Treasure Hunt Tycoon

Chapter 1402: The past (1/5)

The genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! The Marklov brothers have a square Chinese character face, with deep eye sockets, large noses and three-dimensional facial features common to Slavs. The difference is that His Majesty Marklov has a thick beard.

The two brothers joined the army after graduating from high school. They were former residents of western Ukraine. Since childhood, they have followed their father to hunt wolves and foxes in the Goverla Mountains of the Carpathian Mountains.

Troop training was hard and tiring, but the two were as good as fish.

Most of the training projects were carried out in the Plains Barracks. For the two brothers who had followed their fathers to climb mountains and ridges since childhood, there was no physical obstacle, and all skills were available.

Outstanding physical fitness, strong learning ability and excellent marksmanship, the two brothers were later selected by the Ukrainian special forces and both were selected.

It stands to reason that these two brothers should have a great future in the army. But unfortunately, they have not encountered a good time, the country's political arena has been turbulent, and the army is almost furnishing, and it has not been valued at all.

In addition, the internal corruption of the Ukrainian military is serious. Soldiers must be promoted through the back door, or they must have a high level of education and the army will choose to rely on diplomas to support their face.

The Marklov brothers are unlucky. They are so good at being able to show off in the war. They have no culture and no money. It is difficult to stay in the army and want to be promoted.

At first, the two brothers were very simple. They worked hard to train and perform tasks to obtain merits. As a result, they gradually discovered that this had no use for eggs!

Hard training just makes them have better physical fitness and learn more military skills. The hard execution of the task just makes them have more scars, and at most they can get a few praises from their superiors.

But they didn't get promoted, and didn't even see the hope of promotion.

What they saw was that the second-generation officials, the second-generation officials, and the second-generation officials, who were not trained on weekdays, were promoted very quickly. These people not only did not perform any tasks, they did not even understand basic military skills.

This is a thing that is a blow to the faith of the two. They are confident that they are a hundred times better than their fellow colleagues, but in the end, they are the bosses who control themselves.

What hit them the most was that, as special forces, they needed to perform tasks, but as the capabilities of the superiors became worse and worse, the task risks became greater and greater.

Once they went on a transnational mission. Unfortunately, because of tactical mistakes at the upper level, they had their comrades strangled abroad.

This was a serious matter. To be held accountable for the rats, in the expectation of the two, the bosses of the rats shielded each other with the help of family powers, but they successfully avoided the punishment. Instead, their soldiers, who were born and died, and the pond fish were pushed. Go out and make a scapegoat.

The two brothers are very powerful, and they will inevitably be a little arrogant, and they are very irritable.

When this happened, the two brothers naturally couldn't bear it. In the fury, they went to join forces and smashed the barracks headquarters. They even beat a few incompetent bosses.

It was a big deal, and they were going to be sent to a military court.

However, the bosses of the two of them had **** in their crotch, so they didn't dare to announce this to the public. It happened that their troops received a new task at that time.

This mission is still a transnational mission, and it is still very dangerous, so their superiors came up with an idea and put the two brothers into the mission execution team in the name of Dai Guili.

They originally planned to toss two of them in the execution of the task, but the two were not fools with wooden heads. The two brothers took the lead and left the team to run away after leaving the country!

The two brothers ran to the United States. They had problems with their identities. They could not lead a normal life. They could only mingle in some deserted places, such as inaccessible places in the mountains.

Fortunately, although the hardships of life are a little more tiring, they no longer have to endure the stupidity of incompetent bosses, nor do they have to shed blood and sweat in vain.

But they can't be exposed. Once they are found by the US police, they will definitely be repatriated, waiting for their only way to death.

I often walk near the river with non-wet shoes. The two brothers have been in the United States for four or five years. Inevitably, when their identities are exposed, they cannot help but kill others.

Poachers are desperate. They know that the brothers have killed someone, but they do not know that the brothers killed the police!

In fact, the police had arrived as soon as possible after receiving the alarm call the other day. The police were very active in catching two bandits. However, the two brothers ran away and let them run for nothing.

When the two brothers were blocked in the hole, they really thought they had run into the police, so they ran away desperately. After escaping, they investigated and found that they had been fooled by some climbers.

How could the two cruel-tempered brothers tolerate this anger? Just like the poachers said, the two of them immediately decided to retaliate, anyway, they had killed the police, and did not care about killing a few ordinary people.

But Big Marklov was very cautious, instead of relying on his brother's special forces to go head-to-head ~ ~, he followed each other carefully.

With this observation, the two were glad that they did not act impulsively.

The armed forces displayed by the other side surprised them. As military experts, they saw that Wolf Brothers and Firecrackers behaved in the same way. They were also elite special forces and their abilities were probably higher than their brothers.

Moreover, there are pets such as wolves and tiger cats in the other team. The two brothers are very puzzled. They don't understand how each other tames the wolves and tiger cats, even so well-behaved.

The opponent is strong, but the two brothers are not afraid. They have managed too many opponents in their lives.

They followed each other patiently, and found that they always shuttled in some caves.

The two brothers wanted to ambush at the entrance of the cave and also played the trick of catching crickets. Later, they found that the cave that the other party entered was opposite, and they were useless to block one.

They followed all the way, and later found that the other party started the return journey. This made them very happy, and quickly made a plan. They decided to block the ends of the first cave when they went back, which was the last cave at the time of the return.

The reason for choosing this cave was not because the two mouths of the cave that Li Du guessed were small, but because the two had studied psychology and knew that people would definitely be nervous and alert when they entered the dark cave. As the last cave to return home, The other side will be relieved when entering, because this is the last cave.

According to the plan, the two brothers each guarded a cave, and the little Marklof, who was better at hiding the entrance, found a bush in the woods across the hole, and dug a hole underneath to hide it. .

In this way, as long as the other party entered the cave, he immediately rushed out to block the entrance with a gun, and then signaled his brother that the two would block the cave. Mobile users please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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