Treasure Hunt Tycoon

Chapter 1492: Fellow (1/5)

Gordonville is very good at looking at words, and after seeing that Li Du is unhappy, he doesn't say anything, and honestly holds a tea cup and sips tea.

Li Du knows more than Godanwei.

Pagan is a historic pit in the jade mine. It was the earliest in the six major fields of Honshavadi, but it is not as exaggerated as Gordawi said, and it began to be mined two thousand years ago.

According to historical research, Pagan's jade mines can be traced back to the 14th and 15th centuries. At that time, it was mainly to supply gems to the royal family. The jadeite was not allowed to flow into and out of the country.

At that time, the local people mainly obtained the ore by manual mining. The life in the mining area was very difficult. The royal family did not treat the miners as human beings. For a long time, some criminals were assigned to mining.

The hard work is hard and dangerous, but what is found is particularly precious. This contradiction makes the miners constantly take risks.

A long time ago they dug good jade and hid it, then secretly dug it out at night and took it to other countries to sell it.

But very few people can escape successfully, most people will be arrested, and then sentenced with capital punishment to deter workers. It can be said that the history of jade excavation is a **** history of miner suffering.

Beginning in 1992, Honshawadi allowed large companies to enter, and then modern machinery and equipment were used for mining, which greatly accelerated the mining of jade rough.

According to statistics, in recent years, the annual output of jadeite has been around 7,000 tons, which is an increase from previous years. However, the quality of jadeite rough has been reduced significantly, so the government must control it.

Li Du looked at a piece of information. In fact, the jadeite ore in the old area of ​​Pagan is still enough to be mined for 40 to 50 years, but the more difficult it is to encounter high-quality ore.

The high-quality ore has a thin skin and is mainly grayish white and yellowish-white in appearance. It has fine crystals, good seeds, high transparency, and sufficient color. It is larger in size, ranging from a few kilograms to several hundred kilograms. It has various sizes of gravel. Main force.

Lao Pagan used to be famous for producing black ebony sand with black crust like coal. This is the finest raw jade stone, which belongs to water wool. It means that the wool with good water head is hidden below, but all of it has been collected.

In addition to this, Li Du also knows a lot of information about jadeite ore, but it is useless. The industry needs actual combat, but it is not easy to carry some information.

Of course, what Li Du remembers is nothing compared to the entire jadeite industry, and he didn't remember anything, because this knowledge is not useful to him, and sometimes flying insects can enter the stone, so a rough stone Whether it is waste rock or gem, he can see with his eyes.

There were many people drinking tea in the afternoon, and there were dozens of tables in the tea house.

Whether Li Du and Gordanwei talk or look, they are very special here. The veterans know that they are novices after listening to them.

Novices are popular everywhere because they represent people who are stupid and rich.

Soon, a middle-aged man with a bright head sat down and said with a smile: "Two little brothers are polite, can the buddies come over to make a table? I have a pot of good tea here, and if you are interested, you can taste it."

Li Du nodded and picked up the backpack placed on the chair. The bald man sat down and beckoned. The waiter brought up a more sophisticated teapot, and the green tea poured out, and the fragrance immediately opened with the water vapor.

"Where did the little brother come from?" The man sipped his tea and asked, "You look very embarrassed. We are accented by Chinese people, right? Oh, I'm taking the liberty, I will introduce myself first, my name is Lu Dayou The big guy likes to call me mainland China. All roads lead to financial resources, haha. "

Li Du smiled: "I'm from Nanshan. I went to Germany for development two years ago. This time I was invited by a friend to visit Pagan."

Lu Dayou said with a smile: "Oh, Nanshan's brother? We are half-townshipmen. My wife is from Nanshan. This is really a fate."

Li Du also laughed: "Fate and fate."

He drank two more sips of tea. Lu Dayou talked about the military situation from the people in Nanshan, and then from agriculture to industry. He was good at cooking and had a good set of chat methods, which soon brought them closer.

Li Du estimated that he was a liar or the like, so he chatted with him and asked for his information, but he must have made a mess.

Lu Da didn't care about it. He continued to laugh, and after drinking a pot of tea, he got to the topic: "Brother Su, are you here for the emerald?"

Li Du nodded: "Yes, I'm going to marry my subject, so I want to make a jadeite sculpture and make a new wedding object."

Lu Da gave a thumbs-up shot at the table: "Okay, Brother Su, our Nanshan man is just and affectionate, and I admire you. But it's not good, you're new to it, and it's hard to get a good stone here . "

Li Du pointed outside and said, "I see a lot of stones outside."

Lu Da sneered: "Those stones? That ’s really some stones, what are the good ones ~ ~ Why did you buy them? Cover pigsty? Jade is not on the street outside, then It's used to cheat new people. "

Li Du asked cooperatively: "What then?"

Lu Dayou put the shoulder bag on the table and said, "I have a good colored head with a stone over here. Would you like to see it?"

After seeing this picture, Li Du couldn't help but laugh. The local scammers were too clumsy. How could they be fooled by just a few words?

He laughed: "Okay, take it out."

Lu Dayou opened the bag and took out a yellow leather stone smaller than an adult fist, and then carefully wiped and said, "This is a piece of material I got from Da Makan, how are you?"

Da Makan is a famous field entrance in the six major field areas. The material for business trips is called "ten fogs and nine waters", which means that there is a layer of fog inside the stone, and then the fog string skin, fog wrap color, fog eat Color, flesh is indistinguishable.

This place is rich in small wool, and small stones like this one kilogram are very common and sell well.

Li Du touched the stone and let the space-time flying insects go in. Then he stopped.

Lu Dayou is not a liar, unless he happens to get a good jade to cheat. This stone is moist, the upper layer is orange, the lower layer is water blue, and there is emerald!

Seeing Li Du's face astonished, Lu Dayu said with a smile: "How is my stone? You can see that the doorway has come?"

Li Du shook his head and said, "Sorry, Brother China. I don't know much about this industry. I don't see much, but is this stone good?"

Lu Dayou smiled and said, "Absolutely, this is definitely a good material. The old man will not hang the old man. If you are interested, I will sell it to you?"

Gordonville glanced at Li Du and coughed. He also saw that Li Du was tempted and reminded him to calm down and not be fooled. There is no doubt that he and Li Du had previously agreed that Lu Dayou was a liar.

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