Treasure Hunt Tycoon

Chapter 1423: Forgot to close the door (2/5)

Genius remember the address of this site in one second: (Acupoint Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! 1423. Forget to close the door (2/5) (Page 1/1)

Hei Mamba responded very quickly. It focused on Griffin, but Li Du shot so quickly and turned back and shot.

The mouth of the snake opened almost 180 degrees, and the color of the exposed mouth was as dark as the snake letter. This is the source of its name, Black Mamba!

Even though Li Du controlled the speed of time, the attack by Black Mamba still seemed very fast, and it was still 嗖 咬 that bit Li's outstretched palm.

Fortunately, this speed is acceptable. Li Du immediately jumped up and choked the snake's neck. Among them, the thumb picked up the snake's jaw, the **** of the forefinger staggered and caught the snake's back. Black Mamba fell into his hands.

Then, just a second later, the serpent's long body wrapped his arm around him, tangling his arm and hurting his arm.

Griffin was surprised, and Li Du held Black Mamba up to him and said, "It's over."

Black Mamba struggled to continue vomiting his tongue. In the hissing voice, the black snake letter appeared from time to time, but it could no longer hurt anyone.

The connoisseur knew if there was a shot. Looking at the black Mamba in Li Du's hand, Griffin was shocked and frustrated, which made him incredible, but it was true!

"Damn, how is that possible?" Single said with wide eyes. "How did you get started?"

Li Du said coldly, "I'll show you again?"

Singhler nodded eagerly: "Come here."

Li Dudao: "Then prepare another 10,000 dollars."

The thought of this 10,000 yuan bet, Griffin was bleeding.

He looked at Li Du with a blue face, Li Du turned to look at him, and asked provocatively, "Why, can't you lose or not convince? Again?"

Griffin wanted to say something, but moved his lips a few times, and finally said helplessly: "No, you won, I lost, sorry, I questioned your ability just now, that was stupid."

He is indeed an expert in this industry. He has never seen an opponent, but every action Li Du has shown proves that he is better than him!

Li Du was too lazy to share his general knowledge. He was just furious to suppress the other side. Now that he had achieved his goal, he threw the snake into the cage and closed the cage door.

Single was a little nervous when he looked at him. He went to pick up the cage and asked, "What the **** are you doing, Fack!"

At this moment, the mutation happened, the cage door was knocked open from the inside, the black mamba rushed out again, opened his mouth and came at once for Singer!

It happened too fast and too fast. The horrible attack speed of Black Mamba was perfectly demonstrated at this moment.

Li Du knew it was bad when he saw it crashing into the cage door, but he used the ability to slow down time and still had no time to stop it.

In short, it's too fast!

Single was too late to respond. He didn't notice that the cage door was not closed, so he went to pick up the cage, and this happened.

The snake bite Single. As a snake breeder, they have experience in this kind of thing, but it should be the first time that he was bitten by Black Mamba. Single was still a bit flustered.

He shook his hand in panic and shouted, "Ah, ah, I, I, I got bitten! Griffin, God! Help me, Black Mamba, this is Black Mamba ..."

Li Du went up to grab the poisonous snake. At this moment, Black Mamba bit the person and became even more violent and fierce.

As time slowed, Li Du held his head again, at this time the snake's body was still on Single's arm.

Four small holes appeared on the back of Single's hand, and blood flowed out of it.

Li Du dragged the viper, Griffin quickly picked up the prepared serum and stabbed it into the Single vein. Another young man ran back to see the lively young man to get a bottle of saline. He injected some medicine powder into it, and then Hang up and pierce into Single's arm.

Single was still panicking and asked, "Will I die? I was bitten by Black Mamba, my God, I was bitten by Black Mamba ..."

Griffin snorted: "Counsel! Rest assured, the anti-toxic serum has been injected into you, all right!"

"But I feel it's a bit difficult to breathe," Single said with a sad face.

Li Du said: "Psychological effects, afraid of a fart, how can snake venom attack your breathing muscles and heart so quickly?"

The venom of the black mamba snake mainly contains neurotoxins and cardiotoxins, and only two drops of venom can cause death. The terrible thing about the black mamba is that it has 20 drops of venom in its venom at any time.

Prior to the emergence of anti-serum, the lethal rate of black mamba was almost 100%. Once bitten, there is no possibility of survival, and it usually dies in half an hour to an hour.

Brother Wolf also came up to help, he cut the wound on the back of Singer's hand, and lit the burn wound with a lighter.

The wound nerve had been paralyzed by snake venom, Single could not feel the pain, and the wolf brother almost burned the wound before stopping.

High temperature can destroy black mamba snake venom, this rough and effective way is exclusive to military personnel.

After finishing the work for Single, the team was relieved, and the breath was not evenly breathed. An employee ran out of the house and shouted, "What's going on in Zone B? How come Black Mamba and Inland Taipan Snake ran out? ?! "

Griffin was stunned and said, "What ?!"

The employee shouted, "Boss ~ ~ I saw from the monitoring, the snake came out of Zone B!"

Griffin gave Single a punch: "Fack, wouldn't you close the cage door without stepping on the horse?"

Singelana said: "I, I, I, I can't, I can't make such a mistake, I should close it."

Hearing that, he knew it must be his problem.

The crowd entered the room and looked at the monitor screen. In one area, a dozen venomous venomous snakes climbed outside the cage. Two of them entered a snake pond. The pool was full of snakes, and the two venomous snakes went wild. Bite it inside.

Under normal circumstances, venomous snakes do not attack each other. They take a lot of energy to launch an attack, so they will accumulate energy to deal with food instead of similar ones.

But these poisonous snakes have been closed by the cage for a long time, and they have become a little mentally ill, saying that they are anxious or depressed, in short, they are like lunatics.

After being bitten, the snake in the snake pond quickly stiffened and turned its belly up, and died in a short time.

This is the inland Taipan snake, one of the top terrors in the world's viper list!

Griffin lamented, "It's over!"

He makes money by breeding snakes. There are some non-venomous snakes in the snake pond, which are used to sell for experiments or food. They have no value as soon as they die.

With the rest of his staff, he hurried to the B area of ​​the farm. According to the monitoring, more poisonous snakes entered the snake pond ...

This matter had nothing to do with Li Du. The contest was provoked by them. Forgot to close the cage door was also done by their employees. He just had to watch the excitement.

However, looking at Griffin's anxiety, he still decided to help. After the other party lost, the performance was bright and neat.

Special news! !! Otaku welfare cartoons (you know) are on the public account xlmanhua, welcome to watch!

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