Treasure Hunt Tycoon

Chapter 1382: Old photos (1/5)

Genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (Acupoint Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! Yi Li Du went to the warehouse first. In his opinion, the things in the office are of little value. The studio will inevitably perform a large cleanup before it goes bankrupt. Take away valuable things.

The studio's warehouse may have been cleaned, but after all, it has been stored for a century and a half, and it will contain more or less valuable things that ordinary people cannot find.

For over a century and a half, the studio has only been relocated once, so many things in the warehouse are well-preserved.

The warehouse is located in the north of the insurance company building. The gathering is less than 500 meters. The warehouse is very old and almost has become a dangerous house. It can be seen that it has been for some years.

Li Du probably swept away. There were many warehouses, more than 100.

The **** said: "The studio belongs to twenty-four warehouses. This is their number. The other warehouses belong to other companies."

Perhaps because of the confusion of the ownership right of the warehouse, here there is no barrier like a warehouse company, but an open management is adopted, which facilitates Li Du's entry.

He compared the warehouse distribution map given by the eunuch, and found the warehouse owned by the studio, mainly small warehouses, and four medium-sized warehouses and two large warehouses.

The space-time flying insect first entered the large warehouse, which contained some desks, chairs, and office equipment, and the stuff was very cluttered, which gave him some confidence in the harvest.

The bankruptcy warehouse auction is most afraid of running into a well-organized warehouse, which shows that people usually organize properly and it is difficult to leave anything valuable.

But shelving chaos does not necessarily mean that there are valuable things in it. Two space-time flying insects shuttle in and out, one flying to the left and one flying to the right, and sometimes cross to fly.

Then, after spending so much effort, Li Du found nothing!

"Wasting Nima energy." Mr. Li shook his head again and again.

However, he didn't have much hope in this auction. It was a bit boring on vacation, so he went out to find something to do for himself.

The second large warehouse is still very confusing. It still contains office supplies such as tables, chairs, and photography racks. It can be seen that in a century and a half, the studio eliminated many office supplies.

Old furniture is very valuable. The United States is beginning to popularize retro furniture styles, but the furniture here is incomplete. After it is taken out, it has to be overhauled and its value has dropped sharply. Li Du didn't want to spend so much effort to make so much money.

The lack of gains in the large warehouse made Li Du also lack confidence in the medium-sized warehouse. When the space-time flying insects looked in, he was even less confident.

Inside are some obsolete cameras and other equipment. Of course, all of them are broken, and they are so thorough that they cannot be repaired.

Looking at these things, Li Du had a headache for a while. Is Ma De this studio warehouse or garbage dump? Why is it so bad?

In addition, there is no time energy in these tattered gadgets. I don't know the reason. It is reasonable to say that these cameras were used by people every day.

But there is no inside, and the space-time flying insects have no interest in it.

Li Du pondered for a moment. It should be that only time can save time energy in the artwork. Cameras and old tables and chairs belong to tools, and flying insects look down on them.

The real reason was unclear, and he had to guess for himself.

The medium-sized warehouse has some value, but Li Du estimates that he can't make money because there is no cover at the door and what can be seen at a glance. At that time, the fair bidding will not lower the price and the profit space will not be large.

The space-time flying insect enters the small warehouse, which has a number of shelves inside, marked with a number, and there are large and small boxes.

Seeing this, Li Du was even more depressed. These warehouses changed the chaos of the large and medium-sized warehouses, and they were organized in an orderly manner. As a poor ghost in the studio, they must have packed away valuables.

He walked into the box through space-time flying insects and looked at it. Although it was covered by the box, everyone knew what was inside, because it was some film boxes.

Sure enough, the space-time flying insects entered the box and saw the film inside.

This warehouse has some value, but it is also difficult to make a profit. Some of it is brand new film and film. Some traditional photographers will be interested in them.

But the box is well-preserved, and everyone can judge its value, so it is still fair bidding, and Li Du has no chance of picking up leaks.

He has a way to get these films, just let the little worms absorb the time energy in the box and destroy them into pieces.

But in this way, it violates professional ethics, and secondly, it consumes energy. The most important thing is that he still can't make much money.

Once again into a small warehouse, the space-time flying insect was suddenly attracted by something, and quickly flew to the shelf in the corner.

Li Du's spirits refreshed, and he looked at several unusual boxes as Xiao Fei looked at them.

These boxes are carved from a kind of fuchsia wood, about the size of a Bible, and there are various complicated patterns on the outside ~ ~ It looks quite beautiful.

Space Box is interested in these boxes. Li Du thought that there would be something hidden in it.

But there are still a few photos with these films, very quaint old black and white photos, which have turned yellow due to air oxidation.

Space-time flying insects have excellent eyesight, and their eyes swept through the photo. Li Du saw the above sentence: the treasures of the Kohena tribe and the chief of the Arsenal.

He hesitated, this is the treasure again? I am going from a treasure hunter to a treasure hunter.

Treasure means money. Li Du thought about it a bit. This time, you shouldn't have to go to a place like the Arctic. Let's see if you can find something.

There is very little information in the box, only film, old photos and half a newspaper, and there is no other information.

The newspaper introduced the Kohena tribe, an Indian tribe located deep in the Alabachian Mountains. They have a tradition of being buried by chiefs.

After the death of each generation of chiefs, he will be buried with the jewellery and weapons he collected during his lifetime. In order to prevent people from stealing tombs, each generation of chiefs secretly find places to build burial chambers after taking office.

The location of their burial chamber is as hidden as possible. When they die, they are buried by trusted relatives, and they enter the underground world with jewellery.

This is somewhat similar to the burial system of ancient Chinese emperors and nobles, but in the Kohena tribe, the burial sites of each generation of chiefs are different, hidden and difficult to find, so it is difficult to steal the tomb.

The custom was described in the newspaper, and there was no other information.

Seeing this, Li Du lost interest. He didn't want to be a grave robber.

But when Little Flying Bug looked at the opposite side of the newspaper, his attention was attracted by what was introduced above: Kohena's tribal golden news!

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