Treasure Hunt Tycoon

Chapter 1444: Live in (3/5)

In the back three villas, Li Du won another one. The other two were won by Logan and a home buyer. Updates are fast without ads.

They attributed the reason to Li Du, thinking that it was Li Du who had disturbed their game, and it was because he and the treasure picker made random bids that caused them no gain.

In this case, they naturally seized the fact that Li Du spent two million to buy a haunted house to vent, and kept talking nonchalantly.

Li Du nodded to the eunuch. The **** understood what he meant, and went out to inquire about the house.

Real estate agent Snyder was already waiting. He took over Li Du's three villas and prepared to go through the formalities with him, saying, "Boss, please go back first, and I will get you as soon as possible."

Li Du stopped him and said, "Don't worry, this is the cottage house on the hill of Bel Air Pilates. That's it. Do you know anything?"

Snyder has been engaged in real estate transactions in Los Angeles for many years, and his news channel is not comparable to the newcomer Li Du.

As expected, Snyder did know about the villa.

Looking at the exterior photos of the house that Li Du took out, Snyder's pupils suddenly shrank a bit: "You bought this house? How much?"

"What's going on in this house?" Li Du insisted.

Snyder spread his hands, and then said, "This house has some fame in Bel Air. It's called a haunted house. It's a fierce house, fierce and fierce."

"The house has a history of about fifty years. Everything went smoothly for the first forty years, but about five years ago, the homeowner was an lonely old man, and his wife and children died in an accident."

"The old man had a very depressive life. One day he suddenly became happy. The neighbors asked him what was going on. He said that his wife and children were back and they lived together again."

"Since then, the old man has frequently purchased living goods. It seems that it is really used by the family instead of only him. At that time, people thought it was his hallucination. The lonely old man who lost his family. Will this happen? "

Li Du nodded and motioned him to continue.

"About half a month later, someone heard a gunshot in the building. The gunshot appeared in the morning when the sun rose, and then someone called the police. The police entered the house and found that the old man shot himself."

Snyder pointed to his chin: "The shotgun pestle is here, the bullet goes in here, and the entire head is rotten."

"This incident was characterized as suicide, because there were a lot of weird things in the old man's bedroom: pictures of his deceased wife and children, prenatal supplies, and so on.

Li Dudao: "Just draw conclusions because of these things? A little sloppy, right?"

Snyder said: "Listen to me, the boss, things are not so simple. According to the inside information I got, the police also found some things related to witchcraft, small blood-soaked coffins, ashes of certain animals, black cats. And the crow's mutilated body, etc., he also found an evil book about witchcraft to resurrect the dead ... "

"This happened the year before, and the house was sold at a low price. A couple bought the house and they lived in with four children."

"It didn't take long for their four children to claim that they would see several people walking around the house at night. One of the children described what he saw as someone who happened to be a suicide old man!"

"These children haven't seen the old man, neither have the couple. It stands to reason that the children will never know what he looks like, unless they really see something."

"Things got a little worse. Even worse, when they lived in the house for one year, the couple suddenly woke up one night and found that the child was not in bed. They finally found the children who were wandering on the roof ... "

Speaking of this, Snyder swallowed: "Boss, what I say next is not an exaggeration, it's all fact."

Li Du said: "I will not doubt you, you say."

Snyder said: "According to the couple, the four children were walking on the roof with their eyes closed, just like sleepwalking, but they had weird smiles on their faces."

"Then, just after they showed up, the children were like being led by invisible people, holding their hands and taking them off the roof!"

"Just watching them jump down?" Li Du asked in surprise. "Couple, were you scared?"

Snyder shook his head: "No, of course not, they are sober. But they feel like they are under control, appearing consciously behind the rooftop, but unable to move, like a nightmare!"

"Fortunately, after the two children jumped down, the sky suddenly thundered. The thunder awakened her husband, and he rushed madly to hug the remaining two children, which saved their lives."

Li Du hesitated, and asked, "The two children who jumped ahead ~ ~ are dead?"

Snyder said gravely, "Yes, those two poor children are dead."

"The police later asked the two children, but they didn't get any information. The two surviving children seemed to have amnesia. They didn't remember everything that happened that night. The doctors found that their brains were damaged, like many western drug users, but they No similar chemicals were found in the body. "

"The couple couldn't bear it, so they decided to sell the house and move it. From then on, the reputation of the haunted house spread and the value of the house plummeted."

"In the end, a Montana rancher bought this building at a low price. He usually doesn't live here, just for winter vacation. In his hands, everything seems to be normal, but in the first half of this year, The accident still happened and the rancher died! "

"Three consecutive homeowners and three consecutive accidental deaths have made the house's haunted house more and more famous. When the rancher first died in the first half of the year, the incident was very local and many people asked to remove it. House, maybe you didn't come, so you don't know about it. "

Li Dudao: "How did the house get here later?"

Snyder said: "The house was bought by the rancher on loan. After his death, the house was passed on to the child, but the child did not have enough money to pay the estate tax, and gave up some of the estate, including this haunted house."

Listening to the introduction, Li Du frowned. The house was really wicked. No wonder the starting price was so low at the time of the auction.

According to this statement, the villa really fell into his hands, but Li Du didn't believe that there were ghosts in the world, let alone any haunted house in the world. He even believed that there was someone behind the scenes, so he decided: Live in and see for yourself!

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