of time energy by flying insects.

The two watermelons themselves were broken, but they were not so thorough, except that part of the watermelon was sour and rotten. The space-time flying insects expanded this part, making the scene even more exaggerated.

Sophie looked at the manager with a bitter smile: "If you apologize in the beginning, it won't be as embarrassing as it is now."

Knocking on watermelons can indeed determine the maturity of watermelons. There is a difference in sound after tapping on raw melon and ripe melon. Not only do Chinese people buy watermelons, but foreigners do, for example, in the popular Russian cartoon " Rabbit, wait and see! ", There is an episode about knock melon.

Therefore, the use of Chinese to write warnings in supermarkets is a provocation to Chinese people, and they can be regarded as hammering hammers. Li Du has given them a lesson.

He didn't care about the rest, beckoned and took the wolf brother and others to leave: "Go, buy something."

Seeing the lively crowd turned into the protagonist at this time, a group of people questioned the manager of the fruit and vegetable area and asked him what was going on.

The incident was so big that the general manager and some people in charge of the supermarket must have met. The catchphrase on the Internet is that the supermarket is ready for business this time.

Da'ao asked weakly, "You said, will the supermarket not sell our stuff?"

Godzilla raised his fist and said fiercely, "He dares!"

Li Du laughed: "I hope he does, but he doesn't dare. First, there are two of you, who dares to disobey us? Second, they dare to reject us, and I dare to sue them; third , The supermarket is so big, that little thing in the fruit and vegetable area is not a problem. "

When he was about to leave, he turned around again, adding: "Go and bring a few watermelons, which are the ones I picked out and put on the side, and we will eat by the lake later."

The resort that Caponedu helped them find is right next to Lake Erie. There is a pier extending into the lake, which is full of drinks and food, but you can bring your own. Anyway, there is nothing good in Cleveland. Most people still choose Eat at the resort.

Lake Erie is one of the five largest lakes in North America with the fourth largest area and is located in the south. It belongs to the United States and Canada.

This lake extends from northwest to southeast, with a considerable length of 388 kilometers, the widest place is 95 kilometers, and the area is close to 30,000 square kilometers, which is very vast.

July is the golden season for visiting Lake Erie. It is frozen in winter and only seven or eight months of the year can be navigable. July and August are the most lively.

In the past, the Great Lakes region was an important industrial place in the United States. The surrounding area of ​​Lake Erie was rich in uranium, gold, silver, copper, limestone, and salt and other mineral resources. A large amount of wastewater was discharged into the lake.

But since the 1970s and 1980s, the Great Lakes have paid attention to water quality and the environment, and governments around the world have used vigorous efforts to control pollution.

Cleveland used to be very polluted. To what extent? The Kahoega River that flows through the city is nicknamed 'The Burning River', because there are many chemical oils floating on the river, and it will burn from time to time ...

Now after treatment, the lake area has become much cleaner. The water quality is clear and the water is translucent. There are lush green forests along the shore. There are water birds flying in the lake. White, green and blue meet. There is a clean feeling everywhere.

The car ran along the Lake District Highway, accelerated after leaving downtown Cleveland, and continued to run north.

Li Du looked out, and felt that the colors of Lake Erie were not rich. Trees, green grass, sky blue, water blue, and white clouds and white birds were just these colors.

But because of the abandonment of pollution ~ ~ simple colors are very vivid, especially some fish jumping from time to time on the lake, the dynamic scene in the landscape painting is amazing.

From time to time, there are dense forests by the lake, and the resort is in a forest. The trees here are lush and really deserve the title of natural oxygen bar.

The car turned into a forest road, and occasionally some lakes were exposed among the trees, the lake was blue, and the horizon was endless ...

The houses in the resort area are also interspersed with forests. Many are tree houses. There are tall and burly American sequoias. The trees are giants. They can stand up to tens of meters in height.

The edge of the woods is the shore of the lake. There are two types, one is the rocky shore, and the other is the sandy shore. The sandy beach near the lake has the whiteness and delicateness of the beach. The different quiet beauty.

The area where the resort is located is exactly half of the rocky shore and half of the sandy shore. They go through the entry procedures under the leadership of Caponedu. Each person has one hand, and no cash is required for consumption. As long as the hand is displayed, the charge will eventually be unified.

The location of this place is far away from downtown Cleveland, almost close to Erie, and further north, it is the Canadian territory. They are now in the border area.

The reason why I chose this place is that the temperature in this place is relatively low, and the second is the latitude. The local daytime is very long. Capondu said that it turned on at three or four in the morning, and waited until ten in the evening. Will fall, or Hongxia full sky.

After getting out of the car, Li Du stretched his waist and waved: "Everyone is free, guys, use the family as a unit and play whatever you want. We are here to rest."

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