Treasure Hunt Tycoon

Chapter 1632: Investigation report (1/5)

Listening to Elson's introduction, Li Dufan asked, "Do you say that the fifth dimension really exists?"

Elson sighed sighing, "What about it does exist? How easy is it to find? How many forces, how many families, and how many people have spent a hundred or two hundred years not finding it, but the manpower paid for it? How much material and life? "

Li Du was silent for a while and said, "I always thought Steve was joking, so what exactly did he find for this fifth dimension? He didn't lack money and power!"

Elson was also silent. After thinking about it for half a minute, he slowly spoke, saying: "I was also involved in the team looking for the fifth dimension entrance when I was young. Tyson and Chiliani are my friends. Let ’s explore A lot has been given, but more has been given ... "

"Later, Chiliani gave birth to Steve. You know that Steve had a bad heart. In fact, when he was born, many organs had problems. The reason was that Chiliani was still taking risks when he was pregnant. Development of the fetus. "

"In addition, Steve was not breast-fed, which caused his physical development to be unhealthy. The reason he did not have breast milk was because Chiliani gave birth to him and went on an adventure soon."

"This time I went out, it was the last time I met her. After that, she and Tyson's team were silent. I said here that you should understand what Steve is looking for? You also know what he is missing. ? "

Li Du naturally understands that Steve lacks affection. He wants to enter the fifth dimension to find his parents.

Regardless of whether the fifth dimension is true or not, as a friend, Li Du has to help find Steve.

Elson didn't say explicitly, but that's why he came to Li Du, which is why he said a series of things about the fifth dimension.

Li Du didn't want to participate in this matter. Sophie was pregnant. After listening to Elson's words, he was afraid of this risky thing, but don't disappear for himself!

He didn't want to at all. After his child was born, he couldn't see himself, and became a dead man without father!

Sophie's pregnancy made him hesitate, and Elson said earnestly: "Li, I know many people, many, many capable or powerful people, but they are not as amazing as you, I beg you, can you please? Help find Steve? Are you good friends? "

Li Du exhaled and said, "Let me think about it for two days?"

Elson has lost his grace and stability at this moment, and said urgently: "Lee, please help, I have used all the relationships that can be used, but still can't find Steve, if you can't find To him ... "

Speaking of which, the expression of the old man suddenly became extremely sad, and his voice became more aging and hopeless.

Li Du was soft-hearted, and Steve and Elson did help him many times. He said, "In fact, I am willing to help, but you know, I am married, Sophie is still pregnant, and I have to let her think about it. "

When it comes to this, Elson can't say anything else, but can only watch Li Du leave sullenly.

Sophie was very intelligent and sensitive. Li Dugang just returned to her and she asked, "What happened? You are so shy, it must not be a trivial matter?"

Li Dudao: "I have a problem with my emotions? Where did I show my nagging?"

Sophie smiled. She got up and poured a cup of warm milk and handed it to Li Du. "Don't make a laugh, what happened? Do I need to know?"

After hearing his wife's thoughtful inquiry, Li Du stopped concealing and opened his eyes: "Steve didn't know where to go. He disappeared. Mr. Elson came to me, hoping that I would bring a team to find him."

Sophie asked subconsciously: "He disappeared? What do you mean, he disappeared? Trouble in the expedition?"

Li Du nodded and said, "That should mean it."

Sophie frowned. "So did Mr. Elson bring his adventure roadmap? Let me help you analyze ..."

Li Du waved his hand and smiled bitterly: "You misunderstood. It is not the place where he disappeared that I am embarrassed, but whether to look for him because it may be dangerous this time. Now that you have a baby, I do not want to go away.

Sophie showed a stunned expression, and she held Li Du's hand and smiled, "You are hesitant about this? I don't think it is necessary at all. First of all, I am a doctor. I can take care of myself. Second, there are satellites, With the help of various high-tech tools, as long as you protect yourself, security will not be a problem. "

Li Dudao: "Do you mean let me help him?"

Sophie said: "Mr. Elson must know that I am pregnant. At this time, he still came to you to show that he really has no choice. You are his last choice. So I think if you do n’t help, he will be very despair."

Elson also meant this, and Li Du also understood the truth. Now that Sophie has said it again, he has to choose to help.

He promised Elson, and then organized the wolves and his team. Godzilla did not return to Honshavadi after attending his wedding ~ ~ just happened to join the team to explore.

Soon he pulled up a team, Wolf Brothers and others prepared various tools and supplies, and Elson sent him the Steve's adventure road map he found.

Judging from the roadmap of the expedition, Steve and they went to the Nunavut Kiwaric region of Canada this time, which is the extreme north of North America.

Finally, they heard that it was in a water area called Lake Anjikuni, which is 320 kilometers west of Hudson Bay and covers an area of ​​437 square kilometers. There are islands in the center of the lake and the island area is 63 square kilometers.

Elson wasn't sure if they were on the island or where they went, so Li Du first needed to go to the Lake District.

By private plane, they first went to Los Angeles Churchill Airport from Los Angeles, and then transferred by helicopter to the Lake Anjikuni area.

On the plane, Brother Wolf handed a booklet to Li Dudao: "Boss, you should look at this information."

Li Du took a look, and the cover of the information read: An investigation report on the collective disappearance of the Inuit village of Anjikuni Lake in 1930.

He opened the information. On the first page, he wrote: In the winter of November 1930, the hunter Joe Rabel dragged his tired body to walk in the heavy snow. If he could no longer find his prey, it would mean that he would not survive the cold winter. However, Exhausted at this time, he needs to find a place to rest first ...

After a search, Labelle found that there was cooking smoke outside the woods, so he couldn't restrain his excitement. He quickly ran out of the woods and saw an Inuit village in the middle of the white snow. However, when Label came to the village happily, he found that there was no one there, not even the livestock were visible ...

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