Treasure Hunt Tycoon

Chapter 1452: What the hell (1/5)

Godzilla grabbed two hairs and snarled, "Fak! Fak! What's going on? What's going on ?!"

Little Marklov frowned. "Listen to me first, I think I am an expert in this area."

Several people set their sights on him and said, "No doubt, guys, meow, they are crazy, or their suppressed wildness is released. First of all, I ask a question, they are all beasts, Why are they usually so obedient and obedient? What suppressed their wildness before? "

Li Du knows the reason, but cannot say.

He now has an idea in his mind, maybe the transformation of space-time flying insects on animal wisdom is time-effective? But this doesn't make sense. The bear children were transformed at different times and cannot fail at the same time.

Or, is there something in the room that lifted the space-time flying insects from transforming them? It doesn't make sense, because A Fei still obediently squatting beside him.

A Fei, as usual, is even more obedient. It seems to know that something bad happened. She rests her head on Li Du's knees, and stays quietly with her **** eyes blinking.

Little Marklov asked tentatively, "Boss, boss? Did you listen to me?"

Li Du knew that it would be impossible to give an answer. He covered his face and said, "How do I say, my family used to train the beasts of the royal family, and some of the tamed drugs were left on the ancestors. So obedient. "

"So, does the drug have the same effect on animals as it does on poultry? Under what circumstances does the influence go wrong?"

Little Marklov asked enough professionally, and he also found out what distinguished Afei from other bear children.

Li Du frowned and slowly shook his head: "Should not, these knowledge has been lost, and I don't understand it specifically."

Little Marklov said: "Well, let ’s first abandon the question about taming the animal itself, and then let the animal go crazy. One is rabies, but this is not possible. This can also be abandoned. Rabies will not happen without warning. And it's impossible for them to get sick at the same time. "

"Second, they have been stimulated in some way. For example, she-wolves watched wolf cubs being killed or eaten, and they became crazy."

Godzilla shook his head: "No, not to mention how powerful the nerves of these bear children are, just to say that even if they are stimulated to become like this, what stimulus can awaken their wildness at the same time?"

Little Marklov calmly said, "I didn't say that the stimulus was just a physical stimulus. What if it was a chemical stimulus?"

"Like hallucinogens!" The firecracker intervened in time.

They had suffered from hallucinogens when they were in the Northland Islands. If it wasn't for the wolf brother who thought about this problem in time, their party would probably plant it.

Little Marklov nodded: "Yes, there are many toxic plants in the wild, and some plants will cause animals to fall into hallucinations and go crazy!"

The **** asked: "But the toxic substances in the natural state are not of high purity. They need to be eaten if they are to be powerful. But when did these bear children eat something together?"

"What if someone throws it?" Mark Loof sneered. "Don't everyone say that this house has ghosts? If it's not really ghosts, but someone pretends to be a ghost?"

Li Du said, "It's impossible, they don't eat from strangers."

Little Marklov thought about it, and yes, in fact, although the bear children talked, they would only eat the food that Li Du and Sophie gave them, because they only trusted them.

There was a crisp sound in the slap backyard, and then the squeak of the white monkey squeaked, and it seemed that Big Marklov had succeeded.

Sure enough, soon Malaysia came back with a bag, and the little white monkey was desperately struggling in the bag, like Sun Wukong who was caught in the sleeve of Zhenyuan Daxian.

After some discussion, the most likely cause for the sudden wildness of animals that they can think of is what toxic substances they consume.

Godzilla took someone to the yard to find this kind of thing, to see if there were any clues, and the Marklov brothers irrigated several bear children to induce vomiting.

Watching the cold water running down the water pipe into the belly of the little friends, A Fei was scared to shrink his wings tightly, and then became more obedient and obedient.

Disobedience would be irrigated, A Fei's simple and clever mind figured it out.

The irrigation effect was not good, and a group of bear children did vomit miserably, but their teeth and claws were still fierce. Afterwards, Grandma and Ali gradually recovered from electrical stimulation, and they struggled particularly hard.

But the firecrackers found that they were not as aggressive as they were at the beginning. Like Abai, he had recovered some spirituality: when he saw the water pipe waving his hand, he stopped attacking the water pipe.

So he was overjoyed and said, "Irrigation is useful, they must be eating something."

Li Du waved his hand: "Then continue pouring!"

A few bear children were desperate, they were tied up, a water pipe was inserted into the esophagus, and they spit for a while, and soon they could only spit water, and then continued to irrigate ...

It was dawn, and everyone was a little tired after a night of toss ~ ~ The bear children were almost tossed in half their lives, but they still failed to recover completely.

What can I do? Keep irrigating!

The **** couldn't stand it and said, "Boss, let's find a veterinarian. If they are poisoned, then the right medicine will be more effective."

Li Du nodded, and the group drove down the mountain and went to a pet hospital to diagnose them.

Pet hospitals usually receive cats, dogs, mice, rabbits and the like. Occasionally, you can see snakes, lizards, spiders, turtles and other unpopular pets, such as tiger cats, mexican wolves, kangaroos, honey badgers, and white monkeys, which are unheard of.

The oldest qualified doctor was sent out and asked, "What's wrong with these pets?"

Li Du said: "They have become wild and aggressive."

The doctor said calmly, "What the hell? You have a herd of beasts, and they should be wild and aggressive."

Li Duzheng racked his brains and tried to explain, someone recognized their identity: "Isn't this Amao, Aya, Ali? This is a clever six gentleman."

Diaoman Six Gentleman is the name given by Sophie to their six bear children. Recently, he is going to change his name to Diaoman Seven Gentleman because another A Fei was added.

In the pet world, the savage six gentleman is a superstar, more popular than any combination in the entertainment industry.

Needless to say, the doctor also knows where the problem lies. The meows are a miracle in the pet industry. They are clever and smart, and everyone knows it.

As a result, the pet hospital was busy, filming and blood testing, and eventually found nothing.

Li Du watched that more and more people came to pay attention to the bear children. It almost caused a crowd. He immediately decided to leave, and took away some tranquilizers when he left.

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