Treasure Hunt Tycoon

Chapter 1515: Double Arrows (4/5)

Zhong Cannon was a little dumbfounded, and Liu Zi was a little dumbfounded.

Although they dared to see more of the poor and the rich in Phra Pang, although they had previously cut and did not know how many stones, although Li Du also cut stones yesterday.

But this time the stone is worth a million dollars!

One million dollars hit the water, and the two felt very distressed. To them, it was not one million dollars, this was 30,000 to 40,000 kilograms of rice, and this was a hundred new stone houses.

Someone nearby reminded: "The stone is still big, keep cutting it."

Zhong Cannon said: "Yes, yes, Master Li, keep cutting, there is a big dove in the sparrow's nest, maybe there is no jade in the stone."

Li Du shook his head and said, "I've looked away, this is indeed a piece of cake."

The young man next to him said with a grin: "Yeah, it is a waste rock, everything will collapse, everything will collapse, I didn't say ..."

"Your grandson shut up. Does anyone know when you're dumb?" Liuzi gave him a crouch, and the crooked young man grinned, and didn't dare talk nonsense.

Seeing that they still couldn't bear to give up, Li Du pushed out one of the stones and said, "Cut it apart, how come quickly."

Master Zhangdao shook his arms and started to work, cut a few crosswise, and turned dozens of kilograms of stone into pieces of fist-sized pieces. Indeed, there was still no trace of jade.

Li Du introduced two more in succession, and there were still no signs of jade after cutting.

People around sighed:

"It's totally broken, this is really nothing!"

"One million dollars, I must be drunk on me!"

"Ma Dekeng people, Aba card is a silver-like gun head, it is difficult to be famous under the reputation!"

"Ha, this is only one-eighth of Aba Card. There are a lot of them outside. I originally wanted to buy one, but fortunately I didn't buy it, I definitely bought it!"

"This is not a buy-off, it is a complete failure!"

With the last stone remaining, Li Du finally seemed to collapse. He kicked it on the stone with a somber face and said, "No, it's just like that."

He asked Godzilla to pack up the stones and said, "Go out and throw away, don't bother people!"

The master with a thumbs up smiled and said, "Brother, pay attention!"

Zhong Cannon despondent: "Well, one million, that's all!"

Li Du smiled: "I think you have a place here. Everyone sells your face. It stands to reason that you have seen the world. What is a million dollars?"

Zhong Cannon shook his head and said, "I did see the world, but it's different. I lost everything before, but I can't lose it."

Liu Zi laughed at himself: "Artillery, first we have to spend a million dollars."

Zhong Cannon distressedly rubbed his hands and said, "I lost so much today, yeah, yeah, yeah."

Although he opened his face in Pagan and found his face, he had no money. The old saying is that a penny stumped the hero, and he was saddened by money many times.

Li Dudao: "No, I will be responsible for the losses myself, and make two for you."

Zhong Cannon flatly refused: "Master Li said that he looked down on us. I ca n’t afford the cannon without money, but I understand the rules of the road. Let ’s eat fish and drink fish soup while we are on a boat. Sinking along, nothing more! "

After hearing what he said, Li Du suddenly laughed, and he whispered, "Teach the morale, artillery, but I really don't need you to bear the loss this time, because this is what I asked for."

Zhong Cannon was startled, "Ah?"

Li Du beckoned to take them out. Someone outside pointed to him and said, "He bought a piece of Aba card, and he lost everything!" "Aba card is fired, don't expect it!"

The Japanese businessman Yoshida's face was dull, and Li Du angrily said to him: "The stone I bought from you broke down, and there wasn't a bit of green, and the **** jade didn't come out, Mad, did you pit me?"

After hearing this, Yoshida almost vomited blood.

In comparison, he suffered even greater losses. Not only was the bodyguard's horrific injuries sent to the hospital for rescue, but the stones in his hand also collapsed because of Li Du's side and his value plummeted.

Before, he still died biting the price and wanted to return to the book. Now Li Du buys a piece but it completely collapses. It is estimated that no one will buy the remaining stones. Then he must be compensated this time. As for the compensation, it depends on the remaining stones. How much can the jade be worth?

Li Du got upset, pointed at Yoshida and said he was pitted.

Yoshida only speaks Japanese and English, but Pa Dang is commonly used in Honshavadi and Chinese, Li Du speaks Chinese, while Zhong Cannon and Liuzi are spoken in Honshavadi. Everyone knows that The fact that Boca Boulder is constantly cutting down.

After achieving his goal, Li Du clapped his hands and left. He took Godzilla and threw the stone away. When no one noticed, the only big stone that was not cut was put into the black hole space.

Inside this stone is a Sun Wukong, which can be turned into a superb glass jadeite. Wu Li is not sure of its value, but knowing Yoshida would definitely be annoyed if he knew the existence of this jadeite!

But he can't do this ~ ~ The husband is guilty and guilty, not to mention whether to divide Zhong Cannon, and to say that he saw a stranger get such excellent jade, I am afraid there will be many people Willing to kill him and steal the emerald.

Now he used a little trick to keep the jadeite and hit Yoshida who thought he had pitted him.

There are litter bins in the street with stone barriers. After he threw the stones in, some children flocked to them, and they checked and picked them inside.

One child asked, "English, Chinese, Hong, Japanese?"

Li Duyi said, "What?"

The child asked in English, and he answered in Chinese. After listening to his words, the child revived: "Ah, sir, do you need jade? I have a good Dakan yellow clip green here. Do you want cheap prices? "

"I have a red-skinned shell with a silvery-poor skin here, with a waxy skin. Absolutely good, sir. Buy me."

"I'll show you this, Daida District of Dachang District. I still have it in my house. I'll sell it to you if you want."

Li Du was quickly surrounded by these children. Some children continued to turn the garbage dump, and some took out some cut stones from the satchel to show him and tried to sell them.

He thought that there were leaks, but at the sight of their stones, he didn't even need to release the flying insects in time to know that they were worthless. They were all leftovers and worthless.

Liu Zi saw Li Du surrounded and waved up: "Go and go, while you go, don't make trouble here, or Liu Ye will kill you!"

Some children ran away with a smile, while others stayed here and reached out to Li Du and said pitifully, "Give me something to eat, brother." "I'm not asking for money, but I'm hungry." "Buy me How about a loaf of bread? "

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