Treasure Hunt Tycoon

Chapter 1468: Wolf King Fury (2/5)

The ranch of the manor had injured chickens, ducks, cows and sheep, while the farm was empty.

Hans knew how much it cost to have a small farm in such a place, and shook his head and said, "Waste, why not plant something?"

Li Du shrugged: "What can be planted? Is it autumn, is it corn? I think no matter what you plant, now you plant it, it will freeze to death when winter comes, and waste your energy."

Hans laughed. "Then you grow peas."

Li Du has never planted peas, he wondered: "What's wrong, can peas be harvested in winter? Can they survive the winter? The winter at the seaside is cold enough and the sea breeze is very strong."

Hans shook his head: "No."

"Why plant it?" Li Du looked surprised.

Hans said: "There are nodular bacteria growing on the roots of peas, which can fix nitrogen. Simply put, they can absorb nutrients from the air, not only fatten yourself, but also raise the land. You can use it to improve the quality of the land."

This proposal is good. Li Du didn't know this. He patted Hans' shoulder and said, "Yeah, man, you are now an agricultural expert?"

Hans cocked his **** and said, "I'm such a genius. Entering any industry, I can become a genius if I want to."

"Does the warehousing and auction industry work?" The **** marveled.

Hans said indifferently: "Of course, I admit that I didn't do well before, but that's what I didn't like, because the purpose of my dry storage auction was to solve food and drink. At that time I didn't pursue it. Now I am engaged in agriculture. , I want to do my best. "

Li Du sighed to him: "I'm finally sure, you are indeed my good buddy. Your brave ability is still as good as before!"

Sotheby's auctions have not yet begun. The first thing to do is a California customs auction.

This is a grand event in the auction world. I am afraid that all the treasure pickers in the United States will gather.

After all, California is one of the richest places in the United States. This is the world's most important foreign trade port. The port of Los Angeles is also one of the world's largest throughput ports. The number of people involved in the Los Angeles Customs and the throughput of cargo are extremely amazing.

Under this circumstance, the Los Angeles Customs may not accumulate a lot of things every year, and every time someone is lucky to become a millionaire or even a multimillionaire.

The auction that Li Du participated in was usually held by a warehouse company. This time directly at the warehouse base. The **** took him and Hans to the warehouse base to check the situation. Li Du saw a large warehouse across the distance. Take up a lot of land!

"Are there any auctions in the warehouse here?" He exclaimed.

The **** nodded: "Yes, all warehouses are auctioned, they will accumulate things until all warehouses are full, and then hold an auction, how about it, isn't it amazing?"

Li Du estimates that there can be thousands of warehouses here. How many treasure pickers will it attract? Will tens of thousands of treasure pickers attend this event?

Unlike the usual auctions, the California Customs Auction does not bargain, but also bids to snap up bids. There is a ballot box in front of each warehouse. Everyone can visit it at random. After seeing how much it is worth, write a price on the ticket. When you go in, someone will come to calculate the price, and the highest one will get it.

Prior to this auction, there were several real estate auctions in Los Angeles.

Li Du wants to prepare for the customs auction, but Dickens and other treasure pickers are waiting for him to lead the team to bid for real estate. After all, the profits they get from the real estate market are real.

Compared to thousands of warehouses, the auction of real estate for bidding is quite simple. Li Du took two hours to make a circle of twelve houses. He chose two good houses and then participated in the auction at the end of August. .

When he appeared at the auction site, the tenants who were chatting were suddenly quiet.

They looked at Li Du's gaze or hesitated, awed, or jealous, but no one dared to provoke him again.

Li Ducai entered the industry in less than two months. Santa Monica and Belair's biggest gangs suffered heavy losses because of him. The main force of Santa Monica's blood gang is still in the hospital. Belair's gang Even worse, the main force was directly put in prison ...

Two cold eyes were nailed to Li Du, Li Du looked at the owner of the gaze, Wolf King Logan.

After discovering that Li Du noticed himself, Logan walked over and said, "The haunted house has made a lot of money for you, right, you have good luck, congratulations."

Li Du smiled and said, "I haven't sold it yet. I didn't expect that you would come to this auction. You would also participate in such a small venue?"

Among the six du youths arrested, in addition to Benedict, there were five others, one of whom had the same surname as Rogan, who is Rogan's younger brother and a younger brother.

The police investigated the identities of these people, as well as Logan, but thought he had nothing to do with the case. He might not even know what his brother was doing.

Li Du, however, knew that he had something to do with this case. At least he knew what his brother was doing, otherwise he would not want to buy a haunted house ~ ~ but Li Du's price for the haunted house exceeded his expectations. He It may be thought that his brother and gang would have a way to drive Li Du away, or that the haunted house could not be sold for a long time, and Li Du would take over when dealing with low prices.

In short, when he wanted to come, Li Du just bought a haunted house and would not stay there. It was impossible to find the secret hidden behind the haunted house. The result made him desperate, Li Du not only found the haunted house, but also found out the murder behind the haunted house.

He was not even aware of the murder in the haunted house. Although he knew the existence of the du cave, and the rumor that the haunted house could not be separated from his brother and his party, he did not expect that they could be so cruel and would cause so many lives.

Logan stared at him deadly and said, "I will not only participate in this scene, you will soon know that the scene I am involved is beyond your expectations. Believe me, everyone must be responsible for what they do, You have to be responsible! "

Li Du nodded: "Yes, especially those who violate the law, are even more responsible for what they do."

Logan knew what he was talking about, and he sneered: "Are you ready?"

Leaving this sentence, he walked away, waiting for the auction to begin.

Officials and white gloves to preside over the auction arrived, and with the routine opening, the first house was put on the auction table.

The two houses in front were not very good. Li Du was not interested. He and the treasure pickers did not bid.

The third house is a detached house, which is well maintained and has no one to live in. This is Li Du's goal.

The starting price of the house was 120,000 US dollars. Li Du estimated that the market value of the house could be 300,000 US dollars, and gave it to the treasure collector.

People picking treasures actively bid, and after the price rose to 250,000, no one would participate in the competition. Just when Dickens was complacent and could win the house, Logan said: "Three hundred thousand!"

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