Treasure Hunt Tycoon

Chapter 1398: For justice (2/5)

A genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (Acupoint Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! After listening to the words of Wolf Brothers, a poacher screamed: "No, it has nothing to do with us, this bird is not what we steal. Yes, it hung on a treetop and was pushed out of its nest by its brother, we saved it! "

Li Dudao: "Leave this to the police and the judge to see if they believe it."

The wolf whispered: "It is indeed possible. The Andean Condor will give birth to one or two eggs, but the raptors have a strong feeding habits. Sometimes a nest can only support one bird. In this case, if there are two in the nest, Baby birds, they have to compete for food. "

During the fight for food, a powerful bird will bully its weaker siblings. It steals food and becomes stronger and stronger, while the other becomes weaker and weaker.

In the end, when the powerful bird is strong enough, it will push the vulnerable siblings out of the nest when their parents leave the nest.

Looking at the cowardly look of this little hawk, it really looks like he is being bullied.

Li Du wants to free it from the cage, but Xiaoying seems to feel that the cage is safer and refuses to come out.

The **** said: "Boss, if it doesn't want to come out, let it stay in it."

Li Du said, "No, the cage is not enough."

"What cage is not enough?" The **** wondered.

The answer was soon revealed. Li Du joined Wolf Brothers, Firecrackers, and Godzilla. They opened all the iron cages, then closed two people in one cage, and stuffed the poachers together.

The poachers were so angry that someone shouted, "You are abusing us, this is depriving us of human rights!"

Li Du said easily: "You go to the court to sue me or go to the police."

Under the wind of the Laoshan Mountain, the smoke in the cave was blown away. At this time, the rain outside became heavier, and Li Du took people into the cave to avoid the rain.

He still called the Pittsburgh police station when the satellite phone had a signal, and reported that he had caught a group of poachers. There was also a brother named Marklov, who was a murderer, but ran away.

"Brother Marklov murderer? Sorry, our police do not have a file about them." The police responded, "Please tell me their names."

Murderers are naturally more valued than poachers.

Li Du asked the names of the two brothers of poachers and told the police that the other party was Ukrainian and that they should have killed someone in Ukraine.

After a while the police said: "We contacted a colleague from the San Francisco Police Department and there were no such killers. But if they are Ukrainians, then there are two wanted Ukrainian deserters in the embassy. This is the name, wait a minute, I am You identify them. "

The police then located Li Du's mobile phone number, saying that overnight they would arrange for the police to come up to the mountain to meet them and let them be careful.

"The two brothers have been trained in the Ukrainian special forces. They are extremely powerful and powerful. If possible, please try to find a safe place to avoid and not confront them." The police finally told him, "We will arrange as soon as possible. The police went up the mountain, but now it's very windy and they may be moving slowly. "

Li Du promised to come down. He was not afraid that the two would return for revenge and the two sides fought, but feared that they would not return.

The wolf brother brought A Meow, and the firecrackers brought Im Yi, and they divided into two groups of vigils and hid in the rain outside to hide in the jungle. There were only two people on Marklov's side. If they returned, they would definitely be found in advance.

Heavy rain poured over the night. The rain became very heavy at midnight. The rain slammed on the rocks and made a roar, and the wind blew the woods with a terrifying sound.

The temperature difference in the mountains changed greatly, and the temperature dropped. Li Du lit a pile of dry wood in the cave, brewed some coffee, and roasted some meat to eat.

The small hawk crouched at the corner of the cage opened his eyes after seeing the dried meat. He patted his wings gently and grinded out in small steps.

Li Du noticed it and whispered, "It's another foodie."

The wolf brother who just returned to the cave wiped his hair and said, "Of course, the Andean condors are all food."

Like other vultures, Andean condors are also rotten birds. They are very gluttonous and will never leave after eating animal carcasses.

In the natural state, Andean condors often fly to sit on high cliffs for a long time after eating. This is because they eat too much and are too full to hold up.

However, their digestive system is well-developed and has a strong digestive power, which can be digested smoothly even if they eat too much.

Kitty is like a thief. He grinds to the cage mouth, then stretches his neck to look at it, and finds that there is no danger. He carefully walks and continues to walk, and then gradually approaches Li Du.

Li Du found that the bird was not afraid of life. He smiled and threw a piece of jerky onto the ground. The eagle did not go to eat, but instead looked at the left and right, and then grabbed the meat stick with his claws for a while. There was still no threat. Then he picked up the meat strips and ran into the cage.

Don't look at it's young age, but its running ability is very strong. Two strong claws move on the ground, and the puppet ran back to the cage, and then drew back to the corner to eat.

In this way, after grinding out and running back again and again, Kitty ate more than ten pieces of meat in a row and still was not full.

Li Du saw the amount of food and gluttony. The eyes of Ah Meow and Aya were green, and the little eagle ate almost the same as them, but their weight was several times that of the little eagle!

The mountain rain came quickly and hurriedly. The heavy rain lasted for two or three hours, and then the rain slowed down. In the early morning, the weather became fine.

Li Du went out of the cave and looked out. The blue ridge after the rain was a little less magnificent and more beautiful.

The fresh air was cleaner after being washed by rainwater. Li Du took a hard breath and the fresh and moist breath went from the nose into the trachea to the alveoli, as if washing his respiratory system.

Green trees and safflowers are more intense in color, and weeds and leaves are green, as if green grass juice is dripping at any time.

On the grass and trees, there are raindrops everywhere, and the sun shines ~ ~ It is like a gem, and the light shines.

Standing on the top of the mountain and looking down, there are stars everywhere.

The mountain wind blew, and the leaves and capricorns made a rustling sound. The birds and beasts blew through the rain overnight, and quickly left the nest to bask their fur as the sun appeared.

Mushrooms will appear in the mountain forest after the rain. Wolf brothers and firecrackers search for all around and bring back a large bag of various mushrooms.

There was fire in the cave. They brought in a roasted mushroom for breakfast. Li Du prepared a lot of condiments. Cumin, pepper and paprika were sprinkled on, and a little salt was added. The mushrooms were roasted and sprayed.

Wild mushrooms contain vegetable oils. After roasting with fire, the oil leaks out and drips on the firewood, causing clusters of flames to blow up, and the scent is pungent.

Wolf mushrooms are full of mushrooms and rich in flesh. They are simply roasted and eaten in the mouth. Vegetable oil and juice are shot everywhere. This deliciousness is not found in artificially cultivated mushrooms.

The poachers smelled the aroma and begged to eat mushrooms.

The **** rummaged through their bags of dry food, took out dry bread, compressed biscuits, dried fried meat, and tossed them to them: "Just fill up your belly, and later in prison there are other foods waiting for you."

A black poacher called out, "We have no grudges, why do you have to deal with us? Let us go?"

"Yes, let us go. We are also forced by life. There is no other way to make money. We have to come to this business."

Li Du turned on their mobile phone. There were some photos in it, some of them skinned the animals, some made the killed raptors into specimens, and some videos directly killed the animals.

He showed them the photos and videos, and then said, "You ask me why I deal with you? I tell you the answer, for justice!" Mobile phone users please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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